blob: e950c5bbcc0992a5db926b2bb63686bdf6efb9a1 [file] [log] [blame]
* List Abstract Data Type
* Copyright (C) 1997 Kaz Kylheku <>
* Free Software License:
* All rights are reserved by the author, with the following exceptions:
* Permission is granted to freely reproduce and distribute this software,
* possibly in exchange for a fee, provided that this copyright notice appears
* intact. Permission is also granted to adapt this software to produce
* derivative works, as long as the modified versions carry this copyright
* notice and additional notices stating that the work has been modified.
* This source code may be translated into executable form and incorporated
* into proprietary software; there is no requirement for such software to
* contain a copyright notice related to this source.
* $Id: list.c,v 2000/04/17 01:07:21 kaz Exp $
* $Name: kazlib_1_20 $
#include <wsman_config.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "u/libu.h"
#define next list_next
#define prev list_prev
#define data list_data
#define fre list_free
#define size list_size
#define nilnode list_nilnode
#define nodecount list_nodecount
#define maxcount list_maxcount
#define list_nil(L) (&(L)->nilnode)
#define list_first_priv(L) ((L)->
#define list_last_priv(L) ((L)->nilnode.prev)
#define lnode_next(N) ((N)->next)
#define lnode_prev(N) ((N)->prev)
* Initialize a list object supplied by the client such that it becomes a valid
* empty list. If the list is to be ``unbounded'', the maxcount should be
* specified as LISTCOUNT_T_MAX, or, alternately, as -1. The value zero
* is not permitted.
static list_t *list_init(list_t *list, listcount_t maxcount)
assert (maxcount != 0);
list-> = &list->nilnode;
list->nilnode.prev = &list->nilnode;
list->nodecount = 0;
list->maxcount = maxcount;
return list;
* Dynamically allocate a list object using malloc(), and initialize it so that
* it is a valid empty list. If the list is to be ``unbounded'', the maxcount
* should be specified as LISTCOUNT_T_MAX, or, alternately, as -1.
list_t *list_create(listcount_t maxcount)
list_t *new = malloc(sizeof *new);
if (new) {
assert (maxcount != 0);
new-> = &new->nilnode;
new->nilnode.prev = &new->nilnode;
new->nodecount = 0;
new->maxcount = maxcount;
return new;
* Destroy a dynamically allocated list object.
* The client must remove the nodes first.
void list_destroy(list_t *list)
assert (list_isempty(list));
* Free all of the nodes of a list. The list must contain only
* dynamically allocated nodes. After this call, the list
* is empty.
void list_destroy_nodes(list_t *list)
lnode_t *lnode = list_first_priv(list), *nil = list_nil(list), *tmp;
while (lnode != nil) {
tmp = lnode->next;
lnode->next = NULL;
lnode->prev = NULL;
lnode = tmp;
list_init(list, list->maxcount);
* Insert the node ``new'' into the list immediately after ``this'' node.
void list_ins_after(list_t *list, lnode_t *new, lnode_t *this)
lnode_t *that = this->next;
assert (new != NULL);
assert (!list_contains(list, new));
assert (!lnode_is_in_a_list(new));
assert (this == list_nil(list) || list_contains(list, this));
assert (list->nodecount + 1 > list->nodecount);
new->prev = this;
new->next = that;
that->prev = new;
this->next = new;
assert (list->nodecount <= list->maxcount);
* Insert the node ``new'' into the list immediately before ``this'' node.
void list_ins_before(list_t *list, lnode_t *new, lnode_t *this)
lnode_t *that = this->prev;
assert (new != NULL);
assert (!list_contains(list, new));
assert (!lnode_is_in_a_list(new));
assert (this == list_nil(list) || list_contains(list, this));
assert (list->nodecount + 1 > list->nodecount);
new->next = this;
new->prev = that;
that->next = new;
this->prev = new;
assert (list->nodecount <= list->maxcount);
* Delete the given node from the list.
lnode_t *list_delete(list_t *list, lnode_t *del)
lnode_t *next = del->next;
lnode_t *prev = del->prev;
assert (list_contains(list, del));
prev->next = next;
next->prev = prev;
del->next = del->prev = NULL;
return del;
* Delete the given node from the list. Return next node
lnode_t *list_delete2(list_t *list, lnode_t *del)
lnode_t *next = del->next;
lnode_t *prev = del->prev;
assert (list_contains(list, del));
prev->next = next;
next->prev = prev;
del->next = del->prev = NULL;
if (next == &list->nilnode) {
return NULL;
return next;
* For each node in the list, execute the given function. The list,
* current node and the given context pointer are passed on each
* call to the function.
