blob: 1b4fb8d10a381c57d6e806f6fe5bd4f914fb37ce [file] [log] [blame]
# Build file to set up and run tests
set -ex
# Install Bazel 4.0.0. 4.0.0
bazel version
# Print bazel testlogs to stdout when tests failed.
function print_test_logs {
# TODO(yannic): Only print logs of failing tests.
testlogs_dir=$(bazel info bazel-testlogs)
testlogs=$(find "${testlogs_dir}" -name "*.log")
for log in $testlogs; do
cat "${log}"
# Change to repo root
cd $(dirname $0)/../../..
git submodule update --init --recursive
trap print_test_logs EXIT
bazel test -k --copt=-Werror --host_copt=-Werror \
//:build_files_updated_unittest \
//java:tests \
//:protoc \
//:protobuf \
//:protobuf_python \
//:protobuf_test \
trap - EXIT
cd examples
bazel build //...