blob: c138a0ddf1e81e2900a0faef11634a3ba910906e [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Nest Labs, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import os
import sys
import subprocess
import re
import time
import tempfile
import ipaddress
except ImportError, ex:
print ex.message
print 'HINT: You can install the ipaddress package by running "sudo pip install ipaddress"'
import shutil
import random
import socket
# Global Definitions
namePrefix = 'sn-'
defaultIEEEOUI = 0x18B430 # Nest's OUI
baseMAC48Address = defaultIEEEOUI << 24
baseMAC64Address = defaultIEEEOUI << 40
defaultWeaveFabricId = 1
ulaPrefix = ipaddress.IPv6Network(u'fd00::/8')
llaPrefix = ipaddress.IPv6Network(u'fe80::/64')
defaultHostEntries = '''############################## misc ############################## localhost
::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters %s
''' % (socket.gethostname()) # NOTE: An entry for the hostname is required for certain tools to operate properly (e.g. sudo).
scriptDirName = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
# SimNet Class
class SimNet:
def __init__(self):
self.networks = []
self.nodes = []
self.additionalHostsEntries = ''
self.layoutSearchDirs = [
os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], '.simnet/layouts'),
os.path.join(scriptDirName, 'lib/simnet/layouts'),
os.path.join(scriptDirName, '../lib/simnet/layouts'),
def loadLayoutFile(self, layoutFileName):
# If the layout file name does *not* include a path component, search for the
# file in the configured search directories...
if os.path.dirname(layoutFileName) == '':
for dirName in self.layoutSearchDirs:
f = os.path.join(dirName, layoutFileName)
if os.path.exists(f):
layoutFileName = f
f = f + '.py'
if os.path.exists(f):
layoutFileName = f
if not os.path.exists(layoutFileName):
raise UsageException("Network layout file not found: %s" % layoutFileName)
print "Loading: %s" % (layoutFileName)
global networks, nodes
networks = self.networks
nodes = self.nodes
for node in self.nodes:
for node in self.nodes:
def buildNetworksAndNodes(self):
global logActions, logIndent
logActions = True
# If one or more of the nodes is implemented by the host, initialize the host's iptables.
if True in [ n.isHostNode for n in self.nodes ]:
logAction('Initializing host iptables')
logIndent += 1
logIndent -= 1
for network in self.networks:
hostsTable = self.generateHostsTable()
for node in self.nodes:
logActions = False
def clearNetworksAndNodes(self):
global logActions, logIndent
logActions = True
for node in self.nodes:
for network in self.networks:
logActions = False
def summarizeNetwork(self, networks=True, nodes=True, hosts=True, env=True):
s = ''
if networks:
s += 'Networks:\n'
for network in self.networks:
s += network.summary(prefix=' ')
if nodes or env:
s += 'Nodes:\n'
for node in self.nodes:
if nodes:
s += node.summary(prefix=' ')
s += ' Node "%s" (%s):\n' % (, node.__class__.__name__)
if env:
s += ' Environment:\n'
envVars = {}
for name in sorted(envVars.keys()):
s += ' %s: %s\n' % (name, envVars[name])
if hosts:
s += 'Hosts Table:\n'
s += re.sub('^', ' ', self.generateHostsTable(), flags=re.M)
return s
def startShell(self, node, noOverridePrompt=False):
if not isinstance(node, Node):
nodeName = node
node = self.findNode(nodeName)
if not node:
raise UsageException('Unknown node: %s' % nodeName)
if not node.isNodeBuilt():
raise UsageException('Node currently not active: %s' % nodeName)
shell = os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(os.environ['SHELL']))
user = os.environ['SUDO_USER']
userId = int(os.environ['SUDO_UID'])
nodeEnv = {}
promptOverrideRCFile = None
cmd = [ 'sudo', '-u', user, '--preserve-env=' + ','.join(nodeEnv.keys()), shell ]
if os.path.basename(shell) == 'bash' and not noOverridePrompt:
promptOverrideRCFile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
if test -f /etc/bash.bashrc; then
. /etc/bash.bashrc
if test -f ${HOME}/.bashrc; then
. ${HOME}/.bashrc
if [ `tput colors` -gt 0 ]; then
PS1="\[\e[36m\][\$SN_NODE_NAME] \[\e[0m\]$PS1"
os.fchown(promptOverrideRCFile.fileno(), userId, userId)
cmd += [ '--rcfile', ]
if not node.isHostNode:
cmd = [ 'ip', 'netns', 'exec', node.nsName ] + cmd
cmdEnv = os.environ.copy()
cmdEnv.update(nodeEnv), env=cmdEnv)
if promptOverrideRCFile != None:
def clearAll(self):
global logActions, logIndent
logActions = True
# Clear all node namespaces
for ns in getNamespaces():
if ns.startswith(namePrefix):
# Clear all node namespace directories
for name in os.listdir('/etc/netns'):
if name.startswith(namePrefix):
name = os.path.join('/etc/netns', name)
if os.path.isdir(name):
print 'Deleting %s' % name
# Clear all network bridges
for b in getBridges():
if b.startswith(namePrefix):
# Delete any remaining interfaces
for name in [ i['dev'] for i in getInterfaces() ]:
if name.startswith(namePrefix):
# Clear any simnet iptables configuration on the host.
# TODO: clear routes
# Give a little time for async activities to settle.
logActions = False
def findNode(self, nodeName):
nodeName = nodeName.lower()
for node in self.nodes:
if == nodeName:
return node
return None
def getHostsEntries(self):
hostsEntriesByNode = {}
for node in nodes:
hostsEntriesByNode[] = node.getHostsEntries()
return hostsEntriesByNode
def generateHostsTable(self, prefix=''):
hostsEntriesByNode = self.getHostsEntries()
t = ''
# Add a set of entries for each host.
for nodeName in sorted(hostsEntriesByNode.keys()):
t += '%s############################## %s ##############################\n' % (prefix, nodeName)
hostsEntries = hostsEntriesByNode[nodeName]
for name in sorted(hostsEntries.keys()):
addrs = hostsEntries[name]
if len(addrs) == 0:
for a in addrs:
if isinstance(a, ipaddress.IPv4Address):
t += '%s%-40s %s\n' % (prefix, a, name)
for a in addrs:
if isinstance(a, ipaddress.IPv6Address):
t += '%s%-40s %s\n' % (prefix, a, name)
t += '\n'
# Add a set of default entries
t += re.sub('^', prefix, defaultHostEntries + self.additionalHostsEntries, re.M)
return t
# Network Classes
class Network():
def __init__(self, name): = name
self.networkIndex = len(networks) + 1 # NOTE: networkIndexes must be > 0
self.nsName = namePrefix + name
self.brName = namePrefix + name
self.attachedInterfaces = []
self.ip4Supported = True
self.ip6Supported = True
self.usesMAC64 = False
# Add the new network to the list of networks associated with the active simnet object.
def buildNetwork(self):
global logIndent
logAction('Building network: %s' %
logIndent += 1
logIndent -= 1
def _buildNetwork(self):
# Create a namespace for the network.
# Create a virtual ethernet bridge to simulate the network
addBridge(self.brName, nsName=self.nsName)
# Disable automatic address generation on the host interface for the bridge.
setInterfaceAddressGenerationMode(self.brName, mode='none', nsName=self.nsName)
# Enable the host interface for the bridge
enableInterface(self.brName, nsName=self.nsName)
def clearNetwork(self):
# Delete the namespace for the network.
# Delete the network bridge.
# deleteBridge(self.brName)
def summary(self, prefix=''):
s = '%sNetwork "%s" (%s implemented by namespace %s):\n' % (prefix,, self.__class__.__name__, self.nsName)
s += '%s Network Index: %d\n' % (prefix, self.networkIndex)
s += '%s Virtual Bridge: %s\n' % (prefix, self.brName)
return s
def requestIP4AutoConfig(self, interface):
return None
def requestIP6AutoConfig(self, interface):
return []
def requestIP4AdvertisedRoutes(self, interface):
return []
def requestIP6AdvertisedRoutes(self, interface):
return []
def findNetwork(name, errMsg=''):
global networks
for n in networks:
if == name:
return n
if errMsg:
raise ConfigException(errMsg + 'No such network: %s' % (name))
return None
class Internet(Network):
def __init__(self, ip4Subnet='', ip6Prefix='2000::/3'):
Network.__init__(self, 'inet')
self.ip4Subnet = toIP4Subnet(ip4Subnet, 'Unable to initialize inet network: ')
self.ip6Prefix = toIP6Prefix(ip6Prefix, 'Unable to initialize inet network: ')
self.ip4Supported = self.ip4Subnet != None
self.ip6Supported = self.ip6Prefix != None
self.ip6PrefixRoutes = [ ]
def requestIP4AutoConfig(self, interface):
if != self:
raise ConfigException('Attempt to auto-configure IPv4 interface %s which is not on network %s' % (interface.ifName,
# Return nothing if an IPv4 subnet has not been specified.
if not self.ip4Subnet:
