blob: 33670dc52b073c77a150227a7cc4ca5582b039a4 [file] [log] [blame]
package filexfer
// ClosePacket defines the SSH_FXP_CLOSE packet.
type ClosePacket struct {
Handle string
// MarshalPacket returns p as a two-part binary encoding of p.
func (p *ClosePacket) MarshalPacket(reqid uint32, b []byte) (header, payload []byte, err error) {
buf := NewBuffer(b)
if buf.Cap() < 9 {
size := 4 + len(p.Handle) // string(handle)
buf = NewMarshalBuffer(size)
buf.StartPacket(PacketTypeClose, reqid)
return buf.Packet(payload)
// UnmarshalPacketBody unmarshals the packet body from the given Buffer.
// It is assumed that the uint32(request-id) has already been consumed.
func (p *ClosePacket) UnmarshalPacketBody(buf *Buffer) (err error) {
if p.Handle, err = buf.ConsumeString(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// ReadPacket defines the SSH_FXP_READ packet.
type ReadPacket struct {
Handle string
Offset uint64
Len uint32
// MarshalPacket returns p as a two-part binary encoding of p.
func (p *ReadPacket) MarshalPacket(reqid uint32, b []byte) (header, payload []byte, err error) {
buf := NewBuffer(b)
if buf.Cap() < 9 {
// string(handle) + uint64(offset) + uint32(len)
size := 4 + len(p.Handle) + 8 + 4
buf = NewMarshalBuffer(size)
buf.StartPacket(PacketTypeRead, reqid)
return buf.Packet(payload)
// UnmarshalPacketBody unmarshals the packet body from the given Buffer.
// It is assumed that the uint32(request-id) has already been consumed.
func (p *ReadPacket) UnmarshalPacketBody(buf *Buffer) (err error) {
if p.Handle, err = buf.ConsumeString(); err != nil {
return err
if p.Offset, err = buf.ConsumeUint64(); err != nil {
return err
if p.Len, err = buf.ConsumeUint32(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// WritePacket defines the SSH_FXP_WRITE packet.
type WritePacket struct {
Handle string
Offset uint64
Data []byte
// MarshalPacket returns p as a two-part binary encoding of p.
func (p *WritePacket) MarshalPacket(reqid uint32, b []byte) (header, payload []byte, err error) {
buf := NewBuffer(b)
if buf.Cap() < 9 {
// string(handle) + uint64(offset) + uint32(len(data)); data content in payload
size := 4 + len(p.Handle) + 8 + 4
buf = NewMarshalBuffer(size)
buf.StartPacket(PacketTypeWrite, reqid)
return buf.Packet(p.Data)
// UnmarshalPacketBody unmarshals the packet body from the given Buffer.
// It is assumed that the uint32(request-id) has already been consumed.
func (p *WritePacket) UnmarshalPacketBody(buf *Buffer) (err error) {
if p.Handle, err = buf.ConsumeString(); err != nil {
return err
if p.Offset, err = buf.ConsumeUint64(); err != nil {
return err
if p.Data, err = buf.ConsumeByteSlice(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// FStatPacket defines the SSH_FXP_FSTAT packet.
type FStatPacket struct {
Handle string
// MarshalPacket returns p as a two-part binary encoding of p.
func (p *FStatPacket) MarshalPacket(reqid uint32, b []byte) (header, payload []byte, err error) {
buf := NewBuffer(b)
if buf.Cap() < 9 {
size := 4 + len(p.Handle) // string(handle)
buf = NewMarshalBuffer(size)
buf.StartPacket(PacketTypeFStat, reqid)
return buf.Packet(payload)
// UnmarshalPacketBody unmarshals the packet body from the given Buffer.
// It is assumed that the uint32(request-id) has already been consumed.
func (p *FStatPacket) UnmarshalPacketBody(buf *Buffer) (err error) {
if p.Handle, err = buf.ConsumeString(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// FSetstatPacket defines the SSH_FXP_FSETSTAT packet.
type FSetstatPacket struct {
Handle string
Attrs Attributes
// MarshalPacket returns p as a two-part binary encoding of p.
func (p *FSetstatPacket) MarshalPacket(reqid uint32, b []byte) (header, payload []byte, err error) {
buf := NewBuffer(b)
if buf.Cap() < 9 {
size := 4 + len(p.Handle) + p.Attrs.Len() // string(handle) + ATTRS(attrs)
buf = NewMarshalBuffer(size)
buf.StartPacket(PacketTypeFSetstat, reqid)
return buf.Packet(payload)
// UnmarshalPacketBody unmarshals the packet body from the given Buffer.
// It is assumed that the uint32(request-id) has already been consumed.
func (p *FSetstatPacket) UnmarshalPacketBody(buf *Buffer) (err error) {
if p.Handle, err = buf.ConsumeString(); err != nil {
return err
return p.Attrs.UnmarshalFrom(buf)
// ReadDirPacket defines the SSH_FXP_READDIR packet.
type ReadDirPacket struct {
Handle string
// MarshalPacket returns p as a two-part binary encoding of p.
func (p *ReadDirPacket) MarshalPacket(reqid uint32, b []byte) (header, payload []byte, err error) {
buf := NewBuffer(b)
if buf.Cap() < 9 {
size := 4 + len(p.Handle) // string(handle)
buf = NewMarshalBuffer(size)
buf.StartPacket(PacketTypeReadDir, reqid)
return buf.Packet(payload)
// UnmarshalPacketBody unmarshals the packet body from the given Buffer.
// It is assumed that the uint32(request-id) has already been consumed.
func (p *ReadDirPacket) UnmarshalPacketBody(buf *Buffer) (err error) {
if p.Handle, err = buf.ConsumeString(); err != nil {
return err
return nil