blob: 3e629ab442d38c85e161235a83d735bc6ec219a4 [file] [log] [blame]
set -eux
# doesn't really matter which Python we use, so long as it can run cibuildwheels, and we're consistent within the
# build, since cibuildwheel is internally managing looping over all the Pythons for us.
export PYBIN=/usr/bin/python3
${PYBIN} -m pip install -U --user cibuildwheel
# run cibuildwheel; we can skip CIBW_ENVIRONMENT since the Mac version will directly inherit the envvars we set to
# force Cython and --with-libyaml. cibuildwheel will install Cython before each version is built. We expect that
# the calling environment will set CIBW_SKIP or CIBW_BUILD to control which Pythons we build for. (eg, CIBW_SKIP='pp* cp27* cp35*')
# we're using a private build of libyaml, so set paths to favor that instead of whatever's laying around
export C_INCLUDE_PATH=$(cd libyaml/include; pwd):${C_INCLUDE_PATH:-}
export LIBRARY_PATH=$(cd libyaml/src/.libs; pwd):${LIBRARY_PATH:-}
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(cd libyaml/src/.libs; pwd):${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:-}
if [[ ${PYYAML_RUN_TESTS:-1} -eq 1 ]]; then
# tweak CIBW behavior to run our tests for us
export CIBW_BEFORE_BUILD='pip install Cython && make testall PYTHON=python'
echo "skipping test suite..."
export CIBW_TEST_COMMAND='python {project}/packaging/build/'
${PYBIN} -m cibuildwheel --platform macos .
mkdir -p dist
mv wheelhouse/* dist/
# ensure exactly one artifact
shopt -s nullglob
if [[ ${#DISTFILES[@]} -ne 1 ]]; then
echo -e "unexpected dist content:\n\n$(ls)"
exit 1