blob: 21242e94600ffaa0bc9b3a228312e4cf3e012571 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright 2021 The Pigweed Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
# the License.
# Standard flags required for all Pigweed projects.
import %workspace%/pw_build/pigweed.bazelrc
# TODO: - Only until bzlmod migration is done.
common --enable_workspace
# UX flags
# ========
# Improve debugability by printing all arguments for failing commands.
common --verbose_failures
# Suppress the DEBUG: log messages from bazel. We get lots of spammy DEBUG:
# messages from our third-party dependencies.
build --ui_event_filters=-debug
# Specifies desired output mode for running tests.
# Valid values are
# 'summary' to output only test status summary
# 'errors' to also print test logs for failed tests
# 'all' to print logs for all tests
# 'streamed' to output logs for all tests in real time
# (this will force tests to be executed locally one at a time regardless
# of --test_strategy value).
test --test_output=errors
# Default build_tag_filters and test_tag_filters
# ==============================================
# Skip building any targets tagged do_not_build.
build --build_tag_filters=-do_not_build,-kernel
# Exclude integration tests from the default build. The test_tag_filters flag
# doesn't accumulate ( we have
# to specify it only once, setting all the exclusions in a comma-separated
# list.
test --test_tag_filters=-integration,-do_not_build,-do_not_run_test,-kernel
# C++ related flags
# =================
# Do not strip debug symbols by default.
common --strip=never
# Silence all C/C++ warnings in external code.
# Note that this will not silence warnings from external headers #include'd in
# first-party code.
common --per_file_copt=external/.*@-w
common --host_per_file_copt=external/.*@-w
# Picotool needs to build with exceptions and RTTI enabled.
common --per_file_copt=external.*picotool.*@-fexceptions,-frtti
common --host_per_file_copt=external.*picotool.*@-fexceptions,-frtti
# RP2xxx PIO assembler also needs exceptions.
common --host_per_file_copt=external.*pioasm.*@-fexceptions,-frtti
# Default to C++17 to ensure compatibility.
common --//pw_toolchain/cc:cxx_standard=17
common:cxx20 --//pw_toolchain/cc:cxx_standard=20
# Silence compiler warnings from external repositories.
# TODO: - This is supported by Bazel's default C++
# toolchain, but not yet by Pigweed's own toolchains.
build --features=external_include_paths
# Turn on internal warnings for upstream Pigweed. DO NOT enable in downstream
# projects to allow for warnings to be added in the future without breaking
# downstream.
build --features=internal_strict_warnings
# This feature can't be enabled until __unordtf2 and __letf2 are implemented by
# compiler-rt. See
# build --features=fully_static_link
# Required for combined code coverage reports.
coverage --experimental_generate_llvm_lcov
coverage --combined_report=lcov
# Enable layering check support.
# NOTE: this _does not_ by itself enable the layering check; that's done in
# REPO.bazel. This flag only ensures the module maps for sysroot and toolchain
# headers (needed for the layering check to not produce false positives) are
# constructed. Module map construction is gated behind a flag because the
# approach we take does not work in Bazel versions older than 8.0.0, so some
# downstream projects using Pigweed's toolchains would be broken if this flag
# was removed and always set to true in the toolchain definition.
common --//pw_toolchain/host_clang:layering_check
# Rust related flags
# ==================
# Ensure that rust channel gets propagated to the exec config under which
# proc-macros and files are built.
common --experimental_propagate_custom_flag=@@rules_rust+//rust/toolchain/channel:channel
# Java related flags
# ==================
# Workaround for
build --java_language_version=11
build --tool_java_language_version=11
build --java_runtime_version=remotejdk_11
build --repo_env=JAVA_HOME=../bazel_tools/jdk
# Default label flags values
# ==========================
build --@freertos//:freertos_config=//third_party/freertos:freertos_config
build --@mbedtls//:mbedtls_config=//third_party/mbedtls:default_config
# We use non-default labels for the STM32Cube repositories upstream (to reserve
# the option of building for more than one MCU family down the road), so need to
# override the three labels below.
common --//third_party/stm32cube:hal_driver=@stm32f4xx_hal_driver//:hal_driver
common --@stm32f4xx_hal_driver//:cmsis_device=@cmsis_device_f4//:cmsis_device
common --@stm32f4xx_hal_driver//:cmsis_init=@cmsis_device_f4//:default_cmsis_init
common --@cmsis_device_f4//:cmsis_core=@cmsis_core
common --//pw_env_setup/py:pigweed_json=//:pigweed_json
common --experimental_propagate_custom_flag=//pw_env_setup/py:pigweed_json
build --//pw_function:config_override=//pw_function:upstream_default_config
# These flags may be read by tooling running in the exec configuration.
common --experimental_propagate_custom_flag=//pw_build/luci:is_ci
common --experimental_propagate_custom_flag=//pw_build/luci:is_shadow
# Sanitizer config definitions
# ============================
common:asan --//pw_toolchain/host_clang:asan
# TODO: - We need to repeat the
# -integration because the test_tag_filters flag does not
# accumulate.
test:asan --test_tag_filters=-integration,-noasan,-do_not_build,-do_not_run_test,-kernel
common:ubsan --//pw_toolchain/host_clang:ubsan
# TODO: - We need to repeat the
# -integration because the test_tag_filters flag does not accumulate.
test:ubsan --test_tag_filters=-integration,-noubsan,-do_not_build,-do_not_run_test,-kernel
