blob: 9f5c8724bac94634b92da2951920510d3cad5b16 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2001-2017 Grant Erickson
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Description:
# This program is used to flexibly and parametrically check for code
# formatting style compliance.
# Philosophically, this assumes it is working on compilable
# code. Consequently, this does not endeavor to be nor is it a
# grammatically-correct source code parser.
# Where possible, effort is expended to make the syntax, option
# invocation, and output familiar to users of compilers and other
# linting and formatting tools for ease of use and efficient
# system integration.
use strict 'refs';
use File::Basename;
use File::Path;
use Getopt::Long qw(:config gnu_getopt);
use POSIX;
# Global Variables
# Default program options. Eventually, the vision is to allow these to
# be overridden by command-line options and via a global
# (e.g. /usr/local/etc/style.conf) or local (e.g. ~/.style) or
# arbitrary configuration file. However, at present, only command-line
# options are supported since loading and parsing configuration files
# will, undoubtably, slow the program down considerably.
my(%defaults) = ();
my(%options) = ();
my(%warnings) = ();
# Mappings of supported languages to style handlers. Supported
# languages as translated by file extension or via the '-x' option. In
# the absence of any better nomenclature, the language names from GCC
# are used.
my(%handlers) = (
"assembler", \&asmstyle,
"assembler-with-cpp", \&asmstyle,
"c", \&cstyle,
"c-header", \&cstyle,
"c++", \&cxxstyle,
"c++-header", \&cxxstyle,
"objective-c", \&objcstyle,
"objective-c-header", \&objcstyle,
"objective-c++", \&objcxxstyle,
"objective-c++-header", \&objcxxstyle
my(@languages) = sort(keys(%handlers));
# Mappings of file extensions to source language type. As with the list
# of supported languages, language names from GCC are used.
my(%extensions) = (
"C", "c++",
"H", "c++-header",
"M", "objective-c++",
"S", "assembler-with-cpp",
"c", "c",
"c++", "c++",
"cc", "c++",
"cp", "c++",
"cpp", "c++",
"ipp", "c++",
"cxx", "c++",
"h", "c-header",
"hh", "c++-header",
"hpp", "c++-header",
"m", "objective-c",
"mm", "objective-c++",
"s", "assembler"
# Some freqeuently-used, precompiled regular expression patterns.
my($storage_specifiers_re) = qr/((extern|static)\s+)/;
my($type_qualifiers_re) = qr/((const|volatile)\s+)/;
my($method_qualifiers_re) = qr/((const|volatile)\s*)/;
my($type_declarator_re) = qr/([_[:alpha:]][_[:alnum:]]*\s*)/;
my($type_re) = qr/$type_qualifiers_re*$type_declarator_re*\s*($type_qualifiers_re*[*&])*/;
my($function_declarator_re) = qr/([_~[:alpha:]][_[:alnum:]]*)/;
my($argument_declarator_re) = qr/([_[:alpha:]][_[:alnum:]]*)/;
my($array_declarator_re) = qr/(\[\w+\])/;
my($argument_re) = qr/$type_re\s*($argument_declarator_re\s*$array_declarator_re*)*/;
my($argument_list_re) = qr/(void|($argument_re\s*,*\s*)*)/;
my($function_declaration_re) = qr/$storage_specifiers_re*\s*$type_re\s*$function_declarator_re\s*\($argument_list_re\)\s*$method_qualifiers_re*;\s*/;
# usage()
# Description:
# This routine prints out the proper command line usage for this program
# Input(s):
# status - Flag determining what usage information will be printed and what
# the exit status of the program will be after the information is
# printed.
# Output(s):
# N/A
# Returns:
# This subroutine does not return.
sub usage {
my($status) = $_[0];
print(STDERR "Usage: style [ options... ] [ files... ]\n");
if ($status != 0) {
print(STDERR "Try `style --help' for more information.\n");
if ($status != 1) {
my($usage) =
"General Options:
-d, --debug Display debug execution information.
--help Display this information.
-v, --verbose Display verbose execution information.
--version Display version information.
-W<WARNING> Select a comma-separated WARNING option.
-x, --language=<LANGUAGE> Specify LANGUAGE as source language of input
Language Options:
Permissible languages include:
'none' means revert to the default behavior of guessing the language
based on the input file's extension.
Style Options:
--copyright=<PATTERN> Copyright pattern to search for.
--file-length=<LENGTH> Maximum file length is LENGTH lines.
--line-length=<LENGTH> Maximum line length is LENGTH characters.
--tab-size=<SIZE> Interpret tab characters as SIZE spaces.
