blob: e27b0d17b545dfc5ed8c7abc887ec9cea40f1a0f [file] [log] [blame]
// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include "google/protobuf/util/time_util.h"
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "google/protobuf/duration.pb.h"
#include "google/protobuf/timestamp.pb.h"
#include "absl/log/absl_check.h"
#include "absl/numeric/int128.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_cat.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_format.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "absl/time/clock.h"
#include "absl/time/time.h"
// Must go after other includes.
#include "google/protobuf/"
namespace google {
namespace protobuf {
namespace util {
using google::protobuf::Duration;
using google::protobuf::Timestamp;
namespace {
static constexpr int32_t kNanosPerSecond = 1000000000;
static constexpr int32_t kMicrosPerSecond = 1000000;
static constexpr int32_t kMillisPerSecond = 1000;
static constexpr int32_t kNanosPerMillisecond = 1000000;
static constexpr int32_t kNanosPerMicrosecond = 1000;
static constexpr int32_t kSecondsPerMinute =
60; // Note that we ignore leap seconds.
static constexpr int32_t kSecondsPerHour = 3600;
template <typename T>
T CreateNormalized(int64_t seconds, int32_t nanos);
template <>
Timestamp CreateNormalized(int64_t seconds, int32_t nanos) {
ABSL_DCHECK(seconds >= TimeUtil::kTimestampMinSeconds &&
seconds <= TimeUtil::kTimestampMaxSeconds)
<< "Timestamp seconds are outside of the valid range";
// Make sure nanos is in the range.
if (nanos <= -kNanosPerSecond || nanos >= kNanosPerSecond) {
seconds += nanos / kNanosPerSecond;
nanos = nanos % kNanosPerSecond;
// For Timestamp nanos should be in the range [0, 999999999]
if (nanos < 0) {
seconds -= 1;
nanos += kNanosPerSecond;
ABSL_DCHECK(seconds >= TimeUtil::kTimestampMinSeconds &&
seconds <= TimeUtil::kTimestampMaxSeconds &&
nanos >= TimeUtil::kTimestampMinNanoseconds &&
nanos <= TimeUtil::kTimestampMaxNanoseconds)
<< "Timestamp is outside of the valid range";
Timestamp result;
return result;
template <>
Duration CreateNormalized(int64_t seconds, int32_t nanos) {
ABSL_DCHECK(seconds >= TimeUtil::kDurationMinSeconds &&
seconds <= TimeUtil::kDurationMaxSeconds)
<< "Duration seconds are outside of the valid range";
// Make sure nanos is in the range.
if (nanos <= -kNanosPerSecond || nanos >= kNanosPerSecond) {
seconds += nanos / kNanosPerSecond;
nanos = nanos % kNanosPerSecond;
// nanos should have the same sign as seconds.
if (seconds < 0 && nanos > 0) {
seconds += 1;
nanos -= kNanosPerSecond;
} else if (seconds > 0 && nanos < 0) {
seconds -= 1;
nanos += kNanosPerSecond;
ABSL_DCHECK(seconds >= TimeUtil::kDurationMinSeconds &&
seconds <= TimeUtil::kDurationMaxSeconds &&
nanos >= TimeUtil::kDurationMinNanoseconds &&
nanos <= TimeUtil::kDurationMaxNanoseconds)
<< "Duration is outside of the valid range";
Duration result;
return result;
// Format nanoseconds with either 3, 6, or 9 digits depending on the required
// precision to represent the exact value.
std::string FormatNanos(int32_t nanos) {
if (nanos % kNanosPerMillisecond == 0) {
return absl::StrFormat("%03d", nanos / kNanosPerMillisecond);
} else if (nanos % kNanosPerMicrosecond == 0) {
return absl::StrFormat("%06d", nanos / kNanosPerMicrosecond);
} else {
return absl::StrFormat("%09d", nanos);
std::string FormatTime(int64_t seconds, int32_t nanos) {
static constexpr absl::string_view kTimestampFormat = "%E4Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S";
timespec spec;
spec.tv_sec = seconds;
// We only use absl::FormatTime to format the seconds part because we need
// finer control over the precision of nanoseconds.
spec.tv_nsec = 0;
std::string result = absl::FormatTime(
kTimestampFormat, absl::TimeFromTimespec(spec), absl::UTCTimeZone());
// We format the nanoseconds part separately to meet the precision
// requirement.
if (nanos != 0) {
absl::StrAppend(&result, ".", FormatNanos(nanos));
absl::StrAppend(&result, "Z");
return result;
bool ParseTime(absl::string_view value, int64_t* seconds, int32_t* nanos) {
absl::Time result;
if (!absl::ParseTime(absl::RFC3339_full, value, &result, nullptr)) {
return false;
timespec spec = absl::ToTimespec(result);
*seconds = spec.tv_sec;
*nanos = spec.tv_nsec;
return true;
void CurrentTime(int64_t* seconds, int32_t* nanos) {
absl::Time now = absl::Now();
timespec spec = absl::ToTimespec(now);
*seconds = spec.tv_sec;
*nanos = spec.tv_nsec;
// Truncates the remainder part after division.
