blob: 820cf5d44e02cf9c3c8d9f090372b42511eab0be [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2017 Nest Labs, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* Utility functions for working with Weave pairing codes.
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <Weave/Support/CodeUtils.h>
#include <Weave/Support/verhoeff/Verhoeff.h>
#include <Weave/Support/pairing-code/PairingCodeUtils.h>
#include <Weave/Support/crypto/WeaveRNG.h>
namespace nl {
namespace PairingCode {
enum {
kCharacterValueMask = (1 << kBitsPerCharacter) - 1,
kUInt64OverflowMask = (uint64_t)kCharacterValueMask << (64ULL - kBitsPerCharacter),
/** Verify a Weave pairing code against its check character.
* @param[in] pairingCode The pairing code string to be checked. This string
* does not need to be NULL terminated.
* @param[in] pairingCodeLen The length of the pairing code string, not including
* any NULL terminator character. Must be >= 2.
* @retval #WEAVE_NO_ERROR If the method succeeded.
* @retval #WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT If pairingCodeLen is < 2, or the initial characters
* of the pairing code are not consistent with the value
* of the check character.
WEAVE_ERROR VerifyPairingCode(const char *pairingCode, size_t pairingCodeLen)
// Enforce minimum length of 1 value character plus the check character.
VerifyOrExit(pairingCodeLen >= kPairingCodeLenMin, err = WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT);
// Verify the value portion of the pairing code against the trailing check character.
if (!Verhoeff32::ValidateCheckChar(pairingCode[pairingCodeLen - 1], pairingCode, pairingCodeLen - 1))
return err;
/** Normalize the characters in a pairing code string.
* This function converts all alphabetic characters to upper-case, maps the illegal characters 'I', 'O',
* 'Q' and 'Z' to '1', '0', '0' and '2', respectively, and removes all other non-pairing code characters
* from the given string.
* The input string is not required to be NULL terminated, however if it is the output will be NULL
* terminated as well.
* @param[inout] pairingCode On input, the pairing code string to be normalized. On output,
* The normalized string. It is not necessary for the string to be
* NULL terminated.
* @param[inout] pairingCodeLen On input, the length of the pairing code string, not including
* any NULL terminator character. On output, the length of the
* normalized string.
void NormalizePairingCode(char *pairingCode, size_t& pairingCodeLen)
size_t newLen = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < pairingCodeLen; i++)
char ch = pairingCode[i];
ch = (char)toupper(ch);
if (ch == 'I')
ch = '1';
else if (ch == 'O' || ch == 'Q')
ch = '0';
else if (ch == 'Z')
ch = '2';
if (Verhoeff32::CharToVal(ch) < 0)
pairingCode[newLen] = ch;
if (newLen < pairingCodeLen)
pairingCode[newLen] = 0;
pairingCodeLen = newLen;
/** Encode an integer value as a Weave pairing code.
* The function generates a Weave pairing code string consisting of a supplied unsigned integer
* value, encoded as a big-endian, base-32 numeral, plus a trailing Verhoeff check character.
* The generated string has a fixed length specified by the pairingCodeLen parameter. The
* string is padded on the left with zeros as necessary to meet this length.
* @param[in] val The value to be encoded.
* @param[in] pairingCodeLen The desired length of the encoded pairing code string,
* including the trailing check character. Must be >= 2.
* @param[out] outBuf A pointer to a character buffer that will receive the
* encoded pairing code, plus a null terminator character.
* The supplied buffer should be at least as big as
* pairingCodeLen + 1.
* @retval #WEAVE_NO_ERROR If the method succeeded.
* @retval #WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT If pairingCodeLen is < 2 or the supplied integer value
* cannot be encoded in the number of characters specified
* by pairingCodeLen, minus 1 for the check character.
WEAVE_ERROR IntToPairingCode(uint64_t val, uint8_t pairingCodeLen, char *outBuf)
// Enforce minimum length of 1 value character plus check character.
VerifyOrExit(pairingCodeLen >= kPairingCodeLenMin, err = WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT);
// Encode value as big-endian base-32 integer numeral.
for (int i = pairingCodeLen - 2; i >= 0; i--)
outBuf[i] = Verhoeff32::ValToChar(val & kCharacterValueMask);
val >>= kBitsPerCharacter;
// Fail if value overflows the specified length.
VerifyOrExit(val == 0, err = WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT);
// Add the check character to the end of the pairing code string.
outBuf[pairingCodeLen - 1] = Verhoeff32::ComputeCheckChar(outBuf, pairingCodeLen - 1);
// Terminate the string.
outBuf[pairingCodeLen] = '\0';
return err;
/** Decode a Weave pairing code as an integer value.
