Merge pull request #619 from dhardy/core-0.2

rand_core 0.2.2: a compatibility shim around 0.3
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index 7d3633b..089ae4c 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -6,26 +6,27 @@
 # - pinned stable, latest stable, beta and nightly Rust releases
 # - Linux, OS X, Android, iOS, bare metal (i.e. no_std)
 # - x86_64, ARMv7, a Big-Endian arch (MIPS)
+# HACK: use --tests to disable doc-tests for rand_core 0.2 (see #619)
     - rust: 1.22.0
         - cargo test --tests --no-default-features
-        - cargo test --package rand_core --no-default-features
+        - cargo test --package rand_core:0.2.2 --no-default-features --tests
         - cargo test --features serde1,log
     - rust: stable
       os: osx
         - cargo test --tests --no-default-features
-        - cargo test --package rand_core --no-default-features
+        - cargo test --package rand_core:0.2.2 --no-default-features --tests
         - cargo test --features serde1,log
     - rust: beta
         - cargo test --tests --no-default-features
-        - cargo test --package rand_core --no-default-features
+        - cargo test --package rand_core:0.2.2 --no-default-features --tests
         - cargo test --features serde1,log
     - rust: nightly
@@ -34,13 +35,13 @@
         - pip install 'travis-cargo<0.2' --user && export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH
         - cargo test --tests --no-default-features --features=alloc
-        - cargo test --package rand_core --no-default-features --features=alloc,serde1
+        - cargo test --package rand_core:0.2.2 --no-default-features --features=alloc,serde1 --tests
         - cargo test --features serde1,log,nightly,alloc
         - cargo test --all --benches
         # remove cached documentation, otherwise files from previous PRs can get included
-        - rm -rf target/doc
-        - cargo doc --no-deps --all --all-features
-        - cargo deadlinks --dir target/doc
+        #- rm -rf target/doc
+        #- cargo doc --no-deps --all --all-features
+        #- cargo deadlinks --dir target/doc
         - travis-cargo --only nightly doc-upload
diff --git a/appveyor.yml b/appveyor.yml
index 97d3ce6..a2bf7f9 100644
--- a/appveyor.yml
+++ b/appveyor.yml
@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@
 build: false
-  - cargo test --all # cannot use --all and --features together
+  - cargo test --all --tests # cannot use --all and --features together
   - cargo test --all --benches
   - cargo test --features serde1,log,nightly
   - cargo test --tests --no-default-features --features=alloc,serde1
-  - cargo test --package rand_core --no-default-features --features=alloc,serde1
+  - cargo test --package rand_core:0.2.2 --no-default-features --features=alloc,serde1 --tests
diff --git a/rand_core/ b/rand_core/
index 5885e17..76da38b 100644
--- a/rand_core/
+++ b/rand_core/
@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@
 The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](
 and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
+## [0.2.2] - 2018-10-03
+Create a compatibility shim around 0.3.
 ## [0.2.1] - 2018-06-08
 - References to a `CryptoRng` now also implement `CryptoRng`. (#470)
diff --git a/rand_core/Cargo.toml b/rand_core/Cargo.toml
index a6acfc3..d74b5cf 100644
--- a/rand_core/Cargo.toml
+++ b/rand_core/Cargo.toml
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 name = "rand_core"
-version = "0.2.1" # NB: When modifying, also modify html_root_url in
+version = "0.2.2" # NB: When modifying, also modify html_root_url in
 authors = ["The Rust Project Developers"]
 license = "MIT/Apache-2.0"
 readme = ""
-repository = ""
+repository = ""
 documentation = ""
 homepage = ""
 description = """
@@ -14,15 +14,13 @@
 categories = ["algorithms", "no-std"]
-travis-ci = { repository = "rust-lang-nursery/rand" }
-appveyor = { repository = "alexcrichton/rand" }
+travis-ci = { repository = "rust-random/rand" }
+appveyor = { repository = "rust-random/rand" }
-default = ["std"]
-std = ["alloc"]    # use std library; should be default but for above bug
-alloc = []  # enables Vec and Box support without std
-serde1 = ["serde", "serde_derive"] # enables serde for BlockRng wrapper
+std = ["rand_core/std"]    # use std library; should be default but for above bug
+alloc = ["rand_core/alloc"]  # enables Vec and Box support without std
+serde1 = ["rand_core/serde1"] # enables serde for BlockRng wrapper
-serde = { version = "1", optional = true }
-serde_derive = { version = "^1.0.38", optional = true }
+rand_core = { version = "0.3", default-features = false }
diff --git a/rand_core/ b/rand_core/
index 2949222..94ee8c5 100644
--- a/rand_core/
+++ b/rand_core/
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
 Core traits and error types of the [rand] library, plus tools for implementing
+This version of `rand_core` is a compatibility shim around version 0.3.
