blob: cc7f7c4e748acabc1145364e14825a2ce5ec3b24 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Nest Labs, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* This header file defines the <tt>nl::Inet::UDPEndPoint</tt>
* class, where the Nest Inet Layer encapsulates methods for
* interacting with UDP transport endpoints (SOCK_DGRAM sockets
* on Linux and BSD-derived systems) or LwIP UDP protocol
* control blocks, as the system is configured accordingly.
#include <InetLayer/EndPointBasis.h>
#include <InetLayer/IPAddress.h>
#include <SystemLayer/SystemPacketBuffer.h>
namespace nl {
namespace Inet {
class InetLayer;
class IPPacketInfo;
* @brief Objects of this class represent UDP transport endpoints.
* @details
* Nest Inet Layer encapsulates methods for interacting with UDP transport
* endpoints (SOCK_DGRAM sockets on Linux and BSD-derived systems) or LwIP
* UDP protocol control blocks, as the system is configured accordingly.
class NL_DLL_EXPORT UDPEndPoint : public EndPointBasis
friend class InetLayer;
* @brief Basic dynamic state of the underlying endpoint.
* @details
* Objects are initialized in the "ready" state, proceed to the "bound"
* state after binding to a local interface address, then proceed to the
* "listening" state when they have continuations registered for handling
* events for reception of UDP messages.
* @note
* The \c kBasisState_Closed state enumeration is mapped to \c kState_Ready for historical binary-compatibility reasons. The
* existing \c kState_Closed exists to identify separately the distinction between "not opened yet" and "previously opened now
* closed" that existed previously in the \c kState_Ready and \c kState_Closed states.
enum {
kState_Ready = kBasisState_Closed, /**< Endpoint initialized, but not open. */
kState_Bound = 1, /**< Endpoint bound, but not listening. */
kState_Listening = 2, /**< Endpoint receiving datagrams. */
kState_Closed = 3 /**< Endpoint closed, ready for release. */
} mState;
* @brief Transmit option flags for the \c SendTo methods.
enum {
/** Do not destructively queue the message directly. Queue a copy. */
kSendFlag_RetainBuffer = 0x0040
* @brief Bind the endpoint to an interface IP address.
* @param[in] addrType the protocol version of the IP address
* @param[in] addr the IP address (must be an interface address)
* @param[in] port the UDP port
* @param[in] intfId an optional network interface indicator
* @retval INET_NO_ERROR success: endpoint bound to address
* @retval INET_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE endpoint has been bound previously
* @retval INET_NO_MEMORY insufficient memory for endpoint
* On some platforms, the optionally specified interface is not
* present.
* \c addrType does not match \c IPVer.
* \c addrType is \c kIPAddressType_Any, or the type of \c addr is not
* equal to \c addrType.
* @retval other another system or platform error
* already acquired.
INET_ERROR Bind(IPAddressType addrType, IPAddress addr, uint16_t port, InterfaceId intfId = INET_NULL_INTERFACEID);
* @brief Prepare the endpoint to receive UDP messages.
* @retval INET_NO_ERROR success: endpoint ready to receive messages.
* @retval INET_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE endpoint is already listening.
* @details
* If \c State is already \c kState_Listening, then no operation is
* performed, otherwise the \c State is set to \c kState_Listening and
* the endpoint is prepared to received UDP messages, according to the
* semantics of the platform.
* On LwIP, this method must not be called with the LwIP stack lock
* already acquired
INET_ERROR Listen(void);
* A synonym for <tt>SendTo(addr, port, INET_NULL_INTERFACEID, msg,
* sendFlags)</tt>.
INET_ERROR SendTo(IPAddress addr, uint16_t port, Weave::System::PacketBuffer *msg, uint16_t sendFlags = 0);
* @brief Send a UDP message to the specified destination address.
* @param[in] addr the destination IP address
* @param[in] port the destination UDP port
* @param[in] intfId an optional network interface indicator
* @param[in] msg the packet buffer containing the UDP message
* @param[in] sendFlags optional transmit option flags
* @retval INET_NO_ERROR success: \c msg is queued for transmit.
* @retval INET_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED system implementation not complete.
* the destination address and the bound interface address do not
* have matching protocol versions or address type.
* \c msg does not contain the whole UDP message.
* On some platforms, only a truncated portion of \c msg was queued
* for transmit.