* The function parses the initial characters of a Weave pairing code string as a big-endian,
* base-32 numeral and returns the resultant value as an unsigned integer. The input string
* can be any length >= 2 so long as the decoded integer fits within a uint64_t.
* No attempt is made to verify the Verhoeff check character (see #VerifyPairingCode()).
* @param[in] pairingCode The pairing code string to be decoded. This string
* does not need to be NULL terminated.
* @param[in] pairingCodeLen The length of the pairing code string, not including
* any NULL terminator character. Must be >= 2.
* @param[out] val The decoded integer value.
* @retval #WEAVE_NO_ERROR If the method succeeded.
* @retval #WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT If pairingCodeLen is < 2, or the supplied pairing
* code string contains an invalid character, or the
* integer value encoded in the pairing code exceeds
* the max value that can be stored in a uint64_t.
WEAVE_ERROR PairingCodeToInt(const char *pairingCode, size_t pairingCodeLen, uint64_t& val)
val = 0;
// Enforce minimum length of 1 value character plus the check character.
VerifyOrExit(pairingCodeLen >= kPairingCodeLenMin, err = WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT);
// Decode the initial characters of the pairing code (not including the trailing check character)
// as a big-endian, base-32 numeral...
for (size_t i = 0; i < pairingCodeLen - 1; i++)
// Convert the character to its equivalent integer value.
int chVal = Verhoeff32::CharToVal(pairingCode[i]);
// Fail if the character is invalid.
VerifyOrExit(chVal >= 0, err = WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT);
// Verify that the decoded value does not overflow what will fit in a uint64_t.
VerifyOrExit((val & kUInt64OverflowMask) == 0, err = WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT);
// Add the character value to the accumulated total.
val = (val << kBitsPerCharacter) | (uint64_t)chVal;
return err;
/** Returns true if a supplied character is a valid Weave pairing code character.
* Note that this function is case-insensitive.
* @param[in] ch The character to be tested.
* @returns True if a supplied character is a valid Weave pairing code character.
bool IsValidPairingCodeChar(char ch)
return Verhoeff32::CharToVal(ch) >= 0;
/** Convert a Weave pairing code character to an integer value in the range 0..31
* Note that this function is case-insensitive.
* @param[in] ch The character to be converted.
* @returns An integer value corresponding to the specified pairing
* code character, or -1 if ch is not a valid character.
int PairingCodeCharToInt(char ch)
return Verhoeff32::CharToVal(ch);
/** Convert an integer value in the range 0..31 to its corresponding Weave pairing code character.
* Note that this function always produces upper-case characters.
* @param[in] val The integer value to be converted.
* @returns The pairing code character that corresponds to the specified
* integer value, or 0 if the integer value is out of range.
char IntToPairingCodeChar(int val)
return Verhoeff32::ValToChar(val);
/** Generate a random pairing code.
* The function generates a random Weave pairing code string with a specified length.
* value, encoded as a big-endian, base-32 numeral, plus a trailing Verhoeff check character.
* The generated string has a fixed length specified by the pairingCodeLen parameter. The
* string is padded on the left with zeros as necessary to meet this length.
* @param[in] pairingCodeLen The desired length of the pairing code string,
* including the trailing check character. Must be >= 2.
* @param[out] outBuf A pointer to a character buffer that will receive the
* encoded pairing code, plus a null terminator character.
* The supplied buffer should be at least as big as
* pairingCodeLen + 1.
* @retval #WEAVE_NO_ERROR If the method succeeded.
* @retval #WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT If pairingCodeLen is < 2 or the supplied integer value
* cannot be encoded in the number of characters specified
* by pairingCodeLen, minus 1 for the check character.
WEAVE_ERROR GeneratePairingCode(uint8_t pairingCodeLen, char * outBuf)
kBitsPerCharMask = 0x1F
// Verify minimum length requested.
VerifyOrExit(pairingCodeLen >= kPairingCodeLenMin, err = WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT);
// Get a string of random bytes equal to the desired pairing code length, not including the check character.
err = ::nl::Weave::Platform::Security::GetSecureRandomData((uint8_t *)outBuf, pairingCodeLen - 1);
// Convert each random byte to a corresponding pairing code character. (Note that this discards the upper
// three bits of each byte).
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < pairingCodeLen - 1; i++)
outBuf[i] = Verhoeff32::ValToChar(outBuf[i] & kBitsPerCharMask);
// Add the check character to the end of the generated pairing code string.
outBuf[pairingCodeLen - 1] = Verhoeff32::ComputeCheckChar(outBuf, pairingCodeLen - 1);
// Terminate the string.
outBuf[pairingCodeLen] = '\0';
return err;
} // namespace PairingCode
} // namespace nl