Initiate preprocessor conditional checks when
separation between conditionals is more than
LINES lines.
Warning Options:
-Wall Enable all warning options.
-Werror Make all warnings into errors.
-Wimplicit-void-declaration Warn about implicit void declarations [EXPERIMENTAL].
-Winterpolated-space Warn about interpolated spaces and tabs.
-Wfile-length Warn about long files.
-Wline-length Warn about long lines.
-Wtrailing-line Warn about blank line(s) at the end of a file.
-Wblank-trailing-space Warn about white space at the end of a blank line.
-Wtrailing-space Warn about white space at the end of a non-blank
Warn about missing labels on conditionals.
Warn about constant conditional expressions.
Warn about leading space before directives.
Warn about multiple return statements per function or method.
-Wmissing-copyright Warn about a missing copyright declaration.
-Wmissing-newline-at-eof Warn about missing new line at the end of a file.
-Wmissing-space-after-comma Warn about missing space after a comma.
-Wmissing-space-after-else-if Warn about missing space after the 'else if' keyword
-Wmissing-space-after-for Warn about missing space after the 'for' keyword
-Wmissing-space-after-if Warn about missing space after the 'if' keyword
-Wmissing-space-after-operator Warn about missing space after the 'operator' keyword.
Warn about missing space after a semicolon.
-Wmissing-space-after-switch Warn about missing space after the 'switch' keyword
-Wmissing-space-after-while Warn about missing space after the 'while' keyword
Warn about missing space around binary operators [EXPERIMENTAL].
-Wmissing-space-around-braces Warn about missing space around braces.
-Wspace-around-unary-operators Warn about space around unary operators.
# Build up a string of the permissible languages
my($languages) = "'" . join("', '", @languages) . "' and 'none'";
# Display the usage, substituting in the permissible languages
printf(STDERR $usage, $languages);
# version()
# Description:
# This routine prints out program version information
# Input(s):
# N/A
# Output(s):
# N/A
# Returns:
# This subroutine does not return.
sub version {
print("cstyle Version 1.7.5d\n");
print("Copyright (c) 2001-2017 Grant Erickson\n");
exit (0);
# parse_warnings
# Description:
# This routine handles generating a quick-reference hash to all options
# invoked by the '-W' command line option.
# Input(s):
# option - This is the command option and should always be 'W'.
# argument - This is the command argument and may contain one or
# more comma-separated arguments.
# Output(s):
# N/A
# Returns:
# N/A
sub parse_warnings {
# Options are either going to be singly specified or comma-separated.
# In either case, split them up and add them to the warning hash.
foreach $warning (split(/,/, $_[1])) {
# Warning options may only use alphanumeric characters and the
# dash (-) or underscore (_) characters.
if ($warning =~ m/[^A-Za-z0-9_\-]/g) {
die("Unknown or invalid warning option: `$warning'");
# Warnings that are of the form 'no-<warning>' have the effect of
# disabling a warning (e.g. overrides -Wall or a previous enabling
# of that warning.
# Attempt to match and if it matches, delete, the leading 'no-' to
# a warning option and then deassert the warning. Otherwise, assert
# the warning.
if ($warning =~ s/^no-//g) {
$flag = 0;
} else {
$flag = 1;
# Set the warning hash to true for this warning key.
$warnings{$warning} = $flag;
# decode_options()
# Description:
# This routine steps through the command-line arguments, parsing out
# recognzied options.
# Input(s):
# N/A
# Output(s):
# N/A
# Returns:
# N/A
sub decode_options {
my($errors) = 0;
if (!&GetOptions(\%options,
"W=s@" => \&parse_warnings,
)) {
if ($options{"version"}) {
if ($options{"help"}) {
# If -Wmissing-copyright was set, then so too must be --copyright.
@dependencies = ({ OPTION => "copyright",
DESCRIPTION => "copyright regular expression pattern" });
$errors += check_warning_deps("missing-copyright", \@dependencies);
# If -Wfile-length was set, then so too must be --file-length.
@dependencies = ({ OPTION => "file-length",
DESCRIPTION => "file length" });
$errors += check_warning_deps("file-length", \@dependencies);
# If -Wline-length was set, then so too must be --line-length and
# --tab-size.
@dependencies = ({ OPTION => "line-length",
DESCRIPTION => "line length" },
{ OPTION => "tab-size",
DESCRIPTION => "tab size" });
$errors += check_warning_deps("line-length", \@dependencies);
# If -Wmissing-cpp-conditional-labels was set, then so too must be
# --cpp-lines-between-conditionals.
@dependencies = ({ OPTION => "cpp-lines-between-conditionals",
DESCRIPTION => "maximum number of lines between " .
