Merge pull request #187 from tatref/patch-1

Fix name of argument in doc
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index 1cb2e68..f3d7688 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
 language: rust
 sudo: false
-  - pip install 'travis-cargo<0.2' --user && export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH
@@ -11,16 +9,21 @@
       os: osx
     - rust: beta
     - rust: nightly
+    - rust: nightly
+      before_script:
+        - pip install 'travis-cargo<0.2' --user && export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH
-        - cargo test
+        - cargo doc --no-deps --all-features
+        - cargo test --benches
         - cargo test --features nightly
-        - cargo test --manifest-path rand-derive/Cargo.toml
-        - cargo doc --no-deps --features nightly
+      after_success:
+        - travis-cargo --only nightly doc-upload
   - cargo test
   - cargo test --manifest-path rand-derive/Cargo.toml
-  - travis-cargo --only nightly doc-upload
     secure: "BdDntVHSompN+Qxz5Rz45VI4ZqhD72r6aPl166FADlnkIwS6N6FLWdqs51O7G5CpoMXEDvyYrjmRMZe/GYLIG9cmqmn/wUrWPO+PauGiIuG/D2dmfuUNvSTRcIe7UQLXrfP3yyfZPgqsH6pSnNEVopquQKy3KjzqepgriOJtbyY="
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8a2ce3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+# Changelog
+All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
+The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](
+and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
+## [0.4.0-pre.0] - 2017-12-11
+### Added
+- `JitterRng` added as a high-quality alternative entropy source using the
+  system timer
+- new `seq` module with `sample_iter`, `sample_slice`, etc.
+- WASM support via dummy implementations (fail at run-time)
+- Additional benchmarks, covering generators and new seq code
+### Changed
+- `thread_rng` uses `JitterRng` if seeding from system time fails
+  (slower but more secure than previous method)
+### Deprecated
+  - `sample` function deprecated (replaced by `sample_iter`)
+## [0.3.18] - 2017-11-06
+### Changed
+- `thread_rng` is seeded from the system time if `OsRng` fails
+- `weak_rng` now uses `thread_rng` internally
+## [0.3.17] - 2017-10-07
+### Changed
+ - Fuchsia: Magenta was renamed Zircon
+## [0.3.16] - 2017-07-27
+### Added
+- Implement Debug for mote non-public types
+- implement `Rand` for (i|u)i128
+- Support for Fuchsia
+### Changed
+- Add inline attribute to SampleRange::construct_range.
+  This improves the benchmark for sample in 11% and for shuffle in 16%.
+- Use `RtlGenRandom` instead of `CryptGenRandom`
+## [0.3.15] - 2016-11-26
+### Added
+- Add `Rng` trait method `choose_mut`
+- Redox support
+### Changed
+- Use `arc4rand` for `OsRng` on FreeBSD.
+- Use `arc4random(3)` for `OsRng` on OpenBSD.
+### Fixed
+- Fix filling buffers 4 GiB or larger with `OsRng::fill_bytes` on Windows
+## [0.3.14] - 2016-02-13
+### Fixed
+- Inline definitions from winapi/advapi32, wich decreases build times
+## [0.3.13] - 2016-01-09
+### Fixed
+- Compatible with Rust 1.7.0-nightly (needed some extra type annotations)
+## [0.3.12] - 2015-11-09
+### Changed
+- Replaced the methods in `next_f32` and `next_f64` with the technique described
+  Saito & Matsumoto at MCQMC'08. The new method should exhibit a slightly more
+  uniform distribution.
+- Depend on libc 0.2
+### Fixed
+- Fix iterator protocol issue in `rand::sample`
+## [0.3.11] - 2015-08-31
+### Added
+- Implement `Rand` for arrays with n <= 32
+## [0.3.10] - 2015-08-17
+### Added
+- Support for NaCl platforms
+### Changed
+- Allow `Rng` to be `?Sized`, impl for `&mut R` and `Box<R>` where `R: ?Sized + Rng`
+## [0.3.9] - 2015-06-18
+### Changed
+- Use `winapi` for Windows API things
+### Fixed
+- Fixed test on stable/nightly
+- Fix `getrandom` syscall number for aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu
+## [0.3.8] - 2015-04-23
+### Changed
+- `log` is a dev dependency
+### Fixed
+- Fix race condition of atomics in `is_getrandom_available`
+## [0.3.7] - 2015-04-03
+### Fixed
+- Derive Copy/Clone changes
+## [0.3.6] - 2015-04-02
+### Changed
+- Move to stable Rust!
+## [0.3.5] - 2015-04-01
+### Fixed
+- Compatible with Rust master
+## [0.3.4] - 2015-03-31
+### Added
+- Implement Clone for `Weighted`
+### Fixed
+- Compatible with Rust master
+## [0.3.3] - 2015-03-26
+### Fixed
+- Fix compile on Windows
+## [0.3.2] - 2015-03-26
+## [0.3.1] - 2015-03-26
+### Fixed
+- Fix compile on Windows
+## [0.3.0] - 2015-03-25
+### Changed
+- Update to use log version 0.3.x
+## [0.2.1] - 2015-03-22
+### Fixed
+- Compatible with Rust master
+- Fixed iOS compilation
+## [0.2.0] - 2015-03-06
+### Fixed
+- Compatible with Rust master (move from `old_io` to `std::io`)
+## [0.1.4] - 2015-03-04
+### Fixed
+- Compatible with Rust master (use wrapping ops)
+## [0.1.3] - 2015-02-20
+### Fixed
+- Compatible with Rust master
+### Removed
+- Removed Copy inplementaions from RNGs
+## [0.1.2] - 2015-02-03
+### Added
+- Imported functionality from `std::rand`, including:
+  - `StdRng`, `SeedableRng`, `TreadRng`, `weak_rng()`
+  - `ReaderRng`: A wrapper around any Reader to treat it as an RNG.
+- Imported documentation from `std::rand`
+- Imported tests from `std::rand`
+## [0.1.1] - 2015-02-03
+### Added
+- Migrate to a cargo-compatible directory structure.
+### Fixed
+- Do not use entropy during `gen_weighted_bool(1)`
+## [Rust 0.12.0] - 2014-10-09
+### Added
+- Impl Rand for tuples of arity 11 and 12
+- Include ChaCha pseudorandom generator
+- Add `next_f64` and `next_f32` to Rng
+- Implement Clone for PRNGs
+### Changed
+- Rename `TaskRng` to `ThreadRng` and `task_rng` to `thread_rng` (since a
+  runtime is removed from Rust).
+### Fixed
+- Improved performance of ISAAC and ISAAC64 by 30% and 12 % respectively, by
+  informing the optimiser that indexing is never out-of-bounds.
+### Removed
+- Removed the Deprecated `choose_option`
+## [Rust 0.11.0] - 2014-07-02
+### Added
+- document when to use `OSRng` in cryptographic context, and explain why we use `/dev/urandom` instead of `/dev/random`
+- `Rng::gen_iter()` which will return an infinite stream of random values
+- `Rng::gen_ascii_chars()` which will return an infinite stream of random ascii characters
+### Changed
+- Now only depends on libcore!   2adf5363f88ffe06f6d2ea5c338d1b186d47f4a1
+- Remove `Rng.choose()`, rename `Rng.choose_option()` to `.choose()`
+- Rename OSRng to OsRng
+- The WeightedChoice structure is no longer built with a `Vec<Weighted<T>>`,
+  but rather a `&mut [Weighted<T>]`. This means that the WeightedChoice
+  structure now has a lifetime associated with it.
+- The `sample` method on `Rng` has been moved to a top-level function in the
+  `rand` module due to its dependence on `Vec`.
+### Removed
+- `Rng::gen_vec()` was removed. Previous behavior can be regained with
+  `rng.gen_iter().take(n).collect()`
+- `Rng::gen_ascii_str()` was removed. Previous behavior can be regained with
+  `rng.gen_ascii_chars().take(n).collect()`
+- {IsaacRng, Isaac64Rng, XorShiftRng}::new() have all been removed. These all
+  relied on being able to use an OSRng for seeding, but this is no longer
+  available in librand (where these types are defined). To retain the same
+  functionality, these types now implement the `Rand` trait so they can be
+  generated with a random seed from another random number generator. This allows
+  the stdlib to use an OSRng to create seeded instances of these RNGs.
+- Rand implementations for `Box<T>` and `@T` were removed. These seemed to be
+  pretty rare in the codebase, and it allows for librand to not depend on
+  liballoc.  Additionally, other pointer types like Rc<T> and Arc<T> were not
+  supported.
+- Remove a slew of old deprecated functions
+## [Rust 0.10] - 2014-04-03
+### Changed
+- replace `Rng.shuffle's` functionality with `.shuffle_mut`
+- bubble up IO errors when creating an OSRng
+### Fixed
+- Use `fill()` instead of `read()`
+- Rewrite OsRng in Rust for windows
+## [0.10-pre] - 2014-03-02
+### Added
+- Seperate `rand` out of the standard library
diff --git a/Cargo.toml b/Cargo.toml
index 0700436..b808dea 100644
--- a/Cargo.toml
+++ b/Cargo.toml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 name = "rand"
-version = "0.3.17"
+version = "0.4.0-pre.0"
 authors = ["The Rust Project Developers"]
 license = "MIT/Apache-2.0"
 readme = ""
@@ -14,11 +14,16 @@
 categories = ["algorithms"]
-i128_support = []
-nightly = ["i128_support"]
+default = ["std"]
+nightly = ["i128_support"] # enables all features requiring nightly rust
+std = ["libc"] # default feature; without this rand uses libcore
+alloc = []  # enables Vec and Box support without std
+i128_support = [] # enables i128 and u128 support
-libc = "0.2"
+libc = { version = "0.2", optional = true }
 log = "0.3.0"
@@ -27,4 +32,4 @@
 members = ["rand-derive"]
 [target.'cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")'.dependencies]
-fuchsia-zircon = "^0.2.1"
+fuchsia-zircon = "0.3"
diff --git a/ b/
index cd4ee24..a36c3cd 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -23,6 +23,13 @@
 extern crate rand;
+### Unstable channel
+The 'master' branch tracks development code while the '0.3' branch tracks the
+latest stable release. New features are currently being released in an "unstable
+channel"; if you wish to opt-in to the latest releases (expect more breaking
+changes in this channel) specify `rand = "0.4.0-pre.0"`.
 ## Examples
 There is built-in support for a random number generator (RNG) associated with each thread stored in thread-local storage. This RNG can be accessed via thread_rng, or used implicitly via random. This RNG is normally randomly seeded from an operating-system source of randomness, e.g. /dev/urandom on Unix systems, and will automatically reseed itself from this source after generating 32 KiB of random data.
@@ -50,6 +57,48 @@
 println!("i32: {}, u32: {}", rng.gen::<i32>(), rng.gen::<u32>())
+## Features
+By default, `rand` is built with all stable features available. The following
+optional features are available:
+-   `i128_support` enables support for generating `u128` and `i128` values
+-   `nightly` enables all unstable features (`i128_support`)
+-   `std` enabled by default; by setting "default-features = false" `no_std`
+    mode is activated; this removes features depending on `std` functionality:
+        -   `OsRng` is entirely unavailable
+        -   `JitterRng` code is still present, but a nanosecond timer must be
+            provided via `JitterRng::new_with_timer`
+        -   Since no external entropy is available, it is not possible to create
+            generators with fresh seeds (user must provide entropy)
+        -   `thread_rng`, `weak_rng` and `random` are all disabled
+        -   exponential, normal and gamma type distributions are unavailable
+            since `exp` and `log` functions are not provided in `core`
+        -   any code requiring `Vec` or `Box`
+-   `alloc` can be used instead of `std` to provide `Vec` and `Box`
+## Testing
+Unfortunately, `cargo test` does not test everything. The following tests are
+# Basic tests for rand and sub-crates
+cargo test --all
+# Test no_std support (build only since nearly all tests require std)
+cargo build --all --no-default-features
+# Test 128-bit support (requires nightly)
+cargo test --all --features nightly
+# Benchmarks (requires nightly)
+cargo bench
+# or just to test the benchmark code:
+cargo test --benches
 # `derive(Rand)`
 You can derive the `Rand` trait for your custom type via the `#[derive(Rand)]`
diff --git a/appveyor.yml b/appveyor.yml
index 39c6a18..02e217f 100644
--- a/appveyor.yml
+++ b/appveyor.yml
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
 build: false
+  - cargo test --benches
   - cargo test
   - cargo test --features nightly
   - cargo test --manifest-path rand-derive/Cargo.toml
diff --git a/benches/ b/benches/
index 5fa92bd..d396f25 100644
--- a/benches/
+++ b/benches/
@@ -9,52 +9,7 @@
 use std::mem::size_of;
 use test::{black_box, Bencher};
-use rand::{XorShiftRng, StdRng, IsaacRng, Isaac64Rng, Rng};
-use rand::{OsRng, sample, weak_rng};
-fn rand_xorshift(b: &mut Bencher) {
-    let mut rng: XorShiftRng = OsRng::new().unwrap().gen();
-    b.iter(|| {
-        for _ in 0..RAND_BENCH_N {
-            black_box(rng.gen::<usize>());
-        }
-    });
-    b.bytes = size_of::<usize>() as u64 * RAND_BENCH_N;
-fn rand_isaac(b: &mut Bencher) {
-    let mut rng: IsaacRng = OsRng::new().unwrap().gen();
-    b.iter(|| {
-        for _ in 0..RAND_BENCH_N {
-            black_box(rng.gen::<usize>());
-        }
-    });
-    b.bytes = size_of::<usize>() as u64 * RAND_BENCH_N;
-fn rand_isaac64(b: &mut Bencher) {
-    let mut rng: Isaac64Rng = OsRng::new().unwrap().gen();
-    b.iter(|| {
-        for _ in 0..RAND_BENCH_N {
-            black_box(rng.gen::<usize>());
-        }
-    });
-    b.bytes = size_of::<usize>() as u64 * RAND_BENCH_N;
-fn rand_std(b: &mut Bencher) {
-    let mut rng = StdRng::new().unwrap();
-    b.iter(|| {
-        for _ in 0..RAND_BENCH_N {
-            black_box(rng.gen::<usize>());
-        }
-    });
-    b.bytes = size_of::<usize>() as u64 * RAND_BENCH_N;
+use rand::{StdRng, Rng};
 fn rand_f32(b: &mut Bencher) {
@@ -77,21 +32,3 @@
     b.bytes = size_of::<f64>() as u64 * RAND_BENCH_N;
-fn rand_shuffle_100(b: &mut Bencher) {
-    let mut rng = weak_rng();
-    let x : &mut [usize] = &mut [1; 100];
-    b.iter(|| {
-        rng.shuffle(x);
-    })
-fn rand_sample_10_of_100(b: &mut Bencher) {
-    let mut rng = weak_rng();
-    let x : &[usize] = &[1; 100];
-    b.iter(|| {
-        sample(&mut rng, x, 10);
-    })
diff --git a/benches/ b/benches/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..daee7c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benches/
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+extern crate test;
+extern crate rand;
+const RAND_BENCH_N: u64 = 1000;
+const BYTES_LEN: usize = 1024;
+use std::mem::size_of;
+use test::{black_box, Bencher};
+use rand::{Rng, StdRng, OsRng, JitterRng};
+use rand::{XorShiftRng, IsaacRng, Isaac64Rng, ChaChaRng};
+macro_rules! gen_bytes {
+    ($fnn:ident, $gen:ident) => {
+        #[bench]
+        fn $fnn(b: &mut Bencher) {
+            let mut rng: $gen = OsRng::new().unwrap().gen();
+            let mut buf = [0u8; BYTES_LEN];
+            b.iter(|| {
+                for _ in 0..RAND_BENCH_N {
+                    rng.fill_bytes(&mut buf);
+                    black_box(buf);
+                }
+            });
+            b.bytes = BYTES_LEN as u64 * RAND_BENCH_N;
+        }
+    }
+macro_rules! gen_bytes_new {
+    ($fnn:ident, $gen:ident) => {
+        #[bench]
+        fn $fnn(b: &mut Bencher) {
+            let mut rng = $gen::new().unwrap();
+            let mut buf = [0u8; BYTES_LEN];
+            b.iter(|| {
+                for _ in 0..RAND_BENCH_N {
+                    rng.fill_bytes(&mut buf);
+                    black_box(buf);
+                }
+            });
+            b.bytes = BYTES_LEN as u64 * RAND_BENCH_N;
+        }
+    }
+gen_bytes!(gen_bytes_xorshift, XorShiftRng);
+gen_bytes!(gen_bytes_isaac, IsaacRng);
+gen_bytes!(gen_bytes_isaac64, Isaac64Rng);
+gen_bytes!(gen_bytes_chacha, ChaChaRng);
+gen_bytes_new!(gen_bytes_std, StdRng);
+gen_bytes_new!(gen_bytes_os, OsRng);
+macro_rules! gen_uint {
+    ($fnn:ident, $ty:ty, $gen:ident) => {
+        #[bench]
+        fn $fnn(b: &mut Bencher) {
+            let mut rng: $gen = OsRng::new().unwrap().gen();
+            b.iter(|| {
+                for _ in 0..RAND_BENCH_N {
+                    black_box(rng.gen::<$ty>());
+                }
+            });
+            b.bytes = size_of::<$ty>() as u64 * RAND_BENCH_N;
+        }
+    }
+macro_rules! gen_uint_new {
+    ($fnn:ident, $ty:ty, $gen:ident) => {
+        #[bench]
+        fn $fnn(b: &mut Bencher) {
+            let mut rng = $gen::new().unwrap();
+            b.iter(|| {
+                for _ in 0..RAND_BENCH_N {
+                    black_box(rng.gen::<$ty>());
+                }
+            });
+            b.bytes = size_of::<$ty>() as u64 * RAND_BENCH_N;
+        }
+    }
+gen_uint!(gen_u32_xorshift, u32, XorShiftRng);
+gen_uint!(gen_u32_isaac, u32, IsaacRng);
+gen_uint!(gen_u32_isaac64, u32, Isaac64Rng);
+gen_uint!(gen_u32_chacha, u32, ChaChaRng);
+gen_uint_new!(gen_u32_std, u32, StdRng);
+gen_uint_new!(gen_u32_os, u32, OsRng);
+gen_uint!(gen_u64_xorshift, u64, XorShiftRng);
+gen_uint!(gen_u64_isaac, u64, IsaacRng);
+gen_uint!(gen_u64_isaac64, u64, Isaac64Rng);
+gen_uint!(gen_u64_chacha, u64, ChaChaRng);
+gen_uint_new!(gen_u64_std, u64, StdRng);
+gen_uint_new!(gen_u64_os, u64, OsRng);
+fn gen_u64_jitter(b: &mut Bencher) {
+    let mut rng = JitterRng::new().unwrap();
+    b.iter(|| {
+        black_box(rng.gen::<u64>());
+    });
+    b.bytes = size_of::<u64>() as u64;
+macro_rules! init_gen {
+    ($fnn:ident, $gen:ident) => {
+        #[bench]
+        fn $fnn(b: &mut Bencher) {
+            let mut rng: XorShiftRng = OsRng::new().unwrap().gen();
+            b.iter(|| {
+                let r2: $gen = rng.gen();
+                black_box(r2);
+            });
+        }
+    }
+init_gen!(init_xorshift, XorShiftRng);
+init_gen!(init_isaac, IsaacRng);
+init_gen!(init_isaac64, Isaac64Rng);
+init_gen!(init_chacha, ChaChaRng);
+fn init_jitter(b: &mut Bencher) {
+    b.iter(|| {
+        black_box(JitterRng::new().unwrap());
+    });
diff --git a/benches/ b/benches/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4251761
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benches/
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+extern crate test;
+extern crate rand;
+use test::{black_box, Bencher};
+use rand::{Rng, weak_rng};
+use rand::seq::*;
+fn misc_shuffle_100(b: &mut Bencher) {
+    let mut rng = weak_rng();
+    let x : &mut [usize] = &mut [1; 100];
+    b.iter(|| {
+        rng.shuffle(x);
+        black_box(&x);
+    })
+fn misc_sample_iter_10_of_100(b: &mut Bencher) {
+    let mut rng = weak_rng();
+    let x : &[usize] = &[1; 100];
+    b.iter(|| {
+        black_box(sample_iter(&mut rng, x, 10).unwrap_or_else(|e| e));
+    })
+fn misc_sample_slice_10_of_100(b: &mut Bencher) {
+    let mut rng = weak_rng();
+    let x : &[usize] = &[1; 100];
+    b.iter(|| {
+        black_box(sample_slice(&mut rng, x, 10));
+    })
+fn misc_sample_slice_ref_10_of_100(b: &mut Bencher) {
+    let mut rng = weak_rng();
+    let x : &[usize] = &[1; 100];
+    b.iter(|| {
+        black_box(sample_slice_ref(&mut rng, x, 10));
+    })
+macro_rules! sample_indices {
+    ($name:ident, $amount:expr, $length:expr) => {
+        #[bench]
+        fn $name(b: &mut Bencher) {
+            let mut rng = weak_rng();
+            b.iter(|| {
+                black_box(sample_indices(&mut rng, $length, $amount));
+            })
+        }
+    }
+sample_indices!(misc_sample_indices_10_of_1k, 10, 1000);
+sample_indices!(misc_sample_indices_50_of_1k, 50, 1000);
+sample_indices!(misc_sample_indices_100_of_1k, 100, 1000);
diff --git a/rand-derive/Cargo.toml b/rand-derive/Cargo.toml
index c3edaff..224b1ed 100644
--- a/rand-derive/Cargo.toml
+++ b/rand-derive/Cargo.toml
@@ -20,4 +20,4 @@
 syn = "0.11"
-rand = { path = "..", version = "0.3" }
+rand = { path = "..", version = "0.4.0-pre.0" }
diff --git a/src/distributions/ b/src/distributions/
index 0a6ad20..5de8efb 100644
--- a/src/distributions/
+++ b/src/distributions/
@@ -17,20 +17,29 @@
 //! internally. The `IndependentSample` trait is for generating values
 //! that do not need to record state.
-use std::marker;
+use core::marker;
 use {Rng, Rand};
 pub use self::range::Range;
 pub use self::gamma::{Gamma, ChiSquared, FisherF, StudentT};
 pub use self::normal::{Normal, LogNormal};
 pub use self::exponential::Exp;
 pub mod range;
 pub mod gamma;
 pub mod normal;
 pub mod exponential;
+mod ziggurat_tables;
 /// Types that can be used to create a random instance of `Support`.
 pub trait Sample<Support> {
     /// Generate a random value of `Support`, using `rng` as the
@@ -203,8 +212,6 @@
-mod ziggurat_tables;
 /// Sample a random number using the Ziggurat method (specifically the
 /// ZIGNOR variant from Doornik 2005). Most of the arguments are
 /// directly from the paper:
@@ -220,6 +227,7 @@
 // the perf improvement (25-50%) is definitely worth the extra code
 // size from force-inlining.
 fn ziggurat<R: Rng, P, Z>(
             rng: &mut R,
diff --git a/src/distributions/ b/src/distributions/
index 7206941..935a00a 100644
--- a/src/distributions/
+++ b/src/distributions/
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 // this is surprisingly complicated to be both generic & correct
-use std::num::Wrapping as w;
+use core::num::Wrapping as w;
 use Rng;
 use distributions::{Sample, IndependentSample};
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
             fn construct_range(low: $ty, high: $ty) -> Range<$ty> {
                 let range = (w(high as $unsigned) - w(low as $unsigned)).0;
-                let unsigned_max: $unsigned = ::std::$unsigned::MAX;
+                let unsigned_max: $unsigned = ::core::$unsigned::MAX;
                 // this is the largest number that fits into $unsigned
                 // that `range` divides evenly, so, if we've sampled
@@ -136,11 +136,15 @@
 integer_impl! { i16, u16 }
 integer_impl! { i32, u32 }
 integer_impl! { i64, u64 }
+#[cfg(feature = "i128_support")]
+integer_impl! { i128, u128 }
 integer_impl! { isize, usize }
 integer_impl! { u8, u8 }
 integer_impl! { u16, u16 }
 integer_impl! { u32, u32 }
 integer_impl! { u64, u64 }
+#[cfg(feature = "i128_support")]
+integer_impl! { u128, u128 }
 integer_impl! { usize, usize }
 macro_rules! float_impl {
@@ -187,7 +191,7 @@
                    let v: &[($ty, $ty)] = &[(0, 10),
                                             (10, 127),
-                                            (::std::$ty::MIN, ::std::$ty::MAX)];
+                                            (::core::$ty::MIN, ::core::$ty::MAX)];
                    for &(low, high) in v.iter() {