 This crate is intended for use when implementing the core trait, `RngCore`; it
 defines the core traits to be implemented as well as several small functions to
 aid in their implementation and types required for error handling.
diff --git a/rand_core/src/ b/rand_core/src/
index 1b9c24c..0d1550c 100644
--- a/rand_core/src/
+++ b/rand_core/src/
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
 //! Random number generation traits
+//! This version of `rand_core` is a compatibility shim around version 0.3.
 //! This crate is mainly of interest to crates publishing implementations of
 //! [`RngCore`]. Other users are encouraged to use the [rand] crate instead
 //! which re-exports the main traits and error types.
@@ -35,370 +37,16 @@
 #![doc(html_logo_url = "",
        html_favicon_url = "",
-       html_root_url = "")]
+       html_root_url = "")]
 #![doc(test(attr(allow(unused_variables), deny(warnings))))]
-#![cfg_attr(not(feature="std"), no_std)]
-#![cfg_attr(all(feature="alloc", not(feature="std")), feature(alloc))]
-#[cfg(feature="std")] extern crate core;
-#[cfg(all(feature = "alloc", not(feature="std")))] extern crate alloc;
-#[cfg(feature="serde1")] extern crate serde;
-#[cfg(feature="serde1")] #[macro_use] extern crate serde_derive;
+extern crate rand_core as core3;
-use core::default::Default;
-use core::convert::AsMut;
-#[cfg(all(feature="alloc", not(feature="std")))] use alloc::boxed::Box;
-pub use error::{ErrorKind, Error};
-mod error;
-pub mod block;
-pub mod impls;
-pub mod le;
-/// The core of a random number generator.
-/// This trait encapsulates the low-level functionality common to all
-/// generators, and is the "back end", to be implemented by generators.
-/// End users should normally use [`Rng`] from the [rand] crate, which is
-/// automatically implemented for every type implementing `RngCore`.
-/// Three different methods for generating random data are provided since the
-/// optimal implementation of each is dependent on the type of generator. There
-/// is no required relationship between the output of each; e.g. many
-/// implementations of [`fill_bytes`] consume a whole number of `u32` or `u64`
-/// values and drop any remaining unused bytes.
-/// The [`try_fill_bytes`] method is a variant of [`fill_bytes`] allowing error
-/// handling; it is not deemed sufficiently useful to add equivalents for
-/// [`next_u32`] or [`next_u64`] since the latter methods are almost always used
-/// with algorithmic generators (PRNGs), which are normally infallible.
-/// Algorithmic generators implementing [`SeedableRng`] should normally have
-/// *portable, reproducible* output, i.e. fix Endianness when converting values
-/// to avoid platform differences, and avoid making any changes which affect
-/// output (except by communicating that the release has breaking changes).
-/// Typically implementators will implement only one of the methods available
-/// in this trait directly, then use the helper functions from the
-/// [`rand_core::impls`] module to implement the other methods.
