blob: d6dc6d87b83330b0d0f13cfa653d0f51e8f33fdd [file] [log] [blame]
#include <stdint.h>
// Positive tests: these should generate a violation
// No space on either side of binary operators
void test_1(void)
int32_t a, b, c;
bool result;
int32_t * p;
// Things that should be caught
// Binary assignment operator
// Binary arithmetic operators
c = (a+b);
c = (a*b);
c = (a-b);
c = (a/b);
c = (a%b);
// Binary bitwise operators
c = (a&b);
c = (a|b);
c = (a^b);
// Binary shift (or stream) operators
c = (a<<b);
c = (a>>b);
// Binary arithmetic, bitwise, and shift with assignment operators
// Binary logical operators
result = (a&&b);
result = (a||b);
// Binary comparison operators
result = (a==b);
result = (a!=b);
result = (a<=b);
result = (a>=b);
result = (a<b);
result = (a>b);
// Single space on the left side of binary operators
void test_2_1(void)
int32_t a, b, c;
bool result;
int32_t * p;
// Things that should be caught
// Binary assignment operator
a =1;
b =1;
c =1;
// Binary arithmetic operators
c = (a +b);
c = (a *b);
c = (a -b);
c = (a /b);
c = (a %b);
// Binary bitwise operators
c = (a &b);
c = (a |b);
c = (a ^b);
// Binary shift (or stream) operators
c = (a <<b);
c = (a >>b);
// Binary arithmetic, bitwise, and shift with assignment operators
c +=a;
c *=a;
c -=a;
c /=a;
c %=a;
c &=a;
c |=a;
c ^=a;
c <<=a;
c >>=a;
// Binary logical operators
result = (a &&b);
result = (a ||b);
// Binary comparison operators
result = (a ==b);
result = (a !=b);
result = (a <=b);
result = (a >=b);
result = (a <b);
result = (a >b);
// Multiple spaces on the left side of binary operators
void test_2_2(void)
int32_t a, b, c;
bool result;
int32_t * p;
// Things that should be caught
// Binary assignment operator
a =1;
b =1;
c =1;
// Binary arithmetic operators
c = (a +b);
c = (a *b);
c = (a -b);
c = (a /b);
c = (a %b);
// Binary bitwise operators
c = (a &b);
c = (a |b);
c = (a ^b);
// Binary shift (or stream) operators
c = (a <<b);
c = (a >>b);
// Binary arithmetic, bitwise, and shift with assignment operators
c +=a;
c *=a;
c -=a;
c /=a;
c %=a;
c &=a;
c |=a;
c ^=a;
c <<=a;
c >>=a;
// Binary logical operators
result = (a &&b);
result = (a ||b);
// Binary comparison operators
result = (a ==b);
result = (a !=b);
result = (a <=b);
result = (a >=b);
result = (a <b);
result = (a >b);
// Single space on the right side of binary operators
void test_3_1(void)
int32_t a, b, c;
bool result;
int32_t * p;
// Things that should be caught
// Binary assignment operator
a= 1;
b= 1;
c= 1;
// Binary arithmetic operators
c = (a+ b);
c = (a* b);
c = (a- b);
c = (a/ b);
c = (a% b);
// Binary bitwise operators
c = (a& b);
c = (a| b);
c = (a^ b);
// Binary shift (or stream) operators
c = (a<< b);
c = (a>> b);
// Binary arithmetic, bitwise, and shift with assignment operators
c+= a;
c*= a;
c-= a;
c/= a;
c%= a;
c&= a;
c|= a;
c^= a;
c<<= a;
c>>= a;
// Binary logical operators
result = (a&& b);
result = (a|| b);
// Binary comparison operators
result = (a== b);
result = (a!= b);
result = (a<= b);
result = (a>= b);
result = (a< b);
result = (a> b);
// Multiple spaces on the right side of binary operators
void test_3_2(void)
int32_t a, b, c;
bool result;
int32_t * p;
// Things that should be caught
// Binary assignment operator
a= 1;
b= 1;
c= 1;
// Binary arithmetic operators
c = (a+ b);
c = (a* b);
c = (a- b);
c = (a/ b);
c = (a% b);
// Binary bitwise operators