                         let mut sampler: Range<$ty> = Range::new(low, high);
                         for _ in 0..1000 {
@@ -200,8 +204,12 @@
+        #[cfg(not(feature = "i128_support"))]
         t!(i8, i16, i32, i64, isize,
-           u8, u16, u32, u64, usize)
+           u8, u16, u32, u64, usize);
+        #[cfg(feature = "i128_support")]
+        t!(i8, i16, i32, i64, i128, isize,
+           u8, u16, u32, u64, u128, usize);
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index b70a8e6..0000000
--- a/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,635 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2013 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
-// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
-//> or the MIT license
-// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
-// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
-// except according to those terms.
-//! The ISAAC random number generator.
-use std::slice;
-use std::iter::repeat;
-use std::num::Wrapping as w;
-use std::fmt;
-use {Rng, SeedableRng, Rand, w32, w64};
-const RAND_SIZE_LEN: usize = 8;
-const RAND_SIZE: u32 = 1 << RAND_SIZE_LEN;
-const RAND_SIZE_USIZE: usize = 1 << RAND_SIZE_LEN;
-/// A random number generator that uses the ISAAC algorithm[1].
-/// The ISAAC algorithm is generally accepted as suitable for
-/// cryptographic purposes, but this implementation has not be
-/// verified as such. Prefer a generator like `OsRng` that defers to
-/// the operating system for cases that need high security.
-/// [1]: Bob Jenkins, [*ISAAC: A fast cryptographic random number
-/// generator*](
-pub struct IsaacRng {
-    cnt: u32,
-    rsl: [w32; RAND_SIZE_USIZE],
-    mem: [w32; RAND_SIZE_USIZE],
-    a: w32,
-    b: w32,
-    c: w32,
-static EMPTY: IsaacRng = IsaacRng {
-    cnt: 0,
-    rsl: [w(0); RAND_SIZE_USIZE],
-    mem: [w(0); RAND_SIZE_USIZE],
-    a: w(0), b: w(0), c: w(0),
-impl IsaacRng {
-    /// Create an ISAAC random number generator using the default
-    /// fixed seed.
-    pub fn new_unseeded() -> IsaacRng {
-        let mut rng = EMPTY;
-        rng.init(false);
-        rng
-    }
-    /// Initialises `self`. If `use_rsl` is true, then use the current value
-    /// of `rsl` as a seed, otherwise construct one algorithmically (not
-    /// randomly).
-    fn init(&mut self, use_rsl: bool) {
-        let mut a = w(0x9e3779b9);
-        let mut b = a;
-        let mut c = a;
-        let mut d = a;
-        let mut e = a;
-        let mut f = a;
-        let mut g = a;
-        let mut h = a;
-        macro_rules! mix {
-            () => {{
-                a=a^(b<<11); d=d+a; b=b+c;
-                b=b^(c>>2);  e=e+b; c=c+d;
-                c=c^(d<<8);  f=f+c; d=d+e;
-                d=d^(e>>16); g=g+d; e=e+f;
-                e=e^(f<<10); h=h+e; f=f+g;
-                f=f^(g>>4);  a=a+f; g=g+h;
-                g=g^(h<<8);  b=b+g; h=h+a;
-                h=h^(a>>9);  c=c+h; a=a+b;
-            }}
-        }
-        for _ in 0..4 {
-            mix!();
-        }
-        if use_rsl {
-            macro_rules! memloop {
-                ($arr:expr) => {{
-                    for i in (0..RAND_SIZE_USIZE/8).map(|i| i * 8) {
-                        a=a+$arr[i  ]; b=b+$arr[i+1];
-                        c=c+$arr[i+2]; d=d+$arr[i+3];
-                        e=e+$arr[i+4]; f=f+$arr[i+5];
-                        g=g+$arr[i+6]; h=h+$arr[i+7];
-                        mix!();
-                        self.mem[i  ]=a; self.mem[i+1]=b;
-                        self.mem[i+2]=c; self.mem[i+3]=d;
-                        self.mem[i+4]=e; self.mem[i+5]=f;
-                        self.mem[i+6]=g; self.mem[i+7]=h;
-                    }
-                }}
-            }
-            memloop!(self.rsl);
-            memloop!(self.mem);
-        } else {
-            for i in (0..RAND_SIZE_USIZE/8).map(|i| i * 8) {
-                mix!();
-                self.mem[i  ]=a; self.mem[i+1]=b;
-                self.mem[i+2]=c; self.mem[i+3]=d;
-                self.mem[i+4]=e; self.mem[i+5]=f;
-                self.mem[i+6]=g; self.mem[i+7]=h;
-            }
-        }
-        self.isaac();
-    }
-    /// Refills the output buffer (`self.rsl`)
-    #[inline]
-    fn isaac(&mut self) {
-        self.c = self.c + w(1);
-        // abbreviations
-        let mut a = self.a;
-        let mut b = self.b + self.c;
-        const MIDPOINT: usize = RAND_SIZE_USIZE / 2;
-        macro_rules! ind {
-            ($x:expr) => ( self.mem[($x >> 2usize).0 as usize & (RAND_SIZE_USIZE - 1)] )
-        }
-        let r = [(0, MIDPOINT), (MIDPOINT, 0)];
-        for &(mr_offset, m2_offset) in r.iter() {
-            macro_rules! rngstepp {
-                ($j:expr, $shift:expr) => {{
-                    let base = $j;
-                    let mix = a << $shift;
-                    let x = self.mem[base  + mr_offset];
-                    a = (a ^ mix) + self.mem[base + m2_offset];
-                    let y = ind!(x) + a + b;
-                    self.mem[base + mr_offset] = y;
-                    b = ind!(y >> RAND_SIZE_LEN) + x;
-                    self.rsl[base + mr_offset] = b;
-                }}
-            }
-            macro_rules! rngstepn {
-                ($j:expr, $shift:expr) => {{
-                    let base = $j;
-                    let mix = a >> $shift;
-                    let x = self.mem[base  + mr_offset];
-                    a = (a ^ mix) + self.mem[base + m2_offset];
-                    let y = ind!(x) + a + b;
-                    self.mem[base + mr_offset] = y;
-                    b = ind!(y >> RAND_SIZE_LEN) + x;
-                    self.rsl[base + mr_offset] = b;
-                }}
-            }
-            for i in (0..MIDPOINT/4).map(|i| i * 4) {
-                rngstepp!(i + 0, 13);
-                rngstepn!(i + 1, 6);
-                rngstepp!(i + 2, 2);
-                rngstepn!(i + 3, 16);
-            }
-        }
-        self.a = a;
-        self.b = b;
-        self.cnt = RAND_SIZE;
-    }
-// Cannot be derived because [u32; 256] does not implement Clone
-impl Clone for IsaacRng {
-    fn clone(&self) -> IsaacRng {
-        *self
-    }
-impl Rng for IsaacRng {
-    #[inline]
-    fn next_u32(&mut self) -> u32 {
-        if self.cnt == 0 {
-            // make some more numbers
-            self.isaac();
-        }
-        self.cnt -= 1;
-        // self.cnt is at most RAND_SIZE, but that is before the
-        // subtraction above. We want to index without bounds
-        // checking, but this could lead to incorrect code if someone
-        // misrefactors, so we check, sometimes.
-        //
-        // (Changes here should be reflected in Isaac64Rng.next_u64.)
-        debug_assert!(self.cnt < RAND_SIZE);
-        // (the % is cheaply telling the optimiser that we're always
-        // in bounds, without unsafe. NB. this is a power of two, so
-        // it optimises to a bitwise mask).
-        self.rsl[(self.cnt % RAND_SIZE) as usize].0
-    }
-impl<'a> SeedableRng<&'a [u32]> for IsaacRng {
-    fn reseed(&mut self, seed: &'a [u32]) {
-        // make the seed into [seed[0], seed[1], ..., seed[seed.len()
-        // - 1], 0, 0, ...], to fill rng.rsl.
-        let seed_iter = seed.iter().map(|&x| x).chain(repeat(0u32));
-        for (rsl_elem, seed_elem) in self.rsl.iter_mut().zip(seed_iter) {
-            *rsl_elem = w(seed_elem);
-        }
-        self.cnt = 0;
-        self.a = w(0);
-        self.b = w(0);
-        self.c = w(0);
-        self.init(true);
-    }
-    /// Create an ISAAC random number generator with a seed. This can
-    /// be any length, although the maximum number of elements used is
-    /// 256 and any more will be silently ignored. A generator
-    /// constructed with a given seed will generate the same sequence
-    /// of values as all other generators constructed with that seed.
-    fn from_seed(seed: &'a [u32]) -> IsaacRng {
-        let mut rng = EMPTY;
-        rng.reseed(seed);
-        rng
-    }
-impl Rand for IsaacRng {
-    fn rand<R: Rng>(other: &mut R) -> IsaacRng {
-        let mut ret = EMPTY;
-        unsafe {
-            let ptr = ret.rsl.as_mut_ptr() as *mut u8;
-            let slice = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(ptr, RAND_SIZE_USIZE * 4);
-            other.fill_bytes(slice);
-        }
-        ret.cnt = 0;
-        ret.a = w(0);
-        ret.b = w(0);
-        ret.c = w(0);
-        ret.init(true);
-        return ret;
-    }
-impl fmt::Debug for IsaacRng {
-    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
-        write!(f, "IsaacRng {{}}")
-    }
-const RAND_SIZE_64_LEN: usize = 8;
-const RAND_SIZE_64: usize = 1 << RAND_SIZE_64_LEN;
-/// A random number generator that uses ISAAC-64[1], the 64-bit
-/// variant of the ISAAC algorithm.
-/// The ISAAC algorithm is generally accepted as suitable for
-/// cryptographic purposes, but this implementation has not be
-/// verified as such. Prefer a generator like `OsRng` that defers to
-/// the operating system for cases that need high security.
-/// [1]: Bob Jenkins, [*ISAAC: A fast cryptographic random number
-/// generator*](
-pub struct Isaac64Rng {
-    cnt: usize,
-    rsl: [w64; RAND_SIZE_64],
-    mem: [w64; RAND_SIZE_64],
-    a: w64,
-    b: w64,
-    c: w64,
-static EMPTY_64: Isaac64Rng = Isaac64Rng {
-    cnt: 0,
-    rsl: [w(0); RAND_SIZE_64],
-    mem: [w(0); RAND_SIZE_64],
-    a: w(0), b: w(0), c: w(0),
-impl Isaac64Rng {
-    /// Create a 64-bit ISAAC random number generator using the
-    /// default fixed seed.
-    pub fn new_unseeded() -> Isaac64Rng {
-        let mut rng = EMPTY_64;
-        rng.init(false);
-        rng
-    }
-    /// Initialises `self`. If `use_rsl` is true, then use the current value
-    /// of `rsl` as a seed, otherwise construct one algorithmically (not
-    /// randomly).
-    fn init(&mut self, use_rsl: bool) {
-        macro_rules! init {
-            ($var:ident) => (
-                let mut $var = w(0x9e3779b97f4a7c13);
-            )
-        }
-        init!(a); init!(b); init!(c); init!(d);
-        init!(e); init!(f); init!(g); init!(h);
-        macro_rules! mix {
-            () => {{
-                a=a-e; f=f^(h>>9);  h=h+a;
-                b=b-f; g=g^(a<<9);  a=a+b;
-                c=c-g; h=h^(b>>23); b=b+c;
-                d=d-h; a=a^(c<<15); c=c+d;
-                e=e-a; b=b^(d>>14); d=d+e;
-                f=f-b; c=c^(e<<20); e=e+f;
-                g=g-c; d=d^(f>>17); f=f+g;
-                h=h-d; e=e^(g<<14); g=g+h;
-            }}
-        }
-        for _ in 0..4 {
-            mix!();
-        }
-        if use_rsl {
-            macro_rules! memloop {
-                ($arr:expr) => {{
-                    for i in (0..RAND_SIZE_64 / 8).map(|i| i * 8) {
-                        a=a+$arr[i  ]; b=b+$arr[i+1];
-                        c=c+$arr[i+2]; d=d+$arr[i+3];
-                        e=e+$arr[i+4]; f=f+$arr[i+5];
-                        g=g+$arr[i+6]; h=h+$arr[i+7];
-                        mix!();
-                        self.mem[i  ]=a; self.mem[i+1]=b;
-                        self.mem[i+2]=c; self.mem[i+3]=d;
-                        self.mem[i+4]=e; self.mem[i+5]=f;
-                        self.mem[i+6]=g; self.mem[i+7]=h;
-                    }
-                }}
-            }
-            memloop!(self.rsl);
-            memloop!(self.mem);
-        } else {
-            for i in (0..RAND_SIZE_64 / 8).map(|i| i * 8) {
-                mix!();
-                self.mem[i  ]=a; self.mem[i+1]=b;
-                self.mem[i+2]=c; self.mem[i+3]=d;
-                self.mem[i+4]=e; self.mem[i+5]=f;
-                self.mem[i+6]=g; self.mem[i+7]=h;
-            }
-        }
-        self.isaac64();
-    }
-    /// Refills the output buffer (`self.rsl`)
-    fn isaac64(&mut self) {
-        self.c = self.c + w(1);
-        // abbreviations
-        let mut a = self.a;
-        let mut b = self.b + self.c;
-        const MIDPOINT: usize =  RAND_SIZE_64 / 2;
-        const MP_VEC: [(usize, usize); 2] = [(0,MIDPOINT), (MIDPOINT, 0)];
-        macro_rules! ind {
-            ($x:expr) => {
-                *self.mem.get_unchecked((($x >> 3usize).0 as usize) & (RAND_SIZE_64 - 1))
-            }
-        }
-        for &(mr_offset, m2_offset) in MP_VEC.iter() {
-            for base in (0..MIDPOINT / 4).map(|i| i * 4) {
-                macro_rules! rngstepp {
-                    ($j:expr, $shift:expr) => {{
-                        let base = base + $j;
-                        let mix = a ^ (a << $shift);
-                        let mix = if $j == 0 {!mix} else {mix};
-                        unsafe {
-                            let x = *self.mem.get_unchecked(base + mr_offset);
-                            a = mix + *self.mem.get_unchecked(base + m2_offset);
-                            let y = ind!(x) + a + b;
-                            *self.mem.get_unchecked_mut(base + mr_offset) = y;
-                            b = ind!(y >> RAND_SIZE_64_LEN) + x;
-                            *self.rsl.get_unchecked_mut(base + mr_offset) = b;
-                        }
-                    }}
-                }
-                macro_rules! rngstepn {
-                    ($j:expr, $shift:expr) => {{
-                        let base = base + $j;
-                        let mix = a ^ (a >> $shift);
-                        let mix = if $j == 0 {!mix} else {mix};
-                        unsafe {
-                            let x = *self.mem.get_unchecked(base + mr_offset);
-                            a = mix + *self.mem.get_unchecked(base + m2_offset);
-                            let y = ind!(x) + a + b;
-                            *self.mem.get_unchecked_mut(base + mr_offset) = y;
-                            b = ind!(y >> RAND_SIZE_64_LEN) + x;
-                            *self.rsl.get_unchecked_mut(base + mr_offset) = b;
-                        }
-                    }}
-                }
-                rngstepp!(0, 21);
-                rngstepn!(1, 5);
-                rngstepp!(2, 12);
-                rngstepn!(3, 33);
-            }
-        }
-        self.a = a;
-        self.b = b;
-        self.cnt = RAND_SIZE_64;
-    }
-// Cannot be derived because [u32; 256] does not implement Clone
-impl Clone for Isaac64Rng {
-    fn clone(&self) -> Isaac64Rng {
-        *self
-    }
-impl Rng for Isaac64Rng {
-    // FIXME #7771: having next_u32 like this should be unnecessary
-    #[inline]
-    fn next_u32(&mut self) -> u32 {
-        self.next_u64() as u32
-    }
-    #[inline]
-    fn next_u64(&mut self) -> u64 {
-        if self.cnt == 0 {
-            // make some more numbers
-            self.isaac64();
-        }
-        self.cnt -= 1;
-        // See corresponding location in IsaacRng.next_u32 for
-        // explanation.
-        debug_assert!(self.cnt < RAND_SIZE_64);
-        self.rsl[(self.cnt % RAND_SIZE_64) as usize].0
-    }
-impl<'a> SeedableRng<&'a [u64]> for Isaac64Rng {
-    fn reseed(&mut self, seed: &'a [u64]) {
-        // make the seed into [seed[0], seed[1], ..., seed[seed.len()
-        // - 1], 0, 0, ...], to fill rng.rsl.
-        let seed_iter = seed.iter().map(|&x| x).chain(repeat(0u64));
-        for (rsl_elem, seed_elem) in self.rsl.iter_mut().zip(seed_iter) {
-            *rsl_elem = w(seed_elem);
-        }
-        self.cnt = 0;
-        self.a = w(0);
-        self.b = w(0);
-        self.c = w(0);
-        self.init(true);
-    }
-    /// Create an ISAAC random number generator with a seed. This can
-    /// be any length, although the maximum number of elements used is
-    /// 256 and any more will be silently ignored. A generator
-    /// constructed with a given seed will generate the same sequence
-    /// of values as all other generators constructed with that seed.
-    fn from_seed(seed: &'a [u64]) -> Isaac64Rng {
-        let mut rng = EMPTY_64;
-        rng.reseed(seed);
-        rng
-    }
-impl Rand for Isaac64Rng {
-    fn rand<R: Rng>(other: &mut R) -> Isaac64Rng {
-        let mut ret = EMPTY_64;
-        unsafe {
-            let ptr = ret.rsl.as_mut_ptr() as *mut u8;
-            let slice = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(ptr, RAND_SIZE_64 * 8);
-            other.fill_bytes(slice);
-        }
-        ret.cnt = 0;
-        ret.a = w(0);
-        ret.b = w(0);
-        ret.c = w(0);
-        ret.init(true);
-        return ret;
-    }
-impl fmt::Debug for Isaac64Rng {
-    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
-        write!(f, "Isaac64Rng {{}}")
-    }
-mod test {
-    use {Rng, SeedableRng};
-    use super::{IsaacRng, Isaac64Rng};
-    #[test]
-    fn test_rng_32_rand_seeded() {
-        let s = ::test::rng().gen_iter::<u32>().take(256).collect::<Vec<u32>>();
-        let mut ra: IsaacRng = SeedableRng::from_seed(&s[..]);
-        let mut rb: IsaacRng = SeedableRng::from_seed(&s[..]);
-        assert!(::test::iter_eq(ra.gen_ascii_chars().take(100),
-                                rb.gen_ascii_chars().take(100)));
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_rng_64_rand_seeded() {
-        let s = ::test::rng().gen_iter::<u64>().take(256).collect::<Vec<u64>>();
-        let mut ra: Isaac64Rng = SeedableRng::from_seed(&s[..]);
-        let mut rb: Isaac64Rng = SeedableRng::from_seed(&s[..]);
-        assert!(::test::iter_eq(ra.gen_ascii_chars().take(100),
-                                rb.gen_ascii_chars().take(100)));
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_rng_32_seeded() {
-        let seed: &[_] = &[1, 23, 456, 7890, 12345];
-        let mut ra: IsaacRng = SeedableRng::from_seed(seed);
-        let mut rb: IsaacRng = SeedableRng::from_seed(seed);
-        assert!(::test::iter_eq(ra.gen_ascii_chars().take(100),
-                                rb.gen_ascii_chars().take(100)));
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_rng_64_seeded() {
-        let seed: &[_] = &[1, 23, 456, 7890, 12345];
-        let mut ra: Isaac64Rng = SeedableRng::from_seed(seed);
-        let mut rb: Isaac64Rng = SeedableRng::from_seed(seed);
-        assert!(::test::iter_eq(ra.gen_ascii_chars().take(100),
-                                rb.gen_ascii_chars().take(100)));
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_rng_32_reseed() {
-        let s = ::test::rng().gen_iter::<u32>().take(256).collect::<Vec<u32>>();
-        let mut r: IsaacRng = SeedableRng::from_seed(&s[..]);
-        let string1: String = r.gen_ascii_chars().take(100).collect();
-        r.reseed(&s[..]);
-        let string2: String = r.gen_ascii_chars().take(100).collect();
-        assert_eq!(string1, string2);
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_rng_64_reseed() {
-        let s = ::test::rng().gen_iter::<u64>().take(256).collect::<Vec<u64>>();
-        let mut r: Isaac64Rng = SeedableRng::from_seed(&s[..]);
-        let string1: String = r.gen_ascii_chars().take(100).collect();
-        r.reseed(&s[..]);
-        let string2: String = r.gen_ascii_chars().take(100).collect();
-        assert_eq!(string1, string2);
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_rng_32_true_values() {
-        let seed: &[_] = &[1, 23, 456, 7890, 12345];
-        let mut ra: IsaacRng = SeedableRng::from_seed(seed);
-        // Regression test that isaac is actually using the above vector
-        let v = (0..10).map(|_| ra.next_u32()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
-        assert_eq!(v,
-                   vec!(2558573138, 873787463, 263499565, 2103644246, 3595684709,
-                        4203127393, 264982119, 2765226902, 2737944514, 3900253796));
-        let seed: &[_] = &[12345, 67890, 54321, 9876];
-        let mut rb: IsaacRng = SeedableRng::from_seed(seed);
-        // skip forward to the 10000th number
-        for _ in 0..10000 { rb.next_u32(); }
-        let v = (0..10).map(|_| rb.next_u32()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
-        assert_eq!(v,
-                   vec!(3676831399, 3183332890, 2834741178, 3854698763, 2717568474,
-                        1576568959, 3507990155, 179069555, 141456972, 2478885421));
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_rng_64_true_values() {
-        let seed: &[_] = &[1, 23, 456, 7890, 12345];
-        let mut ra: Isaac64Rng = SeedableRng::from_seed(seed);
-        // Regression test that isaac is actually using the above vector
-        let v = (0..10).map(|_| ra.next_u64()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
-        assert_eq!(v,
-                   vec!(547121783600835980, 14377643087320773276, 17351601304698403469,
-                        1238879483818134882, 11952566807690396487, 13970131091560099343,
-                        4469761996653280935, 15552757044682284409, 6860251611068737823,
-                        13722198873481261842));
-        let seed: &[_] = &[12345, 67890, 54321, 9876];
-        let mut rb: Isaac64Rng = SeedableRng::from_seed(seed);
-        // skip forward to the 10000th number
-        for _ in 0..10000 { rb.next_u64(); }
-        let v = (0..10).map(|_| rb.next_u64()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
-        assert_eq!(v,
-                   vec!(18143823860592706164, 8491801882678285927, 2699425367717515619,
-                        17196852593171130876, 2606123525235546165, 15790932315217671084,
-                        596345674630742204, 9947027391921273664, 11788097613744130851,
-                        10391409374914919106));
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_rng_clone() {
-        let seed: &[_] = &[1, 23, 456, 7890, 12345];
-        let mut rng: Isaac64Rng = SeedableRng::from_seed(seed);
-        let mut clone = rng.clone();
-        for _ in 0..16 {
-            assert_eq!(rng.next_u64(), clone.next_u64());
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
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+// Copyright 2017 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT

+// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at



+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or

+//> or the MIT license

+// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your

+// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed

+// except according to those terms.


+// Based on jitterentropy-library,

+// Copyright Stephan Mueller <>, 2014 - 2017.


+// With permission from Stephan Mueller to relicense the Rust translation under

+// the MIT license.


+//! Non-physical true random number generator based on timing jitter.


+use Rng;


+use core::{fmt, mem, ptr};


+use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, ATOMIC_USIZE_INIT, Ordering};


+const MEMORY_BLOCKS: usize = 64;

+const MEMORY_BLOCKSIZE: usize = 32;



+/// A true random number generator based on jitter in the CPU execution time,

+/// and jitter in memory access time.


+/// This is a true random number generator, as opposed to pseudo-random

+/// generators. Random numbers generated by `JitterRng` can be seen as fresh

+/// entropy. A consequence is that is orders of magnitude slower than `OsRng`

+/// and PRNGs (about 10^3 .. 10^6 slower).


+/// There are very few situations where using this RNG is appropriate. Only very

+/// few applications require true entropy. A normal PRNG can be statistically

+/// indistinguishable, and a cryptographic PRNG should also be as impossible to

+/// predict.


+/// Use of `JitterRng` is recommended for initializing cryptographic PRNGs when

+/// `OsRng` is not available.


+/// This implementation is based on

+/// [Jitterentropy]( version 2.1.0.


+// Note: the C implementation relies on being compiled without optimizations.

+// This implementation goes through lengths to make the compiler not optimise

+// out what is technically dead code, but that does influence timing jitter.

+pub struct JitterRng {

+    data: u64, // Actual random number

+    // Number of rounds to run the entropy collector per 64 bits

+    rounds: u32,

+    // Timer and previous time stamp, used by `measure_jitter`

+    timer: fn() -> u64,

+    prev_time: u64,

+    // Deltas used for the stuck test

+    last_delta: i64,

+    last_delta2: i64,

+    // Memory for the Memory Access noise source

+    mem_prev_index: usize,

+    mem: [u8; MEMORY_SIZE],

+    // Make `next_u32` not waste 32 bits

+    data_remaining: Option<u32>,



+// Custom Debug implementation that does not expose the internal state

+impl fmt::Debug for JitterRng {

+    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {

+        write!(f, "JitterRng {{}}")

+    }



+/// An error that can occur when `test_timer` fails.

+#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]

+pub enum TimerError {

+    /// No timer available.

+    NoTimer,

+    /// Timer too coarse to use as an entropy source.

+    CoarseTimer,

+    /// Timer is not monotonically increasing.

+    NotMonotonic,

+    /// Variations of deltas of time too small.

+    TinyVariantions,

+    /// Too many stuck results (indicating no added entropy).