"preprocessor conditionals" });
$errors += check_warning_deps("missing-cpp-conditional-labels", \@dependencies);
# At this point, we either have a list of one or more files to process
# remaining in the argument list or we will process standard input. If
# we are processing standard input, then a language must be specified.
if ($#ARGV < 0 && !defined($options{"language"})) {
print(STDERR "A language must be specified when using standard input!\n");
usage(1) if ($errors);
# line_violation_with_column()
# Description:
# This routine is used in response to line style violations and
# displays, to standard error, the file path, line number, column
# number, and line enforcement violation. If the verbose option flag
# is in effect, the actual text of the offending line is also
# displayed along with a leader indicating the position of the
# error, as specified by the provided column parameter.
# Input(s):
# file - Path name of the current input file being processed.
# message - Violation message to display.
# line - The current input line being processed, in its pristine,
# unmodified state.
# column - The column number (0-based) of the violation used to
# generate the indicative leader in verbose mode.
# Output(s):
# N/A
# Returns:
# N/A
sub line_violation_with_column {
my($file) = $_[0];
my($message) = $_[1];
my($line) = $_[2];
my($column) = $_[3];
my($status) = ($warnings{"error"} ? "error" : "warning");
if ($options{"verbose"}) {
$format = "%s:%d:%d: %s: %s\n%s\n%s%s\n";
} else {
$format = "%s:%d:%d: %s: %s\n";
printf(STDERR $format, $file, $., $column + 1, $status, $message, $line,
'-' x $column, "^");
# line_violation()
# Description:
# This routine is used in response to line style violations and
# displays, to standard error, the file path, line number, column
# number, and line enforcement violation. If the verbose option flag
# is in effect, the actual text of the offending line is also
# displayed along with a leader indicating the position of the
# error. The column to generate the indicating leader is extraced
# from $-[1].
# Input(s):
# file - Path name of the current input file being processed.
# message - Violation message to display.
# line - The current input line being processed, in its pristine,
# unmodified state.
# Output(s):
# N/A
# Returns:
# N/A
sub line_violation {
my($file) = $_[0];
my($message) = $_[1];
my($line) = $_[2];
line_violation_with_column($file, $message, $line, $-[1]);
# file_violation()
# Description:
# This routine is used in response to file style violations and
# displays, to standard error, the file path, and file enforcement
# violation.
# Input(s):
# file - Path name of the current input file being processed.
# message - Violation message to display.
# Output(s):
# N/A
# Returns:
# N/A
sub file_violation {
my($file) = $_[0];
my($message) = $_[1];
my($format) = "%s: %s: %s\n";
my($status) = ($warnings{"error"} ? "error" : "warning");
printf(STDERR $format, $file, $status, $message);
# check_warning()
# Description:
# This routine checks whether or not the specified warning option has
# been set as well as checking the 'all' warning option which implicitly
# sets the specified warning.
# Input(s):
# warning - The name of the warning to be checked.
# Output(s):
# N/A
# Returns:
# TRUE (1) if the warning is set; otherwise, FALSE (0).
sub check_warning {
my($warning) = $_[0];
# A warning is considered enabled if: 1) The warning was
# independently asserted OR 2) The 'all' warning was asserted and
# the warning was not independently deasserted.
# So, if we are checking warning 'foo', the following truth table
# results:
# -> False
# -Wall -> True
# -Wall -Wfoo -> True
# -Wall -Wno-foo -> False
# -Wfoo -> True
# -Wno-foo -> False
if (defined($warnings{$warning}) && $warnings{$warning}) {
$flag = 1;
} elsif (defined($warnings{$warning}) && !$warnings{$warnings}) {
$flag = 0;
} else {
$flag = $warnings{'all'};
return ($flag);
# check_warning_deps()
# Description:
# This routine checks for interdependencies between a warning option
# and one or more style options settings by ensuring the if the
# warning option has been asserted that the style options on which
# it depends are defined.
# Input(s):
# warning - The name of the warning to be checked.
# depref - A reference to an array of dependency records, each
# record a hash reference containing the style option and
# description.
# Output(s):
# N/A
# Returns:
# The number of dependency errors encounterd.
sub check_warning_deps {
my($errors) = 0;
my($warning) = $_[0];
my($depref) = $_[1];
if (check_warning($warning)) {
my($warnings) = "`-Wall' or `-W$warning'";
foreach $dependency (@{$depref}) {
if (!defined($options{$dependency->{"OPTION"}})) {
printf(STDERR "The %s must be specified with " .