-/// It is recommended that implementations also implement:
-/// - `Debug` with a custom implementation which *does not* print any internal
-///   state (at least, [`CryptoRng`]s should not risk leaking state through
-///   `Debug`).
-/// - `Serialize` and `Deserialize` (from Serde), preferably making Serde
-///   support optional at the crate level in PRNG libs.
-/// - `Clone`, if possible.
-/// - *never* implement `Copy` (accidental copies may cause repeated values).
-/// - *do not* implement `Default` for pseudorandom generators, but instead
-///   implement [`SeedableRng`], to guide users towards proper seeding.
-///   External / hardware RNGs can choose to implement `Default`.
-/// - `Eq` and `PartialEq` could be implemented, but are probably not useful.
-/// # Example
-/// A simple example, obviously not generating very *random* output:
-/// ```
-/// #![allow(dead_code)]
-/// use rand_core::{RngCore, Error, impls};
-/// struct CountingRng(u64);
-/// impl RngCore for CountingRng {
-///     fn next_u32(&mut self) -> u32 {
-///         self.next_u64() as u32
-///     }
-///     fn next_u64(&mut self) -> u64 {
-///         self.0 += 1;
-///         self.0
-///     }
-///     fn fill_bytes(&mut self, dest: &mut [u8]) {
-///         impls::fill_bytes_via_next(self, dest)
-///     }
-///     fn try_fill_bytes(&mut self, dest: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), Error> {
-///         Ok(self.fill_bytes(dest))
-///     }
-/// }
-/// ```
-/// [rand]:
-/// [`Rng`]: ../rand/trait.Rng.html
-/// [`SeedableRng`]: trait.SeedableRng.html
-/// [`rand_core::impls`]: ../rand_core/impls/index.html
-/// [`try_fill_bytes`]: trait.RngCore.html#tymethod.try_fill_bytes
-/// [`fill_bytes`]: trait.RngCore.html#tymethod.fill_bytes
-/// [`next_u32`]: trait.RngCore.html#tymethod.next_u32
-/// [`next_u64`]: trait.RngCore.html#tymethod.next_u64
-/// [`CryptoRng`]: trait.CryptoRng.html
-pub trait RngCore {
-    /// Return the next random `u32`.
-    ///
-    /// RNGs must implement at least one method from this trait directly. In
-    /// the case this method is not implemented directly, it can be implemented
-    /// using `self.next_u64() as u32` or
-    /// [via `fill_bytes`](../rand_core/impls/fn.next_u32_via_fill.html).
-    fn next_u32(&mut self) -> u32;
-    /// Return the next random `u64`.
-    ///
-    /// RNGs must implement at least one method from this trait directly. In
-    /// the case this method is not implemented directly, it can be implemented
-    /// [via `next_u32`](../rand_core/impls/fn.next_u64_via_u32.html) or
-    /// [via `fill_bytes`](../rand_core/impls/fn.next_u64_via_fill.html).
-    fn next_u64(&mut self) -> u64;
-    /// Fill `dest` with random data.
-    ///
-    /// RNGs must implement at least one method from this trait directly. In
-    /// the case this method is not implemented directly, it can be implemented
-    /// [via `next_u*`](../rand_core/impls/fn.fill_bytes_via_next.html) or
-    /// via `try_fill_bytes`; if this generator can fail the implementation
-    /// must choose how best to handle errors here (e.g. panic with a
-    /// descriptive message or log a warning and retry a few times).
-    /// 
-    /// This method should guarantee that `dest` is entirely filled
-    /// with new data, and may panic if this is impossible
-    /// (e.g. reading past the end of a file that is being used as the
-    /// source of randomness).
-    fn fill_bytes(&mut self, dest: &mut [u8]);
-    /// Fill `dest` entirely with random data.
-    ///
-    /// This is the only method which allows an RNG to report errors while
-    /// generating random data thus making this the primary method implemented
-    /// by external (true) RNGs (e.g. `OsRng`) which can fail. It may be used
-    /// directly to generate keys and to seed (infallible) PRNGs.