+    TooManyStuck,

+    #[doc(hidden)]

+    __Nonexhaustive,



+impl TimerError {

+    fn description(&self) -> &'static str {

+        match *self {

+            TimerError::NoTimer => "no timer available",

+            TimerError::CoarseTimer => "coarse timer",

+            TimerError::NotMonotonic => "timer not monotonic",

+            TimerError::TinyVariantions => "time delta variations too small",

+            TimerError::TooManyStuck => "too many stuck results",

+            TimerError::__Nonexhaustive => unreachable!(),

+        }

+    }



+impl fmt::Display for TimerError {

+    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {

+        write!(f, "{}", self.description())

+    }




+impl ::std::error::Error for TimerError {

+    fn description(&self) -> &str {

+        self.description()

+    }



+// Initialise to zero; must be positive




+impl JitterRng {

+    /// Create a new `JitterRng`.

+    /// Makes use of `std::time` for a timer.

+    ///

+    /// During initialization CPU execution timing jitter is measured a few

+    /// hundred times. If this does not pass basic quality tests, an error is

+    /// returned. The test result is cached to make subsequent calls faster.

+    #[cfg(feature="std")]

+    pub fn new() -> Result<JitterRng, TimerError> {

+        let mut ec = JitterRng::new_with_timer(platform::get_nstime);

+        let mut rounds = JITTER_ROUNDS.load(Ordering::Relaxed) as u32;

+        if rounds == 0 {

+            // No result yet: run test.

+            // This allows the timer test to run multiple times; we don't care.

+            rounds = ec.test_timer()?;

+   as usize, Ordering::Relaxed);

+        }

+        ec.set_rounds(rounds);

+        Ok(ec)

+    }


+    /// Create a new `JitterRng`.

+    /// A custom timer can be supplied, making it possible to use `JitterRng` in

+    /// `no_std` environments.

+    ///

+    /// The timer must have nanosecond precision.

+    ///

+    /// This method is more low-level than `new()`. It is the responsibility of

+    /// the caller to run `test_timer` before using any numbers generated with

+    /// `JitterRng`, and optionally call `set_rounds()`.

+    pub fn new_with_timer(timer: fn() -> u64) -> JitterRng {

+        let mut ec = JitterRng {

+            data: 0,

+            rounds: 64,

+            timer: timer,

+            prev_time: 0,

+            last_delta: 0,

+            last_delta2: 0,

+            mem_prev_index: 0,

+            mem: [0; MEMORY_SIZE],

+            data_remaining: None,

+        };


+        // Fill `data`, `prev_time`, `last_delta` and `last_delta2` with

+        // non-zero values.

+        ec.prev_time = timer();

+        ec.gen_entropy();


+        // Do a single read from `self.mem` to make sure the Memory Access noise

+        // source is not optimised out.

+        // Note: this read is important, it effects optimisations for the entire

+        // module!

+        black_box(ec.mem[0]);


+        ec

+    }


+    /// Configures how many rounds are used to generate each 64-bit value.

+    /// This must be greater than zero, and has a big impact on performance

+    /// and output quality.

+    ///

+    /// `new_with_timer` conservatively uses 64 rounds, but often less rounds

+    /// can be used. The `test_timer()` function returns the minimum number of

+    /// rounds required for full strength (platform dependent), so one may use

+    /// `rng.set_rounds(rng.test_timer()?);` or cache the value.

+    pub fn set_rounds(&mut self, rounds: u32) {

+        assert!(rounds > 0);

+        self.rounds = rounds;

+    }


+    // Calculate a random loop count used for the next round of an entropy

+    // collection, based on bits from a fresh value from the timer.

+    //

+    // The timer is folded to produce a number that contains at most `n_bits`

+    // bits.

+    //

+    // Note: A constant should be added to the resulting random loop count to

+    // prevent loops that run 0 times.

+    #[inline(never)]

+    fn random_loop_cnt(&mut self, n_bits: u32) -> u32 {

+        let mut rounds = 0;


+        let mut time = (self.timer)();

+        // Mix with the current state of the random number balance the random

+        // loop counter a bit more.

+        time ^=;


+        // We fold the time value as much as possible to ensure that as many

+        // bits of the time stamp are included as possible.

+        let folds = (64 + n_bits - 1) / n_bits;

+        let mask = (1 << n_bits) - 1;

+        for _ in 0..folds {

+            rounds ^= time & mask;

+            time = time >> n_bits;

+        }


+        rounds as u32

+    }


+    // CPU jitter noise source

+    // Noise source based on the CPU execution time jitter

+    //

+    // This function injects the individual bits of the time value into the

+    // entropy pool using an LFSR.

+    //

+    // The code is deliberately inefficient with respect to the bit shifting.

+    // This function not only acts as folding operation, but this function's

+    // execution is used to measure the CPU execution time jitter. Any change to

+    // the loop in this function implies that careful retesting must be done.

+    #[inline(never)]

+    fn lfsr_time(&mut self, time: u64, var_rounds: bool) {

+        fn lfsr(mut data: u64, time: u64) -> u64{

+            for i in 1..65 {

+                let mut tmp = time << (64 - i);

+                tmp = tmp >> (64 - 1);


+                // Fibonacci LSFR with polynomial of

+                // x^64 + x^61 + x^56 + x^31 + x^28 + x^23 + 1 which is

+                // primitive according to

+                //

+                // (the shift values are the polynomial values minus one

+                // due to counting bits from 0 to 63). As the current

+                // position is always the LSB, the polynomial only needs

+                // to shift data in from the left without wrap.

+                data ^= tmp;

+                data ^= (data >> 63) & 1;

+                data ^= (data >> 60) & 1;

+                data ^= (data >> 55) & 1;

+                data ^= (data >> 30) & 1;

+                data ^= (data >> 27) & 1;

+                data ^= (data >> 22) & 1;

+                data = data.rotate_left(1);

+            }

+            data

+        }


+        // Note: in the reference implementation only the last round effects

+        // ``, all the other results are ignored. To make sure the

+        // other rounds are not optimised out, we first run all but the last

+        // round on a throw-away value instead of the real ``.

+        let mut lfsr_loop_cnt = 0;

+        if var_rounds { lfsr_loop_cnt = self.random_loop_cnt(4) };


+        let mut throw_away: u64 = 0;

+        for _ in 0..lfsr_loop_cnt {

+            throw_away = lfsr(throw_away, time);

+        }

+        black_box(throw_away);


+ = lfsr(, time);

+    }


+    // Memory Access noise source

+    // This is a noise source based on variations in memory access times

+    //

+    // This function performs memory accesses which will add to the timing

+    // variations due to an unknown amount of CPU wait states that need to be

+    // added when accessing memory. The memory size should be larger than the L1

+    // caches as outlined in the documentation and the associated testing.

+    //

+    // The L1 cache has a very high bandwidth, albeit its access rate is usually

+    // slower than accessing CPU registers. Therefore, L1 accesses only add

+    // minimal variations as the CPU has hardly to wait. Starting with L2,

+    // significant variations are added because L2 typically does not belong to

+    // the CPU any more and therefore a wider range of CPU wait states is

+    // necessary for accesses. L3 and real memory accesses have even a wider

+    // range of wait states. However, to reliably access either L3 or memory,

+    // the `self.mem` memory must be quite large which is usually not desirable.

+    #[inline(never)]

+    fn memaccess(&mut self, var_rounds: bool) {

+        let mut acc_loop_cnt = 128;

+        if var_rounds { acc_loop_cnt += self.random_loop_cnt(4) };


+        let mut index = self.mem_prev_index;

+        for _ in 0..acc_loop_cnt {

+            // Addition of memblocksize - 1 to index with wrap around logic to

+            // ensure that every memory location is hit evenly.

+            // The modulus also allows the compiler to remove the indexing

+            // bounds check.

+            index = (index + MEMORY_BLOCKSIZE - 1) % MEMORY_SIZE;


+            // memory access: just add 1 to one byte

+            // memory access implies read from and write to memory location

+            let tmp = self.mem[index];

+            self.mem[index] = tmp.wrapping_add(1);

+        }

+        self.mem_prev_index = index;

+    }



+    // Stuck test by checking the:

+    // - 1st derivation of the jitter measurement (time delta)

+    // - 2nd derivation of the jitter measurement (delta of time deltas)

+    // - 3rd derivation of the jitter measurement (delta of delta of time

+    //   deltas)

+    //

+    // All values must always be non-zero.

+    // This test is a heuristic to see whether the last measurement holds

+    // entropy.

+    fn stuck(&mut self, current_delta: i64) -> bool {

+        let delta2 = self.last_delta - current_delta;

+        let delta3 = delta2 - self.last_delta2;


+        self.last_delta = current_delta;

+        self.last_delta2 = delta2;


+        current_delta == 0 || delta2 == 0 || delta3 == 0

+    }


+    // This is the heart of the entropy generation: calculate time deltas and

+    // use the CPU jitter in the time deltas. The jitter is injected into the

+    // entropy pool.

+    //

+    // Ensure that `self.prev_time` is primed before using the output of this

+    // function. This can be done by calling this function and not using its

+    // result.

+    fn measure_jitter(&mut self) -> Option<()> {

+        // Invoke one noise source before time measurement to add variations

+        self.memaccess(true);


+        // Get time stamp and calculate time delta to previous

+        // invocation to measure the timing variations

+        let time = (self.timer)();

+        // Note: wrapping_sub combined with a cast to `i64` generates a correct

+        // delta, even in the unlikely case this is a timer that is not strictly

+        // monotonic.

+        let current_delta = time.wrapping_sub(self.prev_time) as i64;

+        self.prev_time = time;


+        // Call the next noise source which also injects the data

+        self.lfsr_time(current_delta as u64, true);


+        // Check whether we have a stuck measurement (i.e. does the last

+        // measurement holds entropy?).

+        if self.stuck(current_delta) { return None };


+        // Rotate the data buffer by a prime number (any odd number would

+        // do) to ensure that every bit position of the input time stamp

+        // has an even chance of being merged with a bit position in the

+        // entropy pool. We do not use one here as the adjacent bits in

+        // successive time deltas may have some form of dependency. The

+        // chosen value of 7 implies that the low 7 bits of the next

+        // time delta value is concatenated with the current time delta.

+ =;


+        Some(())

+    }


+    // Shuffle the pool a bit by mixing some value with a bijective function

+    // (XOR) into the pool.

+    //

+    // The function generates a mixer value that depends on the bits set and

+    // the location of the set bits in the random number generated by the

+    // entropy source. Therefore, based on the generated random number, this

+    // mixer value can have 2^64 different values. That mixer value is

+    // initialized with the first two SHA-1 constants. After obtaining the

+    // mixer value, it is XORed into the random number.

+    //

+    // The mixer value is not assumed to contain any entropy. But due to the

+    // XOR operation, it can also not destroy any entropy present in the

+    // entropy pool.

+    #[inline(never)]

+    fn stir_pool(&mut self) {

+        // This constant is derived from the first two 32 bit initialization

+        // vectors of SHA-1 as defined in FIPS 180-4 section 5.3.1

+        // The order does not really matter as we do not rely on the specific

+        // numbers. We just pick the SHA-1 constants as they have a good mix of

+        // bit set and unset.

+        const CONSTANT: u64 = 0x67452301efcdab89;


+        // The start value of the mixer variable is derived from the third

+        // and fourth 32 bit initialization vector of SHA-1 as defined in

+        // FIPS 180-4 section 5.3.1

+        let mut mixer = 0x98badcfe10325476;


+        // This is a constant time function to prevent leaking timing

+        // information about the random number.

+        // The normal code is:

+        // ```

+        // for i in 0..64 {

+        //     if (( >> i) & 1) == 1 { mixer ^= CONSTANT; }

+        // }

+        // ```

+        // This is a bit fragile, as LLVM really wants to use branches here, and

+        // we rely on it to not recognise the opportunity.

+        for i in 0..64 {

+            let apply = ( >> i) & 1;

+            let mask = !apply.wrapping_sub(1);

+            mixer ^= CONSTANT & mask;

+            mixer = mixer.rotate_left(1);

+        }


+ ^= mixer;

+    }


+    fn gen_entropy(&mut self) -> u64 {

+        // Prime `self.prev_time`, and run the noice sources to make sure the

+        // first loop round collects the expected entropy.

+        let _ = self.measure_jitter();


+        for _ in 0..self.rounds {

+            // If a stuck measurement is received, repeat measurement

+            // Note: we do not guard against an infinite loop, that would mean

+            // the timer suddenly became broken.

+            while self.measure_jitter().is_none() {}

+        }


+        self.stir_pool();


+    }


+    /// Basic quality tests on the timer, by measuring CPU timing jitter a few

+    /// hundred times.

+    ///

+    /// If succesful, this will return the estimated number of rounds necessary

+    /// to collect 64 bits of entropy. Otherwise a `TimerError` with the cause

+    /// of the failure will be returned.

+    pub fn test_timer(&mut self) -> Result<u32, TimerError> {

+        // We could add a check for system capabilities such as `clock_getres`

+        // or check for `CONFIG_X86_TSC`, but it does not make much sense as the

+        // following sanity checks verify that we have a high-resolution timer.


+        #[cfg(all(target_arch = "wasm32", not(target_os = "emscripten")))]

+        return Err(TimerError::NoTimer);


+        let mut delta_sum = 0;

+        let mut old_delta = 0;


+        let mut time_backwards = 0;

+        let mut count_mod = 0;

+        let mut count_stuck = 0;


+        // TESTLOOPCOUNT needs some loops to identify edge systems.

+        // 100 is definitely too little.

+        const TESTLOOPCOUNT: u64 = 300;

+        const CLEARCACHE: u64 = 100;


+        for i in 0..(CLEARCACHE + TESTLOOPCOUNT) {

+            // Measure time delta of core entropy collection logic

+            let time = (self.timer)();

+            self.memaccess(true);

+            self.lfsr_time(time, true);

+            let time2 = (self.timer)();


+            // Test whether timer works

+            if time == 0 || time2 == 0 {

+                return Err(TimerError::NoTimer);

+            }

+            let delta = time2.wrapping_sub(time) as i64;


+            // Test whether timer is fine grained enough to provide delta even

+            // when called shortly after each other -- this implies that we also

+            // have a high resolution timer

+            if delta == 0 {

+                return Err(TimerError::CoarseTimer);

+            }


+            // Up to here we did not modify any variable that will be

+            // evaluated later, but we already performed some work. Thus we

+            // already have had an impact on the caches, branch prediction,

+            // etc. with the goal to clear it to get the worst case

+            // measurements.

+            if i < CLEARCACHE { continue; }


+            if self.stuck(delta) { count_stuck += 1; }


+            // Test whether we have an increasing timer.

+            if !(time2 > time) { time_backwards += 1; }


+            // Count the number of times the counter increases in steps of 100ns

+            // or greater.

+            if (delta % 100) == 0 { count_mod += 1; }


+            // Ensure that we have a varying delta timer which is necessary for

+            // the calculation of entropy -- perform this check only after the

+            // first loop is executed as we need to prime the old_delta value

+            delta_sum += (delta - old_delta).abs() as u64;

+            old_delta = delta;

+        }


+        // We allow the time to run backwards for up to three times.

+        // This can happen if the clock is being adjusted by NTP operations.

+        // If such an operation just happens to interfere with our test, it

+        // should not fail. The value of 3 should cover the NTP case being

+        // performed during our test run.

+        if time_backwards > 3 {

+            return Err(TimerError::NotMonotonic);

+        }


+        // Test that the available amount of entropy per round does not get to

+        // low. We expect 1 bit of entropy per round as a reasonable minimum

+        // (although less is possible, it means the collector loop has to run

+        // much more often).

+        // `assert!(delta_average >= log2(1))`

+        // `assert!(delta_sum / TESTLOOPCOUNT >= 1)`

+        // `assert!(delta_sum >= TESTLOOPCOUNT)`

+        if delta_sum < TESTLOOPCOUNT {

+            return Err(TimerError::TinyVariantions);

+        }


+        // Ensure that we have variations in the time stamp below 100 for at

+        // least 10% of all checks -- on some platforms, the counter increments

+        // in multiples of 100, but not always

+        if count_mod > (TESTLOOPCOUNT * 9 / 10) {

+            return Err(TimerError::CoarseTimer);

+        }


+        // If we have more than 90% stuck results, then this Jitter RNG is

+        // likely to not work well.

+        if count_stuck > (TESTLOOPCOUNT * 9 / 10) {

+            return Err(TimerError::TooManyStuck);

+        }


+        // Estimate the number of `measure_jitter` rounds necessary for 64 bits

+        // of entropy.

+        //

+        // We don't try very hard to come up with a good estimate of the

+        // available bits of entropy per round here for two reasons:

+        // 1. Simple estimates of the available bits (like Shannon entropy) are

+        //    too optimistic.

+        // 2)  Unless we want to waste a lot of time during intialization, there

+        //     only a small number of samples are available.

