blob: 77f22b415735578ad81486b762ef3fc8a3c8e975 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Nest Labs, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* This file implements Weave Heartbeat Sender.
#include "WeaveHeartbeat.h"
#include <Weave/Support/CodeUtils.h>
#include <Weave/Support/MathUtils.h>
#include <Weave/Profiles/time/WeaveTime.h>
// We want and assume the default managed namespace is Current and that is, explicitly, the managed namespace this code desires.
#include <Weave/Profiles/data-management/DataManagement.h>
namespace nl {
namespace Weave {
namespace Profiles {
namespace Heartbeat {
mHeartbeatBase = 0;
mFabricState = NULL;
mExchangeMgr = NULL;
mBinding = NULL;
mExchangeCtx = NULL;
mEventCallback = NULL;
mHeartbeatInterval_msec = 0;
mHeartbeatPhase_msec = 0;
mHeartbeatWindow_msec = 0;
mSubscriptionState = 0;
mRequestAck = false;
* Initialize the Weave Heartbeat Sender.
* @param[in] exchangeMgr A pointer to the system Weave Exchange Manager.
* @param[in] binding A pointer to a Weave binding object which will be used to address the peer node.
* @param[in] eventCallback A pointer to a function that will be called to notify the application of events or
* state changes that occur in the sender.
* @param[in] appState A pointer to application-specific data. This pointer will be returned in callbacks
* to the application.
* @retval #WEAVE_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE If the WeaveHeartbeatSender object has already been initialized.
* @retval #WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT If any of the supplied arguments is null.
* @retval #WEAVE_NO_ERROR On success.
WEAVE_ERROR WeaveHeartbeatSender::Init(WeaveExchangeManager *exchangeMgr, Binding *binding, EventCallback eventCallback, void *appState)
VerifyOrExit(mExchangeMgr == NULL, err = WEAVE_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE);
VerifyOrExit(exchangeMgr != NULL, err = WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT);
VerifyOrExit(binding != NULL, err = WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT);
VerifyOrExit(eventCallback != NULL, err = WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT);
AppState = appState;
mHeartbeatBase = 0;
mFabricState = exchangeMgr->FabricState;
mExchangeMgr = exchangeMgr;
mBinding = binding;
mExchangeCtx = NULL;
mEventCallback = eventCallback;
mHeartbeatInterval_msec = 0;
mHeartbeatPhase_msec = 0;
mHeartbeatWindow_msec = 0;
mSubscriptionState = 0;
mRequestAck = false;
// Set the protocol callback on the binding object. NOTE: This should only happen once the
// app has explicitly started the subscription process by calling either InitiateSubscription() or
// InitiateCounterSubscription(). Otherwise the client object might receive callbacks from
// the binding before it's ready.
mBinding->SetProtocolLayerCallback(BindingEventCallback, this);
// Verify that the application's event callback function correctly calls the default handler.
// NOTE: If your code receives WEAVE_ERROR_DEFAULT_EVENT_HANDLER_NOT_CALLED it means that the event hander
// function you supplied does not properly call WeaveHeartbeatSender::DefaultEventHandler for unrecognized/
// unhandled events.
InEventParam inParam;
OutEventParam outParam;
inParam.Source = this;
mEventCallback(appState, kEvent_DefaultCheck, inParam, outParam);
VerifyOrExit(outParam.DefaultHandlerCalled, err = WEAVE_ERROR_DEFAULT_EVENT_HANDLER_NOT_CALLED);
if (err != WEAVE_NO_ERROR)
return err;
* Shutdown the Weave Heartbeat Sender.
* @retval #WEAVE_NO_ERROR On success.
WEAVE_ERROR WeaveHeartbeatSender::Shutdown()
if (mExchangeMgr != NULL)
if (mExchangeCtx != NULL)
mExchangeCtx = NULL;
if (mBinding != NULL)
mBinding = NULL;
mExchangeMgr = NULL;
mFabricState = NULL;
mEventCallback = NULL;
* Get heartbeat timing configuration
* @param[out] interval A reference to an integer to receive the heartbeat interval.
* @param[out] phase A reference to an integer to receive the heartbeat phase.
