blob: 795caa9b7d97b72ab5516b9b327b39c3308aa7aa [file] [log] [blame]
#! /usr/bin/python
# Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Michael Foord
# E-mail: fuzzyman AT voidspace DOT org DOT uk
from textwrap import dedent
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
from mock import __version__
name = "mock",
version = __version__,
packages = [],
py_modules = ['mock'],
include_package_data = False,
zip_safe = True,
# metadata for upload to PyPI
author = "Michael Foord",
author_email = "",
description = "A Python mock object library",
long_description = dedent("""\
Mock is a flexible mock object intended to replace the use of stubs and test doubles
throughout your code. Mocks are callable and create attributes as new mocks when you
access them. Accessing the same attribute will always return the same mock. Mocks
record how you use them, allowing you to make assertions about what your code has
done to them."""),
license = "BSD",
keywords = "testing test mock mocking unittest patching stubs",
url = "",
download_url = '' % __version__,