blob: f8ca307cb0aeff8c3fc3b88bec0f5e236a2da090 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020-2021 The Khronos Group Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0
// Common Valid Usage
// Common to binding any memory to an image
* [[VUID-{refpage}-image-01044]]
pname:image must: not already be backed by a memory object
* [[VUID-{refpage}-image-01045]]
pname:image must: not have been created with any sparse memory binding
* [[VUID-{refpage}-memoryOffset-01046]]
pname:memoryOffset must: be less than the size of pname:memory
* [[VUID-{refpage}-image-01445]]
If pname:image requires a dedicated allocation (as reported by
flink:vkGetImageMemoryRequirements2 in
for pname:image), pname:memory must: have been created with
slink:VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfo::pname:image equal to pname:image
* [[VUID-{refpage}-memory-01509]]
If the sname:VkMemoryAllocateInfo provided when pname:memory was
allocated included a slink:VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfo structure in
its pname:pNext chain, and
slink:VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfo::pname:image was not
dlink:VK_NULL_HANDLE, then pname:image must: equal
slink:VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfo::pname:image and pname:memoryOffset
must: be zero
* [[VUID-{refpage}-memory-02628]]
If the <<features-dedicatedAllocationImageAliasing,dedicated allocation
image aliasing>> feature is not enabled, and the
sname:VkMemoryAllocateInfo provided when pname:memory was allocated
included a slink:VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfo structure in its
pname:pNext chain, and slink:VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfo::pname:image
was not dlink:VK_NULL_HANDLE, then pname:image must: equal
slink:VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfo::pname:image and pname:memoryOffset
must: be zero
* [[VUID-{refpage}-memory-02629]]
If the <<features-dedicatedAllocationImageAliasing,dedicated allocation
image aliasing>> feature is enabled, and the sname:VkMemoryAllocateInfo
provided when pname:memory was allocated included a
slink:VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfo structure in its pname:pNext chain,
and slink:VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfo::pname:image was not
dlink:VK_NULL_HANDLE, then pname:memoryOffset must: be zero, and
pname:image must: be either equal to
slink:VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfo::pname:image or an image that was
created using the same parameters in slink:VkImageCreateInfo, with the
exception that pname:extent and pname:arrayLayers may: differ subject to
the following restrictions: every dimension in the pname:extent
parameter of the image being bound must: be equal to or smaller than the
original image for which the allocation was created; and the
pname:arrayLayers parameter of the image being bound must: be equal to
or smaller than the original image for which the allocation was created
* [[VUID-{refpage}-None-01901]]
If image was created with the ename:VK_IMAGE_CREATE_PROTECTED_BIT bit
set, the image must: be bound to a memory object allocated with a memory
type that reports ename:VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_PROTECTED_BIT
* [[VUID-{refpage}-None-01902]]
If image was created with the ename:VK_IMAGE_CREATE_PROTECTED_BIT bit
not set, the image must: not be bound to a memory object created with a
memory type that reports ename:VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_PROTECTED_BIT
* [[VUID-{refpage}-image-01050]]
If pname:image was created with
equal to ename:VK_TRUE, pname:memory must: have been created with
slink:VkDedicatedAllocationMemoryAllocateInfoNV::pname:image equal to an
image handle created with identical creation parameters to pname:image
and pname:memoryOffset must: be zero
* [[VUID-{refpage}-image-01051]]
If pname:image was not created with
equal to ename:VK_TRUE, pname:memory must: not have been allocated
dedicated for a specific buffer or image
* [[VUID-{refpage}-memory-02728]]
If the value of slink:VkExportMemoryAllocateInfo::pname:handleTypes used
to allocate pname:memory is not `0`, it must: include at least one of
the handles set in
slink:VkExternalMemoryImageCreateInfo::pname:handleTypes when
pname:image was created
* [[VUID-{refpage}-memory-02729]]
If pname:memory was created by a memory import operation, the external
handle type of the imported memory must: also have been set in
slink:VkExternalMemoryImageCreateInfo::pname:handleTypes when
pname:image was created
* [[VUID-{refpage}-memory-02989]]
If pname:memory was created by a memory import operation, that is not
slink:VkImportAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID with a non-`NULL`
pname:buffer value, the external handle type of the imported memory
must: also have been set in
slink:VkExternalMemoryImageCreateInfo::pname:handleTypes when
pname:image was created
* [[VUID-{refpage}-memory-02990]]
If pname:memory was created with the
slink:VkImportAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID memory import operation
with a non-`NULL` pname:buffer value,
must: also have been set in
slink:VkExternalMemoryImageCreateInfo::pname:handleTypes when
pname:image was created
// Common Valid Usage