common:tsan --//pw_toolchain/host_clang:tsan
# TODO: - We need to repeat the
# -integration because the test_tag_filters flag does not accumulate.
test:tsan --test_tag_filters=-integration,-notsan,-do_not_build,-do_not_run_test,-kernel
# Include libFuzzer build configurations.
import %workspace%/pw_fuzzer/libfuzzer.bazelrc
# Include FuzzTest build configurations.
import %workspace%/pw_fuzzer/fuzztest.bazelrc
# clang-tidy configuration
build:clang-tidy --aspects @bazel_clang_tidy//clang_tidy:clang_tidy.bzl%clang_tidy_aspect
build:clang-tidy --output_groups=report
build:clang-tidy --@bazel_clang_tidy//:clang_tidy_config=//:clang_tidy_config
build:clang-tidy --@bazel_clang_tidy//:clang_tidy_executable=//pw_toolchain/host_clang:copy_clang_tidy
build:clang-tidy --@bazel_clang_tidy//:clang_tidy_additional_deps=//pw_toolchain/host_clang:sysroot_root
build:clang-tidy --build_tag_filters=-noclangtidy
# We need to disable this warning to avoid spurious "#pragma once in main file"
# warnings for header-only libraries. For another approach, see
# TODO: - What do we do in GN?
build:clang-tidy --copt=-Wno-pragma-once-outside-header
# For some platforms i.e. google/oss-fuzz we need to use the system provided
# rather than the hermetic toolchains. This allows oss-fuzz to override the
# build with specialised compilers that are tightly coupled to the fuzzing
# runtimes.
# Detect toolchains
common:non_hermetic --repo_env=BAZEL_DO_NOT_DETECT_CPP_TOOLCHAIN=0
common:non_hermetic --extra_toolchains=@local_config_cc_toolchains//...
# Configure workspace status command to test pw_build_info git_build_info
# TODO: b/348046338 - Add a Windows version of this command
build --workspace_status_command=pw_build_info/
# Target platform config definitions
# ==================================
# Exclude //pw_bluetooth_sapphire/fuchsia when the host platform is not
# linux-amd64. This is the only platform that the Fuchsia SDK supports.
common --enable_platform_specific_config
# Import `--config=fuchsia` scoped pigweed backends.
import %workspace%/pw_bluetooth_sapphire/fuchsia/backends.bazelrc
# TODO: - The Fuchsia SDK doesn't work with these
# flags yet. Unfortunately, this needs to be switched for all build types since
# it's required for things to load properly in pw_bluetooth_sapphire.
common --noincompatible_disallow_empty_glob
# Configs for RP2xxx platforms.
build:rp2040 --platforms=@pigweed//targets/rp2040
test:rp2040 --run_under=//targets/rp2040/py:unit_test_client
build:rp2350 --platforms=@pigweed//targets/rp2040:rp2350
test:rp2350 --run_under=//targets/rp2040/py:unit_test_client
# Config for the stm32f429i_disc1 baremetal platform.
build:stm32f429i_baremetal --platforms=//targets/stm32f429i_disc1:platform
# Config for the stm32f429i_disc1_stm32cube freertos platform.
build:stm32f429i_freertos --platforms=//targets/stm32f429i_disc1_stm32cube:platform
# Config for the lm3s6965evb platform, used to build pw_rust/examples.
build:lm3s6965evb --platforms=//targets/lm3s6965evb
# Config for the microbit platform, used to build pw_rust/examples.
build:microbit --platforms=//targets/microbit
# GoogleTest config
# =================
# This config can be used to build and run host tests using GoogleTest instead
# of the default //pw_unit_test:light framework.
common:googletest --//pw_unit_test:backend=//pw_unit_test:googletest
common:googletest --//pw_unit_test:main=@com_google_googletest//:gtest_main
common:googletest --platforms=//pw_unit_test:googletest_platform
# TODO: - Re-enable layering check once the layering
# issues in the googletest backend are fixed.
common:googletest --features=-layering_check
# Remote execution config definitions
# ===================================
# Use the remote cache. This will only work for users who have permission to access it.
common:remote_cache --bes_backend=""
common:remote_cache --bes_instance_name=pigweed-rbe-open
common:remote_cache --bes_results_url=""
common:remote_cache --bes_timeout=600s
common:remote_cache --experimental_remote_cache_eviction_retries=5
common:remote_cache --google_default_credentials=true
# Required to use buildeventservice on Bazel 8+.
# TODO: b/345556899 -- Remove this flag when no longer required.
common:remote_cache --legacy_important_outputs
common:remote_cache --remote_cache=grpcs://
common:remote_cache --remote_instance_name=projects/pigweed-rbe-open/instances/default-instance
common:remote_cache --remote_upload_local_results=false
# TODO: - This flag breaks
# runfiles handling with remote caching, and causes a bunch of
# when creating runfiles trees.
common:remote_cache --experimental_inprocess_symlink_creation=false
# cache-silo-key: this is essentially a "salt" added to the remote cache key.
# Change it to a new value when we want to create a new cache from scratch
# (e.g. to recover from cache poisoning). We've used the current date in
# YYYYMMDD format in the past.
common --remote_default_exec_properties=cache-silo-key=20240918
# Configs for experimental //pw_kernel
import %workspace%/pw_kernel/kernel.bazelrc
# User bazelrc file
# =================
# See
# Note: this should be at the bottom of the file, so that user-specified
# options override anything in this file
# (
try-import %workspace%/user.bazelrc