c = (a& b);
c = (a| b);
c = (a^ b);
// Binary shift (or stream) operators
c = (a<< b);
c = (a>> b);
// Binary arithmetic, bitwise, and shift with assignment operators
c+= a;
c*= a;
c-= a;
c/= a;
c%= a;
c&= a;
c|= a;
c^= a;
c<<= a;
c>>= a;
// Binary logical operators
result = (a&& b);
result = (a|| b);
// Binary comparison operators
result = (a== b);
result = (a!= b);
result = (a<= b);
result = (a>= b);
result = (a< b);
result = (a> b);
// Single tab on the left side of binary operators
void test_4_1(void)
int32_t a, b, c;
bool result;
int32_t * p;
// Things that should be caught
// Binary assignment operator
a =1;
b =1;
c =1;
// Binary arithmetic operators
c = (a +b);
c = (a *b);
c = (a -b);
c = (a /b);
c = (a %b);
// Binary bitwise operators
c = (a &b);
c = (a |b);
c = (a ^b);
// Binary shift (or stream) operators
c = (a <<b);
c = (a >>b);
// Binary arithmetic, bitwise, and shift with assignment operators
c +=a;
c *=a;
c -=a;
c /=a;
c %=a;
c &=a;
c |=a;
c ^=a;
c <<=a;
c >>=a;
// Binary logical operators
result = (a &&b);
result = (a ||b);
// Binary comparison operators
result = (a ==b);
result = (a !=b);
result = (a <=b);
result = (a >=b);
result = (a <b);
result = (a >b);
// Multiple tabs on the left side of binary operators
void test_4_2(void)
int32_t a, b, c;
bool result;
int32_t * p;
// Things that should be caught
// Binary assignment operator
a =1;
b =1;
c =1;
// Binary arithmetic operators
c = (a +b);
c = (a *b);
c = (a -b);
c = (a /b);
c = (a %b);
// Binary bitwise operators
c = (a &b);
c = (a |b);
c = (a ^b);
// Binary shift (or stream) operators
c = (a <<b);
c = (a >>b);
// Binary arithmetic, bitwise, and shift with assignment operators
c +=a;
c *=a;
c -=a;
c /=a;
c %=a;
c &=a;
c |=a;
c ^=a;
c <<=a;
c >>=a;
// Binary logical operators
result = (a &&b);
result = (a ||b);
// Binary comparison operators
result = (a ==b);
result = (a !=b);
result = (a <=b);
result = (a >=b);
result = (a <b);
result = (a >b);
// Single tab on the right side of binary operators
void test_5_1(void)
int32_t a, b, c;
bool result;
int32_t * p;
// Things that should be caught
// Binary assignment operator
a= 1;
b= 1;
c= 1;
// Binary arithmetic operators
c = (a+ b);
c = (a* b);
c = (a- b);
c = (a/ b);
c = (a% b);
// Binary bitwise operators
c = (a& b);
c = (a| b);
c = (a^ b);
// Binary shift (or stream) operators
c = (a<< b);
c = (a>> b);
// Binary arithmetic, bitwise, and shift with assignment operators
c+= a;
c*= a;
c-= a;
c/= a;
c%= a;
c&= a;
c|= a;
c^= a;
c<<= a;
c>>= a;
// Binary logical operators
result = (a&& b);
result = (a|| b);
// Binary comparison operators
result = (a== b);
result = (a!= b);
result = (a<= b);
result = (a>= b);
result = (a< b);
result = (a> b);
// Multiple tabs on the right side of binary operators
void test_5_2(void)
int32_t a, b, c;
bool result;
int32_t * p;
// Things that should be caught
// Binary assignment operator
a= 1;
b= 1;
c= 1;
// Binary arithmetic operators
c = (a+ b);
c = (a* b);
c = (a- b);
c = (a/ b);
c = (a% b);
// Binary bitwise operators
c = (a& b);
c = (a| b);
c = (a^ b);
// Binary shift (or stream) operators
c = (a<< b);
c = (a>> b);
// Binary arithmetic, bitwise, and shift with assignment operators
c+= a;
c*= a;
c-= a;
c/= a;
c%= a;
c&= a;
c|= a;
c^= a;
c<<= a;
c>>= a;
// Binary logical operators
result = (a&& b);
result = (a|| b);
// Binary comparison operators