return None
# Within the IPv4 subnet, return a /32 interface address for the node using the node id in the bottom bits.
# This will be the node's externally-facing IPv4 address on the Internet.
autoConfig = IP4AutoConfigInfo(
address = makeIP4IntefaceAddress(self.ip4Subnet, interface.node.nodeIndex, prefixLen=32),
defaultGateway = None,
dnsServers = [ ]
return autoConfig
def requestIP6AutoConfig(self, interface):
if != self:
raise ConfigException('Attempt to auto-configure IPv6 interface %s which is not on network %s' % (interface.ifName,
# Return nothing if an IPv6 prefix has not been specified.
if not self.ip6Prefix:
return []
# Form a unique /48 prefix for the node based on its node id. This prefix will be delegated to the node
# for further use in numbering internal networks.
nodePrefix = makeIP6Prefix(self.ip6Prefix, networkNum=interface.node.nodeIndex, prefixLen=48)
# Within the node prefix, form an /128 interface address for the node with a subnet of 0 and an IID based on
# the MAC address of the interface. This is the node's externally-facing IPv6 address on the Internet.
addr = makeIP6InterfaceAddress(nodePrefix, macAddr=interface.macAddress, prefixLen=128)
# Record a global route that directs traffic for the delegated prefix to the node.
dest = nodePrefix,
interface = None,
via = addr.ip
# Return a single auto-config response containing the node address and delegated prefix.
return [
addresses = [ addr ],
delegatedPrefixes = [ nodePrefix ],
defaultGateway = None,
dnsServers = [ ]
def requestIP4AdvertisedRoutes(self, interface):
routes = []
if self.ip4Subnet != None:
# Add
dest = self.ip4Subnet,
interface = interface,
via = None
return routes
def requestIP6AdvertisedRoutes(self, interface):
routes = []
if self.ip6Prefix != None:
# Add a global route for the entire Internet that declares it 'on-link' on the requesting
# node's interface.
dest = self.ip6Prefix,
interface = interface,
via = None
# Add prefix routes for each of the nodes on the Internet, directing traffic destined to internal
# networks to the respective gateway. However exclude any routes that point to the node that is
# making the route request.
nodeAddresses = [ a.ip for a in interface.ip6Addresses ]
routes += [ p for p in self.ip6PrefixRoutes if p.via not in nodeAddresses ]
return routes
def summary(self, prefix=''):
s = Network.summary(self, prefix)
if self.ip4Subnet:
s += '%s IPv4 Subnet: %s\n' % (prefix, self.ip4Subnet)
if self.ip6Prefix:
s += '%s IPv6 Prefix: %s\n' % (prefix, self.ip6Prefix)
return s
class WiFiNetwork(Network):
def __init__(self, name):
Network.__init__(self, name)
def requestIP4AutoConfig(self, interface):
if != self:
raise ConfigException('Attempt to auto-configure IPv4 interface %s which is not on network %s' % (interface.ifName,
# For each node attached to the network...
for i in self.attachedInterfaces:
# Skip the node if it is the same one that is requesting auto-config.
if i.node == interface.node:
# Request auto-config information from the current node. If successful,
# return the info to the caller.
autoConfig = i.node.requestIP4AutoConfig(interface)
if autoConfig:
return autoConfig
return None
def requestIP6AutoConfig(self, interface):
if != self:
raise ConfigException('Attempt to auto-configure IPv6 interface %s which is not on network %s' % (interface.ifName,
autoConfigs = []
# For each node attached to the network...
for i in self.attachedInterfaces:
# Skip the node if it is the same one that is requesting auto-config.
if i.node == interface.node:
# Request auto-config information from the current node. If successful, add the result
# to the information collected from other nodes on the network.
autoConfig = i.node.requestIP6AutoConfig(interface)
if autoConfig:
return autoConfigs
def requestIP4AdvertisedRoutes(self, interface):
routes = []
# TODO: implement this
return routes
def requestIP6AdvertisedRoutes(self, interface):
routes = []
# TODO: implement this
return routes
class ThreadNetwork(Network):
def __init__(self, name, meshLocalPrefix):
Network.__init__(self, name)
self.meshLocalPrefix = toIP6Prefix(meshLocalPrefix, 'Unable to initialize thread network %s: ' % name)
if not self.meshLocalPrefix or self.meshLocalPrefix.prefixlen != 64:
raise ConfigException('Invalid mesh local prefix specified for network %s' % name)
self.ip4Supported = False
self.usesMAC64 = True
def requestIP6AutoConfig(self, interface):
if != self:
raise ConfigException('Attempt to auto-configure IPv6 interface %s which is not on network %s' % (interface.ifName,
# Form an /64 interface address for the node with an IID derived from the node id. This is the
# node's mesh-local address.
addr = makeIP6InterfaceAddress(self.meshLocalPrefix, macAddr=interface.macAddress, prefixLen=64, macIs64Bit=True)
# Return a single auto-config response containing the node address.
return [
addresses = [ addr ],
delegatedPrefixes = [ ],
defaultGateway= None,
dnsServers = [ ]
def summary(self, prefix=''):
s = Network.summary(self, prefix)
s += '%s Mesh Local Prefix: %s\n' % (prefix, self.meshLocalPrefix)
return s
class LegacyThreadNetwork(Network):
def __init__(self, name):
Network.__init__(self, name)
self.ip4Supported = False
self.usesMAC64 = True
class CellularNetwork(WiFiNetwork):
class HostNetwork(Network):
def __init__(self, name):
Network.__init__(self, name)
def buildNetwork(self):
# Do nothing.
def clearNetwork(self):
# Do nothing.
def summary(self, prefix=''):
# Don't show host networks. They only exist to give host interface objects
# something to point at.
return ''
# Node Classes
class Node():
def __init__(self, name, isHostNode=False): = name
self.isHostNode = isHostNode
if isHostNode:
self.nsName = None
self.nsName = namePrefix + name
self.nodeIndex = len(nodes) + 1 # NOTE: nodeIndexes must be > 0
self.nextInterfaceIndex = 1
self.configState = "incomplete"
self.interfaces = []
self.ip4Enabled = True
self.ip4DefaultGateway = None
self.ip4DefaultInterface = None
self.ip4Routes = []
self.ip4DNSServers = None
self.ip6Enabled = True
self.ip6DefaultGateway = None
self.ip6DefaultInterface = None
self.ip6Routes = []
self.ip6DNSServers= None
self.useTapInterfaces = False
self.hostAliases = []
# Add the new node to the list of nodes associated with the active simnet object.
def addInterface(self, network, name):
# If a network name was specified (verses an actual Network object), find the associated Network object.
if isinstance(network, str):
network = Network.findNetwork(network, 'Unable to add interface to node %s: ' %
existingInterface = None
# If the node is implemented by the host and an network has NOT been specified...
if self.isHostNode and network == None:
# If the specified interface name is 'host-default', substitute in the name of the host's
# default interface, as determined by examining the host's default IPv4 route.
if name == 'host-default':
name = next((r['dev'] for r in getHostRoutes() if r['dest'] == 'default'), None)
if not name:
raise ConfigException('Unable to determine host default interface')
# Search the list of existing host interfaces for one that matches the specified
# interface name. If a match is found then this interface will be implemented by the
# existing host interface, rather than being a virtual interface.
existingInterface = next((i for i in getHostInterfaces() if i['dev'] == name), None)
# Construct the appropriate type of interface.
if existingInterface:
i = ExistingHostInterface(self, existingInterface)
elif self.useTapInterfaces:
i = TapInterface(self, network, name)
i = VirtualInterface(self, network, name)
return i
def configureAddresses(self):
if self.configState == "complete":
if self.configState == "inprogress":
raise ConfigException('Loop detected in automatic address assignment')
self.configState = "inprogress"
self.configState = "complete"
def _configureAddresses(self):
# Perform configuration for each interface...
for i in self.interfaces:
# If IPv4 is enabled for the interface and the attached network supports IPv4...
if i.ip4Enabled and
# If IPv4 automatic configuration is enabled...
if i.autoConfigIP4:
# If an IPv4 address has not been assigned query the associated network for
# IPv4 auto-config information and configure the interface to used the returned
# address. Fail if unsuccessful.
if i.ip4Address == None:
i.ip4Address = i.requestIP4AutoConfig().address
if i.ip4Address == None:
raise ConfigException('Unable to automatically assign IPv4 address to node %s, interface %s' % (, i.ifName))
# Auto configure the IPv4 default gateway if necessary.
if self.ip4DefaultGateway == None:
self.ip4DefaultGateway = i.requestIP4AutoConfig().defaultGateway
self.ip4DefaultInterface = i
# Auto configure the IPv4 DNS servers if necessary.
if self.ip4DNSServers == None:
self.ip4DNSServers = i.requestIP4AutoConfig().dnsServers
# If the assigned IPv4 interface address is a network address (i.e. the node-specific
# bits of the address are all zeros), then assign a host interface address within
# specified network based on the node's index.
if i.ip4Address != None and isNetworkAddress(i.ip4Address):
i.ip4Address = makeIP4IntefaceAddress(, self.nodeIndex)
# If IPv6 is enabled for the interface and the attached network supports IPv6...
if i.ip6Enabled and
# Form the interface's link-local address if it hasn't already been specified.
if i.ip6LinkLocalAddress == None:
i.ip6LinkLocalAddress = makeIP6InterfaceAddress(llaPrefix, macAddr=i.macAddress, macIs64Bit=i.usesMAC64, prefixLen=64)
if i.ip6LinkLocalAddress not in i.ip6Addresses:
i.ip6Addresses = [ i.ip6LinkLocalAddress ] + i.ip6Addresses
# If IPv6 automatic configuration is enabled...
if i.autoConfigIP6:
