blob: 57f4de6484c379f3531588f7ddfc641a4635d9a3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Nest Labs, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* This file implements the command handler for the 'weave' tool
* that converts a Weave private key between TLV and PEM/DER
* formats.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "weave-tool.h"
using namespace nl::Weave::Profiles::Security;
struct CSVValue
const char * Data;
size_t Length;
#define CMD_NAME "weave convert-provisioning-data"
static bool HandleOption(const char *progName, OptionSet *optSet, int id, const char *name, const char *arg);
static bool HandleNonOptionArgs(const char *progName, int argc, char *argv[]);
static void TrimSpace(const char * & p, size_t & len);
static bool ParseCSVLine(const char * input, size_t inputLen, char sep, CSVValue * values, size_t maxValues, size_t & numValues);
static bool ReadCSVLine(FILE * inFile, char * buf, size_t bufSize, CSVValue * values, size_t maxValues, size_t & numValues);
static bool WriteCSVLine(FILE * outFile, CSVValue * values, size_t numValues);
static bool ConvertCertificate(const char * inCertB64, size_t inCertB64Len, CertFormat outCertFormat, char * & outCertB64, size_t & outCertB64Len);
static bool ConvertPrivateKey(const char * inKeyB64, size_t inKeyB64Len, KeyFormat keyFormat, char * & outKeyB64, size_t & outKeyB64Len);
static size_t FindColumnByPrefix(const CSVValue * colNames, size_t numCols, const char * prefix, size_t prefixLen);
kToolOpt_WeaveCert = 1000,
kToolOpt_DERCert = 1001,
kToolOpt_WeaveKey = 1002,
kToolOpt_DERKey = 1003,
kToolOpt_PKCS8Key = 1004,
static OptionDef gCmdOptionDefs[] =
{ "weave", kNoArgument, 'w' },
{ "der", kNoArgument, 'x' },
{ "weave-cert", kNoArgument, kToolOpt_WeaveCert },
{ "der-cert", kNoArgument, kToolOpt_DERCert },
{ "weave-key", kNoArgument, kToolOpt_WeaveKey },
{ "der-key", kNoArgument, kToolOpt_DERKey },
{ "pkcs8-key", kNoArgument, kToolOpt_PKCS8Key },
{ }
static const char *const gCmdOptionHelp =
" -w, --weave\n"
" Convert the certificate and private key to Weave TLV format.\n"
" -x, --der\n"
" Convert the certificate and private key to DER format. The certificate\n"
" is output in X.509 form, while the private key is output in SEC1/RFC-5915\n"
" form.\n"
" --weave-cert\n"
" Convert the certificate to Weave TLV format.\n"
" --der-cert\n"
" Convert the certificate to X.509 DER format.\n"
" --weave-key\n"
" Convert the private key to Weave TLV format.\n"
" --der-key\n"
" Convert the private key to SEC1/RFC-5915 DER format.\n"
" --pkcs8-key\n"
" Convert the private key to PKCS#8 DER format.\n"
static OptionSet gCmdOptions =
static HelpOptions gHelpOptions(
"Usage: " CMD_NAME " [ <options...> ] <in-file> <out-file>\n",
"Perform various conversions on a device provisioning data file.\n"
" <in-file>\n"
" A CSV file containing provisioning data to be converted, or - to read from\n"
" stdin. The first line of this file must contain names for each of the CSV\n"
" columns. Depending on which conversions are requested, the following columns\n"
" must be present:\n"
" Certificate - Certificate in Weave TLV form, base-64 encoded\n"
" Certificate DER - Certificate in X.509 DER form, base-64 encoded\n"
" Private Key - Private key in Weave TLV form, base-64 encoded\n"
" Private Key DER - Private key in SEC1/RFC-5915 DER form, base-64 encoded\n"
" Private Key PKCS8 - Private key in PKCS8 DER form, base-64 encoded\n"
" Any additional columns present in the input will be passed through to the output\n"
" without modification.\n"
" <out-file>\n"
" The CSV file to which the converted provisioning data should be written, or\n"
" - to write to stdout.\n"
static OptionSet *gCmdOptionSets[] =
static const char *gInFileName;
static const char *gOutFileName;
static CertFormat gCertFormat = kCertFormat_Unknown;
static KeyFormat gKeyFormat = kKeyFormat_Unknown;
static const char gColumnName_Certificate[] = "Certificate";