* @param[out] window A reference to an integer to receive the heartbeat randomization window.
void WeaveHeartbeatSender::GetConfiguration(uint32_t& interval, uint32_t& phase, uint32_t& window) const
interval = mHeartbeatInterval_msec;
phase = mHeartbeatPhase_msec;
window = mHeartbeatWindow_msec;
* Set heartbeat timing configuration
* @param[in] interval Interval to use when sending Weave Heartbeat messages.
* @param[in] phase Phase to use when sending Weave Heartbeat messages.
* @param[in] window Window range to use for choosing random interval
void WeaveHeartbeatSender::SetConfiguration(uint32_t interval, uint32_t phase, uint32_t window)
mHeartbeatInterval_msec = interval;
mHeartbeatPhase_msec = phase;
mHeartbeatWindow_msec = window;
* Start sending Weave Heartbeat messages.
* @retval #INET_ERROR_NO_MEMORY if StartTimer() failed
* @retval #WEAVE_NO_ERROR on success
WEAVE_ERROR WeaveHeartbeatSender::StartHeartbeat()
VerifyOrExit(mHeartbeatInterval_msec > 0, err = WEAVE_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE);
mHeartbeatBase = GetHeartbeatBase();
err = ScheduleHeartbeat();
return err;
* Schedule sending Weave Heartbeat messages.
* @retval WEAVE_SYSTEM_ERROR_NO_MEMORY if StartTimer() failed
* @retval #WEAVE_NO_ERROR on success
WEAVE_ERROR WeaveHeartbeatSender::ScheduleHeartbeat()
// deltaTicks is mostly +ve and less than mHeartbeatInterval_msec since heartbeatBase is one interval ahead
int32_t deltaTicks = (int32_t)(mHeartbeatBase - GetPlatformTimeMs());
int32_t interval = deltaTicks + mHeartbeatPhase_msec + GetRandomInterval(0, mHeartbeatWindow_msec);
// Update the mHeartBeatBase after the interval has been calculated so as to not
// add the heartbeat interval twice to the base (causing heartbeat to be missed at the
// first interval).
mHeartbeatBase += mHeartbeatInterval_msec;
// Bounds check for interval
if (interval < 0)
interval = 0;
return mExchangeMgr->MessageLayer->SystemLayer->StartTimer(static_cast<uint32_t>(interval), HandleHeartbeatTimer, this);
* Stop sending Weave Heartbeat messages.
* @retval #WEAVE_NO_ERROR unconditionally
WEAVE_ERROR WeaveHeartbeatSender::StopHeartbeat()
mExchangeMgr->MessageLayer->SystemLayer->CancelTimer(HandleHeartbeatTimer, this);
* Send a Weave Heartbeat message now.
* @retval #WEAVE_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE if WeaveHeartbeatSender is not initialized
* @retval #WEAVE_NO_ERROR on success
WEAVE_ERROR WeaveHeartbeatSender::SendHeartbeatNow()
const bool scheduleNextHeartbeat = true;
VerifyOrExit(mExchangeMgr != NULL, err = WEAVE_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE);
return err;
* Get epoch time base for Weave Heartbeat messages.
uint64_t WeaveHeartbeatSender::GetHeartbeatBase()
uint64_t now = GetPlatformTimeMs();
// Divide 64-bit now in msec by 1000 and return 32-bit now in sec
uint32_t now_sec = Platform::DivideBy1000(now);
// Convert heartbeat interval to sec
uint32_t interval_sec = mHeartbeatInterval_msec / 1000;
// Aligned to the next heartbeat interval
return 1000ULL * (now_sec / interval_sec + 1) * interval_sec;
* Get UTC time or monotonic time in ms if UTC time not available
uint64_t WeaveHeartbeatSender::GetPlatformTimeMs(void)
uint64_t now_ms;
err = System::Layer::GetClock_RealTimeMS(now_ms);
if (err != WEAVE_SYSTEM_NO_ERROR || now_ms == 0)
now_ms = System::Layer::GetClock_MonotonicMS();
return now_ms;
* Get random interval within a target range for a Weave Heartbeat
* @param[in] minVal Min value of the target range
* @param[in] maxVal Max value of the target range
* @retval #WEAVE_NO_ERROR A random value within the target range
uint32_t WeaveHeartbeatSender::GetRandomInterval(uint32_t minVal, uint32_t maxVal)
const uint32_t range = maxVal - minVal + 1;
const uint32_t buckets = RAND_MAX / range;
const uint32_t limit = buckets * range;
uint32_t r;
r = rand();
} while (r >= limit);
return minVal + (r / buckets);
* Send a Weave Heartbeat message when the timer fires.