# Query the associated network for IPv6 auto-config information. Delegate to the node subclass
# to filter the responses. For each remaining response...
for autoConfig in self.filterIP6AutoConfig(i, i.requestIP6AutoConfig(i)):
# Add the auto-config addresses to the list of addresses for the interface.
i.ip6Addresses += autoConfig.addresses
# Auto configure the IPv6 default gateway if necessary.
if self.ip6DefaultGateway == None:
self.ip6DefaultGateway = autoConfig.defaultGateway
self.ip6DefaultInterface = i
# Auto configure the IPv4 DNS servers if necessary.
if self.ip6DNSServers == None:
self.ip6DNSServers = autoConfig.dnsServers
# Save a list of the prefixes that have been delegated to this interface.
if autoConfig.delegatedPrefixes:
i.delegatedIP6Prefixes += autoConfig.delegatedPrefixes
# Save any further routes associated with the auto-config response
if autoConfig.furtherRoutes:
self.ip6Routes += autoConfig.furtherRoutes
# If any of the assigned IPv6 addresses are network addresses (i.e. the IID is
# all zeros), then convert them to host addresses using the interface MAC address
# as the IID.
for n in range(len(i.ip6Addresses)):
a = i.ip6Addresses[n]
if isNetworkAddress(a):
a = makeIP6InterfaceAddress(, macAddr=i.macAddress, macIs64Bit=i.usesMAC64)
i.ip6Addresses[n] = a
def configureRoutes(self):
# Add default routes...
if self.ip4DefaultGateway:
dest = None,
interface = self.ip4DefaultInterface,
via = self.ip4DefaultGateway
if self.ip6DefaultGateway:
dest = None,
interface = self.ip6DefaultInterface,
via = self.ip6DefaultGateway
# Perform route configuration for each interface...
for i in self.interfaces:
# If IPv4 is enabled for the interface and the attached network supports IPv4
# request advertised IPv4 routes and add them to the node's route table.
if i.ip4Enabled and
self.ip4Routes +=
# If IPv6 is enabled for the interface and the attached network supports IPv6
# request advertised IPv6 routes and add them to the node's route table.
if i.ip4Enabled and
self.ip6Routes +=
def requestIP4AutoConfig(self, interface):
return None
def requestIP6AutoConfig(self, interface):
return None
def requestIP4AdvertisedRoutes(self, interface):
return []
def requestIP6AdvertisedRoutes(self, interface):
return []
def filterIP6AutoConfig(self, interface, autoConfigs):
return autoConfigs
def buildNode(self, hostsTable):
global logIndent
logAction('Building node: %s' %
logIndent += 1
logIndent -= 1
def _buildNode(self):
# If the node is not implemented by the host...
if not self.isHostNode:
# Create a network namespace for the node.
# Create a /etc/netns directory for the node.
etcDirName = os.path.join('/etc/netns', self.nsName)
if not os.path.exists(etcDirName):
logAction('Making directory: %s' % etcDirName)
# If the node is not implemented by the host, enable its loopback interface. (If the node
# is implemented by the host, presumably the loopback interface is already enabled).
if not self.isHostNode:
enableInterface('lo', nsName=self.nsName)
# Build each of the node's interfaces...
for i in self.interfaces:
# Add routes for the node.
if not self.useTapInterfaces:
for r in self.ip4Routes + self.ip6Routes:
dest = r.destination,
dev = r.interface.ifName if r.interface != None else None,
via = r.via,
options = r.options,
nsName = self.nsName
def clearNode(self):
# Clear the node's interfaces.
if self.isHostNode:
for i in self.interfaces:
# Delete the node's namespace.
if not self.isHostNode:
# Delete the node's namespace /etc directory
if not self.isHostNode:
etcDirName = os.path.join('/etc/netns', self.nsName)
if os.path.isdir(etcDirName):
logAction('Deleting directory: %s' % etcDirName)
def isNodeBuilt(self):
if self.isHostNode:
return True
nsList = getNamespaces()
return self.nsName in nsList
def getHostsEntries(self):
hostEntries = {}
nodeIP4Addrs = []
nodeIP6Addrs = []
for i in self.interfaces:
if i.ip4Address:
hostEntries[ + '-' + i.ifName + '-ip4'] = [ i.ip4Address.ip ]
if len(i.ip6Addresses) > 0:
addrs = [ a.ip for a in i.ip6Addresses if not a.is_link_local ]
nodeIP6Addrs += addrs
hostEntries[ + '-' + i.ifName + '-ip6'] = preferGlobalAddresses(addrs)
# Filter address lists to prefer global addresses over non-global ones.
nodeIP4Addrs = preferGlobalAddresses(nodeIP4Addrs)
nodeIP6Addrs = preferGlobalAddresses(nodeIP6Addrs)
hostEntries[] = nodeIP4Addrs + nodeIP6Addrs
for alias in self.hostAliases:
hostEntries[alias] = nodeIP4Addrs + nodeIP6Addrs
return hostEntries
def installHostsTable(self, hostsTable):
if not self.isHostNode:
etcDirName = os.path.join('/etc/netns', self.nsName)
hostsFileName = os.path.join(etcDirName, 'hosts')
logAction('Installing hosts file: %s' % hostsFileName)
with open(hostsFileName, 'w') as f:
def installResolverConfig(self):
if not self.isHostNode:
etcDirName = os.path.join('/etc/netns', self.nsName)
resolvConfFileName = os.path.join(etcDirName, 'resolv.conf')
logAction('Installing resolv.conf file: %s' % resolvConfFileName)
with open(resolvConfFileName, 'w') as f:
if self.ip4DNSServers:
for a in self.ip4DNSServers:
f.write('nameserver %s\n' % a)
if self.ip6DNSServers:
for a in self.ip6DNSServers:
f.write('nameserver %s\n' % a)
def setEnvironVars(self, environ):
environ['SN_NODE_NAME'] =
if not self.isHostNode:
environ['SN_NAMESPACE'] = self.nsName
environ['SN_NODE_INDEX'] = str(self.nodeIndex)
def getLwIPConfig(self):
lwipConfig = ''
for i in self.interfaces:
if isinstance(i, TapInterface):
lwipConfig += i.getLwIPConfig()
if self.ip4DefaultGateway:
lwipConfig += '--ip4-default-gw %s ' % self.ip4DefaultGateway
if self.ip4DNSServers:
lwipConfig += '--dns-server %s ' % (','.join(self.ip4DNSServers))
# TODO: handle routes
return lwipConfig
def summary(self, prefix=''):
s = '%sNode "%s" (%s ' % (prefix,, self.__class__.__name__,)
if self.isHostNode:
s += 'implemented by host):\n'
s += 'implemented by namespace %s):\n' % self.nsName
s += '%s Node Index: %d\n' % (prefix, self.nodeIndex)
s += '%s Interfaces (%d):\n' % (prefix, len(self.interfaces))
for i in self.interfaces:
s += i.summary(prefix + ' ')
s += '%s IPv4 Routes:%s\n' % (prefix, ' None' if len(self.ip4Routes) == 0 else '')
for r in self.ip4Routes:
s += r.summary(prefix + ' ')
s += '%s IPv6 Routes:%s\n' % (prefix, ' None' if len(self.ip6Routes) == 0 else '')
for r in self.ip6Routes:
s += r.summary(prefix + ' ')
s += '%s IPv4 DNS Servers: %s\n' % (prefix, 'None' if self.ip4DNSServers == None or len(self.ip4DNSServers) == 0 else ', '.join(self.ip4DNSServers))
s += '%s IPv6 DNS Servers: %s\n' % (prefix, 'None' if self.ip6DNSServers == None or len(self.ip6DNSServers) == 0 else ', '.join(self.ip6DNSServers))
return s
class Gateway(Node):
def __init__(self, name,
outsideNetwork=None, outsideInterface='outside', outsideIP4Address=None, outsideIP6Addresses=[],
insideNetwork=None, insideIP4Subnet=None, insideInterface='inside', insideIP6Subnets=[],
isIP4DefaultGateway=True, isIP6DefaultGateway=True,
ip4DNSServers=[''], ip6DNSServers=None, hostAliases=[],
Node.__init__(self, name, isHostNode=useHost)
if not useHost:
if not outsideNetwork:
raise ConfigException('Must specify outside network for gateway %s' % (name))
if not insideNetwork:
raise ConfigException('Must specify inside network for gateway %s' % (name))
self.outsideInterface = self.addInterface(outsideNetwork, name=outsideInterface)
if not isinstance(self.outsideInterface, ExistingHostInterface):
if not isinstance(, Internet) and not isinstance(, WiFiNetwork):
raise ConfigException('Incompatible network %s attached to outside interface of gateway %s' % (outsideNetwork, name))
self.outsideInterface.ip4Address = toIP4InterfaceAddress(outsideIP4Address, 'Unable to assign IPv4 address to node %s, outside interface %s: ' % (name, self.outsideInterface.ifName))
self.outsideInterface.ip6Addresses = [ toIP6InterfaceAddress(a, 'Unable to assign IPv6 address to node %s, outside interface %s: ' % (name, self.outsideInterface.ifName)) for a in outsideIP6Addresses ]
self.outsideInterface.autoConfigIP4 = True
self.outsideInterface.autoConfigIP6 = (self.outsideInterface.ip6Addresses != None and len(self.outsideInterface.ip6Addresses) == 0)
if outsideIP4Address != None or len(outsideIP6Addresses) != 0:
raise ConfigException('Cannot specify addresses for host interface %s on node %s' % (self.outsideInterface.ifName, name))
self.insideInterface = self.addInterface(insideNetwork, name=insideInterface)
if not isinstance(self.insideInterface, ExistingHostInterface):
if not isinstance(, WiFiNetwork):
raise ConfigException('Incompatible network %s attached to inside interface of gateway %s' % (insideNetwork, name))
self.insideInterface.ip4Address = toIP4InterfaceAddress(insideIP4Subnet, 'Unable to assign IPv4 address to node %s, inside interface %s: ' % (name, self.insideInterface.ifName))
self.insideInterface.ip6Addresses = [ toIP6InterfaceAddress(a, 'Unable to assign IPv6 address to node %s, inside interface %s: ' % (name, self.insideInterface.ifName)) for a in insideIP6Subnets ]
self.insideInterface.autoConfigIP4 = False
self.insideInterface.autoConfigIP6 = False
if insideIP4Subnet != None or len(insideIP6Subnets) != 0:
raise ConfigException('Cannot specify addresses for host interface %s on node %s' % (self.insideInterface.ifName, name))
self.isIP4DefaultGateway = isIP4DefaultGateway
self.isIP6DefaultGateway = isIP6DefaultGateway
if self.insideInterface.ip4Address != None and < 32:
self.advertisedIP4Subnet =
self.advertisedIP4Subnet = None
if self.insideInterface.ip6Addresses != None:
for a in self.insideInterface.ip6Addresses:
if < 128:
self.ip4DNSServers = ip4DNSServers
self.ip6DNSServers = ip6DNSServers
self.hostAliases = hostAliases
def _configureAddresses(self):
