blob: 2daa6fb0a0efb9610f78d527abc854b581af45c1 [file] [log] [blame]
language: rust
sudo: false
# We support too many combinations of Rust releases, crate features, operating
# systems, and architectures to even remotely test all combinations.
# Yet it turns out we can test most of these independent of each other, because
# they serve different goals or test different pieces of code.
# Goal: make sure we don't use language features unavailable on a certain
# version, and build without warnings.
# We have different builders use 4 Rust releases, a pinned stable release,
# the latest stable, beta and nightly.
# Goal: test against issues caused by differences in endianness, pointer sizes,
# etc.
# We run tests on 4 different architectures.
# - x64_84, default on Travis (Linux) and AppVeyor (Windows)
# - i686, second AppVeyor (Windows) configuration
# - MIPS, big-endian Linux emulated with QEMU (thanks to Trust)
# - ARMv7, Android emulated with QEMU (thanks to Trust)
# Goal: test on many operating systems, to verify the OsRng code, which is
# mostly architecture-independent.
# We run tests on Linux, OS X, Windows, Android (emulated), and Node.js (using
# cargo-web).
# One builder cross-compiles for many of the remaining OSes, which ensures we
# keep building, but doesn't run tests.
# OSes supported by Rand but which we can't cross-compile because there
# is no pre-built standard library available: Dragonfly BSD, Haiku, OpenBSD.
# Goal: Run unit tests, doctests, examples, and test benchmarks for all crates,
# in configurations that cover all interesting combinations of features.
# Tests run on rand:
# - test no_std support, but only the unit tests:
# `cargo test --tests --no-default-features`
# - test no_std support, including the alloc feature:
# cargo test --tests --no-default-features --features=alloc
# - run unit tests and doctests with all features which are available on stable:
# `cargo test --features=serde1,log`
# - test examples:
# `cargo test --examples`
# Additional tests on nightly:
# - run unit tests and doctests with all features which are available on nightly:
# `cargo test --all-features`
# - run benchmarks as tests:
# `cargo test --benches --features=nightly`
# Tests on subcrates:
# - select crates via --manifest-path (more reliable than --package)
# - test appropriate feature matrix
# TODO: SIMD support on stable releases
# NOTE: SIMD support is unreliable on nightly; we track the latest release
- rust: 1.32.0
env: DESCRIPTION="Linux, 1.32.0"
os: linux
# Differs from standard script: rand_pcg features
- cargo test --tests --no-default-features
# TODO: add simd_support feature:
- cargo test --features=serde1,log
- cargo test --examples
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_core/Cargo.toml
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_core/Cargo.toml --no-default-features
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_distr/Cargo.toml
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_isaac/Cargo.toml --features=serde1
# TODO: cannot test rand_pcg due to explicit dependency on i128
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_xorshift/Cargo.toml --features=serde1
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_xoshiro/Cargo.toml
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_chacha/Cargo.toml
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_hc/Cargo.toml
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_jitter/Cargo.toml
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_os/Cargo.toml
- rust: 1.32.0
env: DESCRIPTION="OSX, 1.32.0"
os: osx
# Differs from standard script: rand_pcg features
- cargo test --tests --no-default-features
# TODO: add simd_support feature:
- cargo test --features=serde1,log
- cargo test --examples
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_core/Cargo.toml
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_core/Cargo.toml --no-default-features
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_distr/Cargo.toml
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_isaac/Cargo.toml --features=serde1
# TODO: cannot test rand_pcg due to explicit dependency on i128
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_xorshift/Cargo.toml --features=serde1
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_xoshiro/Cargo.toml
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_chacha/Cargo.toml
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_hc/Cargo.toml
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_jitter/Cargo.toml
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_os/Cargo.toml
- rust: stable
env: DESCRIPTION="Linux, stable"
- rust: stable
env: DESCRIPTION="OSX+iOS, stable"
os: osx
- rustup target add aarch64-apple-ios
# Differs from standard script: includes aarch64-apple-ios cross-build
- cargo test --tests --no-default-features
# TODO: add simd_support feature:
- cargo test --features=serde1,log
- cargo test --examples
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_core/Cargo.toml
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_core/Cargo.toml --no-default-features
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_distr/Cargo.toml
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_isaac/Cargo.toml --features=serde1
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_pcg/Cargo.toml --features=serde1
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_xorshift/Cargo.toml --features=serde1
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_xoshiro/Cargo.toml
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_chacha/Cargo.toml
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_hc/Cargo.toml
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_jitter/Cargo.toml
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_os/Cargo.toml
- cargo build --target=aarch64-apple-ios
- rust: beta
env: DESCRIPTION="Linux, beta"
- rust: nightly
os: linux
env: DESCRIPTION="Linux, nightly, docs"
- cargo --list | egrep "^\s*deadlinks$" -q || cargo install cargo-deadlinks
- cargo deadlinks -V
- pip install 'travis-cargo<0.2' --user && export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH
# Differs from standard script: all features, doc build
- cargo test --tests --no-default-features --features=alloc
- cargo test --all-features
- cargo test --benches --features=nightly
- cargo test --examples
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_core/Cargo.toml
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_core/Cargo.toml --no-default-features --features=alloc
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_distr/Cargo.toml
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_isaac/Cargo.toml --features=serde1
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_pcg/Cargo.toml --features=serde1
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_xorshift/Cargo.toml --features=serde1
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_xoshiro/Cargo.toml
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_chacha/Cargo.toml
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_hc/Cargo.toml
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_jitter/Cargo.toml
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_os/Cargo.toml
# remove cached documentation, otherwise files from previous PRs can get included
- rm -rf target/doc
- cargo doc --no-deps --all --all-features
- cargo deadlinks --dir target/doc
- travis-cargo --only nightly doc-upload
- rust: nightly
os: osx
env: DESCRIPTION="OSX, nightly, docs"
- cargo --list | egrep "^\s*deadlinks$" -q || cargo install cargo-deadlinks
- cargo deadlinks -V
# Differs from standard script: all features, doc build
- cargo test --tests --no-default-features --features=alloc
- cargo test --all-features
- cargo test --benches --features=nightly
- cargo test --examples
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_core/Cargo.toml
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_core/Cargo.toml --no-default-features --features=alloc
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_distr/Cargo.toml
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_isaac/Cargo.toml --features=serde1
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_pcg/Cargo.toml --features=serde1
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_xorshift/Cargo.toml --features=serde1
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_xoshiro/Cargo.toml
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_chacha/Cargo.toml
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_hc/Cargo.toml
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_jitter/Cargo.toml
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_os/Cargo.toml
# remove cached documentation, otherwise files from previous PRs can get included
- rm -rf target/doc
- cargo doc --no-deps --all --all-features
- cargo deadlinks --dir target/doc
- rust: nightly
env: DESCRIPTION="WASM via emscripten, stdweb and wasm-bindgen"
- rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
- rustup target add wasm32-unknown-emscripten
- nvm install 9
- ./utils/ci/
- cargo web prepare-emscripten
- cargo web -V
- cargo list | grep install-update || cargo install -f cargo-update
- cargo install-update -i cargo-update wasm-bindgen-cli wasm-pack
chrome: stable
# Testing wasm32-unknown-emscripten fails because of rust-lang/rust#49877
# However, we can still build and link all tests to make sure that works.
# This is actually useful as it finds stuff such as rust-random/rand#669
- EMCC_CFLAGS="-s ERROR_ON_UNDEFINED_SYMBOLS=0" cargo web test --target wasm32-unknown-emscripten --no-run
#- cargo web test --target wasm32-unknown-emscripten
#- cargo web test --nodejs --target wasm32-unknown-emscripten
#- cargo build --target wasm32-unknown-unknown # without any features
- cargo build --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --features=wasm-bindgen
- cargo web test --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --features=stdweb
- cargo build --manifest-path tests/wasm_bindgen/Cargo.toml --target wasm32-unknown-unknown
- wasm-bindgen --nodejs target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/debug/rand_wasm_bindgen_test.wasm --out-dir tests/wasm_bindgen/js
- node tests/wasm_bindgen/js/index.js
- wasm-pack test --node tests/wasm_bindgen
- rust: nightly
env: DESCRIPTION="cross-platform builder (doesn't run tests)"
- rustup target add x86_64-sun-solaris
- rustup target add x86_64-unknown-cloudabi
- rustup target add x86_64-unknown-freebsd
#- rustup target add x86_64-unknown-fuchsia
- rustup target add x86_64-unknown-netbsd
- rustup target add x86_64-unknown-redox
# Test the top-level crate with all features:
- cargo build --target=x86_64-sun-solaris --all-features
- cargo build --target=x86_64-unknown-cloudabi --all-features
- cargo build --target=x86_64-unknown-freebsd --all-features
#- cargo build --target=x86_64-unknown-fuchsia --all-features
- cargo build --target=x86_64-unknown-netbsd --all-features
- cargo build --target=x86_64-unknown-redox --all-features
# Trust cross-built/emulated targets. We must repeat all non-default values.
- rust: stable
sudo: required
dist: trusty
services: docker
env: DESCRIPTION="Linux (MIPS, big-endian)" TARGET=mips-unknown-linux-gnu
- sh utils/ci/
- source ~/.cargo/env || true
- bash utils/ci/
- rust: stable
sudo: required
dist: trusty
services: docker
env: DESCRIPTION="Android (ARMv7)" TARGET=armv7-linux-androideabi
- sh utils/ci/
- source ~/.cargo/env || true
- bash utils/ci/
- rust: nightly
env: DESCRIPTION="no_std platform test"
- rustup target add thumbv6m-none-eabi
# Test the top-level crate with all features:
- cargo build --target=thumbv6m-none-eabi --no-default-features
- rust: nightly
os: linux
env: DESCRIPTION="Miri, nightly"
- sh utils/ci/
- set -e
- rustup self update
- cargo test --tests --no-default-features
- cargo test --tests --no-default-features --features getrandom
- cargo test --tests --no-default-features --features=alloc
# TODO: add simd_support feature:
- cargo test --features=serde1,log
- cargo test --examples
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_core/Cargo.toml
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_core/Cargo.toml --no-default-features
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_core/Cargo.toml --no-default-features --features=alloc
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_distr/Cargo.toml
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_isaac/Cargo.toml --features=serde1
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_pcg/Cargo.toml --features=serde1
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_xorshift/Cargo.toml --features=serde1
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_xoshiro/Cargo.toml
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_chacha/Cargo.toml
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_hc/Cargo.toml
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_jitter/Cargo.toml
- cargo test --manifest-path rand_os/Cargo.toml
after_script: set +e
cargo: true
- .local/share/cargo-web
# Travis can't cache files that are not readable by "others"
- chmod -R a+r $HOME/.cargo
secure: "BdDntVHSompN+Qxz5Rz45VI4ZqhD72r6aPl166FADlnkIwS6N6FLWdqs51O7G5CpoMXEDvyYrjmRMZe/GYLIG9cmqmn/wUrWPO+PauGiIuG/D2dmfuUNvSTRcIe7UQLXrfP3yyfZPgqsH6pSnNEVopquQKy3KjzqepgriOJtbyY="
on_success: never