void WeaveHeartbeatSender::HandleHeartbeatTimer(System::Layer* aSystemLayer, void* aAppState, System::Error aError)
const bool scheduleNextHeartbeat = true;
WeaveHeartbeatSender* sender = reinterpret_cast<WeaveHeartbeatSender*>(aAppState);
* Send Weave Heartbeat messages to the peer.
void WeaveHeartbeatSender::SendHeartbeat(bool scheduleNextHeartbeat)
PacketBuffer *payload = NULL;
bool heartbeatSentWithoutACK = false;
// Abort any existing exchange that is still in progress. In practice this should never be necessary.
// However if the application configures the total WRM retry time longer than the heartbeat interval
// we don't want to allow exchanges to pile up.
if (mExchangeCtx != NULL)
mExchangeCtx = NULL;
// Schedule the next heartbeat if requested.
if (scheduleNextHeartbeat)
err = ScheduleHeartbeat();
// If the binding is NOT ready, but is in a state where it can be prepared...
if (mBinding->CanBePrepared())
// Ask the application to prepare the binding by delivering a PrepareRequested API event to it via the
// binding's callback. At some point the binding will call back to the WeaveHeartbeatSender object
// signaling that preparation has completed (successfully or otherwise). In the success case, the
// callback will cause SendHeartbeat() to be called again, at which point the heartbeat message will
// be sent.
// Note that the callback from the binding can happen synchronously within the RequestPrepare() method,
// implying that SendHeartbeat() will recurse.
err = mBinding->RequestPrepare();
// Wait for the binding to call back.
// If the binding is in the process of being prepared, wait for it to call us back.
if (mBinding->IsPreparing())
// Verify that the binding is ready to be used. Based on the above checks, if the binding is NOT in the
// ready state then it is not possible to proceed.
VerifyOrExit(mBinding->IsReady(), err = WEAVE_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE);
// Call back to the application to update the subscription state value. If the application
// chooses not to handle this event the current value will be used.
InEventParam inParam;
OutEventParam outParam;
inParam.Source = this;
mEventCallback(AppState, kEvent_UpdateSubscriptionState, inParam, outParam);
// Allocate a packet buffer to hold the heartbeat message.
payload = PacketBuffer::NewWithAvailableSize(kHeartbeatMessageLength);
VerifyOrExit(payload != NULL, err = WEAVE_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
// Encode the heartbeat message.
nl::Weave::Encoding::Put8(payload->Start(), mSubscriptionState);
// Allocate and initialize a new exchange context for sending the heartbeat message.
err = mBinding->NewExchangeContext(mExchangeCtx);
mExchangeCtx->AppState = this;
// If the application requested reliable transmission, arrange to request an ACK for the heartbeat message.
// Note that if the application configured the binding to use WRM, then an ACK will always be requested
// regardless of the state of the SendReliably flag.
if (mRequestAck)
// Setup callbacks for ACK received and WRM send errors.
mExchangeCtx->OnAckRcvd = HandleAckReceived;
mExchangeCtx->OnSendError = HandleSendError;
// Send the heartbeat message to the peer.
err = mExchangeCtx->SendMessage(kWeaveProfile_Heartbeat, kHeartbeatMessageType_Heartbeat, payload);
payload = NULL;
heartbeatSentWithoutACK = !mExchangeCtx->AutoRequestAck();
// Discard the packet buffer if necessary.
if (payload != NULL)
// If a heartbeat message was successfully sent WITHOUT requesting an ACK
// OR if an error occurred while trying to send a heartbeat...
if (heartbeatSentWithoutACK || err != WEAVE_NO_ERROR)
InEventParam inParam;
OutEventParam outParam;
// Discard the exchange context, as it is no longer needed.
if (mExchangeCtx != NULL)
mExchangeCtx = NULL;
// Deliver either a HeartbeatSent or HeartbeatFailed event to the application based on what happened.
inParam.Source = this;
inParam.HeartbeatFailed.Reason = err;
EventType eventType = (err == WEAVE_NO_ERROR) ? kEvent_HeartbeatSent : kEvent_HeartbeatFailed;
mEventCallback(AppState, eventType, inParam, outParam);
* Default handler function for WeaveHeartbeatSender API events.