if self.insideInterface.ip6Enabled and
# Assign an address to the inside interface for all prefixes that have been delegated to the outside interface.
self.insideInterface.ip6Addresses += [
makeIP6InterfaceAddress(p, subnetNum=0, macAddr=self.insideInterface.macAddress, prefixLen=64) for p in self.outsideInterface.delegatedIP6Prefixes
# On the inside interface, advertise a /64 prefix for all prefixes that have been delegated to the outside interface.
self.insideInterface.advertisedIP6Prefixes += [
makeIP6Prefix(p, prefixLen=64) for p in self.outsideInterface.delegatedIP6Prefixes
def requestIP4AutoConfig(self, interface):
if == and self.advertisedIP4Subnet:
return IP4AutoConfigInfo(
address = makeIP4IntefaceAddress(self.advertisedIP4Subnet, interface.node.nodeIndex, self.advertisedIP4Subnet.prefixlen),
defaultGateway = self.insideInterface.ip4Address.ip if self.isIP4DefaultGateway else None,
dnsServers = self.ip4DNSServers
return None
def requestIP6AutoConfig(self, interface):
# If the node hasn't been configured, do it now. This ensures that prefix delegation to the
# gateway is complete before we attempt to assign addresses to nodes on the inside network.
if self.configState == "incomplete":
if ==
return IP6AutoConfigInfo(
addresses = [ makeIP6InterfaceAddress(p, macAddr=interface.macAddress, prefixLen=64) for p in self.insideInterface.advertisedIP6Prefixes ],
defaultGateway = self.insideInterface.ip6LinkLocalAddress.ip if self.isIP6DefaultGateway else None,
furtherRoutes = [
dest = a,
interface = interface,
via = self.insideInterface.ip6LinkLocalAddress.ip
) for a in self.outsideInterface.ip6Addresses if not a.is_link_local
dnsServers = self.ip6DNSServers
# TODO: return delegated prefixes
return None
def requestIP6AdvertisedRoutes(self, interface):
if ==
return self.outsideInterface.delegatedIP6Prefixes
return []
def _buildNode(self):
# If the node is implemented using a namespace (vs the host) initialize the simnet
# iptables configuration within the namespace.
if not self.isHostNode:
# If the outside interface supports IPv4...
if self.outsideInterface.ip4Enabled and self.outsideInterface.ip4Address:
# Enable IPv4 NAT between the inside and outside interfaces.
enableIP4NAT(self.insideInterface.ifName, self.outsideInterface.ifName, self.nsName)
# Enable IPv4 routing for the node
setSysctl('net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding', 1, nsName=self.nsName)
# If the outside interface supports IPv6...
if self.outsideInterface.ip6Enabled and len(self.outsideInterface.ip6Addresses) > 0:
# Enable Ipv6 forwarding between the inside and outside interfaces.
enableIP6Forwarding(self.insideInterface.ifName, self.outsideInterface.ifName, self.nsName)
# Enable IPv6 routing for the node
setSysctl('net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding', 1, nsName=self.nsName)
def clearNode(self):
# Clear various configuration if this is a host node...
# (No need to do this for namespace nodes, since all configuration is cleared
# when the namespace is deleted).
if self.isHostNode:
# Disable IPv4 routing for the node.
setSysctl('net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding', 0, nsName=self.nsName)
# Disable IPv6 routing for the node
setSysctl('net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding', 0, nsName=self.nsName)
def getHostsEntries(self):
hostsEntries = Node.getHostsEntries(self)
nameEntries = []
if + '-outside-ip4' in hostsEntries:
nameEntries += hostsEntries[ + '-outside-ip4']
if + '-outside-ip6' in hostsEntries:
nameEntries += hostsEntries[ + '-outside-ip6']
if len(nameEntries) > 0:
hostsEntries[] = nameEntries
return hostsEntries
class WeaveDevice(Node):
def __init__(self, name,
wifiNetwork=None, wifiInterface=None,
threadNetwork=None, threadInterface=None,
legacyNetwork=None, legacyInterface=None,
cellularNetwork=None, cellularInterface=None,
weaveNodeId=None, weaveFabricId=None, isWeaveBorderGateway=False, advertiseWiFiPrefix=True,
hostAliases=[], useLwIP=False, useHost=False):
if useHost and useLwIP:
raise ConfigException('Cannot specify both useHost and useLwIP for Weave node %s' % (name))
Node.__init__(self, name, isHostNode=useHost)
self.weaveNodeId = weaveNodeId if weaveNodeId != None else self.nodeIndex
self.weaveFabricId = weaveFabricId if weaveFabricId != None else defaultWeaveFabricId
self.fabricAddrGlobalId = self.weaveFabricId % ((1 << 40) - 1) # bottom 40 bits of fabric id
self.advertiseWiFiPrefix = advertiseWiFiPrefix
self.useLwIP = useLwIP
self.useTapInterfaces = useLwIP
if wifiNetwork or wifiInterface:
if not wifiInterface:
wifiInterface = 'wifi'
self.wifiInterface = self.addInterface(wifiNetwork, name=wifiInterface)
if not isinstance(, (WiFiNetwork, HostNetwork)):
raise ConfigException('Incompatible network %s attached to wifi interface of node %s' % (, name))
self.wifiInterface = None
if threadNetwork or threadInterface:
if not threadInterface:
threadInterface = 'thread'
self.threadInterface = self.addInterface(threadNetwork, name=threadInterface)
if not isinstance(, (ThreadNetwork, HostNetwork)):
raise ConfigException('Incompatible network %s attached to thread interface of node %s' % (, name))
self.threadInterface = None
if legacyNetwork or legacyInterface:
if not legacyInterface:
legacyInterface = 'legacy'
self.legacyInterface = self.addInterface(legacyNetwork, name=legacyInterface)
if not isinstance(, (LegacyThreadNetwork, HostNetwork)):
raise ConfigException('Incompatible network %s attached to legacy thread interface of node %s' % (, name))
self.legacyInterface = None
if cellularNetwork or cellularInterface:
if not cellularInterface:
cellularInterface = 'cell'
self.cellularInterface = self.addInterface(cellularNetwork, name=cellularInterface)
if not isinstance(, (WiFiNetwork, Internet, HostNetwork)):
raise ConfigException('Incompatible network %s attached to cell interface of node %s' % (, name))
self.cellularInterface = None
self.hostAliases = hostAliases
def _configureAddresses(self):
if self.wifiInterface:
self.wifiWeaveAddr = self.weaveInterfaceAddress(subnetNum=1)
if self.threadInterface:
self.threadMeshAddr = self.threadInterface.ip6Addresses[1]
self.threadWeaveAddr = self.weaveInterfaceAddress(subnetNum=6)
if self.legacyInterface:
self.legacyWeaveAddr = self.weaveInterfaceAddress(subnetNum=2)
def requestIP6AutoConfig(self, interface):
if self.wifiInterface and == and self.advertiseWiFiPrefix:
wifiPrefix = self.weaveSubnetPrefix(subnetNum=1)
return IP6AutoConfigInfo(
addresses = [ makeIP6InterfaceAddress(wifiPrefix, macAddr=interface.macAddress) ]
return None
def filterIP6AutoConfig(self, interface, autoConfigs):
# On the WiFi interface, only accept auto-config addresses that are global. Among other this,
# this prevents Weave nodes in one fabric from picking up addresses from nodes in other fabrics.
if interface == self.wifiInterface:
for autoConfig in autoConfigs:
autoConfig.addresses = [ a for a in autoConfig.addresses if a.is_global ]
return autoConfigs
def weaveSubnetPrefix(self, subnetNum):
return makeIP6Prefix(ulaPrefix, networkNum=self.fabricAddrGlobalId, subnetNum=subnetNum, prefixLen=64)
def weaveInterfaceAddress(self, subnetNum):
subnetPrefix = self.weaveSubnetPrefix(subnetNum)
