blob: efa6ac7aa20d1c58c8c9756b41cb5facdbba3be6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Nest Labs, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* This file defines the Device Description profile, containing
* data semantics and methods to specify and query device specific
* characteristics that pertain to Weave.
* The Device Description profile is used to query device
* specific characteristics of Weave nodes via a client-server
* interface. This information is communicated via IdentifyRequest
* and IdentifyResponse message types, the former used to discover
* devices matching a filter, and the latter used to respond with a
* payload detailing some or all of the characteristics specific to that
* device. Such characteristics include the device vendor and
* make / model, as well as network information including MAC addresses
* and connections.
#include <Weave/Support/NLDLLUtil.h>
#include <Weave/Core/WeaveCore.h>
#include <Weave/Core/WeaveServerBase.h>
#include <Weave/Profiles/WeaveProfiles.h>
#include <Weave/Core/WeaveTLV.h>
* @namespace nl::Weave::Profiles::DeviceDescription
* @brief
* This namespace includes all interfaces within Weave for the
* Weave Device Description profile.
namespace nl {
namespace Weave {
namespace Profiles {
namespace DeviceDescription {
class IdentifyRequestMessage;
class IdentifyResponseMessage;
* Message Types for the Device Description Profile.
kMessageType_IdentifyRequest = 1,
kMessageType_IdentifyResponse = 2
* Data Element Tags for the Device Description Profile.
* @note For Feature Tags, the absence of a specific tag indicates that the device does not support the associated feature.
// Top-level Tags
kTag_WeaveDeviceDescriptor = 1, /**< Structure containing information describing a Weave device. Top-level Tag */
// Context-specific Tags for WeaveDeviceDescriptor Structure
kTag_VendorId = 0, /**< [ uint, range 1-65535 ] Code identifying product vendor. Context-specific Tag */
kTag_ProductId = 1, /**< [ uint, range 1-65535 ] Code identifying product. Context-specific Tag */
kTag_ProductRevision = 2, /**< [ uint, range 1-65535 ] Code identifying product revision. Context-specific Tag */
kTag_ManufacturingDate = 3, /**< [ uint, range 1-65535 ] Calendar date of manufacture in encoded form. Context-specific Tag */
kTag_SerialNumber = 4, /**< [ UTF-8 string, len 1-32 ] Device serial number. Context-specific Tag */
kTag_Primary802154MACAddress = 5, /**< [ byte string, len = 8 ] MAC address for device's primary 802.15.4 interface. Context-specific Tag */
kTag_PrimaryWiFiMACAddress = 6, /**< [ byte string, len = 6 ] MAC address for device's primary WiFi interface. Context-specific Tag */
kTag_RendezvousWiFiESSID = 7, /**< [ UTF-8 string, len 1-32 ] ESSID for device's WiFi rendezvous network. Context-specific Tag.
@note: This tag is mutually exclusive with the RendezvousWiFiESSIDSuffix tag. */
kTag_PairingCode = 8, /**< [ UTF-8 string, len 6-16 ] The pairing code for the device. Context-specific Tag
@note @b IMPORTANT: For security reasons, the PairingCode field should *never*
be sent over the network. It is present in a WeaveDeviceDescriptor structure so
that is can encoded in a data label (e.g. QR-code) that is physically associated
with the device. */
kTag_SoftwareVersion = 9, /**< [ UTF-8 string, len 1-32 ] Version of software on the device. Context-specific Tag */
kTag_DeviceId = 10, /**< [ uint, 2^64 max ] Weave device ID. Context-specific Tag */
kTag_FabricId = 11, /**< [ uint, 2^64 max ] ID of Weave fabric to which the device belongs. Context-specific Tag */
kTag_PairingCompatibilityVersionMajor = 12, /**< [ uint, range 1-65535 ] Pairing software compatibility major version. Context-specific Tag */
kTag_PairingCompatibilityVersionMinor = 13, /**< [ uint, range 1-65535 ] Pairing software compatibility minor version. Context-specific Tag */
kTag_RendezvousWiFiESSIDSuffix = 14, /**< [ UTF-8 string, len 1-32 ] ESSID suffix for device's WiFi rendezvous network. Context-specific Tag.