+        //

+        // Therefore we use a very simple and conservative estimate:

+        // `let bits_of_entropy = log2(delta_average) / 2`.

+        //

+        // The number of rounds `measure_jitter` should run to collect 64 bits

+        // of entropy is `64 / bits_of_entropy`.

+        //

+        // To have smaller rounding errors, intermediate values are multiplied

+        // by `FACTOR`. To compensate for `log2` and division rounding down,

+        // add 1.

+        let delta_average = delta_sum / TESTLOOPCOUNT;

+        // println!("delta_average: {}", delta_average);


+        const FACTOR: u32  = 3;

+        fn log2(x: u64) -> u32 { 64 - x.leading_zeros() }


+        // pow(δ, FACTOR) must be representable; if you have overflow reduce FACTOR

+        Ok(64 * 2 * FACTOR / (log2(delta_average.pow(FACTOR)) + 1))

+    }


+    /// Statistical test: return the timer delta of one normal run of the

+    /// `JitterEntropy` entropy collector.

+    ///

+    /// Setting `var_rounds` to `true` will execute the memory access and the

+    /// CPU jitter noice sources a variable amount of times (just like a real

+    /// `JitterEntropy` round).

+    ///

+    /// Setting `var_rounds` to `false` will execute the noice sources the

+    /// minimal number of times. This can be used to measure the minimum amount

+    /// of entropy one round of entropy collector can collect in the worst case.

+    ///

+    /// # Example

+    ///

+    /// Use `timer_stats` to run the [NIST SP 800-90B Entropy Estimation Suite]

+    /// (

+    ///

+    /// This is the recommended way to test the quality of `JitterRng`. It

+    /// should be run before using the RNG on untested hardware, after changes

+    /// that could effect how the code is optimised, and after major compiler

+    /// compiler changes, like a new LLVM version.

+    ///

+    /// First generate two files `jitter_rng_var.bin` and `jitter_rng_var.min`.

+    ///

+    /// Execute `python -v jitter_rng_var.bin 8`, and validate it

+    /// with ` -v jitter_rng_var.bin 8 <min-entropy>`.

+    /// This number is the expected amount of entropy that is at least available

+    /// for each round of the entropy collector. This number should be greater

+    /// than the amount estimated with `64 / test_timer()`.

+    ///

+    /// Execute `python -v -u 4 jitter_rng_var.bin 4`, and

+    /// validate it with ` -v -u 4 jitter_rng_var.bin 4 <min-entropy>`.

+    /// This number is the expected amount of entropy that is available in the

+    /// last 4 bits of the timer delta after running noice sources. Note that

+    /// a value of 3.70 is the minimum estimated entropy for true randomness.

+    ///

+    /// Execute `python -v -u 4 jitter_rng_var.bin 4`, and

+    /// validate it with ` -v -u 4 jitter_rng_var.bin 4 <min-entropy>`.

+    /// This number is the expected amount of entropy that is available to the

+    /// entropy collecter if both noice sources only run their minimal number of

+    /// times. This measures the absolute worst-case, and gives a lower bound

+    /// for the available entropy.

+    ///

+    /// ```rust,no_run

+    /// use rand::JitterRng;

+    ///

+    /// # use std::error::Error;

+    /// # use std::fs::File;

+    /// # use std::io::Write;

+    /// #

+    /// # fn try_main() -> Result<(), Box<Error>> {

+    /// fn get_nstime() -> u64 {

+    ///     use std::time::{SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH};

+    ///

+    ///     let dur = SystemTime::now().duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).unwrap();

+    ///     // The correct way to calculate the current time is

+    ///     // `dur.as_secs() * 1_000_000_000 + dur.subsec_nanos() as u64`

+    ///     // But this is faster, and the difference in terms of entropy is

+    ///     // negligible (log2(10^9) == 29.9).

+    ///     dur.as_secs() << 30 | dur.subsec_nanos() as u64

+    /// }

+    ///

+    /// // Do not initialize with `JitterRng::new`, but with `new_with_timer`.

+    /// // 'new' always runst `test_timer`, and can therefore fail to

+    /// // initialize. We want to be able to get the statistics even when the

+    /// // timer test fails.

+    /// let mut rng = JitterRng::new_with_timer(get_nstime);

+    ///

+    /// // 1_000_000 results are required for the NIST SP 800-90B Entropy

+    /// // Estimation Suite

+    /// // FIXME: this number is smaller here, otherwise the Doc-test is too slow

+    /// const ROUNDS: usize = 10_000;

+    /// let mut deltas_variable: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(ROUNDS);

+    /// let mut deltas_minimal: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(ROUNDS);

+    ///

+    /// for _ in 0..ROUNDS {

+    ///     deltas_variable.push(rng.timer_stats(true) as u8);

+    ///     deltas_minimal.push(rng.timer_stats(false) as u8);

+    /// }

+    ///

+    /// // Write out after the statistics collection loop, to not disturb the

+    /// // test results.

+    /// File::create("jitter_rng_var.bin")?.write(&deltas_variable)?;

+    /// File::create("jitter_rng_min.bin")?.write(&deltas_minimal)?;

+    /// #

+    /// # Ok(())

+    /// # }

+    /// #

+    /// # fn main() {

+    /// #     try_main().unwrap();

+    /// # }

+    /// ```

+    #[cfg(feature="std")]

+    pub fn timer_stats(&mut self, var_rounds: bool) -> i64 {

+        let time = platform::get_nstime();

+        self.memaccess(var_rounds);

+        self.lfsr_time(time, var_rounds);

+        let time2 = platform::get_nstime();

+        time2.wrapping_sub(time) as i64

+    }




+mod platform {

+    #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "ios", target_os = "windows", all(target_arch = "wasm32", not(target_os = "emscripten")))))]

+    pub fn get_nstime() -> u64 {

+        use std::time::{SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH};


+        let dur = SystemTime::now().duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).unwrap();

+        // The correct way to calculate the current time is

+        // `dur.as_secs() * 1_000_000_000 + dur.subsec_nanos() as u64`

+        // But this is faster, and the difference in terms of entropy is negligible

+        // (log2(10^9) == 29.9).

+        dur.as_secs() << 30 | dur.subsec_nanos() as u64

+    }


+    #[cfg(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "ios"))]

+    pub fn get_nstime() -> u64 {

+        extern crate libc;

+        // On Mac OS and iOS std::time::SystemTime only has 1000ns resolution.

+        // We use `mach_absolute_time` instead. This provides a CPU dependent unit,

+        // to get real nanoseconds the result should by multiplied by numer/denom

+        // from `mach_timebase_info`.

+        // But we are not interested in the exact nanoseconds, just entropy. So we

+        // use the raw result.

+        unsafe { libc::mach_absolute_time() }

+    }


+    #[cfg(target_os = "windows")]

+    pub fn get_nstime() -> u64 {

+        #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]

+        type LARGE_INTEGER = i64;

+        #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]

+        type BOOL = i32;

+        extern "system" {

+            fn QueryPerformanceCounter(lpPerformanceCount: *mut LARGE_INTEGER) -> BOOL;

+        }


+        let mut t = 0;

+        unsafe { QueryPerformanceCounter(&mut t); }

+        t as u64

+    }


+    #[cfg(all(target_arch = "wasm32", not(target_os = "emscripten")))]

+    pub fn get_nstime() -> u64 {

+        unreachable!()

+    }



+// A function that is opaque to the optimizer to assist in avoiding dead-code

+// elimination. Taken from `bencher`.

+fn black_box<T>(dummy: T) -> T {

+    unsafe {

+        let ret = ptr::read_volatile(&dummy);

+        mem::forget(dummy);

+        ret

+    }



+impl Rng for JitterRng {

+    fn next_u32(&mut self) -> u32 {

+        // We want to use both parts of the generated entropy

+        if let Some(high) = self.data_remaining.take() {

+            high

+        } else {

+            let data = self.next_u64();

+            self.data_remaining = Some((data >> 32) as u32);

+            data as u32

+        }

+    }


+    fn next_u64(&mut self) -> u64 {

+       self.gen_entropy()

+    }


+    fn fill_bytes(&mut self, dest: &mut [u8]) {

+        let mut left = dest;

+        while left.len() >= 8 {

+            let (l, r) = {left}.split_at_mut(8);

+            left = r;

+            let chunk: [u8; 8] = unsafe {

+                mem::transmute(self.next_u64().to_le())

+            };

+            l.copy_from_slice(&chunk);

+        }

+        let n = left.len();

+        if n > 0 {

+            let chunk: [u8; 8] = unsafe {

+                mem::transmute(self.next_u64().to_le())

+            };

+            left.copy_from_slice(&chunk[..n]);

+        }

+    }



+// There are no tests included because (1) this is an "external" RNG, so output

+// is not reproducible and (2) `test_timer` *will* fail on some platforms.

diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index cd856d1..74fdbe3 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// Copyright 2013-2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
+// Copyright 2013-2017 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
 // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
 //! // where the car is. The game host will never open the door with the car.
 //! fn game_host_open<R: Rng>(car: u32, choice: u32, rng: &mut R) -> u32 {
 //!     let choices = free_doors(&[car, choice]);
-//!     rand::sample(rng, choices.into_iter(), 1)[0]
+//!     rand::seq::sample_slice(rng, &choices, 1)[0]
 //! }
 //! // Returns the door we switch to, given our current choice and
@@ -243,43 +243,54 @@
-#![cfg_attr(feature = "i128_support", feature(i128_type))]
+#![cfg_attr(not(feature="std"), no_std)]
+#![cfg_attr(all(feature="alloc", not(feature="std")), feature(alloc))]
+#![cfg_attr(feature = "i128_support", feature(i128_type, i128))]
+#[cfg(feature="std")] extern crate std as core;
+#[cfg(all(feature = "alloc", not(feature="std")))] extern crate alloc;
 #[cfg(test)] #[macro_use] extern crate log;
+use core::marker;
+use core::mem;
+#[cfg(feature="std")] use std::cell::RefCell;
+#[cfg(feature="std")] use std::io;
+#[cfg(feature="std")] use std::rc::Rc;
-use std::cell::RefCell;
-use std::marker;
-use std::mem;
-use std::io;
-use std::rc::Rc;
-use std::num::Wrapping as w;
-pub use os::OsRng;
+pub use jitter::JitterRng;
+#[cfg(feature="std")] pub use os::OsRng;
 pub use isaac::{IsaacRng, Isaac64Rng};
 pub use chacha::ChaChaRng;
 #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")]
-use IsaacRng as IsaacWordRng;
+use prng::IsaacRng as IsaacWordRng;
 #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
-use Isaac64Rng as IsaacWordRng;
+use prng::Isaac64Rng as IsaacWordRng;
 use distributions::{Range, IndependentSample};
 use distributions::range::SampleRange;
+pub use prng::XorShiftRng;
 pub mod distributions;
-pub mod isaac;
-pub mod chacha;
 pub mod reseeding;
 mod rand_impls;
-pub mod os;
-pub mod read;
+pub mod jitter;
+#[cfg(feature="std")] pub mod os;
+#[cfg(feature="std")] pub mod read;
+#[cfg(any(feature="std", feature = "alloc"))] pub mod seq;
+mod prng;
-type w64 = w<u64>;
-type w32 = w<u32>;
+// These tiny modules are here to avoid API breakage, probably only temporarily
+pub mod chacha {
+    //! The ChaCha random number generator.
+    pub use prng::ChaChaRng;
+pub mod isaac {
+    //! The ISAAC random number generator.
+    pub use prng::{IsaacRng, Isaac64Rng};
 /// A type that can be randomly generated using an `Rng`.
@@ -303,8 +314,8 @@
 /// [`Open01`]: struct.Open01.html
 /// [`Closed01`]: struct.Closed01.html
-/// [`Exp1`]: struct.Exp1.html
-/// [`StandardNormal`]: struct.StandardNormal.html
+/// [`Exp1`]: distributions/exponential/struct.Exp1.html
+/// [`StandardNormal`]: distributions/normal/struct.StandardNormal.html
 /// The following aggregate types also implement `Rand` as long as their
 /// component types implement it:
@@ -617,6 +628,7 @@
 impl<R: ?Sized> Rng for Box<R> where R: Rng {
     fn next_u32(&mut self) -> u32 {
@@ -714,93 +726,6 @@
     fn from_seed(seed: Seed) -> Self;
-/// An Xorshift[1] random number
-/// generator.
-/// The Xorshift algorithm is not suitable for cryptographic purposes
-/// but is very fast. If you do not know for sure that it fits your
-/// requirements, use a more secure one such as `IsaacRng` or `OsRng`.
-/// [1]: Marsaglia, George (July 2003). ["Xorshift
-/// RNGs"]( *Journal of
-/// Statistical Software*. Vol. 8 (Issue 14).
-#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
-pub struct XorShiftRng {
-    x: w32,
-    y: w32,
-    z: w32,
-    w: w32,
-impl XorShiftRng {
-    /// Creates a new XorShiftRng instance which is not seeded.
-    ///
-    /// The initial values of this RNG are constants, so all generators created
-    /// by this function will yield the same stream of random numbers. It is
-    /// highly recommended that this is created through `SeedableRng` instead of
-    /// this function
-    pub fn new_unseeded() -> XorShiftRng {
-        XorShiftRng {
-            x: w(0x193a6754),
-            y: w(0xa8a7d469),
-            z: w(0x97830e05),
-            w: w(0x113ba7bb),
-        }
-    }
-impl Rng for XorShiftRng {
-    #[inline]
-    fn next_u32(&mut self) -> u32 {
-        let x = self.x;
-        let t = x ^ (x << 11);
-        self.x = self.y;
-        self.y = self.z;
-        self.z = self.w;
-        let w_ = self.w;
-        self.w = w_ ^ (w_ >> 19) ^ (t ^ (t >> 8));
-        self.w.0
-    }
-impl SeedableRng<[u32; 4]> for XorShiftRng {
-    /// Reseed an XorShiftRng. This will panic if `seed` is entirely 0.
-    fn reseed(&mut self, seed: [u32; 4]) {
-        assert!(!seed.iter().all(|&x| x == 0),
-                "XorShiftRng.reseed called with an all zero seed.");
-        self.x = w(seed[0]);
-        self.y = w(seed[1]);
-        self.z = w(seed[2]);
-        self.w = w(seed[3]);
-    }
-    /// Create a new XorShiftRng. This will panic if `seed` is entirely 0.
-    fn from_seed(seed: [u32; 4]) -> XorShiftRng {
-        assert!(!seed.iter().all(|&x| x == 0),
-                "XorShiftRng::from_seed called with an all zero seed.");
-        XorShiftRng {
-            x: w(seed[0]),
-            y: w(seed[1]),
-            z: w(seed[2]),
-            w: w(seed[3]),
-        }
-    }
-impl Rand for XorShiftRng {
-    fn rand<R: Rng>(rng: &mut R) -> XorShiftRng {
-        let mut tuple: (u32, u32, u32, u32) = rng.gen();
-        while tuple == (0, 0, 0, 0) {
-            tuple = rng.gen();
-        }
-        let (x, y, z, w_) = tuple;
-        XorShiftRng { x: w(x), y: w(y), z: w(z), w: w(w_) }
-    }
 /// A wrapper for generating floating point numbers uniformly in the
 /// open interval `(0,1)` (not including either endpoint).
@@ -855,8 +780,19 @@
     /// Reading the randomness from the OS may fail, and any error is
     /// propagated via the `io::Result` return value.
+    #[cfg(feature="std")]
     pub fn new() -> io::Result<StdRng> {
-        OsRng::new().map(|mut r| StdRng { rng: r.gen() })
+        match OsRng::new() {
+            Ok(mut r) => Ok(StdRng { rng: r.gen() }),
+            Err(e1) => {
+                match JitterRng::new() {
+                    Ok(mut r) => Ok(StdRng { rng: r.gen() }),
+                    Err(_) => {
+                        Err(e1)
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
@@ -891,31 +827,33 @@
 /// seeded `Rng` for consistency over time you should pick one algorithm and
 /// create the `Rng` yourself.
-/// This will read randomness from the operating system to seed the
-/// generator.
+/// This will seed the generator with randomness from thread_rng.
 pub fn weak_rng() -> XorShiftRng {
-    match OsRng::new() {
-        Ok(mut r) => r.gen(),
-        Err(e) => panic!("weak_rng: failed to create seeded RNG: {:?}", e)
-    }
+    thread_rng().gen()
 /// Controls how the thread-local RNG is reseeded.
 struct ThreadRngReseeder;
 impl reseeding::Reseeder<StdRng> for ThreadRngReseeder {
     fn reseed(&mut self, rng: &mut StdRng) {
-        *rng = match StdRng::new() {
-            Ok(r) => r,
-            Err(e) => panic!("could not reseed thread_rng: {}", e)
+        match StdRng::new() {
+            Ok(r) => *rng = r,
+            Err(e) => panic!("No entropy available: {}", e),
 const THREAD_RNG_RESEED_THRESHOLD: u64 = 32_768;
 type ThreadRngInner = reseeding::ReseedingRng<StdRng, ThreadRngReseeder>;
 /// The thread-local RNG.
 #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
 pub struct ThreadRng {
     rng: Rc<RefCell<ThreadRngInner>>,
@@ -925,19 +863,21 @@
 /// generator, seeded by the system. Intended to be used in method
 /// chaining style, e.g. `thread_rng().gen::<i32>()`.
-/// The RNG provided will reseed itself from the operating system
-/// after generating a certain amount of randomness.
+/// After generating a certain amount of randomness, the RNG will reseed itself
+/// from the operating system or, if the operating system RNG returns an error,
+/// a seed based on the current system time.
 /// The internal RNG used is platform and architecture dependent, even
 /// if the operating system random number generator is rigged to give
 /// the same sequence always. If absolute consistency is required,
 /// explicitly select an RNG, e.g. `IsaacRng` or `Isaac64Rng`.
 pub fn thread_rng() -> ThreadRng {
     // used to make space in TLS for a random number generator
     thread_local!(static THREAD_RNG_KEY: Rc<RefCell<ThreadRngInner>> = {
         let r = match StdRng::new() {
             Ok(r) => r,
-            Err(e) => panic!("could not initialize thread_rng: {}", e)
+            Err(e) => panic!("No entropy available: {}", e),
         let rng = reseeding::ReseedingRng::new(r,
@@ -948,6 +888,7 @@
     ThreadRng { rng: THREAD_RNG_KEY.with(|t| t.clone()) }
 impl Rng for ThreadRng {
     fn next_u32(&mut self) -> u32 {
@@ -1005,11 +946,14 @@
 ///     *x = rng.gen();
 /// }
 /// ```
 pub fn random<T: Rand>() -> T {
+/// DEPRECATED: use `seq::sample_iter` instead.
 /// Randomly sample up to `amount` elements from a finite iterator.
 /// The order of elements in the sample is not random.
@@ -1022,27 +966,21 @@
 /// let sample = sample(&mut rng, 1..100, 5);
 /// println!("{:?}", sample);
 /// ```
+#[deprecated(since="0.4.0", note="renamed to seq::sample_iter")]
 pub fn sample<T, I, R>(rng: &mut R, iterable: I, amount: usize) -> Vec<T>
     where I: IntoIterator<Item=T>,
           R: Rng,
-    let mut iter = iterable.into_iter();
-    let mut reservoir: Vec<T> = iter.by_ref().take(amount).collect();
-    // continue unless the iterator was exhausted
-    if reservoir.len() == amount {
-        for (i, elem) in iter.enumerate() {
-            let k = rng.gen_range(0, i + 1 + amount);
-            if let Some(spot) = reservoir.get_mut(k) {
-                *spot = elem;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    reservoir
+    // the legacy sample didn't care whether amount was met
+    seq::sample_iter(rng, iterable, amount)
+        .unwrap_or_else(|e| e)
 mod test {
-    use super::{Rng, thread_rng, random, SeedableRng, StdRng, sample};
+    use super::{Rng, thread_rng, random, SeedableRng, StdRng, weak_rng};
     use std::iter::repeat;
     pub struct MyRng<R> { inner: R }
@@ -1249,24 +1187,6 @@
-    fn test_sample() {
-        let min_val = 1;
-        let max_val = 100;
-        let mut r = thread_rng();
-        let vals = (min_val..max_val).collect::<Vec<i32>>();
-        let small_sample = sample(&mut r, vals.iter(), 5);
-        let large_sample = sample(&mut r, vals.iter(), vals.len() + 5);
-        assert_eq!(small_sample.len(), 5);
-        assert_eq!(large_sample.len(), vals.len());
-        assert!(small_sample.iter().all(|e| {
-            **e >= min_val && **e <= max_val
-        }));
-    }
-    #[test]
     fn test_std_rng_seeded() {
         let s = thread_rng().gen_iter::<usize>().take(256).collect::<Vec<usize>>();
         let mut ra: StdRng = SeedableRng::from_seed(&s[..]);
@@ -1286,4 +1206,13 @@
         let string2 = r.gen_ascii_chars().take(100).collect::<String>();
         assert_eq!(string1, string2);
+    #[test]
+    fn test_weak_rng() {
+        let s = weak_rng().gen_iter::<usize>().take(256).collect::<Vec<usize>>();
+        let mut ra: StdRng = SeedableRng::from_seed(&s[..]);
+        let mut rb: StdRng = SeedableRng::from_seed(&s[..]);
+        assert!(iter_eq(ra.gen_ascii_chars().take(100),
+                        rb.gen_ascii_chars().take(100)));
+    }
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 1eb903a..7ff61a7 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -53,13 +53,13 @@
-fn next_u32(mut fill_buf: &mut FnMut(&mut [u8])) -> u32 {
+fn next_u32(fill_buf: &mut FnMut(&mut [u8])) -> u32 {
     let mut buf: [u8; 4] = [0; 4];
     fill_buf(&mut buf);
     unsafe { mem::transmute::<[u8; 4], u32>(buf) }
-fn next_u64(mut fill_buf: &mut FnMut(&mut [u8])) -> u64 {
+fn next_u64(fill_buf: &mut FnMut(&mut [u8])) -> u64 {
     let mut buf: [u8; 8] = [0; 8];
     fill_buf(&mut buf);
     unsafe { mem::transmute::<[u8; 8], u64>(buf) }
@@ -544,6 +544,26 @@
+#[cfg(all(target_arch = "wasm32", not(target_os = "emscripten")))]
+mod imp {
+    use std::io;
+    use Rng;
+    #[derive(Debug)]
+    pub struct OsRng;
+    impl OsRng {
+        pub fn new() -> io::Result<OsRng> {
+            Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, "Not supported"))
+        }
+    }
+    impl Rng for OsRng {
+        fn next_u32(&mut self) -> u32 {
+            panic!("Not supported")
+        }
+    }
 mod test {
diff --git a/src/ b/src/prng/
similarity index 98%
rename from src/
rename to src/prng/
index 1acec5e..a73e8e7 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/prng/
@@ -10,8 +10,11 @@
 //! The ChaCha random number generator.
-use std::num::Wrapping as w;
-use {Rng, SeedableRng, Rand, w32};
+use core::num::Wrapping as w;
+use {Rng, SeedableRng, Rand};
+type w32 = w<u32>;
 const KEY_WORDS    : usize =  8; // 8 words for the 256-bit key
 const STATE_WORDS  : usize = 16;
diff --git a/src/prng/ b/src/prng/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf5eb67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/prng/
@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
+// Copyright 2013 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
+// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
+//> or the MIT license
+// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
+// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
+// except according to those terms.
+//! The ISAAC random number generator.
+use core::slice;
+use core::iter::repeat;
+use core::num::Wrapping as w;
+use core::fmt;
+use {Rng, SeedableRng, Rand};
+type w32 = w<u32>;
+const RAND_SIZE_LEN: usize = 8;
+const RAND_SIZE: u32 = 1 << RAND_SIZE_LEN;
+const RAND_SIZE_USIZE: usize = 1 << RAND_SIZE_LEN;
+/// A random number generator that uses the ISAAC algorithm[1].
+/// The ISAAC algorithm is generally accepted as suitable for
+/// cryptographic purposes, but this implementation has not be
+/// verified as such. Prefer a generator like `OsRng` that defers to
+/// the operating system for cases that need high security.
+/// [1]: Bob Jenkins, [*ISAAC: A fast cryptographic random number
+/// generator*](
+pub struct IsaacRng {
+    cnt: u32,
+    rsl: [w32; RAND_SIZE_USIZE],
+    mem: [w32; RAND_SIZE_USIZE],
+    a: w32,
+    b: w32,
+    c: w32,
+static EMPTY: IsaacRng = IsaacRng {
+    cnt: 0,
+    rsl: [w(0); RAND_SIZE_USIZE],
+    mem: [w(0); RAND_SIZE_USIZE],
+    a: w(0), b: w(0), c: w(0),
+impl IsaacRng {
+    /// Create an ISAAC random number generator using the default
+    /// fixed seed.
+    pub fn new_unseeded() -> IsaacRng {
+        let mut rng = EMPTY;
+        rng.init(false);
+        rng
+    }
+    /// Initialises `self`. If `use_rsl` is true, then use the current value
+    /// of `rsl` as a seed, otherwise construct one algorithmically (not
+    /// randomly).
+    fn init(&mut self, use_rsl: bool) {
+        let mut a = w(0x9e3779b9);
+        let mut b = a;
+        let mut c = a;
+        let mut d = a;
+        let mut e = a;
+        let mut f = a;
+        let mut g = a;
+        let mut h = a;
+        macro_rules! mix {
+            () => {{
+                a=a^(b<<11); d=d+a; b=b+c;
+                b=b^(c>>2);  e=e+b; c=c+d;
+                c=c^(d<<8);  f=f+c; d=d+e;
+                d=d^(e>>16); g=g+d; e=e+f;
+                e=e^(f<<10); h=h+e; f=f+g;
+                f=f^(g>>4);  a=a+f; g=g+h;
+                g=g^(h<<8);  b=b+g; h=h+a;
+                h=h^(a>>9);  c=c+h; a=a+b;
+            }}
+        }
+        for _ in 0..4 {
+            mix!();
+        }
+        if use_rsl {
+            macro_rules! memloop {
+                ($arr:expr) => {{
+                    for i in (0..RAND_SIZE_USIZE/8).map(|i| i * 8) {
+                        a=a+$arr[i  ]; b=b+$arr[i+1];
+                        c=c+$arr[i+2]; d=d+$arr[i+3];
+                        e=e+$arr[i+4]; f=f+$arr[i+5];
+                        g=g+$arr[i+6]; h=h+$arr[i+7];
+                        mix!();
+                        self.mem[i  ]=a; self.mem[i+1]=b;
+                        self.mem[i+2]=c; self.mem[i+3]=d;
+                        self.mem[i+4]=e; self.mem[i+5]=f;
+                        self.mem[i+6]=g; self.mem[i+7]=h;
+                    }
+                }}
+            }
+            memloop!(self.rsl);
+            memloop!(self.mem);
+        } else {
+            for i in (0..RAND_SIZE_USIZE/8).map(|i| i * 8) {
+                mix!();
+                self.mem[i  ]=a; self.mem[i+1]=b;
+                self.mem[i+2]=c; self.mem[i+3]=d;
+                self.mem[i+4]=e; self.mem[i+5]=f;
+                self.mem[i+6]=g; self.mem[i+7]=h;
+            }
+        }
+        self.isaac();
+    }
+    /// Refills the output buffer (`self.rsl`)
+    #[inline]
+    fn isaac(&mut self) {
+        self.c = self.c + w(1);
+        // abbreviations
+        let mut a = self.a;
+        let mut b = self.b + self.c;
+        const MIDPOINT: usize = RAND_SIZE_USIZE / 2;
+        macro_rules! ind {
+            ($x:expr) => ( self.mem[($x >> 2usize).0 as usize & (RAND_SIZE_USIZE - 1)] )
+        }
+        let r = [(0, MIDPOINT), (MIDPOINT, 0)];
+        for &(mr_offset, m2_offset) in r.iter() {
+            macro_rules! rngstepp {
+                ($j:expr, $shift:expr) => {{
+                    let base = $j;
+                    let mix = a << $shift;
+                    let x = self.mem[base  + mr_offset];
+                    a = (a ^ mix) + self.mem[base + m2_offset];
+                    let y = ind!(x) + a + b;
+                    self.mem[base + mr_offset] = y;
+                    b = ind!(y >> RAND_SIZE_LEN) + x;
+                    self.rsl[base + mr_offset] = b;
+                }}
+            }
+            macro_rules! rngstepn {
+                ($j:expr, $shift:expr) => {{
+                    let base = $j;
+                    let mix = a >> $shift;
+                    let x = self.mem[base  + mr_offset];
+                    a = (a ^ mix) + self.mem[base + m2_offset];
+                    let y = ind!(x) + a + b;
+                    self.mem[base + mr_offset] = y;
+                    b = ind!(y >> RAND_SIZE_LEN) + x;
+                    self.rsl[base + mr_offset] = b;
+                }}
+            }
+            for i in (0..MIDPOINT/4).map(|i| i * 4) {
+                rngstepp!(i + 0, 13);
+                rngstepn!(i + 1, 6);
+                rngstepp!(i + 2, 2);
+                rngstepn!(i + 3, 16);
+            }
+        }
+        self.a = a;
+        self.b = b;
+        self.cnt = RAND_SIZE;
+    }
+// Cannot be derived because [u32; 256] does not implement Clone
+impl Clone for IsaacRng {
+    fn clone(&self) -> IsaacRng {
+        *self
+    }
+impl Rng for IsaacRng {
+    #[inline]
+    fn next_u32(&mut self) -> u32 {