"`--%s' when used with %s!\n",
return ($errors);
# cppstyle()
# Description:
# This routine performs coding style checking for lines identified
# as C preprocessor input.
# At minimum, the following preprocessor directives are possible and
# expected:
# <null>
# assert <predicate> <answer>
# define <macro> [<expression>]
# elif <expression>
# else
# endif
# error <string>
# ident <string>
# if <expression>
# ifdef <macro>
# ifndef <expression>
# import <string>
# include <string>
# line [ (<number> [<string>]) | <expression> ]
# sccs <string>
# unassert <predicate>
# undef <macro>
# warning <string>
# Input(s):
# file - Path name of the current input file being processed.
# line - The current input line being processed, in its pristine,
# unmodified state.
# record - A reference to the record defining the current C preprocessor
# directive being checked.
# records - A stack of C preprocessor conditional directives
# encountered thus far in the input file. This is used as state
# for various checks.
# Output(s):
# records - The C preprocessor conditional directive stack, possibly with
# records pushed onto or popped off.
# Returns:
# The number of preprocessor violations encountered.
sub cppstyle {
my($file) = $_[0];
my($line) = $_[1];
my($record) = $_[2];
my($records) = $_[3];
my($violations) = 0;
# If enabled, check for leading white space before the
# preprocessor directive token ('#').
if (check_warning("cpp-directive-leading-space") &&
(length($record->{'LEADING'}) > 0)) {
line_violation($file, "leading space before preprocessor directive", $line);
# Perform directive-specific checking, accumulating state for those
# directives which have context-specific checks.
DIRECTIVE: for ($record->{'DIRECTIVE'}) {
/^(else|endif)$/ && do {
# Check to ensure that conditionals, separated by
# `cpp-lines-between-conditionals' lines or more have
# comment labels.
my($top) = pop(@{$records});
my($ifline) = $top->{'LINE'};
# If the directive is an 'else', put the line the matching
# 'if' directive was on back on the stack since we cannot
# permanently pop it until we see the matching 'endif'.
if ($_ =~ m/^else$/g) {
push(@{$records}, $top);
# Compute the distance from the last seen if/ifdef/ifndef
# directive.
my($distance) = $record->{'LINE'} - $ifline;
my($threshold) = $options{"cpp-lines-between-conditionals"};
# If the warning is asserted, the match to anything other than
# white space following the directive hits, and the distance
# exceeds the threshold, flag a violation.
if (check_warning("missing-cpp-conditional-labels") &&
($record->{'REST'} =~ m/^\s*$/g) && ($distance > $threshold)) {
# Rematch on the entire original line so that @- is set
# correctly and the '-v' leader behavior works to identify
# the offending column.
$line =~ m/^\s*#\s*(else|endif)\s*$/g;
"Missing preprocessor conditional comment label " .
"for '$_' matching '$top->{'DIRECTIVE'}' at line " .
"$ifline, which is more than $threshold line(s) away",
/^(if|elif)$/ && do {
# Push the current line onto the if/ifdef/ifndef
# conditional stack so that it can be used for subsequent
# checks.
if ($_ =~ m/^if$/g) {
push(@{$records}, $record);
# Check for constant numeric conditional expressions which
# indicate that the code is being unconditionally compiled
# out or in. Any sequence of digits following the directive
# hits the match.
if (check_warning("cpp-constant-conditionals")) {
my($cpp_constant_conditional_re) = qr/[([:space:]]*(\d+)[)[:space:]]*/;
if ($record->{'REST'} =~ m/^$cpp_constant_conditional_re$/g) {
# Rematch on the entire original line so that @- is set
# correctly and the '-v' leader behavior works to identify
# the offending column.
$line =~ m/$cpp_constant_conditional_re$/g;
# Now flag the violation.
line_violation($file, "constant numeric preprocessor expression",
/^if(n)*def$/ && do {
# Push the current line onto the if/ifdef/ifndef
# conditional stack so that it can be used for subsequent
# checks.
push(@{$records}, $record);
# Default
return ($violations);
# asmstyle()
# Description:
# This routine performs the actual coding style checking for assembler
# source files.
# Input(s):
# file - Path name of the current input file being processed.
# Output(s):
# N/A
# Returns:
# N/A
sub asmstyle {
my($file) = $_[0];
# In the absence of any language-specific checks, just call cstyle...
return (cstyle($file));