void list_process(list_t *list, void *context,
void (* function)(list_t *list, lnode_t *lnode, void *context))
lnode_t *node = list_first_priv(list), *next, *nil = list_nil(list);
while (node != nil) {
/* check for callback function deleting */
/* the next node from under us */
assert (list_contains(list, node));
next = node->next;
function(list, node, context);
node = next;
* Dynamically allocate a list node and assign it the given piece of data.
lnode_t *lnode_create(void *data)
lnode_t *new = malloc(sizeof *new);
if (new) {
new->data = data;
new->next = NULL;
new->prev = NULL;
return new;
* Initialize a user-supplied lnode.
lnode_t *lnode_init(lnode_t *lnode, void *data)
lnode->data = data;
lnode->next = NULL;
lnode->prev = NULL;
return lnode;
* Destroy a dynamically allocated node.
void lnode_destroy(lnode_t *lnode)
assert (!lnode_is_in_a_list(lnode));
* Determine whether the given list contains the given node.
* According to this function, a list does not contain its nilnode.
int list_contains(list_t *list, lnode_t *node)
lnode_t *n, *nil = list_nil(list);
for (n = list_first_priv(list); n != nil; n = lnode_next(n)) {
if (node == n)
return 1;
return 0;
* Split off a trailing sequence of nodes from the source list and relocate
* them to the tail of the destination list. The trailing sequence begins
* with node ``first'' and terminates with the last node of the source
* list. The nodes are added to the end of the new list in their original
* order.
void ow_list_transfer(list_t *dest, list_t *source, lnode_t *first)
listcount_t moved = 1;
lnode_t *last;
if (first == NULL)
assert (list_contains(source, first));
last = source->nilnode.prev;
source->nilnode.prev = first->prev;
first->prev->next = list_nil(source);
last->next = list_nil(dest);
first->prev = dest->nilnode.prev;
dest->nilnode.prev->next = first;
dest->nilnode.prev = last;
while (first != last) {
first = first->next;
/* assert no weirdness */
assert (moved <= source->nodecount);
source->nodecount -= moved;
dest->nodecount += moved;
/* assert list sanity */
assert (list_verify(source));
assert (list_verify(dest));
* merge source to dest, sorted
void ow_list_merge(list_t *dest, list_t *source,
int compare (const void *, const void *))
lnode_t *dn, *sn, *tn;
lnode_t *d_nil = list_nil(dest), *s_nil = list_nil(source);
/* Nothing to do if source and destination list are the same. */
if (dest == source)
/* lists must be sorted */
assert (list_is_sorted(source, compare));
assert (list_is_sorted(dest, compare));
dn = list_first_priv(dest);
sn = list_first_priv(source);
while (dn != d_nil && sn != s_nil) {
if (compare(lnode_get(dn), lnode_get(sn)) >= 0) {
tn = lnode_next(sn);
list_delete(source, sn);
list_ins_before(dest, sn, dn);
sn = tn;
} else {
dn = lnode_next(dn);
if (dn != d_nil) /* sn == s_nil */
if (sn != s_nil)
list_transfer(dest, source, sn);
* sort list according to compare()
* quicksort
void ow_list_sort(list_t *list, int compare(const void *, const void *))
list_t extra;
listcount_t middle;
lnode_t *node;
if (list_count(list) > 1) {
middle = list_count(list) / 2;
node = list_first_priv(list);
list_init(&extra, list_count(list) - middle);
/* advance node to middle */
while (middle--)
node = lnode_next(node);
/* transfer 'right' half of list to extra */
ow_list_transfer(&extra, list, node);
/* sort 'left' half */
ow_list_sort(list, compare);
/* sort 'right' half */
ow_list_sort(&extra, compare);
/* merge sorted halves */
ow_list_merge(list, &extra, compare);
assert (list_is_sorted(list, compare));
lnode_t *list_find(list_t *list, const void *key, int compare(const void *, const void *))
lnode_t *node;
for (node = list_first_priv(list); node != list_nil(list); node = node->next) {
if (compare(lnode_get(node), key) == 0)
return node;
return 0;
* Return 1 if the list is in sorted order, 0 otherwise
int list_is_sorted(list_t *list, int compare(const void *, const void *))
lnode_t *node, *next, *nil;
next = nil = list_nil(list);
node = list_first_priv(list);
if (node != nil)
next = lnode_next(node);
for (; next != nil; node = next, next = lnode_next(next)) {
if (compare(lnode_get(node), lnode_get(next)) > 0)
return 0;
return 1;
* Get rid of macro functions definitions so they don't interfere
* with the actual definitions
#undef list_isempty
#undef list_isfull
#undef list_append
#undef list_prepend
#undef list_first
#undef list_last
#undef list_next
#undef list_prev
#undef list_count
#undef list_del_first
#undef list_del_last
#undef lnode_put
#undef lnode_get
* Return 1 if the list is empty, 0 otherwise
int ow_list_isempty(list_t *list)
if (list == NULL) {
return 1;
return list->nodecount == 0;
* Return 1 if the list is full, 0 otherwise
* Permitted only on bounded lists.
