blob: ca8a562a309213b6dd21ccb9be0a99bf2c3d7e3b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019-2021 The Khronos Group Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0
// Common Valid Usage
// Common to non-indirect drawing commands
* [[VUID-{refpage}-commandBuffer-02712]]
If pname:commandBuffer is a protected command buffer and
<<limits-protectedNoFault, pname:protectedNoFault>> is not supported,
any resource written to by the sname:VkPipeline object bound to the
pipeline bind point used by this command must: not be an unprotected
* [[VUID-{refpage}-commandBuffer-02713]]
If pname:commandBuffer is a protected command buffer and
<<limits-protectedNoFault, pname:protectedNoFault>> is not supported,
pipeline stages other than the framebuffer-space and compute stages in
the sname:VkPipeline object bound to the pipeline bind point used by
this command must: not write to any resource
* [[VUID-{refpage}-commandBuffer-04617]]
If any of the shader stages of the sname:VkPipeline bound to the
pipeline bind point used by this command uses the
<<spirvenv-capabilities-table-RayQueryKHR,RayQueryKHR>> capability, then
pname:commandBuffer must: not be a protected command buffer
// Common Valid Usage