| [config] |
| # general settings for test262 ES6 version |
| |
| # framework style: old, new |
| style=new |
| |
| # handle tests tagged as [noStrict]: yes, no, skip |
| nostrict=yes |
| |
| # handle tests tagged as [strictOnly]: yes, no, skip |
| strict=yes |
| |
| # test mode: default, default-nostrict, default-strict, strict, nostrict, both, all |
| mode=default |
| |
| # handle tests flagged as [async]: yes, no, skip |
| # for these, load 'harness/doneprintHandle.js' prior to test |
| # and expect `print('Test262:AsyncTestComplete')` to be called for |
| # successful termination |
| async=yes |
| |
| # handle tests flagged as [module]: yes, no, skip |
| module=yes |
| |
| # output error messages: yes, no |
| verbose=yes |
| |
| # load harness files from this directory |
| harnessdir=test262/harness |
| |
| # names of harness include files to skip |
| #harnessexclude= |
| |
| # name of the error file for known errors |
| errorfile=test262_errors.txt |
| |
| # exclude tests enumerated in this file (see also [exclude] section) |
| #excludefile=test262_exclude.txt |
| |
| # report test results to this file |
| reportfile=test262_report.txt |
| |
| # enumerate tests from this directory |
| testdir=test262/test |
| |
| [features] |
| # Standard language features and proposed extensions |
| # list the features that are included |
| # skipped features are tagged as such to avoid warnings |
| |
| AggregateError |
| align-detached-buffer-semantics-with-web-reality |
| arbitrary-module-namespace-names=skip |
| Array.prototype.at=skip |
| Array.prototype.flat |
| Array.prototype.flatMap |
| Array.prototype.flatten |
| Array.prototype.values |
| ArrayBuffer |
| arrow-function |
| async-functions |
| async-iteration |
| Atomics |
| Atomics.waitAsync=skip |
| BigInt |
| caller |
| class |
| class-fields-private |
| class-fields-public |
| class-methods-private |
| class-static-fields-public |
| class-static-fields-private |
| class-static-methods-private |
| cleanupSome=skip |
| coalesce-expression |
| computed-property-names |
| const |
| cross-realm |
| DataView |
| DataView.prototype.getFloat32 |
| DataView.prototype.getFloat64 |
| DataView.prototype.getInt16 |
| DataView.prototype.getInt32 |
| DataView.prototype.getInt8 |
| DataView.prototype.getUint16 |
| DataView.prototype.getUint32 |
| DataView.prototype.setUint8 |
| default-parameters |
| destructuring-assignment |
| destructuring-binding |
| dynamic-import |
| export-star-as-namespace-from-module |
| FinalizationGroup=skip |
| FinalizationRegistry=skip |
| FinalizationRegistry.prototype.cleanupSome=skip |
| Float32Array |
| Float64Array |
| for-in-order |
| for-of |
| generators |
| globalThis |
| hashbang |
| host-gc-required=skip |
| import.meta |
| Int16Array |
| Int32Array |
| Int8Array |
| json-superset |
| legacy-regexp=skip |
| let |
| logical-assignment-operators |
| Map |
| new.target |
| numeric-separator-literal |
| object-rest |
| object-spread |
| Object.fromEntries |
| Object.is |
| optional-catch-binding |
| optional-chaining |
| Promise |
| Promise.allSettled |
| Promise.any |
| Promise.prototype.finally |
| Proxy |
| proxy-missing-checks |
| Reflect |
| Reflect.construct |
| Reflect.set |
| Reflect.setPrototypeOf |
| regexp-dotall |
| regexp-lookbehind |
| regexp-match-indices=skip |
| regexp-named-groups |
| regexp-unicode-property-escapes |
| rest-parameters |
| Set |
| SharedArrayBuffer |
| string-trimming |
| String.fromCodePoint |
| String.prototype.endsWith |
| String.prototype.includes |
| String.prototype.at=skip |
| String.prototype.matchAll |
| String.prototype.replaceAll |
| String.prototype.trimEnd |
| String.prototype.trimStart |
| super |
| Symbol |
| Symbol.asyncIterator |
| Symbol.hasInstance |
| Symbol.isConcatSpreadable |
| Symbol.iterator |
| Symbol.match |
| Symbol.matchAll |
| Symbol.prototype.description |
| Symbol.replace |
| Symbol.search |
| Symbol.species |
| Symbol.split |
| Symbol.toPrimitive |
| Symbol.toStringTag |
| Symbol.unscopables |
| tail-call-optimization=skip |
| template |
| top-level-await=skip |
| TypedArray |
| TypedArray.prototype.at=skip |
| u180e |
| Uint16Array |
| Uint32Array |
| Uint8Array |
| Uint8ClampedArray |
| WeakMap |
| WeakRef=skip |
| WeakSet |
| well-formed-json-stringify |
| __getter__ |
| __proto__ |
| __setter__ |
| |
| [exclude] |
| # list excluded tests and directories here |
| |
| # intl not supported |
| test262/test/intl402/ |
| |
| # incompatible with the "caller" feature |
| test262/test/built-ins/Function/prototype/restricted-property-caller.js |
| test262/test/built-ins/Function/prototype/restricted-property-arguments.js |
| test262/test/built-ins/ThrowTypeError/unique-per-realm-function-proto.js |
| |
| # slow tests |
| #test262/test/built-ins/RegExp/CharacterClassEscapes/ |
| #test262/test/built-ins/RegExp/property-escapes/ |
| |
| [tests] |
| # list test files or use config.testdir |