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// Copyright 2017 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
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//! The implementations of the `Uniform` distribution for other built-in types.
use core::char;
use {Rng};
use distributions::{Distribution, Uniform, Range};
// ----- Sampling distributions -----
/// Sample a `char`, uniformly distributed over ASCII letters and numbers:
/// a-z, A-Z and 0-9.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// use std::iter;
/// use rand::{Rng, thread_rng};
/// use rand::distributions::Alphanumeric;
/// let mut rng = thread_rng();
/// let chars: String = iter::repeat(())
/// .map(|()| rng.sample(Alphanumeric))
/// .take(7)
/// .collect();
/// println!("Random chars: {}", chars);
/// ```
pub struct Alphanumeric;
// ----- Implementations of distributions -----
impl Distribution<char> for Uniform {
fn sample<R: Rng + ?Sized>(&self, rng: &mut R) -> char {
let range = Range::new(0u32, 0x11_0000);
loop {
match char::from_u32(range.sample(rng)) {
Some(c) => return c,
// About 0.2% of numbers in the range 0..0x110000 are invalid
// codepoints (surrogates).
None => {}
impl Distribution<char> for Alphanumeric {
fn sample<R: Rng + ?Sized>(&self, rng: &mut R) -> char {
const RANGE: u32 = 26 + 26 + 10;
const GEN_ASCII_STR_CHARSET: &'static [u8] =
loop {
let var = rng.next_u32() >> 26;
if var < RANGE {
return GEN_ASCII_STR_CHARSET[var as usize] as char
impl Distribution<bool> for Uniform {
fn sample<R: Rng + ?Sized>(&self, rng: &mut R) -> bool {
// We can compare against an arbitrary bit of an u32 to get a bool.
// Because the least significant bits of a lower quality RNG can have
// simple patterns, we compare against the most significant bit. This is
// easiest done using a sign test.
(rng.next_u32() as i32) < 0
macro_rules! tuple_impl {
// use variables to indicate the arity of the tuple
($($tyvar:ident),* ) => {
// the trailing commas are for the 1 tuple
impl< $( $tyvar ),* >
Distribution<( $( $tyvar ),* , )>
for Uniform
where $( Uniform: Distribution<$tyvar> ),*
fn sample<R: Rng + ?Sized>(&self, _rng: &mut R) -> ( $( $tyvar ),* , ) {
// use the $tyvar's to get the appropriate number of
// repeats (they're not actually needed)
impl Distribution<()> for Uniform {
fn sample<R: Rng + ?Sized>(&self, _: &mut R) -> () { () }
tuple_impl!{A, B}
tuple_impl!{A, B, C}
tuple_impl!{A, B, C, D}
tuple_impl!{A, B, C, D, E}
tuple_impl!{A, B, C, D, E, F}
tuple_impl!{A, B, C, D, E, F, G}
tuple_impl!{A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H}
tuple_impl!{A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I}
tuple_impl!{A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J}
tuple_impl!{A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K}
tuple_impl!{A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L}
macro_rules! array_impl {
// recursive, given at least one type parameter:
{$n:expr, $t:ident, $($ts:ident,)*} => {
array_impl!{($n - 1), $($ts,)*}
impl<T> Distribution<[T; $n]> for Uniform where Uniform: Distribution<T> {
fn sample<R: Rng + ?Sized>(&self, _rng: &mut R) -> [T; $n] {
[_rng.gen::<$t>(), $(_rng.gen::<$ts>()),*]
// empty case:
{$n:expr,} => {
impl<T> Distribution<[T; $n]> for Uniform {
fn sample<R: Rng + ?Sized>(&self, _rng: &mut R) -> [T; $n] { [] }
array_impl!{32, T, T, T, T, T, T, T, T, T, T, T, T, T, T, T, T, T, T, T, T, T, T, T, T, T, T, T, T, T, T, T, T,}
impl<T> Distribution<Option<T>> for Uniform where Uniform: Distribution<T> {
fn sample<R: Rng + ?Sized>(&self, rng: &mut R) -> Option<T> {
// UFCS is needed here:
if rng.gen::<bool>() {
} else {
mod tests {
use {Rng, RngCore, Uniform};
#[cfg(all(not(feature="std"), feature="alloc"))] use alloc::String;
fn test_misc() {
let rng: &mut RngCore = &mut ::test::rng(820);
rng.sample::<char, _>(Uniform);
rng.sample::<bool, _>(Uniform);
#[cfg(any(feature="std", feature="alloc"))]
fn test_chars() {
use core::iter;
use distributions::Alphanumeric;
let mut rng = ::test::rng(805);
let c = rng.sample(Alphanumeric);
assert!((c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z'));
let word: String = iter::repeat(())
.map(|()| rng.sample(Alphanumeric)).take(5).collect();
assert_eq!(word.len(), 5);