blob: 9e92505d394adcb3257688bd8f1596c87037dc9b [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) 2020 Red Hat Inc.
# Authors:
# Eduardo Habkost <>
# This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2. See
# the COPYING file in the top-level directory.
from typing import IO, Match, NamedTuple, Optional, Literal, Iterable, Type, Dict, List, Any, TypeVar, NewType, Tuple, Union
from pathlib import Path
from itertools import chain
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
import os
import re
import subprocess
from io import StringIO
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
DBG = logger.debug
WARN = logger.warning
ERROR = logger.error
from .utils import *
T = TypeVar('T')
class Patch(NamedTuple):
# start inside file.original_content
start: int
# end position inside file.original_content
end: int
# replacement string for file.original_content[start:end]
replacement: str
IdentifierType = Literal['type', 'symbol', 'include', 'constant']
class RequiredIdentifier(NamedTuple):
type: IdentifierType
name: str
class FileMatch:
"""Base class for regex matches
Subclasses just need to set the `regexp` class attribute
regexp: Optional[str] = None
def __init__(self, f: 'FileInfo', m: Match) -> None:
self.file: 'FileInfo' = f
self.match: Match[str] = m
def name(self) -> str:
if 'name' not in self.match.groupdict():
return '[no name]'
def compiled_re(klass):
return re.compile(klass.regexp, re.MULTILINE)
def start(self) -> int:
return self.match.start()
def end(self) -> int:
return self.match.end()
def line_col(self) -> LineAndColumn:
return self.file.line_col(self.start())
def group(self, group: Union[int, str]) -> str:
def getgroup(self, group: str) -> Optional[str]:
if group not in self.match.groupdict():
return None
def log(self, level, fmt, *args) -> None:
pos = self.line_col()
logger.log(level, '%s:%d:%d: '+fmt, self.file.filename, pos.line, pos.col, *args)
def debug(self, fmt, *args) -> None:
self.log(logging.DEBUG, fmt, *args)
def info(self, fmt, *args) -> None:
self.log(logging.INFO, fmt, *args)
def warn(self, fmt, *args) -> None:
self.log(logging.WARNING, fmt, *args)
def error(self, fmt, *args) -> None:
self.log(logging.ERROR, fmt, *args)
def sub(self, original: str, replacement: str) -> str:
"""Replace content
XXX: this won't use the match position, but will just
replace all strings that look like the original match.
This should be enough for all the patterns used in this
return original.replace(, replacement)
def sanity_check(self) -> None:
"""Sanity check match, and print warnings if necessary"""
def replacement(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Return replacement text for pattern, to use new code conventions"""
return None
def make_patch(self, replacement: str) -> 'Patch':
"""Make patch replacing the content of this match"""
return Patch(self.start(), self.end(), replacement)
def make_subpatch(self, start: int, end: int, replacement: str) -> 'Patch':
return Patch(self.start() + start, self.start() + end, replacement)
def make_removal_patch(self) -> 'Patch':
"""Make patch removing contents of match completely"""
return self.make_patch('')
def append(self, s: str) -> 'Patch':
"""Make patch appending string after this match"""
return Patch(self.end(), self.end(), s)
def prepend(self, s: str) -> 'Patch':
"""Make patch prepending string before this match"""
return Patch(self.start(), self.start(), s)
def gen_patches(self) -> Iterable['Patch']:
"""Patch source code contents to use new code patterns"""
replacement = self.replacement()
if replacement is not None:
yield self.make_patch(replacement)
def has_replacement_rule(klass) -> bool:
return (klass.gen_patches is not FileMatch.gen_patches
or klass.replacement is not FileMatch.replacement)
def contains(self, other: 'FileMatch') -> bool:
return other.start() >= self.start() and other.end() <= self.end()
def __repr__(self) -> str:
start = self.file.line_col(self.start())
end = self.file.line_col(self.end() - 1)
return '<%s %s at %d:%d-%d:%d: %r>' % (self.__class__.__name__,,
start.line, start.col,
end.line, end.col,[:100])
def required_identifiers(self) -> Iterable[RequiredIdentifier]:
"""Can be implemented by subclasses to keep track of identifier references
This method will be used by the code that moves declarations around the file,
to make sure we find the right spot for them.
raise NotImplementedError()
def provided_identifiers(self) -> Iterable[RequiredIdentifier]:
"""Can be implemented by subclasses to keep track of identifier references
This method will be used by the code that moves declarations around the file,
to make sure we find the right spot for them.