# As a convenience to testing, interface addresses for Weave nodes with a node id less than 65536
# are considered 'local', and therefore have their universal/local bit is set to zero. This simplifies
# the string representation of the corresponding IPv6 addresses. For example a WiFi ULA for a node
# with a node id of 10 would be FD00:0:1:1::A, instead of FD00:0:1:1:0200::A. This behavior matches
# the behavior of the C++ Weave code.
if self.weaveNodeId < 65536:
iid = self.weaveNodeId # 'test' node id, generate 'local' iid
iid = self.weaveNodeId | (1 << 57) # 'real' node id, generate 'universal' iid
a = makeIP6InterfaceAddress(subnetPrefix, iid=iid, prefixLen=64)
return a
def getHostsEntries(self):
hostsEntries = { }
# Add interface-name specific entries (<name>-<interface>-ip4, -ip6, -weave, -mesh).
if self.wifiInterface:
if self.wifiInterface.ip4Address:
hostsEntries[ + '-wifi-ip4'] = [ self.wifiInterface.ip4Address.ip ]
hostsEntries[ + '-wifi-ip6'] = [ a.ip for a in self.wifiInterface.ip6Addresses if a.is_global ]
hostsEntries[ + '-wifi-weave'] = [ self.wifiWeaveAddr.ip ]
if self.threadInterface:
hostsEntries[ + '-thread-weave'] = [ self.threadWeaveAddr.ip ]
hostsEntries[ + '-thread-mesh'] = [ self.threadMeshAddr.ip ]
if self.legacyInterface:
hostsEntries[ + '-legacy-weave'] = [ self.legacyWeaveAddr.ip ]
if self.cellularInterface:
if self.cellularInterface.ip4Address:
hostsEntries[ + '-cell-ip4'] = [ self.cellularInterface.ip4Address.ip ]
hostsEntries[ + '-cell-ip6'] = [ a.ip for a in self.cellularInterface.ip6Addresses if a.is_global ]
# Add an entry for the primary name of the node (<name>).
primaryAddrs = []
if self.wifiInterface:
if self.wifiInterface.ip4Address:
primaryAddrs += [ a.ip for a in self.wifiInterface.ip6Addresses if a.is_global ]
elif self.threadInterface:
elif self.cellularInterface:
if self.cellularInterface.ip4Address:
primaryAddrs += [ a.ip for a in self.cellularInterface.ip6Address if a.is_global ]
elif self.legacyInterface:
hostsEntries[] = primaryAddrs
for alias in self.hostAliases:
hostsEntries[alias] = primaryAddrs
# Add an entry for the primary weave name of the node (<name>-weave).
primaryWeaveAddr = None
if self.wifiInterface:
primaryWeaveAddr = self.wifiWeaveAddr
elif self.threadInterface:
primaryWeaveAddr = self.threadWeaveAddr
elif self.legacyInterface:
primaryWeaveAddr = self.legacyWeaveAddr
if primaryWeaveAddr:
hostsEntries[ + '-weave'] = [ primaryWeaveAddr.ip ]
return hostsEntries
def setEnvironVars(self, environ):
Node.setEnvironVars(self, environ)
weaveConfig = '--node-id %016X ' % self.weaveNodeId
weaveConfig += '--fabric-id %016X ' % self.weaveFabricId
if self.wifiInterface:
weaveConfig += '--subnet 1 '
elif self.threadInterface:
weaveConfig += '--subnet 6 '
elif self.legacyInterface:
weaveConfig += '--subnet 2 '
if self.useLwIP:
weaveConfig += self.getLwIPConfig()
environ['WEAVE_CONFIG'] = weaveConfig
def summary(self, prefix=''):
s = Node.summary(self, prefix)
s += '%s Weave Node Id: %016X\n' % (prefix, self.weaveNodeId)
s += '%s Weave Fabric Id: %016X\n' % (prefix, self.weaveFabricId)
return s
class SimpleNode(Node):
def __init__(self, name, network, ip4Address=None, ip6Addresses=[], autoConfigIP4=True, autoConfigIP6=True, useHost=False, hostAliases=[]):
Node.__init__(self, name, isHostNode=useHost)
i = self.addInterface(network, name='eth0')
if not isinstance(, (WiFiNetwork, Internet)):
raise ConfigException('Incompatible network %s attached to interface of node %s' % (, name))
i.ip4Address = toIP4InterfaceAddress(ip4Address, 'Unable to assign IPv4 address to node %s, interface %s: ' % (name, i.ifName))
i.ip6Addresses = [ toIP6InterfaceAddress(a, 'Unable to assign IPv6 address to node %s, interface %s: ' % (name, i.ifName)) for a in ip6Addresses ]
i.autoConfigIP4 = autoConfigIP4
i.autoConfigIP6 = autoConfigIP6
self.hostAliases = hostAliases
# NodeInterface Classes
class NodeInterface():
def __init__(self, node, network, name):
self.node = node = network
self.ifIndex = len(node.interfaces)
if len(name) > 15:
raise ConfigException('Interface name for node %s is too long: %s' % (, name))
self.ifName = name
self.ip4Enabled = True
self.ip6Enabled = True
self.autoConfigIP4 = True
self.autoConfigIP6 = True
self.ip4Address = None
self.ip6Addresses = []
self.ip6LinkLocalAddress = None
self.delegatedIP6Prefixes = []
self.advertisedIP4Subnet = None
self.advertisedIP6Prefixes = []
self.ip4AutoConfig = None
self.ip6AutoConfig = None
# Form a MAC address for the interface from the base MAC address, the node index and the interface index.
# Use a 48-bit or 64-bit MAC based on the nature of the connected network.
self.macAddress = (baseMAC64Address if network.usesMAC64 else baseMAC48Address) + node.nodeIndex * 16 + self.ifIndex
self.usesMAC64 = network.usesMAC64
# Attach the interface to the node and to the network.
def requestIP4AutoConfig(self):
if self.ip4AutoConfig == None:
self.ip4AutoConfig =
if self.ip4AutoConfig == None:
self.ip4AutoConfig = IP4AutoConfigInfo()
return self.ip4AutoConfig
def requestIP6AutoConfig(self, interface):
if self.ip6AutoConfig == None:
self.ip6AutoConfig =
return self.ip6AutoConfig
def summary(self, prefix=''):
s = '%s%s (%s):\n' % (prefix, self.ifName, self.typeSummary())
s += '%s MAC Address: %012X\n' % (prefix, self.macAddress)
if self.ip4Enabled:
s += '%s IPv4 Address: %s\n' % (prefix, self.ip4Address if self.ip4Address else 'None')
if self.ip6Enabled:
s += '%s IPv6 Addresses:%s\n' % (prefix, ('' if (self.ip6Addresses != None and len(self.ip6Addresses) > 0) else ' None'))
for a in self.ip6Addresses:
s += '%s %s\n' % (prefix, a)
return s
class VirtualInterface(NodeInterface):
def __init__(self, node, network, name):
# If the node is implemented by the host, include the node index in the interface name to
# ensure it is unique.
if node.isHostNode:
name = name + '-' + str(node.nodeIndex)
# Initialize the base class.
NodeInterface.__init__(self, node, network, name)
# Form the peer interface name from the network, node and interface indexes. (Note that interface
# names are limited to 16 characters, making it difficult to use a more intuitive naming scheme here).
self.peerIfName = namePrefix + str(network.networkIndex) + '-' + str(node.nodeIndex) + '-' + str(self.ifIndex)
def buildInterface(self):
# Create a pair of virtual ethernet interfaces for connecting the node to the target network.
# Use a temporary name for the first interface.
tmpInterfaceName = namePrefix + 'tmp-' + str(os.getpid()) + str(random.randint(0, 100))
createVETHPair(tmpInterfaceName, self.peerIfName)
# Set the MAC address of the node interface. If we are simulating an interface that uses a 64-bit
# MAC, form a MAC-48 approximation of the 64-bit value.
if self.usesMAC64:
macAddress = ((self.macAddress & 0xFFFFFF0000000000) >> 16) | (self.macAddress & 0xFFFFFF)
macAddress = self.macAddress
setInterfaceMACAddress(tmpInterfaceName, macAddress)
# Attach the second interface (the peer interface) to the network bridge.
# Assign the first interface to the node namespace and rename it to the appropriate name.
if not self.node.isHostNode:
moveInterfaceToNamespace(tmpInterfaceName, nsName=self.node.nsName)
renameInterface(tmpInterfaceName, self.ifName, nsName=self.node.nsName)
# Disable automatic IPv6 link-local address generation on both interfaces. The peer interface
# doesn't need one, and one will be created for the node interface below.
setInterfaceAddressGenerationMode(self.ifName, mode='none', nsName=self.node.nsName)
setInterfaceAddressGenerationMode(self.peerIfName, mode='none',
# Enable the virtual interfaces.
enableInterface(self.ifName, nsName=self.node.nsName)
# Assign the IPv4 address to the node interface.
if self.ip4Address != None:
assignAddressToInterface(self.ifName, self.ip4Address, nsName=self.node.nsName)
# Assign the IPv6 addresses to the node interface.
if self.ip6Addresses != None:
for a in self.ip6Addresses:
assignAddressToInterface(self.ifName, a, nsName=self.node.nsName)
except CommandException, ex:
if 'RTNETLINK answers: File exists' not in ex.message:
def clearInterface(self):
# Delete the virtual interfaces.
deleteInterface(self.ifName, nsName=self.node.nsName)
def typeSummary(self):
return 'virtual interface to network "%s" via peer interface %s' % (, self.peerIfName)
class TapInterface(NodeInterface):
def __init__(self, node, network, name):
# If the node is implemented by the host, include the node index in the interface name to
# ensure it is unique.
if node.isHostNode:
name = name + '-' + str(node.nodeIndex)