# objcstyle()
# Description:
# This routine performs the actual coding style checking for
# Objective C source files.
# Input(s):
# file - Path name of the current input file being processed.
# Output(s):
# N/A
# Returns:
# N/A
sub objcstyle {
my($file) = $_[0];
# In the absence of any language-specific checks, just call cstyle...
return (cstyle($file));
# objcxxstyle()
# Description:
# This routine performs the actual coding style checking for
# Objective C++ source files.
# Input(s):
# file - Path name of the current input file being processed.
# Output(s):
# N/A
# Returns:
# N/A
sub objcxxstyle {
my($file) = $_[0];
# In the absence of any language-specific checks, just call cstyle...
return (cstyle($file));
# is_function_or_method_declaration()
# Description:
# This routine attempts to perform a match on the current line ($_)
# and determines whether or not it contains a C or C++ function or
# method declaration.
# Input(s):
# N/A
# Output(s):
# N/A
# Returns:
# True (1) if the current line ($_) is thought to contain a C or C++
# function or method declaration; otherwise, false.
sub is_function_or_method_declaration {
return (/$function_declaration_re/);
# is_function_or_method_declaration()
# Description:
# This routine attempts to perform a match on the current line ($_)
# and determines whether or not it contains an implicit void (e.g. foo())
# C or C++ function or method declaration.
# Input(s):
# N/A
# Output(s):
# N/A
# Returns:
# True (1) if the current line ($_) is thought to contain an
# implicit void C or C++ function or method declaration; otherwise,
# false.
sub is_implicit_void_function_or_method_declaration {
my($virtual_specifier_re) = qr/((virtual)\s+)/;
my($implicit_void_function_declaration_re) = qr/($virtual_specifier_re|$storage_specifiers_re)*\s*$type_re\s*$function_declarator_re\s*\(\s*\)\s*$method_qualifiers_re*(\s*=\s*0)*;\s*/;
$retval = m/$implicit_void_function_declaration_re/gp;
# Filter out:
# - Any member pointer or member reference selection void method
# calls.
# - Any return statements embedding a void function or method
# call.
# - Any assignments with a void function or method call as an rvalue.
if ($retval) {
if ((${^PREMATCH} =~ m/(\.|->)$/gp) ||
(${^PREMATCH} =~ m/\s*return\s/gp) ||
(${^PREMATCH} =~ m/\s*=\s*/gp)) {
$retval = undef;
return ($retval);
# cstyle()
# Description:
# This routine performs the actual coding style checking for C source
# and header files.
# Input(s):
# file - Path name of the current input file being processed.
# Output(s):
# N/A
# Returns:
# N/A
sub cstyle {
my($file) = $_[0];
my($neolchars) = 0;
my($line, $prev);
my($violations) = 0;
my($return_count) = 0;
my(%state) = ();
my($in_function_at_depth) = -1;
my($in_comment) = 0;
my($saw_copyright) = 0;
LINE: while (<STDIN>) {
# Attempt to automatically detect end-of-line markers based on what is
# encountered on the first line.
if ($. == 1) {
if (m/(\015?\012?)$/) {
$/ = $1
# Strip the end-of-line marker. Note that chomp should always be
# used rather than chop, since chomp acts intelligently based on
# '$/' whereas chop just always consumes that last character on a
# line without regard to whether or not its actually a newline
# character at all.
$neolchars = chomp;
# Cache the input line in its pristine, unmodified state.
$line = $_;
# Clean-up and ignore things we don't want to further check:
# 1) Text, including escaped characters, w/i single ('') and double ("") quotes.
# 2) Trailing backslashes.
# Check file length
if (check_warning("file-length")) {
if ($. > $options{"file-length"}) {
line_violation($file, "file > " .
$options{"file-length"} .
" lines", $line);
# Inline "/* *STYLE-OFF* */" or "// *STYLE-OFF*" directives on a
# line by themselves exempt subsequent lines from style checking
# until a similar "/* *STYLE-ON* */ or "// *STYLE-ON*" directive
# on a line by itself is encountered.
if ((/^\s*\/\*\s*\*STYLE-(ON|OFF)\*\s*\*\/$/) || # C-style directive
(/^\s*\/\/\s*\*STYLE-(ON|OFF)\*$/)) { # C++-style directive
# Set the state based on the positional match argument of "ON" or "OFF"
$state{"style-disable"} = ($1 eq "OFF") ? 1 : 0;
# If style checking has been disabled by a style directive, skip ahead
# to the next line.
if (defined($state{"style-disable"}) && $state{"style-disable"} == 1) {
$prev = $line;
next LINE;
# Check line length
if (check_warning("line-length")) {
# First, a quick check to see if there is any chance of being too long.
if ($line =~ tr/\t/\t/ *
($options{"tab-size"} - 1) +
length($line) > $options{"line-length"}) {
# Confirmed. Interpolate spaces for tabs and check again.
$eline = $line;
1 while $eline =~ s/\t+/" " x (length($&) *
$options{"tab-size"} - length($`) %
if (length($eline) > $options{"line-length"}) {
line_violation($file, "line > " .