static const size_t gColumnName_CertificateLen = sizeof(gColumnName_Certificate) - 1;
static const char gColumnName_CertificateDER[] = "Certificate DER";
static const size_t gColumnName_CertificateDERLen = sizeof(gColumnName_CertificateDER) - 1;
static const char gColumnName_PrivateKey[] = "Private Key";
static const size_t gColumnName_PrivateKeyLen = sizeof(gColumnName_PrivateKey) - 1;
static const char gColumnName_PrivateKeyDER[] = "Private Key DER";
static const size_t gColumnName_PrivateKeyDERLen = sizeof(gColumnName_PrivateKeyDER) - 1;
static const char gColumnName_PrivateKeyPKCS8[] = "Private Key PKCS8";
static const size_t gColumnName_PrivateKeyPKCS8Len = sizeof(gColumnName_PrivateKeyPKCS8) - 1;
bool Cmd_ConvertProvisioningData(int argc, char *argv[])
kMaxLineLength = 2048,
kMaxCSVColumns = 20,
static char inBuf[kMaxLineLength];
static CSVValue inValues[kMaxCSVColumns];
bool res = true;
FILE * inFile = NULL;
FILE * outFile = NULL;
char * convertedCert = NULL;
size_t convertedCertLen = 0;
char * convertedKey = NULL;
size_t convertedKeyLen = 0;
size_t numCols;
size_t certCol, privKeyCol;
bool outFileCreated = false;
if (argc == 1)
ExitNow(res = true);
if (!ParseArgs(CMD_NAME, argc, argv, gCmdOptionSets, HandleNonOptionArgs))
ExitNow(res = false);
// Open the input file.
if (strcmp(gInFileName, "-") != 0)
inFile = fopen(gInFileName, "rb");
if (inFile == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "weave: Unable to open %s\n%s\n", gInFileName, strerror(errno));
ExitNow(res = false);
inFile = stdin;
// Open the output file.
if (strcmp(gOutFileName, "-") != 0)
outFile = fopen(gOutFileName, "w+b");
if (outFile == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "weave: Unable to create %s\n%s\n", gOutFileName, strerror(errno));
ExitNow(res = false);
outFileCreated = true;
outFile = stdout;
// Initialize OpenSSL.
if (!InitOpenSSL())
ExitNow(res = false);
// Read the header line
if (!ReadCSVLine(inFile, inBuf, sizeof(inBuf), inValues, kMaxCSVColumns, numCols))
ExitNow(res = false);
// Search for a column whose name begins with "Certificate". Fail if requested to perform
// certificate conversion and no Certificate column exists.
certCol = FindColumnByPrefix(inValues, numCols, gColumnName_Certificate, gColumnName_CertificateLen);
if (gCertFormat != kCertFormat_Unknown && certCol == numCols)
fprintf(stderr, "weave: No Certificate column in input data\n");
ExitNow(res = false);
// Search for a column whose name begins with "Private Key".
privKeyCol = FindColumnByPrefix(inValues, numCols, gColumnName_PrivateKey, gColumnName_PrivateKeyLen);
if (gKeyFormat != kKeyFormat_Unknown && privKeyCol == numCols)
fprintf(stderr, "weave: No Private Key column in input data\n");
ExitNow(res = false);
// Write the column names line to the output, substituting the appropriate name for the
// columns being converted.
switch (gCertFormat)
case kCertFormat_Unknown:
case kCertFormat_Weave_Base64:
inValues[certCol].Data = gColumnName_Certificate;
inValues[certCol].Length = gColumnName_CertificateLen;
case kCertFormat_X509_DER:
inValues[certCol].Data = gColumnName_CertificateDER;
inValues[certCol].Length = gColumnName_CertificateDERLen;
fprintf(stderr, "INTERNAL ERROR: Invalid certificate format\n");
ExitNow(res = false);
switch (gKeyFormat)
case kKeyFormat_Unknown:
case kKeyFormat_Weave_Base64:
inValues[privKeyCol].Data = gColumnName_PrivateKey;
inValues[privKeyCol].Length = gColumnName_PrivateKeyLen;
case kKeyFormat_DER:
inValues[privKeyCol].Data = gColumnName_PrivateKeyDER;
inValues[privKeyCol].Length = gColumnName_PrivateKeyDERLen;
case kKeyFormat_DER_PKCS8:
inValues[privKeyCol].Data = gColumnName_PrivateKeyPKCS8;
inValues[privKeyCol].Length = gColumnName_PrivateKeyPKCS8Len;
fprintf(stderr, "INTERNAL ERROR: Invalid key format\n");
ExitNow(res = false);
if (!WriteCSVLine(outFile, inValues, numCols))
ExitNow(res = false);
// Read the remaining lines in the file, converting the appropriate values...