# Initialize the base class.
NodeInterface.__init__(self, node, network, name)
self.tapBrName = namePrefix + 'tunbr-' + self.ifName
self.trunkIfName = namePrefix + 'trunk-' + self.ifName
self.peerIfName = namePrefix + str(network.networkIndex) + '-' + str(node.nodeIndex) + '-' + str(self.ifIndex)
def buildInterface(self):
# Create a pair of virtual ethernet interfaces that will serve as a 'trunk' line between a bridge in the node's
# namespace and the bridge in the network's namespace.
# Use a temporary name for the first interface.
tmpInterfaceName = namePrefix + 'tmp-' + str(os.getpid()) + str(random.randint(0, 100))
createVETHPair(tmpInterfaceName, self.peerIfName)
# Assign the first trunk interface to the node namespace and rename it to the appropriate name.
if not self.node.isHostNode:
moveInterfaceToNamespace(tmpInterfaceName, nsName=self.node.nsName)
renameInterface(tmpInterfaceName, self.trunkIfName, nsName=self.node.nsName)
# Attach the second trunk interface (the peer interface) to the network bridge.
# Create a bridge in the node namespace that will bridge between the tap device and the trunk
# interface.
addBridge(self.tapBrName, nsName=self.node.nsName)
# Attach the first trunk interface to the TAP bridge.
attachInterfaceToBridge(self.trunkIfName, self.tapBrName, nsName=self.node.nsName)
# Create a tap device in the node namespace.
user = os.environ['SUDO_USER']
createTapInterface(self.ifName, user=user, group=user, nsName=self.node.nsName)
# Attach the tap interface to the TAP bridge.
attachInterfaceToBridge(self.ifName, self.tapBrName, nsName=self.node.nsName)
# Disable automatic address generation on all associated interfaces.
setInterfaceAddressGenerationMode(self.ifName, mode='none', nsName=self.node.nsName)
setInterfaceAddressGenerationMode(self.tapBrName, mode='none', nsName=self.node.nsName)
setInterfaceAddressGenerationMode(self.trunkIfName, mode='none', nsName=self.node.nsName)
setInterfaceAddressGenerationMode(self.peerIfName, mode='none',
# Enable the interfaces.
enableInterface(self.tapBrName, nsName=self.node.nsName)
enableInterface(self.trunkIfName, nsName=self.node.nsName)
enableInterface(self.ifName, nsName=self.node.nsName)
def clearInterface(self):
# Delete the tap device.
deleteInterface(self.ifName, nsName=self.node.nsName)
# Delete the trunk and peer interfaces.
deleteInterface(self.trunkIfName, nsName=self.node.nsName)
# Delete the TAP bridge.
deleteBridge(self.tapBrName, nsName=self.node.nsName)
def typeSummary(self):
return 'tap device "%s" connected to network "%s" via peer interface %s' % (self.ifName,, self.peerIfName)
def getLwIPConfig(self):
lwipConfig = '--%s-tap-device %s ' % (self.ifName, self.ifName)
lwipConfig += '--%s-mac-addr %012X ' % (self.ifName, self.macAddress) # TODO: handle case where MAC is 64-bits
if self.ip4Enabled and self.ip4Address:
lwipConfig += '--%s-ip4-addr %s ' % (self.ifName, self.ip4Address)
if self.ip6Enabled and len(self.ip6Addresses) > 0:
lwipConfig += '--%s-ip6-addrs %s ' % (self.ifName, ','.join([ str(a) for a in self.ip6Addresses ]))
return lwipConfig;
class ExistingHostInterface(NodeInterface):
def __init__(self, node, hostInterfaceConfig):
# Use the existing interface's name.
name = hostInterfaceConfig['dev']
# Construct a HostNetwork object to represent the network to which the host interface is attached.
# Note that this is just a place-holder object so the interface object has something to point to.
network = HostNetwork(name + '-net')
# Initialize the base class.
NodeInterface.__init__(self, node, network, name)
# Use the MAC address associated with the existing interface.
self.macAddress = parseMACAddress(hostInterfaceConfig['address'])
# Disable auto configuration of addresses.
self.autoConfigIP4 = False
self.autoConfigIP6 = False
# Use the host interface's IPv4 address, if any.
self.ip4Address = next(iter(getInterfaceAddresses(self.ifName, ipv6=False)), None)
# Search for a IPv6 link-local on the host interface. If found, use it instead of creating a new one.
# If not found, disable IPv6 on the interface.
ip6LinkLocalAddress = next((a for a in getInterfaceAddresses(self.ifName, ipv6=True) if a.is_link_local), None)
if ip6LinkLocalAddress:
self.ip6LinkLocalAddress = ip6LinkLocalAddress
self.ip6Enabled = False
def buildInterface(self):
# Assign the IPv6 addresses to the host interface, excluding the link-local address, which is
# presumed to already exist.
if self.ip6Enabled and self.ip6Addresses != None:
for a in self.ip6Addresses:
if a != self.ip6LinkLocalAddress:
assignAddressToInterface(self.ifName, a, nsName=self.node.nsName)
def clearInterface(self):
# Remove all assigned IPv6 addresses from the host interface, excluding the link-local
# address, which existed on the interface to begin with.
if self.ip6Enabled and self.ip6Addresses != None:
for a in self.ip6Addresses:
if a != self.ip6LinkLocalAddress:
removeAddressFromInterface(self.ifName, a, nsName=self.node.nsName)
def typeSummary(self):
return 'existing host interface'
# Utility Classes
class IP4AutoConfigInfo:
def __init__(self, address=None, defaultGateway=None, dnsServers=[]):
self.address = address
self.defaultGateway = defaultGateway
self.dnsServers = dnsServers
class IP6AutoConfigInfo:
def __init__(self, addresses=[], delegatedPrefixes=None, defaultGateway=None, dnsServers=[], furtherRoutes=[]):
self.addresses = addresses
self.delegatedPrefixes = delegatedPrefixes
self.defaultGateway = defaultGateway
self.dnsServers = dnsServers
self.furtherRoutes = furtherRoutes
class IPRoute:
def __init__(self, dest, interface=None, via=None, options=None):
self.destination = dest
self.interface = interface
self.via = via
self.options = options
def summary(self, prefix=''):
s = '%s%s' % (prefix, self.destination if self.destination != None else 'default')
if self.interface:
s += ' interface %s' % (self.interface.ifName)
if self.via:
s += ' via %s' % (self.via)
if self.options:
for option in self.options.keys():
s += ' %s %s' % (option, self.options[option])
s += '\n'
return s
class CommandException(Exception):
class ConfigException(Exception):
class UsageException(Exception):
# Utility Functions
def runCmd(cmd, errMsg='', ignoreErr=False, nsName=None):
if nsName:
cmd = [ 'ip', 'netns', 'exec', nsName ] + cmd
if errMsg != '':
errMsg += ' in namespace %s' % (nsName)
if errMsg != '':
errMsg += '\n'
logAction('Running: ' + ' '.join(cmd))
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
(out, err) = p.communicate()
if p.returncode != 0 and not ignoreErr:
err = err.strip()
err = re.sub('^', '>> ', err)
raise CommandException(errMsg + 'Command failed: %s\n%s' % (' '.join(cmd), err))
return out
def getBridges(nsName=None):
out = runCmd([ 'brctl', 'show' ], nsName=nsName, errMsg='Failed to enumerate network bridges')
for line in re.split('\n', out):
if line.startswith('bridge name'):
m = re.match('\S+', line)
if m:
def addBridge(name, nsName=None):
runCmd([ 'brctl', 'addbr', name ], nsName=nsName,
errMsg='Failed to create bridge %s' % (name))
def deleteBridge(name, nsName=None):
runCmd([ 'ip', 'link', 'set', name, 'down' ], nsName=nsName,
errMsg='Failed to disable host interface for network bridge %s' % name)
runCmd([ 'brctl', 'delbr', name ], nsName=nsName,
errMsg='Failed to delete network bridge %s' % name)
except Exception, ex:
if not 'Cannot find device' in ex.message:
def getNamespaces():
out = runCmd([ 'ip', 'netns', 'list' ], errMsg='Failed to enumerate network namespaces')
for line in re.split('\n', out):
m = re.match('\s*([^\s]+)', line)
if m:
def addNamespace(name):
runCmd([ 'ip', 'netns', 'add', name ], errMsg='Failed to create network namespace %s' % (name))
def deleteNamespace(name):
runCmd([ 'ip', 'netns', 'del', name ], errMsg='Failed to delete network namespace %s' % name)
except Exception, ex:
if not 'No such file or directory' in ex.message:
def enableInterface(name, nsName=None):
runCmd([ 'ip', 'link', 'set', name, 'up' ], errMsg='Failed to enable interface %s' % (name), nsName=nsName)
def disableInterface(name, nsName=None):
runCmd([ 'ip', 'link', 'set', name, 'down' ], errMsg='Failed to disable interface %s' % (name), nsName=nsName)
def createVETHPair(name, peerName):
runCmd([ 'ip', 'link', 'add', 'name', name, 'type', 'veth', 'peer', 'name', peerName ], errMsg='Unable to create virtual ethernet interface pair %s' % (name))
def createTapInterface(name, user='root', group='root', nsName=None):
runCmd([ 'tunctl', '-u', user, '-g', group, '-t', name], errMsg='Unable to create tap interface pair %s' % (name), nsName=nsName)
def moveInterfaceToNamespace(ifName, nsName=None):
runCmd([ 'ip', 'link', 'set', ifName, 'netns', nsName ], errMsg='Unable to assign virtual ethernet interface %s to namespace %s' % (ifName, nsName))
def renameInterface(name, newName, nsName=None):
runCmd([ 'ip', 'link', 'set', name, 'name', newName ], errMsg='Unable to rename interface %s to %s' % (name, newName), nsName=nsName)
def deleteInterface(name, nsName=None):
runCmd([ 'ip', 'link', 'del', name, ], errMsg='Unable to delete interface %s' % (name), nsName=nsName)
except Exception, ex:
if not 'Cannot find device' in ex.message and not 'Cannot open network namespace: No such file or directory' in ex.message:
def assignAddressToInterface(ifName, addr, nsName=None):
runCmd([ 'ip', 'addr', 'add', str(addr), 'dev', ifName ], errMsg='Unable to assign address %s to interface %s in namespace %s' % (addr, ifName, nsName), nsName=nsName)
def removeAddressFromInterface(ifName, addr, nsName=None):
runCmd([ 'ip', 'addr', 'del', str(addr), 'dev', ifName ], errMsg='Unable to remove address %s from interface %s in namespace %s' % (addr, ifName, nsName), nsName=nsName)
def setInterfaceMACAddress(ifName, macAddr, nsName=None):
macAddr = macAddressToString(macAddr)
runCmd([ 'ip', 'link', 'set', 'dev', ifName, 'address', macAddr ], nsName=nsName,
errMsg='Unable to set MAC address for interface %s in namespace %s' % (ifName, nsName))
def attachInterfaceToBridge(ifName, brName, nsName=None):
runCmd([ 'brctl', 'addif', brName, ifName ], nsName=nsName,
errMsg='Unable to assign virtual ethernet interface %s to bridge %s' % (ifName, brName))
def flushLinkLocalAddresses(ifName, nsName=None):