-    /// 
-    /// Other than error handling, this method is identical to [`fill_bytes`];
-    /// thus this may be implemented using `Ok(self.fill_bytes(dest))` or
-    /// `fill_bytes` may be implemented with
-    /// `self.try_fill_bytes(dest).unwrap()` or more specific error handling.
-    /// 
-    /// [`fill_bytes`]: trait.RngCore.html#method.fill_bytes
-    fn try_fill_bytes(&mut self, dest: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), Error>;
-/// A marker trait used to indicate that an [`RngCore`] or [`BlockRngCore`]
-/// implementation is supposed to be cryptographically secure.
-/// *Cryptographically secure generators*, also known as *CSPRNGs*, should
-/// satisfy an additional properties over other generators: given the first
-/// *k* bits of an algorithm's output
-/// sequence, it should not be possible using polynomial-time algorithms to
-/// predict the next bit with probability significantly greater than 50%.
-/// Some generators may satisfy an additional property, however this is not
-/// required by this trait: if the CSPRNG's state is revealed, it should not be
-/// computationally-feasible to reconstruct output prior to this. Some other
-/// generators allow backwards-computation and are consided *reversible*.
-/// Note that this trait is provided for guidance only and cannot guarantee
-/// suitability for cryptographic applications. In general it should only be
-/// implemented for well-reviewed code implementing well-regarded algorithms.
-/// Note also that use of a `CryptoRng` does not protect against other
-/// weaknesses such as seeding from a weak entropy source or leaking state.
-/// [`RngCore`]: trait.RngCore.html
-/// [`BlockRngCore`]: ../rand_core/block/trait.BlockRngCore.html
-pub trait CryptoRng {}
-/// A random number generator that can be explicitly seeded.
-/// This trait encapsulates the low-level functionality common to all
-/// pseudo-random number generators (PRNGs, or algorithmic generators).
-/// The [`rand::FromEntropy`] trait is automatically implemented for every type
-/// implementing `SeedableRng`, providing a convenient `from_entropy()`
-/// constructor.
-/// [`rand::FromEntropy`]: ../rand/trait.FromEntropy.html
-pub trait SeedableRng: Sized {
-    /// Seed type, which is restricted to types mutably-dereferencable as `u8`
-    /// arrays (we recommend `[u8; N]` for some `N`).
-    ///
-    /// It is recommended to seed PRNGs with a seed of at least circa 100 bits,
-    /// which means an array of `[u8; 12]` or greater to avoid picking RNGs with
-    /// partially overlapping periods.
-    ///
-    /// For cryptographic RNG's a seed of 256 bits is recommended, `[u8; 32]`.
-    ///
-    ///
-    /// # Implementing `SeedableRng` for RNGs with large seeds
-    ///
-    /// Note that the required traits `core::default::Default` and
-    /// `core::convert::AsMut<u8>` are not implemented for large arrays
-    /// `[u8; N]` with `N` > 32. To be able to implement the traits required by
-    /// `SeedableRng` for RNGs with such large seeds, the newtype pattern can be
-    /// used:
-    ///
-    /// ```
-    /// use rand_core::SeedableRng;
-    ///
-    /// const N: usize = 64;
-    /// pub struct MyRngSeed(pub [u8; N]);
-    /// pub struct MyRng(MyRngSeed);
-    ///
-    /// impl Default for MyRngSeed {
-    ///     fn default() -> MyRngSeed {
-    ///         MyRngSeed([0; N])
-    ///     }
-    /// }
-    ///
-    /// impl AsMut<[u8]> for MyRngSeed {
-    ///     fn as_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [u8] {
-    ///         &mut self.0
-    ///     }
-    /// }
-    ///
-    /// impl SeedableRng for MyRng {
-    ///     type Seed = MyRngSeed;
-    ///
-    ///     fn from_seed(seed: MyRngSeed) -> MyRng {
-    ///         MyRng(seed)
-    ///     }
-    /// }
-    /// ```
-    type Seed: Sized + Default + AsMut<[u8]>;
-    /// Create a new PRNG using the given seed.
