blob: fafd39c3e526b1a296a1448ed8b806348e630223 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Nest Labs, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* Constants and enums for bringing the Weave constants into Objective C
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
// Because there doesn't seem to be a very easy way to bring over C++ types nested inside namespaces
// into our pure Objective-C project
// Network Type
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, NLNetworkType) {
kNLNetworkType_NotSpecified = -1,
kNLNetworkType_WiFi = 1,
kNLNetworkType_Thread = 2
// WiFi WirelessOperatingLocation
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, NLWirelessOperatingLocation) {
kNLWirelessOperatingLocation_NotSpecified = 0x00,
kNLWirelessOperatingLocation_Unknown = 0x01,
kNLWirelessOperatingLocation_Indoors = 0x02,
kNLWirelessOperatingLocation_Outdoors = 0x03
// WiFi Operating Modes
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, NLWiFiMode) {
kNLWiFiMode_NotSpecified = -1,
kNLWiFiMode_AdHoc = 1,
kNLWiFiMode_Managed = 2
// Device WiFi Role
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, NLWiFiRole) {
kNLWiFiRole_NotSpecified = -1,
kNLWiFiRole_Station = 1,
kNLWiFiRole_AccessPoint = 2
// Rendezvous Mode Flags
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, NLRendezvousModeFlags) {
kNLRendezvousMode_EnableWiFiRendezvousNetwork = 0x0001,
kNLRendezvousMode_Enable802154RendezvousNetwork = 0x0002,
kNLRendezvousMode_EnableFabricRendezvousAddress = 0x0004
// Get Network Flags
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, NLGetNetworkFlags) { kNLGetNetwork_IncludeCredentials = 0x01 };
// WiFi Security Modes
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, NLWiFiSecurityType) {
kNLWiFiSecurityType_NotSpecified = -1,
kNLWiFiSecurityType_None = 1,
kNLWiFiSecurityType_WEP = 2,
kNLWiFiSecurityType_WPAPersonal = 3,
kNLWiFiSecurityType_WPA2Personal = 4,
kNLWiFiSecurityType_WPA2MixedPersonal = 5,
kNLWiFiSecurityType_WPAEnterprise = 6,
kNLWiFiSecurityType_WPA2Enterprise = 7,
kNLWiFiSecurityType_WPA2MixedEnterprise = 8,
kNLWiFiSecurityType_WPA3Personal = 9,
kNLWiFiSecurityType_WPA3MixedPersonal = 10,
kNLWiFiSecurityType_WPA3Enterprise = 11,
kNLWiFiSecurityType_WPA3MixedEnterprise = 12
// Device Descriptor
typedef struct NLManufacturingDate {
NSInteger NLManufacturingDateYear;
NSInteger NLManufacturingDateMonth;
NSInteger NLManufacturingDateDay;
} NLManufacturingDate;
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, NLWeaveRequestError) {
NLWeaveRequestError_ProfileStatusError = 1,
NLWeaveRequestError_WeaveError = 2,
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, NLWeaveVendorId) {
kNLWeaveVendor_Any = 0xFFFF,
kNLWeaveVendor_Core = 0x0000,
kNLWeaveVendor_NestLabs = 0x235A,
kNLWeaveVendor_Yale = 0xE727
// Nest Labs Weave Product Identifiers (16 bits max)
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, NestWeaveProductId) {
kNestWeaveProduct_NotSpecified = -1,
kNestWeaveProduct_Diamond = 0x0001,
kNestWeaveProduct_DiamondBackplate = 0x0002,
kNestWeaveProduct_Diamond2 = 0x0003,
kNestWeaveProduct_Diamond2Backplate = 0x0004,
kNestWeaveProduct_Topaz = 0x0005,
kNestWeaveProduct_AmberBackplate = 0x0006,
kNestWeaveProduct_Amber = 0x0007, // DEPRECATED -- Use kNestWeaveProduct_AmberHeatLink
kNestWeaveProduct_AmberHeatLink = 0x0007,
kNestWeaveProduct_Pinna = 0x0008,
kNestWeaveProduct_Topaz2 = 0x0009,
kNestWeaveProduct_Diamond3 = 0x000A,
kNestWeaveProduct_Diamond3Backplate = 0x000B,
kNestWeaveProduct_Flintstone = 0x000C,
kNestWeaveProduct_Quartz = 0x000D,
kNestWeaveProduct_Keshi = 0x000E,
kNestWeaveProduct_Amber2HeatLink = 0x000F,
kNestWeaveProduct_SmokyQuartz = 0x0010,
kNestWeaveProduct_Quartz2 = 0x0011,
kNestWeaveProduct_BlackQuartz = 0x0012,
kNestWeaveProduct_Nevis = 0x0013,
kNestWeaveProduct_Onyx = 0x0014,
kNestWeaveProduct_OnyxBackplate = 0x0015,
kNestWeaveProduct_Antigua = 0x0016,
kNestWeaveProduct_RoseQuartz = 0x0017,
kNestWeaveProduct_Moonstone = 0x0018
// Weave Profile Ids (32-bits max)
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, NLWeaveProfileId) {
// Core profiles
kWeaveProfile_Common = (kNLWeaveVendor_Core << 16) | 0x0000,
