ptdump: split help printf

The help text is getting quite big.  Split the single printf() into one printf()
per line of output.

Also print the output to stdout instead of stderr to align with ptxed.

Change-Id: I5eed339d4b3a51ac2a82f3108128e8d900d25ad1
Signed-off-by: Markus Metzger <>
diff --git a/ptdump/src/ptdump.c b/ptdump/src/ptdump.c
index 72dc75d..03a62cb 100644
--- a/ptdump/src/ptdump.c
+++ b/ptdump/src/ptdump.c
@@ -170,38 +170,35 @@
 static int help(const char *name)
-	fprintf(stderr,
-		"usage: %s [<options>] <ptfile>[:<from>[-<to>]\n\n"
-		"options:\n"
-		"  --help|-h                 this text.\n"
-		"  --version                 display version information and exit.\n"
-		"  --no-sync                 don't try to sync to the first PSB, assume a valid\n"
-		"                            sync point at the beginning of the trace.\n"
-		"  --quiet                   don't print anything but errors.\n"
-		"  --no-pad                  don't show PAD packets.\n"
-		"  --no-timing               don't show timing packets.\n"
-		"  --no-cyc                  don't show CYC packets and ignore them when tracking time.\n"
-		"  --no-offset               don't show the offset as the first column.\n"
-		"  --raw                     show raw packet bytes.\n"
-		"  --lastip                  show last IP updates on packets with IP payloads.\n"
-		"  --exec-mode               show the current execution mode on mode.exec packets.\n"
-		"  --time                    show the estimated TSC on timing packets.\n"
-		"  --tcal                    show time calibration information.\n"
-		"  --time-delta              show timing information as delta.\n"
-		"  --no-tcal                 skip timing calibration.\n"
-		"                            this will result in errors when CYC packets are encountered.\n"
-		"  --no-wall-clock           suppress the no-time error and print relative time.\n"
-		"  --cpu none|auto|f/m[/s]   set cpu to the given value and decode according to:\n"
-		"                              none     spec (default)\n"
-		"                              auto     current cpu\n"
-		"                              f/m[/s]  family/model[/stepping]\n"
-		"  --mtc-freq <n>            set the MTC frequency (IA32_RTIT_CTL[17:14]) to <n>.\n"
-		"  --nom-freq <n>            set the nominal frequency (MSR_PLATFORM_INFO[15:8]) to <n>.\n"
-		"  --cpuid-0x15.eax          set the value of cpuid[0x15].eax.\n"
-		"  --cpuid-0x15.ebx          set the value of cpuid[0x15].ebx.\n"
-		"  <ptfile>[:<from>[-<to>]]  load the processor trace data from <ptfile>;\n"
-		"                            an optional offset or range can be given.\n",
-		name);
+	printf("usage: %s [<options>] <ptfile>[:<from>[-<to>]\n\n", name);
+	printf("options:\n");
+	printf("  --help|-h                 this text.\n");
+	printf("  --version                 display version information and exit.\n");
+	printf("  --no-sync                 don't try to sync to the first PSB, assume a valid\n");
+	printf("                            sync point at the beginning of the trace.\n");
+	printf("  --quiet                   don't print anything but errors.\n");
+	printf("  --no-pad                  don't show PAD packets.\n");
+	printf("  --no-timing               don't show timing packets.\n");
+	printf("  --no-cyc                  don't show CYC packets and ignore them when tracking time.\n");
+	printf("  --no-offset               don't show the offset as the first column.\n");
+	printf("  --raw                     show raw packet bytes.\n");
+	printf("  --lastip                  show last IP updates on packets with IP payloads.\n");
+	printf("  --exec-mode               show the current execution mode on mode.exec packets.\n");
+	printf("  --time                    show the estimated TSC on timing packets.\n");
+	printf("  --tcal                    show time calibration information.\n");
+	printf("  --time-delta              show timing information as delta.\n");
+	printf("  --no-tcal                 skip timing calibration.\n");
+	printf("                            this will result in errors when CYC packets are encountered.\n");
+	printf("  --no-wall-clock           suppress the no-time error and print relative time.\n");
+	printf("  --cpu none|auto|f/m[/s]   set cpu to the given value and decode according to:\n");
+	printf("                              none     spec (default)\n");
+	printf("                              auto     current cpu\n");
+	printf("                              f/m[/s]  family/model[/stepping]\n");
+	printf("  --mtc-freq <n>            set the MTC frequency (IA32_RTIT_CTL[17:14]) to <n>.\n");
+	printf("  --nom-freq <n>            set the nominal frequency (MSR_PLATFORM_INFO[15:8]) to <n>.\n");
+	printf("  --cpuid-0x15.eax          set the value of cpuid[0x15].eax.\n");
+	printf("  --cpuid-0x15.ebx          set the value of cpuid[0x15].ebx.\n");
+	printf("  <ptfile>[:<from>[-<to>]]  load the processor trace data from <ptfile>;\n");
 	return 0;