int64_t RoundTowardZero(int64_t value, int64_t divider) {
int64_t result = value / divider;
int64_t remainder = value % divider;
// Before C++11, the sign of the remainder is implementation dependent if
// any of the operands is negative. Here we try to enforce C++11's "rounded
// toward zero" semantics. For example, for (-5) / 2 an implementation may
// give -3 as the result with the remainder being 1. This function ensures
// we always return -2 (closer to zero) regardless of the implementation.
if (result < 0 && remainder > 0) {
return result + 1;
} else {
return result;
} // namespace
// Actually define these static const integers. Required by C++ standard (but
// some compilers don't like it).
#ifndef _MSC_VER
constexpr int64_t TimeUtil::kTimestampMinSeconds;
constexpr int64_t TimeUtil::kTimestampMaxSeconds;
constexpr int32_t TimeUtil::kTimestampMinNanoseconds;
constexpr int32_t TimeUtil::kTimestampMaxNanoseconds;
constexpr int64_t TimeUtil::kDurationMaxSeconds;
constexpr int64_t TimeUtil::kDurationMinSeconds;
constexpr int32_t TimeUtil::kDurationMaxNanoseconds;
constexpr int32_t TimeUtil::kDurationMinNanoseconds;
#endif // !_MSC_VER
std::string TimeUtil::ToString(const Timestamp& timestamp) {
return FormatTime(timestamp.seconds(), timestamp.nanos());
bool TimeUtil::FromString(absl::string_view value, Timestamp* timestamp) {
int64_t seconds;
int32_t nanos;
if (!ParseTime(value, &seconds, &nanos)) {
return false;
*timestamp = CreateNormalized<Timestamp>(seconds, nanos);
return true;
Timestamp TimeUtil::GetCurrentTime() {
int64_t seconds;
int32_t nanos;
CurrentTime(&seconds, &nanos);
return CreateNormalized<Timestamp>(seconds, nanos);
Timestamp TimeUtil::GetEpoch() { return Timestamp(); }
std::string TimeUtil::ToString(const Duration& duration) {
std::string result;
int64_t seconds = duration.seconds();
int32_t nanos = duration.nanos();
if (seconds < 0 || nanos < 0) {
result = "-";
seconds = -seconds;
nanos = -nanos;
absl::StrAppend(&result, seconds);
if (nanos != 0) {
absl::StrAppend(&result, ".", FormatNanos(nanos));
absl::StrAppend(&result, "s");
return result;
static int64_t Pow(int64_t x, int y) {
int64_t result = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < y; ++i) {
result *= x;
return result;
bool TimeUtil::FromString(absl::string_view value, Duration* duration) {
if (value.length() <= 1 || value[value.length() - 1] != 's') {
return false;
bool negative = (value[0] == '-');
size_t sign_length = (negative ? 1 : 0);
// Parse the duration value as two integers rather than a float value
// to avoid precision loss.
std::string seconds_part, nanos_part;
size_t pos = value.find_last_of('.');
if (pos == std::string::npos) {
seconds_part = std::string(
value.substr(sign_length, value.length() - 1 - sign_length));
nanos_part = "0";
} else {
seconds_part = std::string(value.substr(sign_length, pos - sign_length));
nanos_part = std::string(value.substr(pos + 1, value.length() - pos - 2));
char* end;
static_assert(sizeof(int64_t) == sizeof(long long),
"sizeof int64_t is not sizeof long long");
int64_t seconds = std::strtoll(seconds_part.c_str(), &end, 10);
if (end != seconds_part.c_str() + seconds_part.length()) {
return false;
int64_t nanos = std::strtoll(nanos_part.c_str(), &end, 10);
if (end != nanos_part.c_str() + nanos_part.length()) {
return false;
nanos = nanos * Pow(10, static_cast<int>(9 - nanos_part.length()));
if (negative) {
// If a Duration is negative, both seconds and nanos should be negative.