result = (a== b);
result = (a!= b);
result = (a<= b);
result = (a>= b);
result = (a< b);
result = (a> b);
// Parenthesized left and right arguments
void test_6(void)
int32_t a, b, c;
bool result;
int32_t * p;
// Things that should be caught
// Binary assignment operator
// Binary arithmetic operators
c = ((a)+(b));
c = ((a)*(b));
c = ((a)-(b));
c = ((a)/(b));
c = ((a)%(b));
// Binary bitwise operators
c = ((a)&(b));
c = ((a)|(b));
c = ((a)^(b));
// Binary shift (or stream) operators
c = ((a)<<(b));
c = ((a)>>(b));
// Binary arithmetic, bitwise, and shift with assignment operators
// Binary logical operators
result = ((a)&&(b));
result = ((a)||(b));
// Binary comparison operators
result = ((a)==(b));
result = ((a)!=(b));
result = ((a)<=(b));
result = ((a)>=(b));
result = ((a)<(b));
result = ((a)>(b));
// Positive tests: default parameters
extern int test_7_1(int a=5);
extern int test_7_2(int a = 5+2);
extern int test_7_3(int a = 5-2);
extern int test_7_4(int a = 5*2);
extern int test_7_5(int a = 5/2);
extern int test_7_6(int a = 5%2);
extern int test_7_7(int a = 5&2);
extern int test_7_8(int a = 5|2);
extern int test_7_9(int a = 5^2);
extern int test_7_10(bool a = 5&&2);
extern int test_7_11(bool a = 5||2);
extern int test_7_12(int a = 5|2);
extern int test_7_13(int a = 5^2);
extern int test_7_14(int a = 5<<2);
extern int test_7_15(int a = 5>>2);
extern int test_7_16(bool a = 5==2);
extern int test_7_17(bool a = 5!=2);
extern int test_7_18(bool a = 5<2);
extern int test_7_19(bool a = 5>2);
extern int test_7_20(bool a = 5>=2);
extern int test_7_21(bool a = 5<=2);
// Negative tests: Things that shouldn't be caught
struct pointer_wrapper
uint32_t *m_a;
const uint32_t *m_b;
volatile uint32_t *m_c;
const volatile uint32_t *m_d;
volatile const uint32_t *m_e;
struct reference_wrapper
uint32_t &m_f;
const uint32_t &m_g;
volatile uint32_t &m_h;
const volatile uint32_t &m_i;
volatile const uint32_t &m_j;
struct pointer_reference_wrapper
uint32_t * &m_f;
const uint32_t * &m_g;
volatile uint32_t * &m_h;
const volatile uint32_t * &m_i;
volatile const uint32_t * &m_j;
class test_class
test_class(int &a);
test_class(void *a);
static int test_8(int a);
static int test_8(int a)
return -a;
static int test_8_1(int a)
return -a;
static int test_8_2(int a)
static int test_8_3(int a)
static int test_8_4(int a)
return (-a);
static int g_a;
static void * test_9(void);
static void * test_9(void)
return &g_a;
static void * test_9_1(void)
return &g_a;
static void * test_9_2(void)
static void * test_9_3(void)
static void * test_9_4(void)
return (&g_a);
static int test_10(int *a);
static int test_10(int *a)
return *a;
static int test_10_1(int *a)
return *a;
static int test_10_2(int *a)
static int test_10_3(int *a)
static int test_10_4(int *a)
return (*a);
void test_11(void)
int32_t a, b, c;
int32_t &r = c;
bool result;
int32_t *p, **pp;
struct pointer_wrapper s, *sp;
a = b = 1;
// Things that shouldn't be caught;
/* A tricky comment with a hyphenated-word */
// Another tricky comment with a hyphenated-word
typedef void (*functor)(void); // Function typedef
typedef int& int_ref; // Reference type typedef
typedef char foo_t; // Abstract type typedef
extern void foo(int32_t&a);
extern void bar(int32_t&);
extern int32_t foo(const foo_t *&a);
extern int32_t bar(const foo_t*&a);
extern void bar(int32_t *p);