+        if self.cnt == 0 {
+            // make some more numbers
+            self.isaac();
+        }
+        self.cnt -= 1;
+        // self.cnt is at most RAND_SIZE, but that is before the
+        // subtraction above. We want to index without bounds
+        // checking, but this could lead to incorrect code if someone
+        // misrefactors, so we check, sometimes.
+        //
+        // (Changes here should be reflected in Isaac64Rng.next_u64.)
+        debug_assert!(self.cnt < RAND_SIZE);
+        // (the % is cheaply telling the optimiser that we're always
+        // in bounds, without unsafe. NB. this is a power of two, so
+        // it optimises to a bitwise mask).
+        self.rsl[(self.cnt % RAND_SIZE) as usize].0
+    }
+impl<'a> SeedableRng<&'a [u32]> for IsaacRng {
+    fn reseed(&mut self, seed: &'a [u32]) {
+        // make the seed into [seed[0], seed[1], ..., seed[seed.len()
+        // - 1], 0, 0, ...], to fill rng.rsl.
+        let seed_iter = seed.iter().map(|&x| x).chain(repeat(0u32));
+        for (rsl_elem, seed_elem) in self.rsl.iter_mut().zip(seed_iter) {
+            *rsl_elem = w(seed_elem);
+        }
+        self.cnt = 0;
+        self.a = w(0);
+        self.b = w(0);
+        self.c = w(0);
+        self.init(true);
+    }
+    /// Create an ISAAC random number generator with a seed. This can
+    /// be any length, although the maximum number of elements used is
+    /// 256 and any more will be silently ignored. A generator
+    /// constructed with a given seed will generate the same sequence
+    /// of values as all other generators constructed with that seed.
+    fn from_seed(seed: &'a [u32]) -> IsaacRng {
+        let mut rng = EMPTY;
+        rng.reseed(seed);
+        rng
+    }
+impl Rand for IsaacRng {
+    fn rand<R: Rng>(other: &mut R) -> IsaacRng {
+        let mut ret = EMPTY;
+        unsafe {
+            let ptr = ret.rsl.as_mut_ptr() as *mut u8;
+            let slice = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(ptr, RAND_SIZE_USIZE * 4);
+            other.fill_bytes(slice);
+        }
+        ret.cnt = 0;
+        ret.a = w(0);
+        ret.b = w(0);
+        ret.c = w(0);
+        ret.init(true);
+        return ret;
+    }
+impl fmt::Debug for IsaacRng {
+    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+        write!(f, "IsaacRng {{}}")
+    }
+mod test {
+    use {Rng, SeedableRng};
+    use super::IsaacRng;
+    #[test]
+    fn test_rng_32_rand_seeded() {
+        let s = ::test::rng().gen_iter::<u32>().take(256).collect::<Vec<u32>>();
+        let mut ra: IsaacRng = SeedableRng::from_seed(&s[..]);
+        let mut rb: IsaacRng = SeedableRng::from_seed(&s[..]);
+        assert!(::test::iter_eq(ra.gen_ascii_chars().take(100),
+                                rb.gen_ascii_chars().take(100)));
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_rng_32_seeded() {
+        let seed: &[_] = &[1, 23, 456, 7890, 12345];
+        let mut ra: IsaacRng = SeedableRng::from_seed(seed);
+        let mut rb: IsaacRng = SeedableRng::from_seed(seed);
+        assert!(::test::iter_eq(ra.gen_ascii_chars().take(100),
+                                rb.gen_ascii_chars().take(100)));
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_rng_32_reseed() {
+        let s = ::test::rng().gen_iter::<u32>().take(256).collect::<Vec<u32>>();
+        let mut r: IsaacRng = SeedableRng::from_seed(&s[..]);
+        let string1: String = r.gen_ascii_chars().take(100).collect();
+        r.reseed(&s[..]);
+        let string2: String = r.gen_ascii_chars().take(100).collect();
+        assert_eq!(string1, string2);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_rng_32_true_values() {
+        let seed: &[_] = &[1, 23, 456, 7890, 12345];
+        let mut ra: IsaacRng = SeedableRng::from_seed(seed);
+        // Regression test that isaac is actually using the above vector
+        let v = (0..10).map(|_| ra.next_u32()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
+        assert_eq!(v,
+                   vec!(2558573138, 873787463, 263499565, 2103644246, 3595684709,
+                        4203127393, 264982119, 2765226902, 2737944514, 3900253796));
+        let seed: &[_] = &[12345, 67890, 54321, 9876];
+        let mut rb: IsaacRng = SeedableRng::from_seed(seed);
+        // skip forward to the 10000th number
+        for _ in 0..10000 { rb.next_u32(); }
+        let v = (0..10).map(|_| rb.next_u32()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
+        assert_eq!(v,
+                   vec!(3676831399, 3183332890, 2834741178, 3854698763, 2717568474,
+                        1576568959, 3507990155, 179069555, 141456972, 2478885421));
+    }
diff --git a/src/prng/ b/src/prng/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b98e3fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/prng/
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+// Copyright 2013 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
+// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
+//> or the MIT license
+// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
+// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
+// except according to those terms.
+//! The ISAAC-64 random number generator.
+use core::slice;
+use core::iter::repeat;
+use core::num::Wrapping as w;
+use core::fmt;
+use {Rng, SeedableRng, Rand};
+type w64 = w<u64>;
+const RAND_SIZE_64_LEN: usize = 8;
+const RAND_SIZE_64: usize = 1 << RAND_SIZE_64_LEN;
+/// A random number generator that uses ISAAC-64[1], the 64-bit
+/// variant of the ISAAC algorithm.
+/// The ISAAC algorithm is generally accepted as suitable for
+/// cryptographic purposes, but this implementation has not be
+/// verified as such. Prefer a generator like `OsRng` that defers to
+/// the operating system for cases that need high security.
+/// [1]: Bob Jenkins, [*ISAAC: A fast cryptographic random number
+/// generator*](
+pub struct Isaac64Rng {
+    cnt: usize,
+    rsl: [w64; RAND_SIZE_64],
+    mem: [w64; RAND_SIZE_64],
+    a: w64,
+    b: w64,
+    c: w64,
+static EMPTY_64: Isaac64Rng = Isaac64Rng {
+    cnt: 0,
+    rsl: [w(0); RAND_SIZE_64],
+    mem: [w(0); RAND_SIZE_64],
+    a: w(0), b: w(0), c: w(0),
+impl Isaac64Rng {
+    /// Create a 64-bit ISAAC random number generator using the
+    /// default fixed seed.
+    pub fn new_unseeded() -> Isaac64Rng {
+        let mut rng = EMPTY_64;
+        rng.init(false);
+        rng
+    }
+    /// Initialises `self`. If `use_rsl` is true, then use the current value
+    /// of `rsl` as a seed, otherwise construct one algorithmically (not
+    /// randomly).
+    fn init(&mut self, use_rsl: bool) {
+        macro_rules! init {
+            ($var:ident) => (
+                let mut $var = w(0x9e3779b97f4a7c13);
+            )
+        }
+        init!(a); init!(b); init!(c); init!(d);
+        init!(e); init!(f); init!(g); init!(h);
+        macro_rules! mix {
+            () => {{
+                a=a-e; f=f^(h>>9);  h=h+a;
+                b=b-f; g=g^(a<<9);  a=a+b;
+                c=c-g; h=h^(b>>23); b=b+c;
+                d=d-h; a=a^(c<<15); c=c+d;
+                e=e-a; b=b^(d>>14); d=d+e;
+                f=f-b; c=c^(e<<20); e=e+f;
+                g=g-c; d=d^(f>>17); f=f+g;
+                h=h-d; e=e^(g<<14); g=g+h;
+            }}
+        }
+        for _ in 0..4 {
+            mix!();
+        }
+        if use_rsl {
+            macro_rules! memloop {
+                ($arr:expr) => {{
+                    for i in (0..RAND_SIZE_64 / 8).map(|i| i * 8) {
+                        a=a+$arr[i  ]; b=b+$arr[i+1];
+                        c=c+$arr[i+2]; d=d+$arr[i+3];
+                        e=e+$arr[i+4]; f=f+$arr[i+5];
+                        g=g+$arr[i+6]; h=h+$arr[i+7];
+                        mix!();
+                        self.mem[i  ]=a; self.mem[i+1]=b;
+                        self.mem[i+2]=c; self.mem[i+3]=d;
+                        self.mem[i+4]=e; self.mem[i+5]=f;
+                        self.mem[i+6]=g; self.mem[i+7]=h;
+                    }
+                }}
+            }
+            memloop!(self.rsl);
+            memloop!(self.mem);
+        } else {
+            for i in (0..RAND_SIZE_64 / 8).map(|i| i * 8) {
+                mix!();
+                self.mem[i  ]=a; self.mem[i+1]=b;
+                self.mem[i+2]=c; self.mem[i+3]=d;
+                self.mem[i+4]=e; self.mem[i+5]=f;
+                self.mem[i+6]=g; self.mem[i+7]=h;
+            }
+        }
+        self.isaac64();
+    }
+    /// Refills the output buffer (`self.rsl`)
+    fn isaac64(&mut self) {
+        self.c = self.c + w(1);
+        // abbreviations
+        let mut a = self.a;
+        let mut b = self.b + self.c;
+        const MIDPOINT: usize =  RAND_SIZE_64 / 2;
+        const MP_VEC: [(usize, usize); 2] = [(0,MIDPOINT), (MIDPOINT, 0)];
+        macro_rules! ind {
+            ($x:expr) => {
+                *self.mem.get_unchecked((($x >> 3usize).0 as usize) & (RAND_SIZE_64 - 1))
+            }
+        }
+        for &(mr_offset, m2_offset) in MP_VEC.iter() {
+            for base in (0..MIDPOINT / 4).map(|i| i * 4) {
+                macro_rules! rngstepp {
+                    ($j:expr, $shift:expr) => {{
+                        let base = base + $j;
+                        let mix = a ^ (a << $shift);
+                        let mix = if $j == 0 {!mix} else {mix};
+                        unsafe {
+                            let x = *self.mem.get_unchecked(base + mr_offset);
+                            a = mix + *self.mem.get_unchecked(base + m2_offset);
+                            let y = ind!(x) + a + b;
+                            *self.mem.get_unchecked_mut(base + mr_offset) = y;
+                            b = ind!(y >> RAND_SIZE_64_LEN) + x;
+                            *self.rsl.get_unchecked_mut(base + mr_offset) = b;
+                        }
+                    }}
+                }
+                macro_rules! rngstepn {
+                    ($j:expr, $shift:expr) => {{
+                        let base = base + $j;
+                        let mix = a ^ (a >> $shift);
+                        let mix = if $j == 0 {!mix} else {mix};
+                        unsafe {
+                            let x = *self.mem.get_unchecked(base + mr_offset);
+                            a = mix + *self.mem.get_unchecked(base + m2_offset);
+                            let y = ind!(x) + a + b;
+                            *self.mem.get_unchecked_mut(base + mr_offset) = y;
+                            b = ind!(y >> RAND_SIZE_64_LEN) + x;
+                            *self.rsl.get_unchecked_mut(base + mr_offset) = b;
+                        }
+                    }}
+                }
+                rngstepp!(0, 21);
+                rngstepn!(1, 5);
+                rngstepp!(2, 12);
+                rngstepn!(3, 33);
+            }
+        }
+        self.a = a;
+        self.b = b;
+        self.cnt = RAND_SIZE_64;
+    }
+// Cannot be derived because [u32; 256] does not implement Clone
+impl Clone for Isaac64Rng {
+    fn clone(&self) -> Isaac64Rng {
+        *self
+    }
+impl Rng for Isaac64Rng {
+    #[inline]
+    fn next_u32(&mut self) -> u32 {
+        self.next_u64() as u32
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn next_u64(&mut self) -> u64 {
+        if self.cnt == 0 {
+            // make some more numbers
+            self.isaac64();
+        }
+        self.cnt -= 1;
+        // See corresponding location in IsaacRng.next_u32 for
+        // explanation.
+        debug_assert!(self.cnt < RAND_SIZE_64);
+        self.rsl[(self.cnt % RAND_SIZE_64) as usize].0
+    }
+impl<'a> SeedableRng<&'a [u64]> for Isaac64Rng {
+    fn reseed(&mut self, seed: &'a [u64]) {
+        // make the seed into [seed[0], seed[1], ..., seed[seed.len()
+        // - 1], 0, 0, ...], to fill rng.rsl.
+        let seed_iter = seed.iter().map(|&x| x).chain(repeat(0u64));
+        for (rsl_elem, seed_elem) in self.rsl.iter_mut().zip(seed_iter) {
+            *rsl_elem = w(seed_elem);
+        }
+        self.cnt = 0;
+        self.a = w(0);
+        self.b = w(0);
+        self.c = w(0);
+        self.init(true);
+    }
+    /// Create an ISAAC random number generator with a seed. This can
+    /// be any length, although the maximum number of elements used is
+    /// 256 and any more will be silently ignored. A generator
+    /// constructed with a given seed will generate the same sequence
+    /// of values as all other generators constructed with that seed.
+    fn from_seed(seed: &'a [u64]) -> Isaac64Rng {
+        let mut rng = EMPTY_64;
+        rng.reseed(seed);
+        rng
+    }
+impl Rand for Isaac64Rng {
+    fn rand<R: Rng>(other: &mut R) -> Isaac64Rng {
+        let mut ret = EMPTY_64;
+        unsafe {
+            let ptr = ret.rsl.as_mut_ptr() as *mut u8;
+            let slice = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(ptr, RAND_SIZE_64 * 8);
+            other.fill_bytes(slice);
+        }
+        ret.cnt = 0;
+        ret.a = w(0);
+        ret.b = w(0);
+        ret.c = w(0);
+        ret.init(true);
+        return ret;
+    }
+impl fmt::Debug for Isaac64Rng {
+    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+        write!(f, "Isaac64Rng {{}}")
+    }
+mod test {
+    use {Rng, SeedableRng};
+    use super::Isaac64Rng;
+    #[test]
+    fn test_rng_64_rand_seeded() {
+        let s = ::test::rng().gen_iter::<u64>().take(256).collect::<Vec<u64>>();
+        let mut ra: Isaac64Rng = SeedableRng::from_seed(&s[..]);
+        let mut rb: Isaac64Rng = SeedableRng::from_seed(&s[..]);
+        assert!(::test::iter_eq(ra.gen_ascii_chars().take(100),
+                                rb.gen_ascii_chars().take(100)));
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_rng_64_seeded() {
+        let seed: &[_] = &[1, 23, 456, 7890, 12345];
+        let mut ra: Isaac64Rng = SeedableRng::from_seed(seed);
+        let mut rb: Isaac64Rng = SeedableRng::from_seed(seed);
+        assert!(::test::iter_eq(ra.gen_ascii_chars().take(100),
+                                rb.gen_ascii_chars().take(100)));
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_rng_64_reseed() {
+        let s = ::test::rng().gen_iter::<u64>().take(256).collect::<Vec<u64>>();
+        let mut r: Isaac64Rng = SeedableRng::from_seed(&s[..]);
+        let string1: String = r.gen_ascii_chars().take(100).collect();
+        r.reseed(&s[..]);
+        let string2: String = r.gen_ascii_chars().take(100).collect();
+        assert_eq!(string1, string2);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_rng_64_true_values() {
+        let seed: &[_] = &[1, 23, 456, 7890, 12345];
+        let mut ra: Isaac64Rng = SeedableRng::from_seed(seed);
+        // Regression test that isaac is actually using the above vector
+        let v = (0..10).map(|_| ra.next_u64()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
+        assert_eq!(v,
+                   vec!(547121783600835980, 14377643087320773276, 17351601304698403469,
+                        1238879483818134882, 11952566807690396487, 13970131091560099343,
+                        4469761996653280935, 15552757044682284409, 6860251611068737823,
+                        13722198873481261842));
+        let seed: &[_] = &[12345, 67890, 54321, 9876];
+        let mut rb: Isaac64Rng = SeedableRng::from_seed(seed);
+        // skip forward to the 10000th number
+        for _ in 0..10000 { rb.next_u64(); }
+        let v = (0..10).map(|_| rb.next_u64()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
+        assert_eq!(v,
+                   vec!(18143823860592706164, 8491801882678285927, 2699425367717515619,
+                        17196852593171130876, 2606123525235546165, 15790932315217671084,
+                        596345674630742204, 9947027391921273664, 11788097613744130851,
+                        10391409374914919106));
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_rng_clone() {
+        let seed: &[_] = &[1, 23, 456, 7890, 12345];
+        let mut rng: Isaac64Rng = SeedableRng::from_seed(seed);
+        let mut clone = rng.clone();
+        for _ in 0..16 {
+            assert_eq!(rng.next_u64(), clone.next_u64());
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/src/prng/ b/src/prng/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed3e018
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/prng/
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+// Copyright 2017 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
+// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
+//> or the MIT license
+// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
+// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
+// except according to those terms.
+//! Pseudo random number generators are algorithms to produce *apparently
+//! random* numbers deterministically, and usually fairly quickly.
+//! So long as the algorithm is computationally secure, is initialised with
+//! sufficient entropy (i.e. unknown by an attacker), and its internal state is
+//! also protected (unknown to an attacker), the output will also be
+//! *computationally secure*. Computationally Secure Pseudo Random Number
+//! Generators (CSPRNGs) are thus suitable sources of random numbers for
+//! cryptography. There are a couple of gotchas here, however. First, the seed
+//! used for initialisation must be unknown. Usually this should be provided by
+//! the operating system and should usually be secure, however this may not
+//! always be the case (especially soon after startup). Second, user-space
+//! memory may be vulnerable, for example when written to swap space, and after
+//! forking a child process should reinitialise any user-space PRNGs. For this
+//! reason it may be preferable to source random numbers directly from the OS
+//! for cryptographic applications.
+//! PRNGs are also widely used for non-cryptographic uses: randomised
+//! algorithms, simulations, games. In these applications it is usually not
+//! important for numbers to be cryptographically *unguessable*, but even
+//! distribution and independence from other samples (from the point of view
+//! of someone unaware of the algorithm used, at least) may still be important.
+//! Good PRNGs should satisfy these properties, but do not take them for
+//! granted; Wikipedia's article on 
+//! [Pseudorandom number generators](
+//! provides some background on this topic.
+//! Care should be taken when seeding (initialising) PRNGs. Some PRNGs have
+//! short periods for some seeds. If one PRNG is seeded from another using the
+//! same algorithm, it is possible that both will yield the same sequence of
+//! values (with some lag).
+mod chacha;
+mod isaac;
+mod isaac64;
+mod xorshift;
+pub use self::chacha::ChaChaRng;
+pub use self::isaac::IsaacRng;
+pub use self::isaac64::Isaac64Rng;
+pub use self::xorshift::XorShiftRng;