seconds = -seconds;
nanos = -nanos;
return true;
Duration TimeUtil::NanosecondsToDuration(int64_t nanos) {
return CreateNormalized<Duration>(nanos / kNanosPerSecond,
nanos % kNanosPerSecond);
Duration TimeUtil::MicrosecondsToDuration(int64_t micros) {
return CreateNormalized<Duration>(
micros / kMicrosPerSecond,
(micros % kMicrosPerSecond) * kNanosPerMicrosecond);
Duration TimeUtil::MillisecondsToDuration(int64_t millis) {
return CreateNormalized<Duration>(
millis / kMillisPerSecond,
(millis % kMillisPerSecond) * kNanosPerMillisecond);
Duration TimeUtil::SecondsToDuration(int64_t seconds) {
return CreateNormalized<Duration>(seconds, 0);
Duration TimeUtil::MinutesToDuration(int64_t minutes) {
ABSL_DCHECK(minutes >= TimeUtil::kDurationMinSeconds / kSecondsPerMinute &&
minutes <= TimeUtil::kDurationMaxSeconds / kSecondsPerMinute)
<< "Duration minutes are outside of the valid range";
return SecondsToDuration(minutes * kSecondsPerMinute);
Duration TimeUtil::HoursToDuration(int64_t hours) {
ABSL_DCHECK(hours >= TimeUtil::kDurationMinSeconds / kSecondsPerHour &&
hours <= TimeUtil::kDurationMaxSeconds / kSecondsPerHour)
<< "Duration hours are outside of the valid range";
return SecondsToDuration(hours * kSecondsPerHour);
int64_t TimeUtil::DurationToNanoseconds(const Duration& duration) {
<< "Duration is outside of the valid range";
return duration.seconds() * kNanosPerSecond + duration.nanos();
int64_t TimeUtil::DurationToMicroseconds(const Duration& duration) {
return RoundTowardZero(DurationToNanoseconds(duration), kNanosPerMicrosecond);
int64_t TimeUtil::DurationToMilliseconds(const Duration& duration) {
return RoundTowardZero(DurationToNanoseconds(duration), kNanosPerMillisecond);
int64_t TimeUtil::DurationToSeconds(const Duration& duration) {
<< "Duration is outside of the valid range";
return duration.seconds();
int64_t TimeUtil::DurationToMinutes(const Duration& duration) {
return RoundTowardZero(DurationToSeconds(duration), kSecondsPerMinute);
int64_t TimeUtil::DurationToHours(const Duration& duration) {
return RoundTowardZero(DurationToSeconds(duration), kSecondsPerHour);
Timestamp TimeUtil::NanosecondsToTimestamp(int64_t nanos) {
return CreateNormalized<Timestamp>(nanos / kNanosPerSecond,
nanos % kNanosPerSecond);
Timestamp TimeUtil::MicrosecondsToTimestamp(int64_t micros) {
return CreateNormalized<Timestamp>(
micros / kMicrosPerSecond,
micros % kMicrosPerSecond * kNanosPerMicrosecond);
Timestamp TimeUtil::MillisecondsToTimestamp(int64_t millis) {
return CreateNormalized<Timestamp>(
millis / kMillisPerSecond,
millis % kMillisPerSecond * kNanosPerMillisecond);
Timestamp TimeUtil::SecondsToTimestamp(int64_t seconds) {
return CreateNormalized<Timestamp>(seconds, 0);
int64_t TimeUtil::TimestampToNanoseconds(const Timestamp& timestamp) {
<< "Timestamp is outside of the valid range";
return timestamp.seconds() * kNanosPerSecond + timestamp.nanos();
int64_t TimeUtil::TimestampToMicroseconds(const Timestamp& timestamp) {
<< "Timestamp is outside of the valid range";
return timestamp.seconds() * kMicrosPerSecond +
RoundTowardZero(timestamp.nanos(), kNanosPerMicrosecond);
int64_t TimeUtil::TimestampToMilliseconds(const Timestamp& timestamp) {
<< "Timestamp is outside of the valid range";
return timestamp.seconds() * kMillisPerSecond +
RoundTowardZero(timestamp.nanos(), kNanosPerMillisecond);
int64_t TimeUtil::TimestampToSeconds(const Timestamp& timestamp) {
<< "Timestamp is outside of the valid range";
return timestamp.seconds();
Timestamp TimeUtil::TimeTToTimestamp(time_t value) {
return CreateNormalized<Timestamp>(static_cast<int64_t>(value), 0);
time_t TimeUtil::TimestampToTimeT(const Timestamp& value) {
return static_cast<time_t>(value.seconds());
Timestamp TimeUtil::TimevalToTimestamp(const timeval& value) {
return CreateNormalized<Timestamp>(value.tv_sec,
value.tv_usec * kNanosPerMicrosecond);
timeval TimeUtil::TimestampToTimeval(const Timestamp& value) {
timeval result;
result.tv_sec = value.seconds();
result.tv_usec = RoundTowardZero(value.nanos(), kNanosPerMicrosecond);
return result;
Duration TimeUtil::TimevalToDuration(const timeval& value) {
return CreateNormalized<Duration>(value.tv_sec,
value.tv_usec * kNanosPerMicrosecond);
timeval TimeUtil::DurationToTimeval(const Duration& value) {
timeval result;
result.tv_sec = value.seconds();
result.tv_usec = RoundTowardZero(value.nanos(), kNanosPerMicrosecond);
// timeval.tv_usec's range is [0, 1000000)
if (result.tv_usec < 0) {
result.tv_sec -= 1;
result.tv_usec += kMicrosPerSecond;
return result;
} // namespace util
} // namespace protobuf
} // namespace google
namespace google {
namespace protobuf {
namespace {
using ::google::protobuf::util::CreateNormalized;
using ::google::protobuf::util::kNanosPerSecond;
// Convert a Duration to uint128.