kWeaveProfile_Echo = (kNLWeaveVendor_Core << 16) | 0x0001, // Echo Profile
kWeaveProfile_StatusReport_Deprecated = (kNLWeaveVendor_Core << 16) | 0x0002, // Status Report Profile
kWeaveProfile_NetworkProvisioning = (kNLWeaveVendor_Core << 16) | 0x0003, // Network Provisioning Profile
kWeaveProfile_Security = (kNLWeaveVendor_Core << 16) | 0x0004, // Network Security Profile
kWeaveProfile_FabricProvisioning = (kNLWeaveVendor_Core << 16) | 0x0005, // Fabric Provisioning Profile
kWeaveProfile_DeviceControl = (kNLWeaveVendor_Core << 16) | 0x0006, // Device Control Profile
kWeaveProfile_WDM = (kNLWeaveVendor_Core << 16) | 0x000B, // Data Management Profile
kWeaveProfile_SWU = (kNLWeaveVendor_Core << 16) | 0x000C, // Software Update Profile
kWeaveProfile_BDX = (kNLWeaveVendor_Core << 16) | 0x000D, // Bulk Data Transfer Profile
kWeaveProfile_DeviceDescription = (kNLWeaveVendor_Core << 16) | 0x000E, // Weave Device Description Profile
kWeaveProfile_ServiceProvisioning = (kNLWeaveVendor_Core << 16) | 0x000F, // Service Provisioning Profile
kWeaveProfile_ServiceDirectory = (kNLWeaveVendor_Core << 16) | 0x0010, // Service Directory Profile
// Nest Labs profiles
kWeaveProfile_Occupancy = (kNLWeaveVendor_NestLabs << 16) | 0x0001, // Weave Occupancy profile
kWeaveProfile_Structure = (kNLWeaveVendor_NestLabs << 16) | 0x0002, // Weave Structure profile
kWeaveProfile_NestProtect = (kNLWeaveVendor_NestLabs << 16) | 0x0003, // Weave Topaz profile
kWeaveProfile_TimeVariantData = (kNLWeaveVendor_NestLabs << 16) | 0x0004, // Weave TVD profile
// status/error codes for BDX
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, NLBDXStatus) {
kNLStatus_Overflow = 0x0011,
kNLStatus_LengthTooShort = 0x0013,
kNLStatus_XferFailedUnknownErr = 0x001F,
kNLStatus_XferMethodNotSupported = 0x0050,
kNLStatus_UnknownFile = 0x0051,
kNLStatus_StartOffsetNotSupported = 0x0052,
kNLStatus_Unknown = 0x005F,
// Common Profile Status Codes
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, NLCommonProfileStatus) {
kNLStatus_Success = 0, // The operation completed without error.
kNLStatus_BadRequest = 0x0010, // The request was unrecognized or malformed.
kNLStatus_UnsupportedMessage = 0x0011, // An unrecognized or unsupported message was received.
kNLStatus_UnexpectedMessage = 0x0012, // A message was received at an unexpected time or in an unexpected context.
kNLStatus_AccessDenied = 0x0014, // The device is paired to another account.
kNLStatus_OutOfMemory = 0x0017, // Out of memory
kNLStatus_Relocated = 0x0030, // Request could not be completed because it was made to the wrong endpoint.
// Client should query its directory server for an updated endpoint list and try again.
kNLStatus_Busy = 0x0040, // The current state of the sender prevents the operation from being performed.
kNLStatus_Timeout = 0x0041, // The operation or protocol interaction failed to complete in the allotted time.
kNLStatus_InternalError = 0x0050, // An internal failure prevented an operation from completing.
kNLStatus_Continue = 0x0090, // Context-specific signal to proceed.
// Data Management Status Codes
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, NLDataManagementStatus) {
kNLStatus_InvalidPath = 0x0013, // A path from the path list of a view or update request frame
// did not match the node-resident schema of the responder.
kNLStatus_UnknownTopic = 0x0014, // The topic given in a cancel request did not match any
// subscription extant on the receiving node.
kNLStatus_IllegalReadRequest = 0x0015, // The node making a request to read a particular data item does
// not have permission to do so.
kNLStatus_IllegalWriteRequest = 0x0016, // The node making a request to write a particular data item does
// not have permission to do so.
// Device Control Status Codes
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, NLDeviceControlStatus) {
kNLStatusCode_FailSafeAlreadyActive = 1, // A fail-safe is already active.
kNLStatusCode_NoFailSafeActive = 2, // No fail-safe is active.
kNLStatusCode_NoMatchingFailSafeActive = 3, // The fail-safe token did not match the active fail-safe.
kNLStatusCode_UnsupportedFailSafeMode = 4 // The specified fail-safe mode is not supported by the device.
