blob: 923c85ad6c1074879e8d2f463146cf9ed6f6ddce [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014-2021 The Khronos Group, Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0
[open,refpage='VkPresentRegionsKHR',desc='Structure hint of rectangular regions changed by vkQueuePresentKHR',type='structs']
When the `VK_KHR_incremental_present` extension is enabled, additional
fields can: be specified that allow an application to specify that only
certain rectangular regions of the presentable images of a swapchain are
This is an optimization hint that a presentation engine may: use to only
update the region of a surface that is actually changing.
The application still must: ensure that all pixels of a presented image
contain the desired values, in case the presentation engine ignores this
An application can: provide this hint by adding a sname:VkPresentRegionsKHR
structure to the pname:pNext chain of the sname:VkPresentInfoKHR structure.
The sname:VkPresentRegionsKHR structure is defined as:
* pname:sType is the type of this structure.
* pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this
* pname:swapchainCount is the number of swapchains being presented to by
this command.
* pname:pRegions is `NULL` or a pointer to an array of
sname:VkPresentRegionKHR elements with pname:swapchainCount entries.
If not `NULL`, each element of pname:pRegions contains the region that
has changed since the last present to the swapchain in the corresponding
entry in the sname:VkPresentInfoKHR::pname:pSwapchains array.
.Valid Usage
* [[VUID-VkPresentRegionsKHR-swapchainCount-01260]]
pname:swapchainCount must: be the same value as
sname:VkPresentInfoKHR::pname:swapchainCount, where
sname:VkPresentInfoKHR is included in the pname:pNext chain of this
sname:VkPresentRegionsKHR structure
[open,refpage='VkPresentRegionKHR',desc='Structure containing rectangular region changed by vkQueuePresentKHR for a given VkImage',type='structs']
For a given image and swapchain, the region to present is specified by the
sname:VkPresentRegionKHR structure, which is defined as:
* pname:rectangleCount is the number of rectangles in pname:pRectangles,
or zero if the entire image has changed and should be presented.
* pname:pRectangles is either `NULL` or a pointer to an array of
sname:VkRectLayerKHR structures.
The sname:VkRectLayerKHR structure is the framebuffer coordinates, plus
layer, of a portion of a presentable image that has changed and must: be
If non-`NULL`, each entry in pname:pRectangles is a rectangle of the
given image that has changed since the last image was presented to the
given swapchain.
The rectangles must: be specified relative to
slink:VkSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR::pname:currentTransform, regardless of
the swapchain's pname:preTransform.
The presentation engine will apply the pname:preTransform transformation
to the rectangles, along with any further transformation it applies to
the image content.
[open,refpage='VkRectLayerKHR',desc='Structure containing a rectangle, including layer, changed by vkQueuePresentKHR for a given VkImage',type='structs']
The sname:VkRectLayerKHR structure is defined as:
* pname:offset is the origin of the rectangle, in pixels.
* pname:extent is the size of the rectangle, in pixels.
* pname:layer is the layer of the image.
For images with only one layer, the value of pname:layer must: be 0.
Some platforms allow the size of a surface to change, and then scale the
pixels of the image to fit the surface.
sname:VkRectLayerKHR specifies pixels of the swapchain's image(s), which
will be constant for the life of the swapchain.
.Valid Usage
* [[VUID-VkRectLayerKHR-offset-04864]]
The sum of pname:offset and pname:extent, after being transformed
according to the pname:preTransform member of the
slink:VkSwapchainCreateInfoKHR structure, must: be no greater than the
pname:imageExtent member of the slink:VkSwapchainCreateInfoKHR structure
passed to flink:vkCreateSwapchainKHR
* [[VUID-VkRectLayerKHR-layer-01262]]
pname:layer must: be less than the pname:imageArrayLayers member of the
slink:VkSwapchainCreateInfoKHR structure passed to