blob: 3c64ff749b9c2ae9a79fa8cd7582a63d657484ca [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Nest Labs, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* This file defines types and objects for reading and writing
* Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) encoded data.
#ifndef ASN1_H_
#define ASN1_H_
#include <Weave/Support/NLDLLUtil.h>
#include "ASN1Error.h"
namespace nl {
namespace Weave {
namespace TLV {
class TLVReader;
* @namespace nl::Weave::ASN1
* @brief
* This namespace includes all interfaces within Weave for
* working with Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1).
namespace nl {
namespace Weave {
namespace ASN1 {
#include <Weave/Support/ASN1OID.h>
enum ASN1TagClasses
kASN1TagClass_Universal = 0x00,
kASN1TagClass_Application = 0x40,
kASN1TagClass_ContextSpecific = 0x80,
kASN1TagClass_Private = 0xC0
enum ASN1UniversalTags
kASN1UniversalTag_Boolean = 1,
kASN1UniversalTag_Integer = 2,
kASN1UniversalTag_BitString = 3,
kASN1UniversalTag_OctetString = 4,
kASN1UniversalTag_Null = 5,
kASN1UniversalTag_ObjectId = 6,
kASN1UniversalTag_ObjectDesc = 7,
kASN1UniversalTag_External = 8,
kASN1UniversalTag_Real = 9,
kASN1UniversalTag_Enumerated = 10,
kASN1UniversalTag_UTF8String = 12,
kASN1UniversalTag_Sequence = 16,
kASN1UniversalTag_Set = 17,
kASN1UniversalTag_NumericString = 18,
kASN1UniversalTag_PrintableString = 19,
kASN1UniversalTag_T61String = 20,
kASN1UniversalTag_VideotexString = 21,
kASN1UniversalTag_IA5String = 22,
kASN1UniversalTag_UTCTime = 23,
kASN1UniversalTag_GeneralizedTime = 24,
kASN1UniversalTag_GraphicString = 25,
kASN1UniversalTag_VisibleString = 26,
kASN1UniversalTag_GeneralString = 27,
kASN1UniversalTag_UniversalString = 28
class ASN1UniversalTime
uint16_t Year;
uint8_t Month;
uint8_t Day;
uint8_t Hour;
uint8_t Minute;
uint8_t Second;
class NL_DLL_EXPORT ASN1Reader
void Init(const uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len);
uint8_t Class;
uint32_t Tag;
const uint8_t *Value;
uint32_t ValueLen;
bool IsConstructed;
bool IsIndefiniteLen;
bool IsEndOfContents;
ASN1_ERROR Next(void);
ASN1_ERROR EnterConstructedType(void);
ASN1_ERROR ExitConstructedType(void);
ASN1_ERROR EnterEncapsulatedType(void);
ASN1_ERROR ExitEncapsulatedType(void);
bool IsContained(void) const;
ASN1_ERROR GetInteger(int64_t& val);
ASN1_ERROR GetBoolean(bool& val);
ASN1_ERROR GetObjectId(OID& oid);
ASN1_ERROR GetUTCTime(ASN1UniversalTime& outTime);
ASN1_ERROR GetGeneralizedTime(ASN1UniversalTime& outTime);
ASN1_ERROR GetBitString(uint32_t& outVal);
struct ASN1ParseContext
const uint8_t *ElemStart;
uint32_t HeadLen;
uint32_t ValueLen;
bool IsIndefiniteLen;
const uint8_t *ContainerEnd;
kMaxContextDepth = 32
const uint8_t *mBuf;
const uint8_t *mBufEnd;
const uint8_t *mElemStart;
const uint8_t *mContainerEnd;
uint32_t mHeadLen;
ASN1ParseContext mSavedContexts[kMaxContextDepth];
uint32_t mNumSavedContexts;
ASN1_ERROR DecodeHead(void);
void ResetElementState(void);
ASN1_ERROR EnterContainer(uint32_t offset);
ASN1_ERROR ExitContainer(void);
class NL_DLL_EXPORT ASN1Writer
void Init(uint8_t *buf, uint32_t maxLen);
void InitNullWriter(void);
ASN1_ERROR Finalize(void);
uint16_t GetLengthWritten(void) const;
ASN1_ERROR PutInteger(int64_t val);
ASN1_ERROR PutBoolean(bool val);
ASN1_ERROR PutObjectId(const uint8_t *val, uint16_t valLen);
ASN1_ERROR PutObjectId(OID oid);
ASN1_ERROR PutString(uint32_t tag, const char *val, uint16_t valLen);
ASN1_ERROR PutOctetString(const uint8_t *val, uint16_t valLen);
ASN1_ERROR PutOctetString(uint8_t cls, uint32_t tag, const uint8_t *val, uint16_t valLen);
ASN1_ERROR PutOctetString(uint8_t cls, uint32_t tag, nl::Weave::TLV::TLVReader& val);
ASN1_ERROR PutBitString(uint32_t val);
ASN1_ERROR PutBitString(uint8_t unusedBits, const uint8_t *val, uint16_t valLen);
ASN1_ERROR PutBitString(uint8_t unusedBits, nl::Weave::TLV::TLVReader& val);
ASN1_ERROR PutTime(const ASN1UniversalTime& val);
ASN1_ERROR PutNull(void);
ASN1_ERROR StartConstructedType(uint8_t cls, uint32_t tag);
ASN1_ERROR EndConstructedType(void);
ASN1_ERROR StartEncapsulatedType(uint8_t cls, uint32_t tag, bool bitStringEncoding);
ASN1_ERROR EndEncapsulatedType(void);
ASN1_ERROR PutValue(uint8_t cls, uint32_t tag, bool isConstructed, const uint8_t *val, uint16_t valLen);
ASN1_ERROR PutValue(uint8_t cls, uint32_t tag, bool isConstructed, nl::Weave::TLV::TLVReader& val);
uint8_t *mBuf;
uint8_t *mBufEnd;
uint8_t *mWritePoint;
uint8_t **mDeferredLengthList;
ASN1_ERROR EncodeHead(uint8_t cls, uint32_t tag, bool isConstructed, int32_t len);
ASN1_ERROR WriteDeferredLength(void);
static uint8_t GetLengthOfLength(int32_t len);
static void EncodeLength(uint8_t *buf, uint8_t lenOfLen, int32_t lenToEncode);
extern OID ParseObjectID(const uint8_t *encodedOID, uint16_t encodedOIDLen);
extern bool GetEncodedObjectID(OID oid, const uint8_t *& encodedOID, uint16_t& encodedOIDLen);
extern OIDCategory GetOIDCategory(OID oid);
extern const char *GetOIDName(OID oid);
extern ASN1_ERROR DumpASN1(ASN1Reader& reader, const char *prefix, const char *indent);
} // namespace ASN1
} // namespace Weave
} // namespace nl
#endif // ASN1_H_