* Applications must call this function for any API events that they don't handle.
void WeaveHeartbeatSender::DefaultEventHandler(void *appState, EventType eventType, const InEventParam& inParam, OutEventParam& outParam)
// No specific behavior currently required.
outParam.DefaultHandlerCalled = true;
* Handle events from the binding object associated with the WeaveHeartbeatSender.
void WeaveHeartbeatSender::BindingEventCallback(void *appState, Binding::EventType eventType, const Binding::InEventParam& inParam, Binding::OutEventParam& outParam)
const bool scheduleNextHeartbeat = true;
WeaveHeartbeatSender *sender = (WeaveHeartbeatSender *)appState;
switch (eventType)
case Binding::kEvent_BindingReady:
// Binding is ready. So send the heartbeat now.
case Binding::kEvent_PrepareFailed:
InEventParam senderInParam;
OutEventParam senderOutParam;
senderInParam.Source = sender;
senderInParam.HeartbeatFailed.Reason = inParam.PrepareFailed.Reason;
// Deliver a HeartBeat failed event to the application.
sender->mEventCallback(sender->AppState, kEvent_HeartbeatFailed, senderInParam, senderOutParam);
Binding::DefaultEventHandler(appState, eventType, inParam, outParam);
* Handle the reception of a WRM acknowledgment for a heartbeat message that was sent reliably.
void WeaveHeartbeatSender::HandleAckReceived(ExchangeContext *ec, void *msgCtxt)
WeaveHeartbeatSender *sender = (WeaveHeartbeatSender *)ec->AppState;
InEventParam inParam;
OutEventParam outParam;
VerifyOrDie(sender->mExchangeCtx == ec);
sender->mExchangeCtx = NULL;
inParam.Source = sender;
sender->mEventCallback(sender->AppState, kEvent_HeartbeatSent, inParam, outParam);
* Handle a failure to transmit a heartbeat message that was sent reliably.
void WeaveHeartbeatSender::HandleSendError(ExchangeContext *ec, WEAVE_ERROR err, void *msgCtxt)
WeaveHeartbeatSender *sender = (WeaveHeartbeatSender *)ec->AppState;
InEventParam inParam;
OutEventParam outParam;
VerifyOrDie(sender->mExchangeCtx == ec);
sender->mExchangeCtx = NULL;
inParam.Source = sender;
inParam.HeartbeatFailed.Reason = err;
sender->mEventCallback(sender->AppState, kEvent_HeartbeatFailed, inParam, outParam);
* @fn Binding *WeaveHeartbeatSender::GetBinding() const
* Get the binding object associated with heartbeat sender.
* @fn bool WeaveHeartbeatSender::GetRequestAck() const
* Returns a flag indicating whether heartbeat messages will be sent reliably using Weave Reliable Messaging.
* @fn void WeaveHeartbeatSender::SetRequestAck(bool val)
* Sets a flag indicating whether heartbeat messages should be sent reliably using Weave Reliable Messaging.
* Note that this flag is only meaningful when using UDP as a transport.
* @param[in] val True if heartbeat messages should be sent reliably.
* @fn uint8_t WeaveHeartbeatSender::GetSubscriptionState() const
* Get the current subscription state value.
* @fn void WeaveHeartbeatSender::SetSubscriptionState(uint8_t val)
* Set the current subscription state.
* @param[in] val An 8-bit subscription state value to be conveyed with the heartbeat message.
* @fn WeaveHeartbeatSender::EventCallback WeaveHeartbeatSender::GetEventCallback() const
* Returns the function that will be called to notify the application of events or changes that occur in the
* WeaveHeartbeatSender.
* @fn void WeaveHeartbeatSender::SetEventCallback(EventCallback eventCallback)
* Sets the function that will be called to notify the application of events or changes that occur in the
* WeaveHeartbeatSender.
} // namespace Heartbeat
} // namespace Profiles
} // namespace Weave
} // namespace nl