extern void foo(const foo_t * const *a);
extern void bar(foo_t const * const *a);
extern void foo(const foo_t * *a);
extern void bar(foo_t const * *a);
extern void foo(foo_t * *a);
extern void foo(foo_t * const *a);
extern void foo(volatile foo_t * volatile *a);
extern void bar(foo_t volatile * volatile *a);
extern void foo(volatile foo_t * *a);
extern void bar(foo_t volatile * *a);
extern void foo(foo_t * *a);
extern void foo(foo_t * volatile *a);
extern void foo(const volatile foo_t * const volatile *a);
extern void bar(foo_t const volatile * const volatile *a);
extern void foo(const volatile foo_t * *a);
extern void bar(foo_t const volatile * *a);
extern void foo(foo_t * *a);
extern void foo(foo_t * const volatile *a);
extern const foo_t *proto_1(const foo_t * const *a);
extern const foo_t *proto_2(foo_t const * const *a);
extern const foo_t *proto_1(const foo_t * *a);
extern const foo_t *proto_2(foo_t const * *a);
extern const foo_t *proto_1(foo_t * *a);
extern const foo_t *proto_1(foo_t * const *a);
extern const foo_t *proto_1(volatile foo_t * volatile *a);
extern const foo_t *proto_2(foo_t volatile * volatile *a);
extern const foo_t *proto_1(volatile foo_t * *a);
extern const foo_t *proto_2(foo_t volatile * *a);
extern const foo_t *proto_1(foo_t * *a);
extern const foo_t *proto_1(foo_t * volatile *a);
extern const foo_t *proto_1(const volatile foo_t * const volatile *a);
extern const foo_t *proto_2(foo_t const volatile * const volatile *a);
extern const foo_t *proto_1(const volatile foo_t * *a);
extern const foo_t *proto_2(foo_t const volatile * *a);
extern const foo_t *proto_1(foo_t * *a);
extern const foo_t *proto_1(foo_t * const volatile *a);
extern volatile foo_t *proto_3(const foo_t * const *a);
extern volatile foo_t *proto_4(foo_t const * const *a);
extern volatile foo_t *proto_3(const foo_t * *a);
extern volatile foo_t *proto_4(foo_t const * *a);
extern volatile foo_t *proto_3(foo_t * *a);
extern volatile foo_t *proto_3(foo_t * const *a);
extern volatile foo_t *proto_3(volatile foo_t * volatile *a);
extern volatile foo_t *proto_4(foo_t volatile * volatile *a);
extern volatile foo_t *proto_3(volatile foo_t * *a);
extern volatile foo_t *proto_4(foo_t volatile * *a);
extern volatile foo_t *proto_3(foo_t * *a);
extern volatile foo_t *proto_3(foo_t * volatile *a);
extern volatile foo_t *proto_3(const volatile foo_t * const volatile *a);
extern volatile foo_t *proto_4(foo_t const volatile * const volatile *a);
extern volatile foo_t *proto_3(const volatile foo_t * *a);
extern volatile foo_t *proto_4(foo_t const volatile * *a);
extern volatile foo_t *proto_3(foo_t * *a);
extern volatile foo_t *proto_3(foo_t * const volatile *a);
extern const volatile foo_t *proto_5(const foo_t * const *a);
extern const volatile foo_t *proto_6(foo_t const * const *a);
extern const volatile foo_t *proto_5(const foo_t * *a);
extern const volatile foo_t *proto_6(foo_t const * *a);
extern const volatile foo_t *proto_5(foo_t * *a);
extern const volatile foo_t *proto_5(foo_t * const *a);
extern const volatile foo_t *proto_5(volatile foo_t * volatile *a);
extern const volatile foo_t *proto_6(foo_t volatile * volatile *a);
extern const volatile foo_t *proto_5(volatile foo_t * *a);
extern const volatile foo_t *proto_6(foo_t volatile * *a);
extern const volatile foo_t *proto_5(foo_t * *a);
extern const volatile foo_t *proto_5(foo_t * volatile *a);
