blob: 774c19eaf0df10c85aea7af917c3ce85da94c2fa [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# perl example to delete a specified Linux_NextHopIPRoute instance.
# written by
use strict;
use warnings;
use lib '../../../build/bindings/perl';
use lib '..';
use openwsman;
# debug (to stderr)
# openwsman::set_debug(1);
# Create client instance.
# (host, port, path, scheme, username, password)
my $client = new openwsman::Client::('localhost', 5985, '/wsman', 'http',
'wsman', 'secret')
or die print "[ERROR] Could not create client handler.\n";
# Alternate way.
# my $client = new openwsman::Client::('http://wsman:secret@localhost:8889/wsman')
# or die print "[ERROR] Could not create client handler.\n";
# Set up client options.
my $options = new openwsman::ClientOptions::()
or die print "[ERROR] Could not create client options handler.\n";
# Force basic auth.
my $uri = ''; # Uri.
my @selectors = (
['InstanceID', "localhost||24|254|2|0|"]
); # Selectors list.
my $result; # Used to store obtained data.
# Establish selectors.
# (key, value)
for(my $i=0 ; $i<scalar(@selectors) ; $i++) {
# Dump the XML request to stdout.
# Delete instance.
# (options, uri)
$result = $client->delete($options, $uri);
unless($result && $result->is_fault eq 0) {
print "[ERROR] Could not delete instance.\n";