# Flush any IPv6 link-local addresses automatically created by the system.
runCmd([ 'ip', '-6', 'addr', 'flush', 'dev', ifName, 'scope', 'link' ], nsName=nsName,
errMsg='Unable to flush IPv6 LL addresses on interface %s in namespace %s' % (ifName, nsName))
def setInterfaceAddressGenerationMode(ifName, mode, nsName=None):
# Set the IPv6 address generation mode for the interface.
runCmd([ 'ip', 'link', 'set', 'dev', ifName, 'addrgenmode', mode ], nsName=nsName,
errMsg='Unable to set the IPv6 address generation mode on interface %s in namespace %s' % (ifName, nsName))
def getInterfaces(nsName=None):
out = runCmd([ 'ip', '-o', 'link', 'show' ], errMsg='Failed to enumerate interfaces', nsName=nsName)
out = out.replace('\\', '') # move backslashes introduced by -o
interfaces = []
for m in re.finditer('^\d+:\s+(\S+):\s+<([^>]*)>(.*)$', out, re.M):
i = {
'dev' :,
for flag in','):
i[flag] = True
attrs =
for m2 in re.finditer('\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+)', attrs):
name =
if name.startswith('link/'):
name = 'address'
if name != 'alias':
value =
value = attrs[m2.start(2):]
i[name] = value
return interfaces
hostInterfaces = None
def getHostInterfaces():
global hostInterfaces
if not hostInterfaces:
hostInterfaces = getInterfaces()
return hostInterfaces
def getInterfaceAddresses(dev, ipv6=False, nsName=None):
cmd = [ 'ip', '-o' ]
if ipv6:
cmd += [ 'addr', 'list', 'dev', str(dev) ]
out = runCmd(cmd, errMsg='Failed to enumerate address for interface %s' % dev, nsName=nsName)
addrs = [ for m in re.finditer('^\d+:\s+\S+\s+inet6?\s+(\S+)', out, re.M) ]
if ipv6:
addrs = [ ipaddress.IPv6Interface(unicode(a)) for a in addrs ]
addrs = [ ipaddress.IPv4Interface(unicode(a)) for a in addrs ]
return addrs
def addRoute(dest, dev=None, via=None, options=None, nsName=None):
cmd = [ 'ip' ]
if isinstance(dest, ipaddress.IPv6Address) or isinstance(dest, ipaddress.IPv6Network):
if dest == None:
dest = 'default'
cmd += [ 'route', 'add', 'to', str(dest) ]
if dev != None:
cmd += [ 'dev', str(dev) ]
if via != None:
cmd += [ 'via', str(via) ]
if options != None:
for option in options.keys():
cmd += [ option, str(options[option]) ]
runCmd(cmd, errMsg='Unable to add route in namespace %s' % (nsName), nsName=nsName)
def getRoutes(ipv6=False, nsName=None):
cmd = [ 'ip', '-o' ]
if ipv6:
cmd += [ 'route', 'list', ]
out = runCmd(cmd, errMsg='Unable to list routes in namespace %s' % (nsName), nsName=nsName)
routes = []
for routeLine in out.split('\n'):
m = re.match('\s*(\S+)\s+(.*)$', routeLine)
if m:
dest =
args =
route = { 'dest': dest }
for m in re.finditer('\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+)', args):
route[] =
return routes
hostIP6Routes = None
hostIP4Routes = None
def getHostRoutes(ipv6=False):
if ipv6:
global hostIP6Routes
if not hostIP6Routes:
hostIP6Routes = getRoutes(ipv6=True)
return hostIP6Routes
global hostIP4Routes
if not hostIP4Routes:
hostIP4Routes = getRoutes(ipv6=False)
return hostIP4Routes
hostIPTablesInitialized = False
def initSimnetIPTables(nsName=None):
# Only initialize the simnet configuration for the host once.
if nsName == None:
global hostIPTablesInitialized
if hostIPTablesInitialized:
hostIPTablesInitialized = True
# Create the simnet IPv4 FORWARD chain and add it to the default FORWARD chain.
runCmd([ 'iptables', '-N', namePrefix + 'FORWARD' ], nsName=nsName,
errMsg='Unable to create simnet iptables FORWARD chain in namespace %s' % nsName)
runCmd([ 'iptables', '-I', 'FORWARD', '-j', namePrefix + 'FORWARD' ], nsName=nsName,
errMsg='Unable to add simnet iptables FORWARD chain to default FORWARD chain in namespace %s' % nsName)
# Set the policy on the default IPv4 FORWARD chain to DROP.
runCmd([ 'iptables', '-P', 'FORWARD', 'DROP' ], nsName=nsName,
errMsg='Unable to set polify on default iptables FORWARD chain in namespace %s' % nsName)
# Create the simnet IPv4 NAT POSTROUTING chain and and it to the default NAT POSTROUTING chain.
runCmd([ 'iptables', '-t', 'nat', '-N', namePrefix + 'POSTROUTING' ], nsName=nsName,
errMsg='Unable to simnet iptables chain in namespace %s' % nsName)
runCmd([ 'iptables', '-t', 'nat', '-A', 'POSTROUTING', '-j', namePrefix + 'POSTROUTING' ], nsName=nsName,
errMsg='Unable to add simnet iptables POSTROUTING chain to default POSTROUTING chain in namespace %s' % nsName)
# Create the simnet IPv6 FORWARD chain and add it to the default FORWARD chain.
runCmd([ 'ip6tables', '-N', namePrefix + 'FORWARD' ], nsName=nsName,
errMsg='Unable to create simnet ip6tables FORWARD chain in namespace %s' % nsName)
runCmd([ 'ip6tables', '-I', 'FORWARD', '-j', namePrefix + 'FORWARD' ], nsName=nsName,
errMsg='Unable to add simnet ip6tables FORWARD chain to default FORWARD chain in namespace %s' % nsName)
# Set the policy on the default IPv6 FORWARD chains to DROP.
runCmd([ 'ip6tables', '-P', 'FORWARD', 'DROP' ], nsName=nsName,
errMsg='Unable to set polify on default ip6tables FORWARD chain in namespace %s' % nsName)
hostIPTablesCleared = False
def clearSimnetIPTables(nsName=None):
# Only clear the simnet configuration for the host once.
if nsName == None:
global hostIPTablesCleared
if hostIPTablesCleared:
hostIPTablesCleared = True
# Remove the simnet IPv4 FORWARD chain from the default FORWARD chain, flush it and delete it.
runCmd([ 'iptables', '-D', 'FORWARD', '-j', namePrefix + 'FORWARD' ], nsName=nsName, ignoreErr=True)
runCmd([ 'iptables', '-F', namePrefix + 'FORWARD' ], nsName=nsName, ignoreErr=True)
runCmd([ 'iptables', '-X', namePrefix + 'FORWARD' ], nsName=nsName, ignoreErr=True)