* @retval other another system or platform error
* @details
* If possible, then this method sends the UDP message \c msg to the
* destination \c addr (with \c intfId used as the scope
* identifier for IPv6 link-local destinations) and \c port with the
* transmit option flags encoded in \c sendFlags.
* Where <tt>(sendFlags & kSendFlag_RetainBuffer) != 0</tt>, calls
* <tt>Weave::System::PacketBuffer::Free</tt> on behalf of the caller, otherwise this
* method deep-copies \c msg into a fresh object, and queues that for
* transmission, leaving the original \c msg available after return.
INET_ERROR SendTo(IPAddress addr, uint16_t port, InterfaceId intfId, Weave::System::PacketBuffer *msg, uint16_t sendFlags = 0);
* Get the bound interface on this endpoint.
* @return InterfaceId The bound interface id.
InterfaceId GetBoundInterface(void);
* @brief Bind the endpoint to a network interface.
* @param[in] addrType the protocol version of the IP address
* @param[in] intf indicator of the network interface.
* @retval INET_NO_ERROR success: endpoint bound to address
* @retval INET_NO_MEMORY insufficient memory for endpoint
* @retval INET_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED system implementation not complete.
* On some platforms, the interface is not present.
* @retval other another system or platform error
* @details
* Binds the endpoint to the specified network interface IP address.
* On LwIP, this method must not be called with the LwIP stack lock
* already acquired.
INET_ERROR BindInterface(IPAddressType addrType, InterfaceId intf);
* @brief Close the endpoint.
* @details
* If <tt>mState != kState_Closed</tt>, then closes the endpoint, removing
* it from the set of endpoints eligible for communication events.
* On LwIP systems, this method must not be called with the LwIP stack
* lock already acquired.
void Close(void);
* @brief Close the endpoint and recycle its memory.
* @details
* Invokes the \c Close method, then invokes the
* <tt>InetLayerBasis::Release</tt> method to return the object to its
* memory pool.
* On LwIP systems, this method must not be called with the LwIP stack
* lock already acquired.
void Free(void);
* @brief Type of message text reception event handling function.
* @param[in] endPoint The UDP endpoint associated with the event.
* @param[in] msg The message text received.
* @param[in] pktInfo The ancillary packet information.
* @details
* Provide a function of this type to the \c OnMessageReceived delegate
* member to process message text reception events on \c endPoint where
* \c msg is the message text and \c pktInfo is the ancillary packet
* information for it.
typedef void (*OnMessageReceivedFunct)(UDPEndPoint *endPoint, Weave::System::PacketBuffer *msg, const IPPacketInfo *pktInfo);
/** The endpoint's message reception event handling function delegate. */
OnMessageReceivedFunct OnMessageReceived;
* @brief Type of reception error event handling function.
* @param[in] endPoint The raw endpoint associated with the event.
* @param[in] err The reason for the error.
* @param[in] pktInfo The ancillary packet information.
* @details
* Provide a function of this type to the \c OnReceiveError delegate
* member to process reception acceptance error events on \c endPoint. The
* \c err argument provides specific detail about the type of the error,
* and \c pktInfo is the ancillary packet information associated with the
* reception event.
typedef void (*OnReceiveErrorFunct)(UDPEndPoint *endPoint, INET_ERROR err, const IPPacketInfo *pktInfo);
/** The endpoint's receive error event handling function delegate. */
OnReceiveErrorFunct OnReceiveError;
UDPEndPoint(void); // not defined
UDPEndPoint(const UDPEndPoint&); // not defined
~UDPEndPoint(void); // not defined
static Weave::System::ObjectPool<UDPEndPoint, INET_CONFIG_NUM_UDP_ENDPOINTS> sPool;
void Init(InetLayer *inetLayer);
void HandleDataReceived(Weave::System::PacketBuffer *msg);
INET_ERROR GetPCB(IPAddressType addrType4);
static IPPacketInfo *GetPacketInfo(Weave::System::PacketBuffer *buf);
static void LwIPReceiveUDPMessage(void *arg, struct udp_pcb *pcb, struct pbuf *p, const ip_addr_t *addr, u16_t port);
static void LwIPReceiveUDPMessage(void *arg, struct udp_pcb *pcb, struct pbuf *p, ip_addr_t *addr, u16_t port);
uint16_t mBoundPort;
InterfaceId mBoundIntfId;
INET_ERROR GetSocket(IPAddressType addrType);
SocketEvents PrepareIO(void);
void HandlePendingIO(void);
} // namespace Inet
} // namespace nl
#endif // !defined(UDPENDPOINT_H)