-    ///
-    /// PRNG implementations are allowed to assume that bits in the seed are
-    /// well distributed. That means usually that the number of one and zero
-    /// bits are about equal, and values like 0, 1 and (size - 1) are unlikely.
-    ///
-    /// PRNG implementations are recommended to be reproducible. A PRNG seeded
-    /// using this function with a fixed seed should produce the same sequence
-    /// of output in the future and on different architectures (with for example
-    /// different endianness).
-    ///
-    /// It is however not required that this function yield the same state as a
-    /// reference implementation of the PRNG given equivalent seed; if necessary
-    /// another constructor replicating behaviour from a reference
-    /// implementation can be added.
-    ///
-    /// PRNG implementations should make sure `from_seed` never panics. In the
-    /// case that some special values (like an all zero seed) are not viable
-    /// seeds it is preferable to map these to alternative constant value(s),
-    /// for example `0xBAD5EEDu32` or `0x0DDB1A5E5BAD5EEDu64` ("odd biases? bad
-    /// seed"). This is assuming only a small number of values must be rejected.
-    fn from_seed(seed: Self::Seed) -> Self;
-    /// Create a new PRNG seeded from another `Rng`.
-    ///
-    /// This is the recommended way to initialize PRNGs with fresh entropy. The
-    /// [`FromEntropy`] trait provides a convenient `from_entropy` method
-    /// based on `from_rng`.
-    /// 
-    /// Usage of this method is not recommended when reproducibility is required
-    /// since implementing PRNGs are not required to fix Endianness and are
-    /// allowed to modify implementations in new releases.
-    ///
-    /// It is important to use a good source of randomness to initialize the
-    /// PRNG. Cryptographic PRNG may be rendered insecure when seeded from a
-    /// non-cryptographic PRNG or with insufficient entropy.
-    /// Many non-cryptographic PRNGs will show statistical bias in their first
-    /// results if their seed numbers are small or if there is a simple pattern
-    /// between them.
-    ///
-    /// Prefer to seed from a strong external entropy source like [`OsRng`] or
-    /// from a cryptographic PRNG; if creating a new generator for cryptographic
-    /// uses you *must* seed from a strong source.
-    ///
-    /// Seeding a small PRNG from another small PRNG is possible, but
-    /// something to be careful with. An extreme example of how this can go
-    /// wrong is seeding an Xorshift RNG from another Xorshift RNG, which
-    /// will effectively clone the generator. In general seeding from a
-    /// generator which is hard to predict is probably okay.
-    ///
-    /// PRNG implementations are allowed to assume that a good RNG is provided
-    /// for seeding, and that it is cryptographically secure when appropriate.
-    /// 
-    /// [`FromEntropy`]: ../rand/trait.FromEntropy.html
-    /// [`OsRng`]: ../rand/rngs/struct.OsRng.html
-    fn from_rng<R: RngCore>(mut rng: R) -> Result<Self, Error> {
-        let mut seed = Self::Seed::default();
-        rng.try_fill_bytes(seed.as_mut())?;
-        Ok(Self::from_seed(seed))
-    }
-// Implement `RngCore` for references to an `RngCore`.
-// Force inlining all functions, so that it is up to the `RngCore`
-// implementation and the optimizer to decide on inlining.