# Remove the simnet IPv6 FORWARD chain from the default FORWARD chain, flush it and delete it.
runCmd([ 'ip6tables', '-D', 'FORWARD', '-j', namePrefix + 'FORWARD' ], nsName=nsName, ignoreErr=True)
runCmd([ 'ip6tables', '-F', namePrefix + 'FORWARD' ], nsName=nsName, ignoreErr=True)
runCmd([ 'ip6tables', '-X', namePrefix + 'FORWARD' ], nsName=nsName, ignoreErr=True)
# Remove the simnet IPv4 NAT POSTROUTING chain from the default NAT POSTROUTING chain
runCmd([ 'iptables', '-t', 'nat', '-D', 'POSTROUTING', '-j', namePrefix + 'POSTROUTING' ], nsName=nsName, ignoreErr=True)
runCmd([ 'iptables', '-t', 'nat', '-F', namePrefix + 'POSTROUTING' ], nsName=nsName, ignoreErr=True)
runCmd([ 'iptables', '-t', 'nat', '-X', namePrefix + 'POSTROUTING' ], nsName=nsName, ignoreErr=True)
def enableIP4NAT(insideIfName, outsideIfName, nsName=None):
# Enable MASQUERADE for IPv4 packets leaving the outside interface.
runCmd([ 'iptables', '-t', 'nat', '-A', namePrefix + 'POSTROUTING', '-o', outsideIfName, '-j', 'MASQUERADE' ],
nsName=nsName, errMsg='Unable to enable IPv4 NAT in namespace %s' % nsName)
# Allow IPv4 packets to pass from the inside interface to the outside interface.
runCmd([ 'iptables', '-A', namePrefix + 'FORWARD', '-i', insideIfName, '-o', outsideIfName, '-j', 'ACCEPT' ],
nsName=nsName, errMsg='Unable to enable IPv4 NAT in namespace %s' % nsName)
# Allow returning IPv4 packets to pass from the outside interface to the inside interface if they are part
# of an established conntrack session.
runCmd([ 'iptables', '-A', namePrefix + 'FORWARD', '-i', outsideIfName, '-o', insideIfName, '-m', 'state', '--state', 'RELATED,ESTABLISHED', '-j', 'ACCEPT' ],
nsName=nsName, errMsg='Unable to enable IPv4 NAT in namespace %s' % nsName)
def enableIP6Forwarding(insideIfName, outsideIfName, nsName=None):
# Allow IPv6 packets to pass from the inside interface to the outside interface.
runCmd([ 'ip6tables', '-A', namePrefix + 'FORWARD', '-i', insideIfName, '-o', outsideIfName, '-j', 'ACCEPT' ],
nsName=nsName, errMsg='Unable to enable IPv6 forwarding in namespace %s' % nsName)
# Allow return IPv6 packets to pass from the outside interface to the inside interface if they are part
# of an established conntrack session.
runCmd([ 'ip6tables', '-A', namePrefix + 'FORWARD', '-i', outsideIfName, '-o', insideIfName, '-m', 'state', '--state', 'RELATED,ESTABLISHED', '-j', 'ACCEPT' ],
nsName=nsName, errMsg='Unable to enable IPv6 forwarding in namespace %s' % nsName)
def setSysctl(name, value, nsName=None):
runCmd([ 'sysctl', '-q', name + '=' + str(value) ], "Unabled to set sysctl value %s in namespace %s" % (name, nsName), nsName=nsName)
def toIP4InterfaceAddress(v, errStr):
if v == None or isinstance(v, ipaddress.IPv4Interface):
return v
vStr = str(v)
if vStr.find('/') == -1:
vStr = vStr + '/32'
v = ipaddress.IPv4Interface(unicode(vStr))
except ValueError:
raise ConfigException('%sSpecified IPv4 interface address is invalid: %s' % (errStr, v))
return v
def toIP6InterfaceAddress(v, errStr):
if v == None or isinstance(v, ipaddress.IPv6Interface):
return v
vStr = str(v)
if vStr.find('/') == -1:
vStr = vStr + '/32'
v = ipaddress.IPv6Interface(unicode(vStr))
except ValueError:
raise ConfigException('%sSpecified IPv6 interface address is invalid: %s' % (errStr, v))
return v
def toIP4Subnet(v, errStr):
if v == None or isinstance(v, ipaddress.IPv4Network):
return v
v = ipaddress.IPv4Network(unicode(v))
except ValueError:
raise ConfigException('%sSpecified IPv4 subnet is invalid: %s' % (errStr, v))
return v
def toIP6Prefix(v, errStr):
if v == None or isinstance(v, ipaddress.IPv6Network):
return v
v = ipaddress.IPv6Network(unicode(v))
except ValueError:
raise ConfigException('%sSpecified IPv6 prefix is invalid: %s' % (errStr, v))
return v
def makeIP4IntefaceAddress(subnet, nodeIndex, prefixLen=-1):
return ipaddress.IPv4Interface((subnet[nodeIndex], prefixLen if prefixLen >= 0 else subnet.prefixlen))
def makeIP6InterfaceAddress(prefix, subnetNum=0, iid=None, macAddr=None, prefixLen=-1, macIs64Bit=False):
# If IID not specified, derive it from the MAC address.
if not iid:
# If necessary, convert MAC-48 to MAC-64 according per EUI64 spec
if not macIs64Bit:
macAddr = ((macAddr & 0xFFFFFF000000) << 16) | 0xFFFE000000 | (macAddr & 0xFFFFFF)
# Convert MAC address to IPv6 IID by inverting the u bit per rfc-4291.
iid = macAddr ^ (1 << 57)
# Retain the prefix's length if not specified.
if prefixLen < 0:
prefixLen = prefix.prefixlen
# Compute the host address.
addr = prefix[ (subnetNum << 64) + iid ]
# Return the host address with the network prefix.
return ipaddress.IPv6Interface((addr, prefixLen))
def makeIP6Prefix(basePrefix, networkNum=0, subnetNum=0, prefixLen=48):
return ipaddress.IPv6Network((basePrefix[(networkNum << 80) + (subnetNum << 64)], prefixLen))
def isNetworkAddress(addr):
return < and addr.ip ==
def containsGlobalAddress(addrList):
for a in addrList:
if not a.is_private:
return True
return False
def preferGlobalAddresses(addrList):
if containsGlobalAddress(addrList):
return [ a for a in addrList if not a.is_private ]
return addrList
def verifyRoot():
if os.geteuid() != 0:
raise UsageException('Operation not permitted: This command requires root privileges.')
def parseMACAddress(addrStr):
addr = 0
addrHexStr = addrStr.replace(':', '')
if len(addrHexStr) != 12 and len(addrHexStr) != 16:
raise ValueError('Invalid MAC address: ' + addrStr)
for v in [ addrHexStr[i:i+2] for i in range(0, len(addrHexStr), 2) ]:
addr = (addr << 8) + int(v, 16)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError('Invalid MAC address: ' + addrStr)
return addr
def macAddressToString(addr):
addrHexString = '%012X' % addr
addrHexString = ':'.join(( addrHexString[i:i+2] for i in range(0, len(addrHexString), 2)))
return addrHexString
logActions = False
logIndent = 0
def logAction(msg):
if logActions:
print '%s%s' % (' ' * logIndent, msg)
# Main Code
# Main code
if __name__ == "__main__":
toolName = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
usage = '''
[ sudo ] {0} <network-layout-file> <command> [ <arguments> ]
[ sudo ] {0} clear-all
[ sudo ] {0} help
help = '''
simnet -- an IP network simulator based on Linux namespaces
[ sudo ] {0} <network-layout-file> <command> [ <arguments> ]
[ sudo ] {0} clear-all
[ sudo ] {0} help
Available commands:
Build a simulated IP network based on the description contained in the
specified network layout file.
shell <node-name>
Invoke a shell in the context of a simulated network node.
show [ all | networks | nodes | hosts | env ]
Show detailed information about simulated networks and nodes.
Tear down all simulated networks and nodes associated with the specified
network layout file.
Tear down all active simulated networks and nodes.
Display this help message.
simnet = SimNet()
args = sys.argv[1:]
if len(args) == 0:
print usage
cmdOrFileName = args[0].lower()
if cmdOrFileName == 'clear-all':
cmd = 'clear-all'
layoutFileName = None
elif cmdOrFileName == 'help' or cmdOrFileName == '-h' or cmdOrFileName == '--help':
cmd = 'help'
layoutFileName = None
if len(args) < 2:
print usage
layoutFileName = args.pop(0)
cmd = args[0].lower()
if layoutFileName:
if cmd == 'help':
print help
elif cmd == 'clear-all':
elif cmd == 'build':
elif cmd == 'clear':
elif cmd == 'show':
if len(args) == 1:
(showNets, showNodes, showHosts, showEnv) = (True, True, False, False)
subCmd = args[1].lower()
if subCmd == 'networks':
(showNets, showNodes, showHosts, showEnv) = (True, False, False)
elif subCmd == 'nodes':
(showNets, showNodes, showHosts, showEnv) = (False, True, False, False)
elif subCmd == 'hosts':
(showNets, showNodes, showHosts, showEnv) = (False, False, True, False)
elif subCmd == 'env':
(showNets, showNodes, showHosts, showEnv) = (False, False, False, True)
elif subCmd == 'all':
(showNets, showNodes, showHosts, showEnv) = (True, True, True, True)
raise UsageException('Unknown command: %s' % ' '.join(args))
print simnet.summarizeNetwork(showNets, showNodes, showHosts, showEnv)
elif cmd == 'shell':
if len(args) < 2:
raise UsageException('Please specify node name')
nodeName = args[1]
raise UsageException('Unknown command: %s' % args[0])
except CommandException, ex:
print ex.message
except ConfigException, ex:
print ex.message
except UsageException, ex:
print ex.message