int ow_list_isfull(list_t *list)
if (list == NULL) {
return 0;
return list->nodecount == list->maxcount;
* Add the given node at the end of the list
void ow_list_append(list_t *list, lnode_t *node)
list_ins_before(list, node, &list->nilnode);
* Add the given node at the beginning of the list.
void ow_list_prepend(list_t *list, lnode_t *node)
list_ins_after(list, node, &list->nilnode);
* Retrieve the first node of the list
lnode_t *ow_list_first(list_t *list)
if (list == NULL) {
return NULL;
if (list-> == &list->nilnode) {
return NULL;
return list->;
* Retrieve the last node of the list
lnode_t *ow_list_last(list_t *list)
if (list->nilnode.prev == &list->nilnode)
return NULL;
return list->nilnode.prev;
* Retrieve the count of nodes in the list
listcount_t ow_list_count(list_t *list)
return list->nodecount;
* Remove the first node from the list and return it.
lnode_t *ow_list_del_first(list_t *list)
return list_delete(list, list->;
* Remove the last node from the list and return it.
lnode_t *ow_list_del_last(list_t *list)
return list_delete(list, list->nilnode.prev);
* Associate a data item with the given node.
void ow_lnode_put(lnode_t *lnode, void *data)
lnode->data = data;
* Retrieve the data item associated with the node.
void *ow_lnode_get(lnode_t *lnode)
return lnode->data;
* Retrieve the node's successor. If there is no successor,
* NULL is returned.
lnode_t *ow_list_next(list_t *list, lnode_t *lnode)
assert (list_contains(list, lnode));
if (lnode->next == list_nil(list))
return NULL;
return lnode->next;
* Retrieve the node's predecessor. See comment for lnode_next().
lnode_t *ow_list_prev(list_t *list, lnode_t *lnode)
assert (list_contains(list, lnode));
if (lnode->prev == list_nil(list))
return NULL;
return lnode->prev;
* Return 1 if the lnode is in some list, otherwise return 0.
int lnode_is_in_a_list(lnode_t *lnode)
return (lnode->next != NULL || lnode->prev != NULL);
int list_verify(list_t *list)
lnode_t *node = list_first_priv(list), *nil = list_nil(list);
listcount_t count = ow_list_count(list);
if (node->prev != nil)
return 0;
if (count > list->maxcount)
return 0;
while (node != nil && count--) {
if (node->next->prev != node)
return 0;
node = node->next;
if (count != 0 || node != nil)
return 0;
return 1;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
typedef char input_t[256];
static int tokenize(char *string, ...)
char **tokptr;
va_list arglist;
int tokcount = 0;
va_start(arglist, string);
tokptr = va_arg(arglist, char **);
while (tokptr) {
while (*string && isspace((unsigned char) *string))
if (!*string)
*tokptr = string;
while (*string && !isspace((unsigned char) *string))
tokptr = va_arg(arglist, char **);
if (!*string)
*string++ = 0;
return tokcount;
static int comparef(const void *key1, const void *key2)
return strcmp(key1, key2);
static char *dupstring(char *str)
int sz = strlen(str) + 1;
char *new = malloc(sz);
if (new)
memcpy(new, str, sz);
return new;
int main(void)
input_t in;
list_t *l = list_create(LISTCOUNT_T_MAX);
lnode_t *ln;
char *tok1, *val;
int prompt = 0;
char *help =
"a <val> append value to list\n"
"d <val> delete value from list\n"
"l <val> lookup value in list\n"
"s sort list\n"
"c show number of entries\n"
"t dump whole list\n"
"p turn prompt on\n"
"q quit";
if (!l)
puts("list_create failed");
for (;;) {
if (prompt)
if (!fgets(in, sizeof(input_t), stdin))
switch(in[0]) {
case '?':
case 'a':
if (tokenize(in+1, &tok1, (char **) 0) != 1) {
val = dupstring(tok1);
ln = lnode_create(val);
if (!val || !ln) {
puts("allocation failure");
if (ln)
list_append(l, ln);
case 'd':
if (tokenize(in+1, &tok1, (char **) 0) != 1) {
ln = list_find(l, tok1, comparef);
if (!ln) {
puts("list_find failed");
list_delete(l, ln);
val = lnode_get(ln);
case 'l':
if (tokenize(in+1, &tok1, (char **) 0) != 1) {
ln = list_find(l, tok1, comparef);
if (!ln)
puts("list_find failed");
case 's':
list_sort(l, comparef);
case 'c':
printf("%lu\n", (unsigned long) list_count(l));
case 't':
for (ln = list_first(l); ln != 0; ln = list_next(l, ln))
case 'q':
case '\0':
case 'p':
prompt = 1;
return 0;
#endif /* defined TEST_MAIN */