-impl<'a, R: RngCore + ?Sized> RngCore for &'a mut R {
-    #[inline(always)]
-    fn next_u32(&mut self) -> u32 {
-        (**self).next_u32()
-    }
-    #[inline(always)]
-    fn next_u64(&mut self) -> u64 {
-        (**self).next_u64()
-    }
-    #[inline(always)]
-    fn fill_bytes(&mut self, dest: &mut [u8]) {
-        (**self).fill_bytes(dest)
-    }
-    #[inline(always)]
-    fn try_fill_bytes(&mut self, dest: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), Error> {
-        (**self).try_fill_bytes(dest)
-    }
-// Implement `RngCore` for boxed references to an `RngCore`.
-// Force inlining all functions, so that it is up to the `RngCore`
-// implementation and the optimizer to decide on inlining.
-impl<R: RngCore + ?Sized> RngCore for Box<R> {
-    #[inline(always)]
-    fn next_u32(&mut self) -> u32 {
-        (**self).next_u32()
-    }
-    #[inline(always)]
-    fn next_u64(&mut self) -> u64 {
-        (**self).next_u64()
-    }
-    #[inline(always)]
-    fn fill_bytes(&mut self, dest: &mut [u8]) {
-        (**self).fill_bytes(dest)
-    }
-    #[inline(always)]
-    fn try_fill_bytes(&mut self, dest: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), Error> {
-        (**self).try_fill_bytes(dest)
-    }
-impl std::io::Read for RngCore {
-    fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, std::io::Error> {
-        self.try_fill_bytes(buf)?;
-        Ok(buf.len())
-    }
-// Implement `CryptoRng` for references to an `CryptoRng`.
-impl<'a, R: CryptoRng + ?Sized> CryptoRng for &'a mut R {}
-// Implement `CryptoRng` for boxed references to an `CryptoRng`.
-impl<R: CryptoRng + ?Sized> CryptoRng for Box<R> {}
+pub use core3::{ErrorKind, Error};
+pub use core3::{block, impls, le};
+pub use core3::{RngCore, CryptoRng, SeedableRng};
diff --git a/src/distributions/ b/src/distributions/
index ef8ce63..f23d2b8 100644
--- a/src/distributions/
+++ b/src/distributions/
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@
 mod tests {
     use {Rng, RngCore, Standard};
     use distributions::Alphanumeric;
-    #[cfg(all(not(feature="std"), feature="alloc"))] use alloc::String;
+    #[cfg(all(not(feature="std"), feature="alloc"))] use alloc::string::String;
     fn test_misc() {
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 68f7ab0..4170677 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
 // This crate is only enabled when either std or alloc is available.
 // BTreeMap is not as fast in tests, but better than nothing.
 #[cfg(feature="std")] use std::collections::HashMap;
-#[cfg(not(feature="std"))] use alloc::btree_map::BTreeMap;
+#[cfg(not(feature="std"))] use alloc::collections::btree_map::BTreeMap;
-#[cfg(not(feature="std"))] use alloc::Vec;
+#[cfg(not(feature="std"))] use alloc::vec::Vec;
 /// Randomly sample `amount` elements from a finite iterator.
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@
     use super::*;
     use {XorShiftRng, Rng, SeedableRng};
-    use alloc::Vec;
+    use alloc::vec::Vec;
     fn test_sample_iter() {
diff --git a/utils/ci/ b/utils/ci/
index 21188f3..d0fec19 100644
--- a/utils/ci/
+++ b/utils/ci/
@@ -13,12 +13,12 @@
     if [ ! -z $NIGHTLY ]; then  # have nightly Rust
         cross test --tests --no-default-features --features alloc --target $TARGET
-        cross test --package rand_core --no-default-features --features alloc --target $TARGET
+        cross test --package rand_core:0.2.2 --no-default-features --features alloc --target $TARGET --tests
         cross test --features serde1,log,nightly,alloc --target $TARGET
         cross test --all --benches --target $TARGET
     else    # have stable Rust
         cross test --tests --no-default-features --target $TARGET
-        cross test --package rand_core --no-default-features --target $TARGET
+        cross test --package rand_core:0.2.2 --no-default-features --target $TARGET --tests
         cross test --features serde1,log --target $TARGET