// Fabric Provisioning Status Codes
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, NLFabricProvisioningStatus) {
kNLStatusCode_AlreadyMemberOfFabric = 1, // The recipient is already a member of a fabric.
kNLStatusCode_NotMemberOfFabric = 2, // The recipient is not a member of a fabric.
kNLStatusCode_InvalidFabricConfig = 3 // The specified fabric configuration was invalid.
// Network Provisioning Status Codes
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, NLNetworkProvisioningStatus) {
kNLStatusCode_UnknownNetwork = 1,
kNLStatusCode_TooManyNetworks = 2,
kNLStatusCode_InvalidNetworkConfiguration = 3,
kNLStatusCode_UnsupportedNetworkType = 4,
kNLStatusCode_UnsupportedWiFiMode = 5,
kNLStatusCode_UnsupportedWiFiRole = 6,
kNLStatusCode_UnsupportedWiFiSecurityType = 7,
kNLStatusCode_InvalidState = 8,
kNLStatusCode_TestNetworkFailed = 9, // XXX Placeholder for more detailed errors to come before we ship 1.0
// Weave Security Status Codes
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, NLWeaveSecurityStatus) {
kNLStatusCode_SessionAborted = 1, // The sender has aborted the session establishment process.
kNLStatusCode_PASESupportsOnlyConfig1 = 2, // PASE only supoprts Config1.
kNLStatusCode_UnsupportedEncryptionType = 3, // The requested encryption type is not support.
kNLStatusCode_InvalidKeyId = 4, // An invalid key id was requested.
kNLStatusCode_DuplicateKeyId = 5, // The specified key id is already in use.
kNLStatusCode_KeyConfirmationFailed = 6, // The derived session keys do not agree.
kNLStatusCode_InternalError = 7, // The sender encounters an internal error (e.g. no memory, etc...).
kNLStatusCode_AuthenitcationFailed = 8, // The sender rejected the authentication attempt.
kNLStatusCode_NoCommonPASEConfigurations = 9 // No supported PASE configurations in common.
// Service Directory status codes
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, NLServiceDirectoryStatus) { kNLStatus_DirectoryUnavailable = 0x0051 };
// Service Provisioning Status Codes
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, NLServiceProvisioningStatus) {
kNLStatusCode_TooManyServices = 1, // There are too many services registered on the device.
kNLStatusCode_ServiceAlreadyRegistered = 2, // The specified service is already registered on the device.
kNLStatusCode_InvalidServiceConfig = 3, // The specified service configuration is invalid.
kNLStatusCode_NoSuchService = 4, // The specified id does not match a service registered on the device.
= 5 // The device could not complete service pairing because it failed to talk to the pairing server.
// Software Update
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, NLSoftwareUpdateStatus) {
kNLStatus_NoUpdateAvailable = 0x0001,
kNLStatus_UpdateFailed = 0x0010,
kNLStatus_InvalidInstructions = 0x0050,
kNLStatus_DownloadFailed = 0x0051,
kNLStatus_IntegrityCheckFailed = 0x0052,
kNLStatus_Abort = 0x0053,
kNLStatus_Retry = 0x0091,
// Fail Safe modes
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, NLFailSafeMode) {
kFailSafeModeUndefined = 0,
kFailSafeModeNew = 1,
// Special target fabric ids
typedef NS_ENUM(uint64_t, NLTargetFabricIds) {
NLTargetFabricId_NotInFabric = 0, // Specifies that only devices that are NOT a member of a fabric should respond.
NLTargetFabricId_AnyFabric = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFF00ULL, // Specifies that only devices that ARE a member of a fabric should respond.
NLTargetFabricId_Any = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL, // Specifies that all devices should respond regardless of fabric membership.
// Special node id values.
typedef NS_ENUM(uint64_t, NLTargetDeviceIds) {
NLTargetDeviceId_NotSpecified = 0ULL, // Node Id is not specified
NLTargetDeviceId_AnyNodeId = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL, // Any node id is accepted
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, NLTargetDeviceModes) {
NLTargetDeviceModeAny = 0, // Locate all devices regardless of mode.
NLTargetDeviceModeUserSelectedMode = 1, // Locate all devices in 'user-selected' mode -- i.e. where the device has has been
// directly identified by a user, e.g. by pressing a button.
typedef enum NLDeviceFeatures {
kNLDeviceFeatureNone = 0x0000,
kNLDeviceFeature_LinePowered = 0x0002, // Indicates a device that requires line power.
} NLDeviceFeatures;
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, NLProductWildcardId) {
NLProductWildcardId_NestThermostat = 0xFFF0,
NLProductWildcardId_NestProtect = 0xFFF1,
NLProductWildcardId_NestCam = 0xFFF2,