while (true)
if (!ReadCSVLine(inFile, inBuf, sizeof(inBuf), inValues, kMaxCSVColumns, numCols))
ExitNow(res = false);
if (numCols == 0 && feof(inFile))
if (gCertFormat != kCertFormat_Unknown && numCols > certCol)
if (!ConvertCertificate(inValues[certCol].Data, inValues[certCol].Length, gCertFormat, convertedCert, convertedCertLen))
ExitNow(res = false);
inValues[certCol].Data = convertedCert;
inValues[certCol].Length = convertedCertLen;
if (gKeyFormat != kKeyFormat_Unknown && numCols > privKeyCol)
if (!ConvertPrivateKey(inValues[privKeyCol].Data, inValues[privKeyCol].Length, gKeyFormat, convertedKey, convertedKeyLen))
ExitNow(res = false);
inValues[privKeyCol].Data = convertedKey;
inValues[privKeyCol].Length = convertedKeyLen;
if (!WriteCSVLine(outFile, inValues, numCols))
ExitNow(res = false);
if (convertedCert != NULL)
convertedCert = NULL;
if (convertedKey != NULL)
convertedKey = NULL;
if (inFile != NULL && inFile != stdin)
if (outFile != NULL && outFile != stdout)
if (gOutFileName != NULL && outFileCreated && !res)
if (convertedCert != NULL)
if (convertedKey != NULL)
return res;
bool HandleOption(const char * progName, OptionSet * optSet, int id, const char * name, const char * arg)
switch (id)
case 'w':
gCertFormat = kCertFormat_Weave_Base64;
gKeyFormat = kKeyFormat_Weave_Base64;
case 'x':
gCertFormat = kCertFormat_X509_DER;
gKeyFormat = kKeyFormat_DER;
case kToolOpt_WeaveCert:
gCertFormat = kCertFormat_Weave_Base64;
case kToolOpt_DERCert:
gCertFormat = kCertFormat_X509_DER;
case kToolOpt_WeaveKey:
gKeyFormat = kKeyFormat_Weave_Base64;
case kToolOpt_DERKey:
gKeyFormat = kKeyFormat_DER;
case kToolOpt_PKCS8Key:
gKeyFormat = kKeyFormat_DER_PKCS8;
PrintArgError("%s: INTERNAL ERROR: Unhandled option: %s\n", progName, name);
return false;
return true;
bool HandleNonOptionArgs(const char * progName, int argc, char * argv[])
if (argc == 0)
PrintArgError("%s: Please specify the name of the input key file, or - for stdin.\n", progName);
return false;
if (argc == 1)
PrintArgError("%s: Please specify the name of the output key file, or - for stdout\n", progName);
return false;
if (argc > 2)
PrintArgError("%s: Unexpected argument: %s\n", progName, argv[2]);
return false;
gInFileName = argv[0];
gOutFileName = argv[1];
return true;
void TrimSpace(const char * & p, size_t & len)
while (len > 0 && isspace(*p))
while (len > 0 && isspace(p[len - 1]))
bool ParseCSVLine(const char * input, size_t inputLen, char sep, CSVValue * values, size_t maxValues, size_t & numValues)
for (numValues = 0; inputLen > 0 && numValues < maxValues; numValues++)
CSVValue & value = values[numValues];
value.Data = input;
char * valueEnd = (char *)memchr(input, sep, inputLen);
if (valueEnd != NULL)
value.Length = valueEnd - input;
input = valueEnd + 1;
inputLen -= value.Length + 1;
value.Length = inputLen;
inputLen = 0;
TrimSpace(value.Data, value.Length);
if (inputLen != 0)
fprintf(stderr, "weave: Too many fields in input line\n");
return false;
return true;
bool ReadCSVLine(FILE * inFile, char * buf, size_t bufSize, CSVValue * values, size_t maxValues, size_t & numValues)
if (fgets(buf, bufSize, inFile) == NULL)
if (feof(inFile))
numValues = 0;
return true;
fprintf(stderr, "weave: Error reading input file\n%s\n", strerror(errno));
return false;
size_t lineLen = strlen(buf);
if (lineLen == bufSize - 1 && buf[lineLen - 1] != '\n')
fprintf(stderr, "weave: Input line too long\n");
return false;
return ParseCSVLine(buf, lineLen, ',', values, maxValues, numValues);