void ToUint128(const Duration& value, absl::uint128* result, bool* negative) {
if (value.seconds() < 0 || value.nanos() < 0) {
*negative = true;
*result = static_cast<uint64_t>(-value.seconds());
*result = *result * kNanosPerSecond + static_cast<uint32_t>(-value.nanos());
} else {
*negative = false;
*result = static_cast<uint64_t>(value.seconds());
*result = *result * kNanosPerSecond + static_cast<uint32_t>(value.nanos());
void ToDuration(const absl::uint128& value, bool negative, Duration* duration) {
int64_t seconds =
static_cast<int64_t>(absl::Uint128Low64(value / kNanosPerSecond));
int32_t nanos =
static_cast<int32_t>(absl::Uint128Low64(value % kNanosPerSecond));
if (negative) {
seconds = -seconds;
nanos = -nanos;
} // namespace
Duration& operator+=(Duration& d1, const Duration& d2) {
d1 = CreateNormalized<Duration>(d1.seconds() + d2.seconds(),
d1.nanos() + d2.nanos());
return d1;
Duration& operator-=(Duration& d1, const Duration& d2) { // NOLINT
d1 = CreateNormalized<Duration>(d1.seconds() - d2.seconds(),
d1.nanos() - d2.nanos());
return d1;
Duration& operator*=(Duration& d, int64_t r) { // NOLINT
bool negative;
absl::uint128 value;
ToUint128(d, &value, &negative);
if (r > 0) {
value *= static_cast<uint64_t>(r);
} else {
negative = !negative;
value *= static_cast<uint64_t>(-r);
ToDuration(value, negative, &d);
return d;
Duration& operator*=(Duration& d, double r) { // NOLINT
double result =
(static_cast<double>(d.seconds()) + d.nanos() * (1.0 / kNanosPerSecond)) *
int64_t seconds = static_cast<int64_t>(result);
int32_t nanos = static_cast<int32_t>((result - static_cast<double>(seconds)) *
// Note that we normalize here not just because nanos can have a different
// sign from seconds but also that nanos can be any arbitrary value when
// overflow happens (i.e., the result is a much larger value than what
// int64 can represent).
d = CreateNormalized<Duration>(seconds, nanos);
return d;
Duration& operator/=(Duration& d, int64_t r) { // NOLINT
bool negative;
absl::uint128 value;
ToUint128(d, &value, &negative);
if (r > 0) {
value /= static_cast<uint64_t>(r);
} else {
negative = !negative;
value /= static_cast<uint64_t>(-r);
ToDuration(value, negative, &d);
return d;
Duration& operator/=(Duration& d, double r) { // NOLINT
return d *= 1.0 / r;
Duration& operator%=(Duration& d1, const Duration& d2) { // NOLINT
bool negative1, negative2;
absl::uint128 value1, value2;
ToUint128(d1, &value1, &negative1);
ToUint128(d2, &value2, &negative2);
absl::uint128 result = value1 % value2;
// When negative values are involved in division, we round the division
// result towards zero. With this semantics, sign of the remainder is the
// same as the dividend. For example:
// -5 / 10 = 0, -5 % 10 = -5
// -5 / (-10) = 0, -5 % (-10) = -5
// 5 / (-10) = 0, 5 % (-10) = 5
ToDuration(result, negative1, &d1);
return d1;
int64_t operator/(const Duration& d1, const Duration& d2) {
bool negative1, negative2;
absl::uint128 value1, value2;
ToUint128(d1, &value1, &negative1);
ToUint128(d2, &value2, &negative2);
int64_t result = absl::Uint128Low64(value1 / value2);
if (negative1 != negative2) {
result = -result;
return result;
Timestamp& operator+=(Timestamp& t, const Duration& d) { // NOLINT
t = CreateNormalized<Timestamp>(t.seconds() + d.seconds(),
t.nanos() + d.nanos());
return t;
Timestamp& operator-=(Timestamp& t, const Duration& d) { // NOLINT
t = CreateNormalized<Timestamp>(t.seconds() - d.seconds(),
t.nanos() - d.nanos());
return t;
Duration operator-(const Timestamp& t1, const Timestamp& t2) {
return CreateNormalized<Duration>(t1.seconds() - t2.seconds(),
t1.nanos() - t2.nanos());
} // namespace protobuf
} // namespace google