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//! Error types
use core::fmt;
use std::error::Error as stdError;
/// Error kind which can be matched over.
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub enum ErrorKind {
/// Feature is not available; not recoverable.
/// This is the most permanent failure type and implies the error cannot be
/// resolved simply by retrying (e.g. the feature may not exist in this
/// build of the application or on the current platform).
/// General failure; there may be a chance of recovery on retry.
/// This is the catch-all kind for errors from known and unknown sources
/// which do not have a more specific kind / handling method.
/// It is suggested to retry a couple of times or retry later when
/// handling; some error sources may be able to resolve themselves,
/// although this is not likely.
/// A transient failure which likely can be resolved or worked around.
/// This error kind exists for a few specific cases where it is known that
/// the error likely can be resolved internally, but is reported anyway.
/// Not ready yet: recommended to try again a little later.
/// This error kind implies the generator needs more time or needs some
/// other part of the application to do something else first before it is
/// ready for use; for example this may be used by external generators
/// which require time for initialization.
impl ErrorKind {
/// True if this kind of error may resolve itself on retry.
/// See also `should_wait()`.
pub fn should_retry(self) -> bool {
self != ErrorKind::Unavailable
/// True if we should retry but wait before retrying
/// This implies `should_retry()` is true.
pub fn should_wait(self) -> bool {
self == ErrorKind::NotReady
/// A description of this error kind
pub fn description(self) -> &'static str {
match self {
ErrorKind::Unavailable => "permanently unavailable",
ErrorKind::Unexpected => "unexpected failure",
ErrorKind::Transient => "transient failure",
ErrorKind::NotReady => "not ready yet",
ErrorKind::__Nonexhaustive => unreachable!(),
/// Error type of random number generators
/// This is a relatively simple error type, designed for compatibility with and
/// without the Rust `std` library. It embeds a "kind" code, a message (static
/// string only), and an optional chained cause (`std` only). The `kind` and
/// `msg` fields can be accessed directly; cause can be accessed via
/// `std::error::Error::cause` or `Error::take_cause`. Construction can only be
/// done via `Error::new` or `Error::with_cause`.
pub struct Error {
/// The error kind
pub kind: ErrorKind,
/// The error message
pub msg: &'static str,
cause: Option<Box<stdError + Send + Sync>>,
impl Error {
/// Create a new instance, with specified kind and a message.
pub fn new(kind: ErrorKind, msg: &'static str) -> Self {
#[cfg(feature="std")] {
Error { kind: kind, msg: msg, cause: None }
#[cfg(not(feature="std"))] {
Error { kind: kind, msg: msg }
/// Create a new instance, with specified kind, message, and a
/// chained cause.
/// Note: `stdError` is an alias for `std::error::Error`.
/// If not targetting `std` (i.e. `no_std`), this function is replaced by
/// another with the same prototype, except that there are no bounds on the
/// type `E` (because both `Box` and `stdError` are unavailable), and the
/// `cause` is ignored.
pub fn with_cause<E>(kind: ErrorKind, msg: &'static str, cause: E) -> Self
where E: Into<Box<stdError + Send + Sync>>
Error { kind: kind, msg: msg, cause: Some(cause.into()) }
/// Create a new instance, with specified kind, message, and a
/// chained cause.
/// In `no_std` mode the *cause* is ignored.
pub fn with_cause<E>(kind: ErrorKind, msg: &'static str, _cause: E) -> Self {
Error { kind: kind, msg: msg }
/// Take the cause, if any. This allows the embedded cause to be extracted.
/// This uses `Option::take`, leaving `self` with no cause.
pub fn take_cause(&mut self) -> Option<Box<stdError + Send + Sync>> {
impl fmt::Display for Error {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
#[cfg(feature="std")] {
if let Some(ref cause) = self.cause {
return write!(f, "{} ({}); cause: {}",
self.msg, self.kind.description(), cause);
write!(f, "{} ({})", self.msg, self.kind.description())
impl stdError for Error {
fn description(&self) -> &str {
fn cause(&self) -> Option<&stdError> {
self.cause.as_ref().map(|e| e.as_ref() as &stdError)