blob: eec07121a741d2aa8d14b3246c64cfe76df19c7a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Nest Labs, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* @brief
* Definitions for the ClientNotifier auxiliary class.
* This file provides definitions for the ClientNotifier auxiliary
* class, which is employed when a WDM client wishes to support
* subscription and notification. See the document, "Nest Weave-Data
* Management Protocol" document for a complete description.
#include <Weave/Profiles/data-management/Legacy/WdmManagedNamespace.h>
namespace nl {
namespace Weave {
namespace Profiles {
namespace WeaveMakeManagedNamespaceIdentifier(DataManagement, kWeaveManagedNamespaceDesignation_Legacy) {
class DMClient;
* @class ClientNotifier
* @brief
* An auxiliary class employed when subscription and
* notification support are desired on a WDM client.
* The ClientNotifier is a class that performs dispatching of
* incoming notifications to the interested client based on the
* topic ID provided by the publisher at subscription time or else
* based on a well-known topic ID. The ClientNotifier also returns
* a status to the publisher.
* Subscription and notification are optional in WDM but if they
* are supported the client must be provided with a notifier at
* initialization time.
class ClientNotifier
friend class DMClient;
friend class DMClientTester;
* @brief
* A client-side subscription.
* A subscription on the client side just maps a pair:
* @code
* [<topic id>, <publisher id>]
* @endcode
* onto a client data manager object. both topic ID and
* publisher ID may be supplied as wild cards. A subscription
* may be requested under a known topic ID as well in which
* case the requested ID is kept around for reference.
* @note
* Generally, implementers need not concern themselves with
* subscriptions since they are manged by the
* ClientNotifier class and even this management function
* is further concealed by the DMClient class. These
* interfaces are public largely to provide future
* flexibility and expansion.
class Subscription
friend class ClientNotifier;
virtual ~Subscription(void);
WEAVE_ERROR Init(const TopicIdentifier &aAssignedId,
const TopicIdentifier &aRequestedId,
const uint64_t &aPublisherId,
DMClient *aClient);
void Free(void);
inline bool IsFree(void)
return (mAssignedId == kTopicIdNotSpecified &&
mRequestedId == kTopicIdNotSpecified &&
mPublisherId == kNodeIdNotSpecified &&
mClient == NULL);
* @brief
* Check the target of a subscription.
* This test is used to check incoming messages against
* the notifier table. In addition to checking an exact
* match in either of the parameters of interest, it also
* checks whether the table contains "wildcards" that
* match.
* @param [in] aTopicId A reference to the
* publisher-assigned
* "working" topic ID
* under which the
* subscription is
* stored.
* @param [in] aPublisherId A reference to the 64-
* bit node ID or service
* endpoint of the
* publisher servicing
* the subscription.
* @return true if the subscription matches, false
* otherwise.
inline bool CheckSubscription(const TopicIdentifier &aTopicId, const uint64_t &aPublisherId)
return ((mAssignedId == kAnyTopicId || mAssignedId == aTopicId) &&
(aPublisherId == kAnyNodeId || mPublisherId == kAnyNodeId || mPublisherId == aPublisherId));
* @brief
* Check the contents of a subscription.
* This test, is used in order to figure out whether the
* notifier table contains a particular subscription and
* is assumed to be called "from above". As such, the
* parameters may have "wildcard" values but, if they do
* not, then an exact match is required. This version
* assumes that the data manager component of the
* subscription is the current client.
* @param [in] aTopicId A reference to the
* publisher-assigned
* "working" topic ID
* under which the
* subscription is
* stored.
* @param [in] aPublisherId A reference to the 64-
* bit node ID or service
* endpoint of the
* publisher servicing
* the subscription.
* @return true if the subscription matches, false
* otherwise.
inline bool MatchSubscription(const TopicIdentifier &aTopicId, const uint64_t &aPublisherId) const
return ((aTopicId == kTopicIdNotSpecified || mAssignedId == aTopicId || mRequestedId == aTopicId) &&
(aPublisherId == kNodeIdNotSpecified || mPublisherId == aPublisherId));
* @brief
* Check the contents of a subscription.
* This test, is used in order to figure out whether the
* notifier table contains a particular subscription and
* is assumed to be called "from above". As such, some
* parameters may have "wildcard" values but, if they do
* not, then an exact match is required.
* @param [in] aTopicId A reference to the
* publisher-assigned
* "working" topic ID
* under which the
* subscription is
* stored.
* @param [in] aPublisherId A reference to the 64-
* bit node ID or service
* endpoint of the
* publisher servicing
* the subscription.
* @param [in] aClient A pointer to the
* DMClient present in
* the subscription.
* @return true if the subscription matches, false
* otherwise.
inline bool MatchSubscription(const TopicIdentifier &aTopicId, const uint64_t &aPublisherId, DMClient *aClient) const
return MatchSubscription(aTopicId, aPublisherId) && mClient == aClient;
* @brief
* The client to which this subscription relates.
* This member variable is public because users of the
* subscription class need to be able to get at it in
* order to invoke indications.
DMClient *mClient;
TopicIdentifier mAssignedId;
TopicIdentifier mRequestedId;
uint64_t mPublisherId;
virtual ~ClientNotifier(void);
WEAVE_ERROR DispatchNotifyIndication(ExchangeContext *aResponseCtx, PacketBuffer *payload);
inline bool SubscriptionIsEnabled(void)
return mSubscriptionCount != 0;
bool HasSubscription(const TopicIdentifier &aTopicId, const uint64_t &aPublisherId, DMClient *aClient) const;
WEAVE_ERROR InstallSubscription(const TopicIdentifier &aTopicId,
const TopicIdentifier &aRequestedId,
const uint64_t &aPublisherId,
DMClient *aClient);
void RemoveSubscription(const TopicIdentifier &aTopicId, const uint64_t &aPublisherId, DMClient *aClient);
void FailSubscription(const TopicIdentifier &aTopicId,
const uint64_t &aPublisherId,
DMClient *aClient,
StatusReport &aReport);
void Clear(void);
WeaveExchangeManager *mExchangeMgr;
uint16_t mSubscriptionCount;
Subscription mNotifierTable[kNotifierTableSize];
}; // WeaveMakeManagedNamespaceIdentifier(DataManagement, kWeaveManagedNamespaceDesignation_Legacy)
}; // Profiles
}; // Weave
}; // nl