blob: 663c5a1d591368e27cd3286448986b3743532995 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# perl example to get Linux_EthernetPort class info.
# written by
use strict;
use warnings;
use lib '../../../build/bindings/perl';
use lib '..';
use openwsman;
# debug (to stderr)
# openwsman::set_debug(1);
# Create client instance.
# (host, port, path, scheme, username, password)
my $client = new openwsman::Client::('localhost', 5985, '/wsman', 'http',
'wsman', 'secret')
or die print "[ERROR] Could not create client handler.\n";
# Alternate way.
# my $client = new openwsman::Client::('http://wsman:secret@localhost:8889/wsman')
# or die print "[ERROR] Could not create client handler.\n";
# Set up client options.
my $options = new openwsman::ClientOptions::()
or die print "[ERROR] Could not create client options handler.\n";
# Force basic auth.
my $uri = $openwsman::XML_NS_CIM_INTRINSIC.'/Linux_EthernetPort'; # Uri.
my $method = $openwsman::CIM_ACTION_GET_CLASS; # GetClass Method.
my $result; # Used to store obtained data.
# Get class.
# (options, resource uri)
$result = $client->invoke($options, $uri, $method);
unless($result && $result->is_fault eq 0) {
die print "[ERROR] Could not get class.\n";
my $classInfo = $result->body()->child();
# Get items.
my $name; # Class name.
my @qualifiers; # Class qualifiers.
my @properties; # Class properties.
for((my $cnt = 0) ; ($cnt<$classInfo->size()) ; ($cnt++)) {
if($classInfo->get($cnt)->name() eq 'name') { # Class name.
$name = $classInfo->get($cnt)->text();
} elsif($classInfo->get($cnt)->name() eq 'qualifiers') { # Qualifiers.
my $qualifNode = $classInfo->get($cnt); # Node which contains qualifiers.
# Loop qualifiers.
for((my $cnt4 = 0) ; ($cnt4<$qualifNode->size()) ; ($cnt4++)) {
my $qualif;
$qualif->{$qualifNode->get($cnt4)->name()} = $qualifNode->get($cnt4)->text();
push @qualifiers, $qualif;
} elsif($classInfo->get($cnt)->name() eq 'properties') { # Properties.
my $propsNode = $classInfo->get($cnt); # Node which contains properties.
# Loop properties.
for((my $cnt2 = 0) ; ($cnt2<$propsNode->size()) ; ($cnt2++)) {
my $propNode = $propsNode->get($cnt2); # Property node.
my $prop;
for((my $cnt3 = 0) ; ($cnt3<$propNode->size()) ; ($cnt3++)) {
if($propNode->get($cnt3)->name() eq 'name') { # Name.
$prop->{'name'} = $propNode->get($cnt3)->text();
} elsif ($propNode->get($cnt3)->name() eq 'type') { # Type.
$prop->{'type'} = $propNode->get($cnt3)->text();
} elsif ($propNode->get($cnt3)->name() eq 'value') { # Default Value.
$prop->{'value'} = $propNode->get($cnt3)->text();
} elsif ($propNode->get($cnt3)->name() eq 'qualifiers') { # Qualifiers.
# Loop properties qualifiers.
for((my $cnt4 = 0) ; ($cnt4<$propNode->get($cnt3)->size()) ; ($cnt4++)) {
my $propQual = $propNode->get($cnt3)->get($cnt4); # Property Qualifier node.
for((my $cnt5 = 0) ; ($cnt5<$propQual->size()) ; ($cnt5++)) {
if($propQual->get($cnt5)->name() eq 'type') {
$prop->{'qualifiers'}->{$propQual->get(0)->text()}->{'type'} =
} elsif($propQual->get($cnt5)->name() eq 'value') {
push @{$prop->{'qualifiers'}->{$propQual->get(0)->text()}->{'value'}},
push @properties, $prop;
# Print output.
print "---------------------------------------------------\n";
print 'Class Name: ', $name, "\n";
print "Class Qualifiers:\n";
foreach(@qualifiers) {
my %inf = %$_; # Info container.
while ((my $key, my $value) = each %inf) {
print "\t", $key, ': ', $value, "\n\n";
print "Class Properties: \n";
foreach(@properties) {
my %inf = %{$_}; # Info container.
print "\tName: ", $inf{'name'}, "\n";
print "\tType: ", $inf{'type'}, "\n";
print "\tDefault Value: ", $inf{'value'}, "\n";
print "\tQualifiers:\n";
for my $key (keys %{$inf{'qualifiers'}}) {
my %qualif = %{$inf{'qualifiers'}->{$key}};
print "\t\tName: ", $key, "\n";
print "\t\tType: ", $qualif{'type'}, "\n";
print "\t\tValue/s: | ";
foreach(@{$qualif{'value'}}) {
print $_, ' | ';
print "\n\n";
print "\n";
print "---------------------------------------------------\n";