$options{"line-length"} .
" characters", $line);
# Check for unnecessary trailing white-space at the end of a
# non-blank line.
if (check_warning("trailing-space")) {
if (/[^[:space:]]+(\s+)$/) {
line_violation($file, "white space at end of a non-blank line", $line);
# Check for unnecessary trailing white-space at the end of a blank
# line.
if (check_warning("blank-trailing-space")) {
if (/^(\s+)$/ && !/^\f$/) {
line_violation($file, "white space at end of a blank line", $line);
# Check for interpolation of tabs with spaces.
if (check_warning("interpolated-space")) {
if (/\t([ ]+)\t/) {
line_violation($file, "spaces between tabs", $line);
if (/ ([\t]+) /) {
line_violation($file, "tabs between spaces", $line);
# Delete any trailing whitespace; we have already checked for that.
# Check preprocessor directives.
# The following regular expression breaks up the directive as follows
# 1: Optional leading white space, up to the '#'.
# 2: Optional trailing white space, after the '#'.
# 3: The directive itself.
# 4: Optional trailing white space, after the directive.
# 5: Optional directive-specific tokens.
if (/^(\s*)#(\s*)([a-z]+)(\s*)(.*)$/) {
%cpprecord = ( 'LEADING' => $1,
'TRAILING' => $2,
'DIRECTIVE' => $3,
'REST' => $5,
'LINE' => $. );
$violations += cppstyle($file, $line, {%cpprecord}, \@cppstack);
$prev = $line;
next LINE;
# Check for a missing copyright declaration
if (check_warning("missing-copyright") && $saw_copyright != 1) {
if (/$options{"copyright"}/) {
$saw_copyright = 1;
# Search for a start of a multi-line comment
if (/\/\*/ && $in_comment != 1) {
$in_comment = 1;
# This might be an one line comment (e.g. "/* ... */")
if (/\*\//) {
$in_comment = 0;
# Swallow it.
# Search for the end of a multi-line comment
if (/\*\// && $in_comment != 0) {
$in_comment = 0;
# Swallow it.
# If we are in a multi-line comment, there is no further style
# checking at tis point. Simply iterate to the next line.
if ($in_comment != 0) {
$prev = $line;
next LINE;
# Swallow, at this point, any inline comments (i.e. "// ...")
# Check for missing white space after commas
if (check_warning("missing-space-after-comma")) {
if (/(,)\S/) {
line_violation($file, "missing space after comma", $line);
# Check for missing white space after semicolons
if (check_warning("missing-space-after-semicolon")) {
if (/(;)\S/) {
line_violation($file, "missing space after semicolon", $line);
# Check for missing space after keywords
if (check_warning("missing-space-after-if")) {
if (/(?<!else)\sif(\()/) {
line_violation($file, "missing space after 'if' keyword", $line);
if (check_warning("missing-space-after-else-if")) {
if (/else if(\()/) {
line_violation($file, "missing space after 'else if' keyword", $line);
if (check_warning("missing-space-after-for")) {
if (/\sfor(\()/) {
line_violation($file, "missing space after 'for' keyword", $line);
if (check_warning("missing-space-after-operator")) {
if (/[[:space:]&*]operator(new|delete|[.\-+*\/%><=!|^&~\[,(])/) {
line_violation($file, "missing space after 'operator' keyword", $line);
if (check_warning("missing-space-after-switch")) {
if (/\sswitch(\()/) {
line_violation($file, "missing space after 'switch' keyword", $line);
if (check_warning("missing-space-after-while")) {
if (/}*\s*while(\()/) {
line_violation($file, "missing space after 'while' keyword", $line);
if (check_warning("missing-space-around-braces")) {
my($opening_brace_re) = qr/(^\{\S|[^\s@^]\{\s|[^\s@^]\{\S|\s\{\S|[^\s@^]\{$)/;
my($closing_brace_re) = qr/(^}[^\s,;)]|\S}\s|\S}\S|\S}$|\s}[^\s,;)])/;
if ((/${opening_brace_re}/) || (/${closing_brace_re}/)) {
my($column) = $-[1];
if ($1 =~ m/{/) {
$which_brace = "opening";
} else {
$which_brace = "closing";