bool WriteCSVLine(FILE * outFile, CSVValue * values, size_t numValues)
bool res = true;
for (size_t i = 0; i < numValues; i++)
if (i != 0 && fputc(',', outFile) == EOF)
ExitNow(res = false);
if (fwrite(values[i].Data, 1, values[i].Length, outFile) != values[i].Length)
ExitNow(res = false);
res = (fputc('\n', outFile) != EOF);
if (!res)
fprintf(stderr, "weave: Error writing output file\n%s\n", strerror(ferror(outFile) ? errno : ENOSPC));
return res;
bool ConvertCertificate(const char * inCertB64, size_t inCertB64Len, CertFormat outCertFormat, char * & outCertB64, size_t & outCertB64Len)
bool res = true;
uint8_t * inCert = NULL;
uint32_t inCertLen;
uint8_t * outCert = NULL;
uint32_t outCertLen;
CertFormat inCertFormat;
inCert = Base64Decode((const uint8_t *)inCertB64, (uint32_t)inCertB64Len, NULL, 0, inCertLen);
if (inCert == NULL)
ExitNow(res = false);
inCertFormat = DetectCertFormat(inCert, inCertLen);
if (inCertFormat != kCertFormat_Weave_Raw && inCertFormat != kCertFormat_X509_DER)
fprintf(stderr, "weave: Unrecognized certificate format: %*s\n", (int)inCertB64Len, inCertB64);
ExitNow(res = false);
outCertLen = inCertLen * 100;
outCert = (uint8_t *)malloc(outCertLen);
if (outCert == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "weave: Memory allocation failure\n");
ExitNow(res = false);
if (inCertFormat == kCertFormat_Weave_Raw && outCertFormat == kCertFormat_X509_DER)
err = ConvertWeaveCertToX509Cert(inCert, inCertLen, outCert, outCertLen, outCertLen);
if (err != WEAVE_NO_ERROR)
fprintf(stderr, "weave: Error converting certificate: %s\n", nl::ErrorStr(err));
ExitNow(res = false);
else if (inCertFormat == kCertFormat_X509_DER && outCertFormat == kCertFormat_Weave_Base64)
err = ConvertX509CertToWeaveCert(inCert, inCertLen, outCert, outCertLen, outCertLen);
if (err != WEAVE_NO_ERROR)
fprintf(stderr, "weave: Error converting certificate: %s\n", nl::ErrorStr(err));
ExitNow(res = false);
memcpy(outCert, inCert, inCertLen);
outCertLen = inCertLen;
outCertB64 = Base64Encode(outCert, outCertLen);
if (outCertB64 == NULL)
ExitNow(res = false);
outCertB64Len = strlen(outCertB64);
if (inCert != NULL)
if (outCert != NULL)
return res;
bool ConvertPrivateKey(const char * inKeyB64, size_t inKeyB64Len, KeyFormat keyFormat, char * & outKeyB64, size_t & outKeyB64Len)
bool res = true;
uint8_t * inKey = NULL;
uint32_t inKeyLen;
EVP_PKEY *inKeyDecoded = NULL;
uint8_t *outKey = NULL;
uint32_t outKeyLen;
inKey = Base64Decode((const uint8_t *)inKeyB64, (uint32_t)inKeyB64Len, NULL, 0, inKeyLen);
if (inKey == NULL)
ExitNow(res = false);
if (!DecodePrivateKey(inKey, inKeyLen, kKeyFormat_Unknown, "", NULL, inKeyDecoded))
ExitNow(res = false);
// When Weave key format is requested, have EncodePrivateKey() encode to raw bytes, rather
// than base64, since base64 encoding is handled below.
if (keyFormat == kKeyFormat_Weave_Base64)
keyFormat = kKeyFormat_Weave_Raw;
if (!EncodePrivateKey(inKeyDecoded, keyFormat, outKey, outKeyLen))
ExitNow(res = false);
outKeyB64 = Base64Encode(outKey, outKeyLen);
if (outKeyB64 == NULL)
ExitNow(res = false);
outKeyB64Len = strlen(outKeyB64);
if (inKey != NULL)
if (inKeyDecoded != NULL)
if (outKey != NULL)
return res;
size_t FindColumnByPrefix(const CSVValue * colNames, size_t numCols, const char * prefix, size_t prefixLen)
size_t i;
// Search for a column whose name matches prefix.
for (i = 0; i < numCols; i++)
if (colNames[i].Length >= prefixLen &&
memcmp(colNames[i].Data, prefix, prefixLen) == 0)
return i;