raise NotImplementedError()
def finditer(klass, content: str, pos=0, endpos=-1) -> Iterable[Match]:
"""Helper for re.finditer()"""
if endpos >= 0:
content = content[:endpos]
return klass.compiled_re().finditer(content, pos)
def domatch(klass, content: str, pos=0, endpos=-1) -> Optional[Match]:
"""Helper for re.match()"""
if endpos >= 0:
content = content[:endpos]
return klass.compiled_re().match(content, pos)
def group_finditer(self, klass: Type['FileMatch'], group: Union[str, int]) -> Iterable['FileMatch']:
assert self.file.original_content
return (klass(self.file, m)
for m in klass.finditer(self.file.original_content,
def try_group_match(self, klass: Type['FileMatch'], group: Union[str, int]) -> Optional['FileMatch']:
assert self.file.original_content
m = klass.domatch(self.file.original_content,
if not m:
return None
return klass(self.file, m)
def group_match(self, group: Union[str, int]) -> 'FileMatch':
m = self.try_group_match(FullMatch, group)
assert m
return m
def allfiles(self) -> 'FileList':
return self.file.allfiles
class FullMatch(FileMatch):
"""Regexp that will match all contents of string
Useful when used with group_match()
regexp = r'(?s).*' # (?s) is re.DOTALL
def all_subclasses(c: Type[FileMatch]) -> Iterable[Type[FileMatch]]:
for sc in c.__subclasses__():
yield sc
yield from all_subclasses(sc)
def match_class_dict() -> Dict[str, Type[FileMatch]]:
d = dict((t.__name__, t) for t in all_subclasses(FileMatch))
return d
def names(matches: Iterable[FileMatch]) -> Iterable[str]:
return [ for m in matches]
class PatchingError(Exception):
class OverLappingPatchesError(PatchingError):
def apply_patches(s: str, patches: Iterable[Patch]) -> str:
"""Apply a sequence of patches to string
>>> apply_patches('abcdefg', [Patch(2,2,'xxx'), Patch(0, 1, 'yy')])
r = StringIO()
last = 0
def patch_sort_key(item: Tuple[int, Patch]) -> Tuple[int, int, int]:
"""Patches are sorted by byte position,
patches at the same byte position are applied in the order
they were generated.
i,p = item
return (p.start, p.end, i)
for i,p in sorted(enumerate(patches), key=patch_sort_key):
DBG("Applying patch at position %d (%s) - %d (%s): %r",
p.start, line_col(s, p.start),
p.end, line_col(s, p.end),
if last > p.start:
raise OverLappingPatchesError("Overlapping patch at position %d (%s), last patch at %d (%s)" % \
(p.start, line_col(s, p.start), last, line_col(s, last)))
last = p.end
return r.getvalue()
class RegexpScanner:
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.match_index: Dict[Type[Any], List[FileMatch]] = {}
self.match_name_index: Dict[Tuple[Type[Any], str, str], Optional[FileMatch]] = {}
def _matches_of_type(self, klass: Type[Any]) -> Iterable[FileMatch]:
raise NotImplementedError()
def matches_of_type(self, t: Type[T]) -> List[T]:
if t not in self.match_index:
self.match_index[t] = list(self._matches_of_type(t))
return self.match_index[t] # type: ignore
def find_matches(self, t: Type[T], name: str, group: str='name') -> List[T]:
indexkey = (t, name, group)
if indexkey in self.match_name_index:
return self.match_name_index[indexkey] # type: ignore
r: List[T] = []
for m in self.matches_of_type(t):
assert isinstance(m, FileMatch)
if m.getgroup(group) == name:
r.append(m) # type: ignore
self.match_name_index[indexkey] = r # type: ignore
return r
def find_match(self, t: Type[T], name: str, group: str='name') -> Optional[T]:
l = self.find_matches(t, name, group)
if not l:
return None
if len(l) > 1:
logger.warn("multiple matches found for %r (%s=%r)", t, group, name)
return None
return l[0]
def reset_index(self) -> None:
class FileInfo(RegexpScanner):
filename: Path
original_content: Optional[str] = None
def __init__(self, files: 'FileList', filename: os.PathLike, force:bool=False) -> None:
self.allfiles = files
self.filename = Path(filename)
self.patches: List[Patch] = []
self.force = force
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f'<FileInfo {repr(self.filename)}>'
def filename_matches(self, name: str) -> bool:
nameparts = Path(name).parts
return[-len(nameparts):] == nameparts
def line_col(self, start: int) -> LineAndColumn:
"""Return line and column for a match object inside original_content"""
return line_col(self.original_content, start)
def _matches_of_type(self, klass: Type[Any]) -> List[FileMatch]:
"""Build FileMatch objects for each match of regexp"""
if not hasattr(klass, 'regexp') or klass.regexp is None:
return []
assert hasattr(klass, 'regexp')
DBG("%s: scanning for %s", self.filename, klass.__name__)
DBG("regexp: %s", klass.regexp)
matches = [klass(self, m) for m in klass.finditer(self.original_content)]
DBG('%s: %d matches found for %s: %s', self.filename, len(matches),
klass.__name__,' '.join(names(matches)))
return matches
def find_match(self, t: Type[T], name: str, group: str='name') -> Optional[T]:
for m in self.matches_of_type(t):
assert isinstance(m, FileMatch)
if m.getgroup(group) == name:
return m # type: ignore
return None
def reset_content(self, s:str):
self.original_content = s
def load(self) -> None:
if self.original_content is not None:
with open(self.filename, 'rt') as f:
def all_matches(self) -> Iterable[FileMatch]:
lists = list(self.match_index.values())
return (m for l in lists
for m in l)
def gen_patches(self, matches: List[FileMatch]) -> None:
for m in matches:
DBG("Generating patches for %r", m)
for i,p in enumerate(m.gen_patches()):
DBG("patch %d generated by %r:", i, m)
DBG("replace contents at %s-%s with %r",
self.line_col(p.start), self.line_col(p.end), p.replacement)
def scan_for_matches(self, class_names: Optional[List[str]]=None) -> Iterable[FileMatch]:
DBG("class names: %r", class_names)
class_dict = match_class_dict()
if class_names is None:
DBG("default class names")
class_names = list(name for name,klass in class_dict.items()
if klass.has_replacement_rule())
DBG("class_names: %r", class_names)
for cn in class_names:
matches = self.matches_of_type(class_dict[cn])
DBG('%d matches found for %s: %s',
len(matches), cn, ' '.join(names(matches)))
yield from matches
def apply_patches(self) -> None:
"""Replace self.original_content after applying patches from self.patches"""
def get_patched_content(self) -> str:
assert self.original_content is not None
return apply_patches(self.original_content, self.patches)
def write_to_file(self, f: IO[str]) -> None:
def write_to_filename(self, filename: os.PathLike) -> None:
with open(filename, 'wt') as of:
def patch_inplace(self) -> None:
newfile = self.filename.with_suffix('.changed')
os.rename(newfile, self.filename)
def show_diff(self) -> None:
with NamedTemporaryFile('wt') as f:
f.flush()['diff', '-u', self.filename,])
def ref(self):
return TypeInfoReference
class FileList(RegexpScanner):
def __init__(self):
self.files: List[FileInfo] = []
def extend(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.files.extend(*args, **kwargs)
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.files)
def _matches_of_type(self, klass: Type[Any]) -> Iterable[FileMatch]:
return chain(*(f._matches_of_type(klass) for f in self.files))
def find_file(self, name: str) -> Optional[FileInfo]:
"""Get file with path ending with @name"""
for f in self.files:
if f.filename_matches(name):
return f
return None
def one_pass(self, class_names: List[str]) -> int:
total_patches = 0
for f in self.files:
INFO("Scanning file %s", f.filename)
matches = list(f.scan_for_matches(class_names))
INFO("Generating patches for file %s", f.filename)
total_patches += len(f.patches)
if total_patches:
for f in self.files:
except PatchingError:
logger.exception("%s: failed to patch file", f.filename)
return total_patches
def patch_content(self, max_passes, class_names: List[str]) -> None:
"""Multi-pass content patching loop
We run multiple passes because there are rules that will
delete init functions once they become empty.
passes = 0
total_patches = 0
DBG("max_passes: %r", max_passes)
while not max_passes or max_passes <= 0 or passes < max_passes:
passes += 1
INFO("Running pass: %d", passes)
count = self.one_pass(class_names)
DBG("patch content: pass %d: %d patches generated", passes, count)
total_patches += count
DBG("%d patches applied total in %d passes", total_patches, passes)