line_violation_with_column($file, "missing space around $which_brace brace", $line, $column);
# Check for missing space around binary operators:
# [space]<binary operator>[space]
# including:
# - Comparison operators: ==, !=, <=, >=, <, >
# - Logical operators: &&, ||
# - Bitwise operators: &, |, ^
# - Arithmetic operators: +, *, -, /, %
# - Shift operators: <<, >>
# - Assignment operator: =
# - Compound operators: &=, |=, ^=, +=, *=, -=, /=, %=, <<=, >>=
if (check_warning("missing-space-around-binary-operators")) {
my($eq_operator_re) = qr/==/;
my($ne_operator_re) = qr/!=/;
my($le_operator_re) = qr/<=/;
my($ge_operator_re) = qr/>=/;
my($lt_operator_re) = qr/(?<!([ct]_cast))(?<!<)<(?![=<])/;
my($gt_operator_re) = qr/(?<![>-])>(?![=>])/;
my($logical_and_operator_re) = qr/&&/;
my($logical_or_operator_re) = qr/\|\|/;
my($bitwise_and_operator_re) = qr/(?<![=*&,][[:space:]])(?<![&*(])&(?![&=)])/;
my($bitwise_or_operator_re) = qr/(?<!\|)\|(?![\|=])/;
my($bitwise_xor_operator_re) = qr/\^(?!=)/;
my($addition_operator_re) = qr/(?<!\+)\+(?![\+=])/;
my($multiplication_operator_re) = qr/(?<![=*&,][[:space:]])(?<![(\*])\*(?![=\*&>)])/;
my($subtraction_operator_re) = qr/(?<![=][[:space:](])(?<![-\[\(])-(?![-=>])/;
my($division_operator_re) = qr/\/(?!=)/;
my($modulus_operator_re) = qr/%(?!=)/;
my($left_shift_operator_re) = qr/<</;
my($right_shift_operator_re) = qr/>>/;
my($assignment_operator_re) = qr/(?<![=!<>+*\-\/%&|^])=(?!=)/;
my($bitwise_and_assignment_operator_re) = qr/&=/;
my($bitwise_or_assignment_operator_re) = qr/\|=/;
my($bitwise_xor_assignment_operator_re) = qr/\^=/;
my($addition_assignment_operator_re) = qr/\+=/;
my($multiplication_assignment_operator_re) = qr/\*=/;
my($subtraction_assignment_operator_re) = qr/-=/;
my($division_assignment_operator_re) = qr/\/=/;
my($modulus_assignment_operator_re) = qr/%=/;
my($left_shift_assignment_operator_re) = qr/<<=/;
my($right_shift_assignment_operator_re) = qr/>>=/;
my($binop_core_re) = qr/(?<!operator)
if (/\S${binop_core_re}\S/ || /\s${binop_core_re}\S/ || /\S${binop_core_re}\s/) {
line_violation($file, "missing space around binary operator '$1'", $line);
# Check for space around unary operators:
# [space]<unary operator>[space]
# including:
# - Logical negation operator: !
# - Bitwise negation operator: ~
# - Post- and prefix increment operator: ++
# - Post- and prefix decrement operator: --
if (check_warning("space-around-unary-operators")) {
my($logical_negation_re) = qr/(!)\s+/;
my($bitwise_negation_re) = qr/(~)\s+/;
my($prefix_increment_re) = qr/(\+\+)\s+[[:alnum:]_(\[]/;
my($postfix_increment_re) = qr/[[:alnum:]_)\]]\s+(\+\+)/;
my($prefix_decrement_re) = qr/(--)\s+[[:alnum:]_(\[]/;
my($postfix_decrement_re) = qr/[[:alnum:]_)\]]\s+(--)/;
if (/${logical_negation_re}/ ||
/${bitwise_negation_re}/ ||
/${prefix_increment_re}/ ||
/${postfix_increment_re}/ ||
/${prefix_decrement_re}/ ||
/${postfix_decrement_re}/) {
line_violation($file, "space around unary operator '$1'", $line);
# Search for implicit void function or method declarations:
# [extern|static ][return type ][name]()[[const ][volatile ]];
if (check_warning("implicit-void-declaration")) {
if (is_implicit_void_function_or_method_declaration()) {
line_violation($file, "implicit void declaration", $line);
# Search for function or method implementations:
# [static ][inline ][return type ][name](argument[, [argument]])[ [const ][volatile]]
if (/((static|inline)\s)*([_A-Za-z]\w+)*(?!if|else|for|while|switch|return|sizeof)([_A-Za-z]\w+)\s*\(\s*.+\)\s*(?!;)(\s(const|volatile)\s)*/) {
print("$file: $.: found a possible function implementation\n") if ($options{"debug"});
$in_function_at_depth = $#bracestack + 1;