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd367e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/prng/
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+// Copyright 2017 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
+// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
+//> or the MIT license
+// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
+// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
+// except according to those terms.
+//! Xorshift generators
+use core::num::Wrapping as w;
+use {Rng, SeedableRng, Rand};
+/// An Xorshift[1] random number
+/// generator.
+/// The Xorshift algorithm is not suitable for cryptographic purposes
+/// but is very fast. If you do not know for sure that it fits your
+/// requirements, use a more secure one such as `IsaacRng` or `OsRng`.
+/// [1]: Marsaglia, George (July 2003). ["Xorshift
+/// RNGs"]( *Journal of
+/// Statistical Software*. Vol. 8 (Issue 14).
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+pub struct XorShiftRng {
+    x: w<u32>,
+    y: w<u32>,
+    z: w<u32>,
+    w: w<u32>,
+impl XorShiftRng {
+    /// Creates a new XorShiftRng instance which is not seeded.
+    ///
+    /// The initial values of this RNG are constants, so all generators created
+    /// by this function will yield the same stream of random numbers. It is
+    /// highly recommended that this is created through `SeedableRng` instead of
+    /// this function
+    pub fn new_unseeded() -> XorShiftRng {
+        XorShiftRng {
+            x: w(0x193a6754),
+            y: w(0xa8a7d469),
+            z: w(0x97830e05),
+            w: w(0x113ba7bb),
+        }
+    }
+impl Rng for XorShiftRng {
+    #[inline]
+    fn next_u32(&mut self) -> u32 {
+        let x = self.x;
+        let t = x ^ (x << 11);
+        self.x = self.y;
+        self.y = self.z;
+        self.z = self.w;
+        let w_ = self.w;
+        self.w = w_ ^ (w_ >> 19) ^ (t ^ (t >> 8));
+        self.w.0
+    }
+impl SeedableRng<[u32; 4]> for XorShiftRng {
+    /// Reseed an XorShiftRng. This will panic if `seed` is entirely 0.
+    fn reseed(&mut self, seed: [u32; 4]) {
+        assert!(!seed.iter().all(|&x| x == 0),
+                "XorShiftRng.reseed called with an all zero seed.");
+        self.x = w(seed[0]);
+        self.y = w(seed[1]);
+        self.z = w(seed[2]);
+        self.w = w(seed[3]);
+    }
+    /// Create a new XorShiftRng. This will panic if `seed` is entirely 0.
+    fn from_seed(seed: [u32; 4]) -> XorShiftRng {
+        assert!(!seed.iter().all(|&x| x == 0),
+                "XorShiftRng::from_seed called with an all zero seed.");
+        XorShiftRng {
+            x: w(seed[0]),
+            y: w(seed[1]),
+            z: w(seed[2]),
+            w: w(seed[3]),
+        }
+    }
+impl Rand for XorShiftRng {
+    fn rand<R: Rng>(rng: &mut R) -> XorShiftRng {
+        let mut tuple: (u32, u32, u32, u32) = rng.gen();
+        while tuple == (0, 0, 0, 0) {
+            tuple = rng.gen();
+        }
+        let (x, y, z, w_) = tuple;
+        XorShiftRng { x: w(x), y: w(y), z: w(z), w: w(w_) }
+    }
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index a9cf5d9..a865bb6 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -10,8 +10,7 @@
 //! The implementations of `Rand` for the built-in types.
-use std::char;
-use std::mem;
+use core::{char, mem};
 use {Rand,Rng};
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index 2fba9f4..1f24e20 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 //! A wrapper around another RNG that reseeds it after it
 //! generates a certain number of random bytes.
-use std::default::Default;
+use core::default::Default;
 use {Rng, SeedableRng};
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7889fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+// Copyright 2017 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
+// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
+//> or the MIT license
+// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
+// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
+// except according to those terms.
+//! Functions for randomly accessing and sampling sequences.
+use super::Rng;
+// This crate is only enabled when either std or alloc is available.
+// BTreeMap is not as fast in tests, but better than nothing.
+#[cfg(feature="std")] use std::collections::HashMap;
+#[cfg(not(feature="std"))] use alloc::btree_map::BTreeMap;
+#[cfg(not(feature="std"))] use alloc::Vec;
+/// Randomly sample `amount` elements from a finite iterator.
+/// The following can be returned:
+/// - `Ok`: `Vec` of `amount` non-repeating randomly sampled elements. The order is not random.
+/// - `Err`: `Vec` of all the elements from `iterable` in sequential order. This happens when the
+///   length of `iterable` was less than `amount`. This is considered an error since exactly
+///   `amount` elements is typically expected.
+/// This implementation uses `O(len(iterable))` time and `O(amount)` memory.
+/// # Example
+/// ```rust
+/// use rand::{thread_rng, seq};
+/// let mut rng = thread_rng();
+/// let sample = seq::sample_iter(&mut rng, 1..100, 5).unwrap();
+/// println!("{:?}", sample);
+/// ```
+pub fn sample_iter<T, I, R>(rng: &mut R, iterable: I, amount: usize) -> Result<Vec<T>, Vec<T>>
+    where I: IntoIterator<Item=T>,
+          R: Rng,
+    let mut iter = iterable.into_iter();
+    let mut reservoir = Vec::with_capacity(amount);
+    reservoir.extend(iter.by_ref().take(amount));
+    // Continue unless the iterator was exhausted
+    //
+    // note: this prevents iterators that "restart" from causing problems.
+    // If the iterator stops once, then so do we.
+    if reservoir.len() == amount {
+        for (i, elem) in iter.enumerate() {
+            let k = rng.gen_range(0, i + 1 + amount);
+            if let Some(spot) = reservoir.get_mut(k) {
+                *spot = elem;
+            }
+        }
+        Ok(reservoir)
+    } else {
+        // Don't hang onto extra memory. There is a corner case where
+        // `amount` was much less than `len(iterable)`.
+        reservoir.shrink_to_fit();
+        Err(reservoir)
+    }
+/// Randomly sample exactly `amount` values from `slice`.
+/// The values are non-repeating and in random order.
+/// This implementation uses `O(amount)` time and memory.
+/// Panics if `amount > slice.len()`
+/// # Example
+/// ```rust
+/// use rand::{thread_rng, seq};
+/// let mut rng = thread_rng();
+/// let values = vec![5, 6, 1, 3, 4, 6, 7];
+/// println!("{:?}", seq::sample_slice(&mut rng, &values, 3));
+/// ```
+pub fn sample_slice<R, T>(rng: &mut R, slice: &[T], amount: usize) -> Vec<T>
+    where R: Rng,
+          T: Clone
+    let indices = sample_indices(rng, slice.len(), amount);
+    let mut out = Vec::with_capacity(amount);
+    out.extend(indices.iter().map(|i| slice[*i].clone()));
+    out
+/// Randomly sample exactly `amount` references from `slice`.
+/// The references are non-repeating and in random order.
+/// This implementation uses `O(amount)` time and memory.
+/// Panics if `amount > slice.len()`
+/// # Example
+/// ```rust
+/// use rand::{thread_rng, seq};
+/// let mut rng = thread_rng();
+/// let values = vec![5, 6, 1, 3, 4, 6, 7];
+/// println!("{:?}", seq::sample_slice_ref(&mut rng, &values, 3));
+/// ```
+pub fn sample_slice_ref<'a, R, T>(rng: &mut R, slice: &'a [T], amount: usize) -> Vec<&'a T>
+    where R: Rng
+    let indices = sample_indices(rng, slice.len(), amount);
+    let mut out = Vec::with_capacity(amount);
+    out.extend(indices.iter().map(|i| &slice[*i]));
+    out
+/// Randomly sample exactly `amount` indices from `0..length`.
+/// The values are non-repeating and in random order.
+/// This implementation uses `O(amount)` time and memory.
+/// This method is used internally by the slice sampling methods, but it can sometimes be useful to
+/// have the indices themselves so this is provided as an alternative.
+/// Panics if `amount > length`
+pub fn sample_indices<R>(rng: &mut R, length: usize, amount: usize) -> Vec<usize>
+    where R: Rng,
+    if amount > length {
+        panic!("`amount` must be less than or equal to `slice.len()`");
+    }
+    // We are going to have to allocate at least `amount` for the output no matter what. However,
+    // if we use the `cached` version we will have to allocate `amount` as a HashMap as well since
+    // it inserts an element for every loop.
+    //
+    // Therefore, if `amount >= length / 2` then inplace will be both faster and use less memory.
+    // In fact, benchmarks show the inplace version is faster for length up to about 20 times
+    // faster than amount.
+    //
+    // TODO: there is probably even more fine-tuning that can be done here since
+    // `HashMap::with_capacity(amount)` probably allocates more than `amount` in practice,
+    // and a trade off could probably be made between memory/cpu, since hashmap operations
+    // are slower than array index swapping.
+    if amount >= length / 20 {
+        sample_indices_inplace(rng, length, amount)
+    } else {
+        sample_indices_cache(rng, length, amount)
+    }
+/// Sample an amount of indices using an inplace partial fisher yates method.
+/// This allocates the entire `length` of indices and randomizes only the first `amount`.
+/// It then truncates to `amount` and returns.
+/// This is better than using a HashMap "cache" when `amount >= length / 2` since it does not
+/// require allocating an extra cache and is much faster.
+fn sample_indices_inplace<R>(rng: &mut R, length: usize, amount: usize) -> Vec<usize>
+    where R: Rng,
+    debug_assert!(amount <= length);
+    let mut indices: Vec<usize> = Vec::with_capacity(length);
+    indices.extend(0..length);
+    for i in 0..amount {
+        let j: usize = rng.gen_range(i, length);
+        let tmp = indices[i];
+        indices[i] = indices[j];
+        indices[j] = tmp;
+    }
+    indices.truncate(amount);
+    debug_assert_eq!(indices.len(), amount);
+    indices
+/// This method performs a partial fisher-yates on a range of indices using a HashMap
+/// as a cache to record potential collisions.
+/// The cache avoids allocating the entire `length` of values. This is especially useful when
+/// `amount <<< length`, i.e. select 3 non-repeating from 1_000_000
+fn sample_indices_cache<R>(
+    rng: &mut R,
+    length: usize,
+    amount: usize,
+) -> Vec<usize>
+    where R: Rng,
+    debug_assert!(amount <= length);
+    #[cfg(feature="std")] let mut cache = HashMap::with_capacity(amount);
+    #[cfg(not(feature="std"))] let mut cache = BTreeMap::new();
+    let mut out = Vec::with_capacity(amount);
+    for i in 0..amount {
+        let j: usize = rng.gen_range(i, length);
+        // equiv: let tmp = slice[i];
+        let tmp = match cache.get(&i) {
+            Some(e) => *e,
+            None => i,
+        };
+        // equiv: slice[i] = slice[j];
+        let x = match cache.get(&j) {
+            Some(x) => *x,
+            None => j,
+        };
+        // equiv: slice[j] = tmp;
+        cache.insert(j, tmp);
+        // note that in the inplace version, slice[i] is automatically "returned" value
+        out.push(x);
+    }
+    debug_assert_eq!(out.len(), amount);
+    out
+mod test {
+    use super::*;
+    use {thread_rng, XorShiftRng, SeedableRng};
+    #[test]
+    fn test_sample_iter() {
+        let min_val = 1;
+        let max_val = 100;
+        let mut r = thread_rng();
+        let vals = (min_val..max_val).collect::<Vec<i32>>();
+        let small_sample = sample_iter(&mut r, vals.iter(), 5).unwrap();
+        let large_sample = sample_iter(&mut r, vals.iter(), vals.len() + 5).unwrap_err();
+        assert_eq!(small_sample.len(), 5);
+        assert_eq!(large_sample.len(), vals.len());
+        // no randomization happens when amount >= len
+        assert_eq!(large_sample, vals.iter().collect::<Vec<_>>());
+        assert!(small_sample.iter().all(|e| {
+            **e >= min_val && **e <= max_val
+        }));
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_sample_slice_boundaries() {
+        let empty: &[u8] = &[];
+        let mut r = thread_rng();
+        // sample 0 items
+        assert_eq!(sample_slice(&mut r, empty, 0), vec![]);
+        assert_eq!(sample_slice(&mut r, &[42, 2, 42], 0), vec![]);
+        // sample 1 item
+        assert_eq!(sample_slice(&mut r, &[42], 1), vec![42]);
+        let v = sample_slice(&mut r, &[1, 42], 1)[0];
+        assert!(v == 1 || v == 42);
+        // sample "all" the items
+        let v = sample_slice(&mut r, &[42, 133], 2);
+        assert!(v == vec![42, 133] || v == vec![133, 42]);
+        assert_eq!(sample_indices_inplace(&mut r, 0, 0), vec![]);
+        assert_eq!(sample_indices_inplace(&mut r, 1, 0), vec![]);
+        assert_eq!(sample_indices_inplace(&mut r, 1, 1), vec![0]);
+        assert_eq!(sample_indices_cache(&mut r, 0, 0), vec![]);
+        assert_eq!(sample_indices_cache(&mut r, 1, 0), vec![]);
+        assert_eq!(sample_indices_cache(&mut r, 1, 1), vec![0]);
+        // Make sure lucky 777's aren't lucky
+        let slice = &[42, 777];
+        let mut num_42 = 0;
+        let total = 1000;
+        for _ in {
+            let v = sample_slice(&mut r, slice, 1);
+            assert_eq!(v.len(), 1);
+            let v = v[0];
+            assert!(v == 42 || v == 777);
+            if v == 42 {
+                num_42 += 1;
+            }
+        }
+        let ratio_42 = num_42 as f64 / 1000 as f64;
+        assert!(0.4 <= ratio_42 || ratio_42 <= 0.6, "{}", ratio_42);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_sample_slice() {
+        let xor_rng = XorShiftRng::from_seed;
+        let max_range = 100;
+        let mut r = thread_rng();
+        for length in 1usize..max_range {
+            let amount = r.gen_range(0, length);
+            let seed: [u32; 4] = [
+                r.next_u32(), r.next_u32(), r.next_u32(), r.next_u32()
+            ];
+            println!("Selecting indices: len={}, amount={}, seed={:?}", length, amount, seed);
+            // assert that the two index methods give exactly the same result
+            let inplace = sample_indices_inplace(
+                &mut xor_rng(seed), length, amount);
+            let cache = sample_indices_cache(
+                &mut xor_rng(seed), length, amount);
+            assert_eq!(inplace, cache);
+            // assert the basics work
+            let regular = sample_indices(
+                &mut xor_rng(seed), length, amount);
+            assert_eq!(regular.len(), amount);
+            assert!(regular.iter().all(|e| *e < length));
+            assert_eq!(regular, inplace);
+            // also test that sampling the slice works
+            let vec: Vec<usize> = (0..length).collect();
+            {
+                let result = sample_slice(&mut xor_rng(seed), &vec, amount);
+                assert_eq!(result, regular);
+            }
+            {
+                let result = sample_slice_ref(&mut xor_rng(seed), &vec, amount);
+                let expected = regular.iter().map(|v| v).collect::<Vec<_>>();
+                assert_eq!(result, expected);
+            }
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/utils/ b/utils/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..762f956
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2013 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
+# file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
+#> or the MIT license
+# <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
+# option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
+# except according to those terms.
+# This creates the tables used for distributions implemented using the
+# ziggurat algorithm in `rand::distributions;`. They are
+# (basically) the tables as used in the ZIGNOR variant (Doornik 2005).
+# They are changed rarely, so the generated file should be checked in
+# to git.
+# It creates 3 tables: X as in the paper, F which is f(x_i), and
+# F_DIFF which is f(x_i) - f(x_{i-1}). The latter two are just cached
+# values which is not done in that paper (but is done in other
+# variants). Note that the adZigR table is unnecessary because of
+# algebra.
+# It is designed to be compatible with Python 2 and 3.
+from math import exp, sqrt, log, floor
+import random
+# The order should match the return value of `tables`
+TABLE_NAMES = ['X', 'F']
+# The actual length of the table is 1 more, to stop
+# index-out-of-bounds errors. This should match the bitwise operation
+# to find `i` in `zigurrat` in `libstd/rand/`. Also the *_R and
+# *_V constants below depend on this value.
+TABLE_LEN = 256
+# equivalent to `zigNorInit` in Doornik2005, but generalised to any
+# distribution. r = dR, v = dV, f = probability density function,
+# f_inv = inverse of f
+def tables(r, v, f, f_inv):
+    # compute the x_i
+    xvec = [0]*(TABLE_LEN+1)
+    xvec[0] = v / f(r)
+    xvec[1] = r
+    for i in range(2, TABLE_LEN):
+        last = xvec[i-1]
+        xvec[i] = f_inv(v / last + f(last))
+    # cache the f's
+    fvec = [0]*(TABLE_LEN+1)
+    for i in range(TABLE_LEN+1):
+        fvec[i] = f(xvec[i])
+    return xvec, fvec
+# Distributions
+# N(0, 1)
+def norm_f(x):
+    return exp(-x*x/2.0)
+def norm_f_inv(y):
+    return sqrt(-2.0*log(y))
+NORM_R = 3.6541528853610088
+NORM_V = 0.00492867323399
+NORM = tables(NORM_R, NORM_V,
+              norm_f, norm_f_inv)
+# Exp(1)
+def exp_f(x):
+    return exp(-x)
+def exp_f_inv(y):
+    return -log(y)
+EXP_R = 7.69711747013104972
+EXP_V = 0.0039496598225815571993
+EXP = tables(EXP_R, EXP_V,
+             exp_f, exp_f_inv)
+# Output the tables/constants/types
+def render_static(name, type, value):
+    # no space or
+    return 'pub static %s: %s =%s;\n' % (name, type, value)
+# static `name`: [`type`, .. `len(values)`] =
+#     [values[0], ..., values[3],
+#      values[4], ..., values[7],
+#      ... ];
+def render_table(name, values):
+    rows = []
+    # 4 values on each row
+    for i in range(0, len(values), 4):
+        row = values[i:i+4]
+        rows.append(', '.join('%.18f' % f for f in row))
+    rendered = '\n    [%s]' % ',\n     '.join(rows)
+    return render_static(name, '[f64, .. %d]' % len(values), rendered)
+with open('', 'w') as f:
+    f.write('''// Copyright 2013 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
+// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
+//> or the MIT license
+// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
+// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
+// except according to those terms.
+// Tables for distributions which are sampled using the ziggurat
+// algorithm. Autogenerated by ``.
+pub type ZigTable = &\'static [f64, .. %d];
+'''  % (TABLE_LEN + 1))
+    for name, tables, r in [('NORM', NORM, NORM_R),
+                            ('EXP', EXP, EXP_R)]:
+        f.write(render_static('ZIG_%s_R' % name, 'f64', ' %.18f' % r))
+        for (tabname, table) in zip(TABLE_NAMES, tables):
+            f.write(render_table('ZIG_%s_%s' % (name, tabname), table))