extern const volatile foo_t *proto_5(const volatile foo_t * const volatile *a);
extern const volatile foo_t *proto_6(foo_t const volatile * const volatile *a);
extern const volatile foo_t *proto_5(const volatile foo_t * *a);
extern const volatile foo_t *proto_6(foo_t const volatile * *a);
extern const volatile foo_t *proto_5(foo_t * *a);
extern const volatile foo_t *proto_5(foo_t * const volatile *a);
extern const foo_t * const *proto_7(const foo_t * const *a);
extern const foo_t * const *proto_8(foo_t const * const *a);
extern const foo_t * const *proto_7(const foo_t * *a);
extern const foo_t * const *proto_8(foo_t const * *a);
extern const foo_t * const *proto_7(foo_t * *a);
extern const foo_t * const *proto_7(foo_t * const *a);
extern const foo_t * const *proto_7(volatile foo_t * volatile *a);
extern const foo_t * const *proto_8(foo_t volatile * volatile *a);
extern const foo_t * const *proto_7(volatile foo_t * *a);
extern const foo_t * const *proto_8(foo_t volatile * *a);
extern const foo_t * const *proto_7(foo_t * *a);
extern const foo_t * const *proto_7(foo_t * volatile *a);
extern const foo_t * const *proto_7(const volatile foo_t * const volatile *a);
extern const foo_t * const *proto_8(foo_t const volatile * const volatile *a);
extern const foo_t * const *proto_7(const volatile foo_t * *a);
extern const foo_t * const *proto_8(foo_t const volatile * *a);
extern const foo_t * const *proto_7(foo_t * *a);
extern const foo_t * const *proto_7(foo_t * const volatile *a);
extern void proto_9(foo_t a[6]);
p = &a;
sp = &s;
sp->m_a = (uint32_t*)p;
sp->m_a = (uint32_t*)&b;
result = (*p == a);
c = *p;
c = p[-a];
c = -a;
result = (const_cast<const int32_t*>(p) == const_cast<const int32_t*>(p));
result = (static_cast<uint32_t>(a) == static_cast<uint32_t>(b));
result = (*reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(p) == static_cast<uint32_t>(b));
extern int operator+(test_class a, test_class b);
extern int operator-(test_class a, test_class b);
extern int operator*(test_class a, test_class b);
extern int operator/(test_class a, test_class b);
extern int operator%(test_class a, test_class b);
extern int operator^(test_class a, test_class b);
extern int operator&(test_class a, test_class b);
extern int operator|(test_class a, test_class b);
extern int operator&&(test_class a, test_class b);
extern int operator||(test_class a, test_class b);
extern int operator<(test_class a, test_class b);
extern int operator>(test_class a, test_class b);
extern int operator==(test_class a, test_class b);
extern int operator!=(test_class a, test_class b);
extern int operator<=(test_class a, test_class b);
extern int operator>=(test_class a, test_class b);
extern int operator+=(test_class a, test_class b);
extern int operator-=(test_class a, test_class b);
extern int operator*=(test_class a, test_class b);
extern int operator/=(test_class a, test_class b);
extern int operator%=(test_class a, test_class b);
extern int operator^=(test_class a, test_class b);
extern int operator&=(test_class a, test_class b);
extern int operator|=(test_class a, test_class b);
extern int operator<<(test_class a, test_class b);
extern int operator>>(test_class a, test_class b);
extern int operator>>=(test_class a, test_class b);
extern int operator<<=(test_class a, test_class b);
class test_class
int operator=(test_class a);