# Match and push opening brace lines onto the brace parsing stack.
if (/{/) {
print("$file: $.: encountered opening brace.\n") if ($options{"debug"});
push(@bracestack, $line);
# Increment the return count (ostensibly within the outermost function or
# method scope) where return statements are encountered.
if (/return\s*\(*.*\)*;/) {
printf("$file: $.: Saw a return statement! Return count %u\n", $return_count) if ($options{"debug"});
if (check_warning("multiple-returns") && ($return_count > 1)) {
line_violation($file, "multiple return statements", $line);
# Match and pop closing brace lines off of the brace parsing
# stack, resetting the return statement count if we have exited
# the current function or method scope.
if (/}/) {
print("$file: $.: encountered closing brace.\n") if ($options{"debug"});
if ($in_function_at_depth == $#bracestack + 1) {
print("Probably out of function!\n") if ($options{"debug"});
$return_count = 0;
# Cache the last line and move onto the next line.
$prev = $line;
if (!defined($state{"style-disable"}) || $state{"style-disable"} != 1) {
# Check to make sure that the last line of the file contains a new
# line (depends on the Perl execution environment and is stored in
# '$/').
if (check_warning("missing-newline-at-eof")) {
if ($neolchars == 0) {
line_violation($file, "missing new line at the end of file", $line);
# Check to make sure that the last line in the file is not blank
if (check_warning("trailing-line")) {
if ($prev eq "") {
line_violation($file, "last line in file is blank", $line);
# Check to make sure we saw a matching copyright declaration if
# requested.
if (check_warning("missing-copyright") && $saw_copyright != 1) {
file_violation($file, "missing copyright declaration");
return ($violations);
# cxxstyle()
# Description:
# This routine performs the actual coding style checking for C source
# and header files.
# Input(s):
# file - Path name of the current input file being processed.
# Output(s):
# N/A
# Returns:
# N/A
sub cxxstyle {
my($file) = $_[0];
# In the absence of any language-specific checks, just call cstyle...
return (cstyle($file));
# style()
# Description:
# This routine performs the actual coding style checking for all language
# independent checks and calls a handler for the specified language to
# perform language-specific checks.
# Input(s):
# file - Path name of the current input file being processed.
# language - Language-specific handler reference.
# Output(s):
# N/A
# Returns:
# N/A
sub style {
my($file) = $_[0];
my($language) = $_[1];
my($eol, $handler, $status);
# Identify whether or not a valid handler is registered for
# this language.
$handler = $handlers{$language};
if (!defined($handler)) {
printf(STDERR "%s: Unknown or unsupported language!\n", $language);
return (1);
# The EOL variable may get set (differently) from file to file when
# the program is operating on multiple files. Save the initial EOL
# marker and reset it on entry and exit, respectively. Failure to do
# so, leads to interesting and incorrect program behavior when one
# file has one line ending type (e.g DS) and the subsequent one
# another (e.g. UNIX).
$eol = $/;
$status = &{$handler}($file);
$/ = $eol;
return ($status);
# Main program body
my($status) = 0;
my($useextensions) = 0;
# Set the program name
$program = basename($0);
# Parse non-file program options from the command line
# Determine whether or not a default language has been specified.
# This is required when working from standard input; otherwise, the
# language is determined file-by-file based on the extension.
# If the language option is explicitly "none", then it is the same
# as if it had not been defined at all.
$language = $options{"language"};
if (!defined($language) || ($language eq "none")) {
$useextensions = 1;
# Work on each file specified on the command line. Otherwise, just
# process standard input.
if ($#ARGV >= 0) {
SOURCEFILE: foreach $file (@ARGV) {
if ($useextensions) {
# Determine which parser/handler to use by mapping the
# file extension. Extensions are split at the last dot (.)
# in the extension, so "foo.c.N" yields ".N" and
# "bar.tar.gz" yields ".gz" for extensions, respectively.
my($extension) = (fileparse($file, qr(\.[^.]+)))[2];
# Strip the dot off the beginning of the extension.
$extension =~ s/^\.//;
# Attempt to map the extension to a language through the
# extensions hash.
$language = $extensions{$extension};
if (!defined($language)) {
printf(STDERR "%s: Unknown or unsupported file type!\n", $file);
# Attempt to open the file
if (!open(STDIN, $file)) {
printf(STDERR "%s: Cannot open!\n", $file);
# Style check the file, note the status and close the stream
$status += style($file, $language);
} else {
$status += style("<standard input>", $language);
# If the caller invoked with '-Werror', return the accumulated
# status; otherwise, return zero (0).
exit($warnings{"error"} ? $status : 0);