@note: This tag is mutually exclusive with the RendezvousWiFiESSID tag. */
// Feature Tags (Context-specific Tags in WeaveDeviceDescriptor that indicate presence of device features)
// NOTE: The absence of a specific tag indicates that the device does not support the associated feature.
kTag_DeviceFeature_HomeAlarmLinkCapable = 100, /**< [ boolean ] Indicates a Nest Protect that supports connection to a home alarm panel. Feature Tag */
kTag_DeviceFeature_LinePowered = 101 /**< [ boolean ] Indicates a device that requires line power. Feature Tag */
* Contains descriptive information about a Weave device.
class NL_DLL_EXPORT WeaveDeviceDescriptor
* Defines the maximum length of some attributes.
kMaxSerialNumberLength = 32, /**< Maximum serial number length. */
kMaxPairingCodeLength = 16, /**< Maximum pairing code length. */
kMaxRendezvousWiFiESSID = 32, /**< Maximum WiFi ESSID for Rendezvous length. */
kMaxSoftwareVersionLength = WEAVE_CONFIG_MAX_SOFTWARE_VERSION_LENGTH /**< Maximum software version length. */
* Feature flags indicating specific device capabilities.
kFeature_HomeAlarmLinkCapable = 0x00000001, /**< Indicates a Nest Protect that supports connection to a home alarm panel. */
kFeature_LinePowered = 0x00000002 /**< Indicates a device that requires line power. */
* Flags field definitions.
kFlag_IsRendezvousWiFiESSIDSuffix = 0x01, /**< Indicates that the RendezvousWiFiESSID value is a suffix string that
appears at the end of the ESSID of the device's WiFi rendezvous network. */
// Device specific characteristics
uint64_t DeviceId; /**< Weave device ID (0 = not present) */
uint64_t FabricId; /**< ID of Weave fabric to which the device belongs (0 = not present) */
uint32_t DeviceFeatures; /**< Bit field indicating support for specific device features. */
uint16_t VendorId; /**< Device vendor code (0 = not present) */
uint16_t ProductId; /**< Device product code (0 = not present) */
uint16_t ProductRevision; /**< Device product revision (0 = not present) */
struct {
uint16_t Year; /**< Year of device manufacture (valid range 2001 - 2099) */
uint8_t Month; /**< Month of device manufacture (1 = January) */
uint8_t Day; /**< Day of device manufacture (0 = not present) */
} ManufacturingDate;
uint8_t Primary802154MACAddress[8]; /**< MAC address for primary 802.15.4 interface (big-endian, all zeros = not present) */
uint8_t PrimaryWiFiMACAddress[6]; /**< MAC address for primary WiFi interface (big-endian, all zeros = not present) */
char SerialNumber[kMaxSerialNumberLength+1]; /**< Serial number of device (NUL terminated, 0 length = not present) */
char SoftwareVersion[kMaxSoftwareVersionLength+1]; /**< Active software version (NUL terminated, 0 length = not present) */
char RendezvousWiFiESSID[kMaxRendezvousWiFiESSID+1]; /**< ESSID for device WiFi rendezvous network (NUL terminated, 0 length = not present) */
char PairingCode[kMaxPairingCodeLength+1]; /**< Device pairing code (NUL terminated, 0 length = not present) */
uint16_t PairingCompatibilityVersionMajor; /**< Major device pairing software compatibility version. */
uint16_t PairingCompatibilityVersionMinor; /**< Minor device pairing software compatibility version. */
uint8_t Flags; /**< Bit field containing additional information about the device. */
void Clear(void);
static WEAVE_ERROR EncodeText(const WeaveDeviceDescriptor& desc, char *buf, uint32_t bufLen, uint32_t& outEncodedLen);
static WEAVE_ERROR EncodeTLV(const WeaveDeviceDescriptor& desc, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t bufLen, uint32_t& outEncodedLen);
static WEAVE_ERROR EncodeTLV(const WeaveDeviceDescriptor& desc, nl::Weave::TLV::TLVWriter& writer);
static WEAVE_ERROR Decode(const uint8_t *data, uint32_t dataLen, WeaveDeviceDescriptor& outDesc);
static WEAVE_ERROR DecodeText(const char *data, uint32_t dataLen, WeaveDeviceDescriptor& outDesc);
static WEAVE_ERROR DecodeTLV(const uint8_t *data, uint32_t dataLen, WeaveDeviceDescriptor& outDesc);
static WEAVE_ERROR DecodeTLV(nl::Weave::TLV::TLVReader& reader, WeaveDeviceDescriptor& outDesc);
static bool IsZeroBytes(const uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len);
static WEAVE_ERROR EncodeManufacturingDate(uint16_t year, uint8_t month, uint8_t day, uint16_t& outEncodedDate);
static WEAVE_ERROR DecodeManufacturingDate(uint16_t encodedDate, uint16_t& outYear, uint8_t& outMonth, uint8_t& outDay);
* Client object for issuing Device Description requests.
class DeviceDescriptionClient
* Application defined state object.
void *AppState;
const WeaveFabricState *FabricState; /**< [READ ONLY] Fabric state object */
WeaveExchangeManager *ExchangeMgr; /**< [READ ONLY] Exchange manager object */
WEAVE_ERROR Init(WeaveExchangeManager *exchangeMgr);
WEAVE_ERROR Shutdown(void);
WEAVE_ERROR SendIdentifyRequest(const IPAddress& nodeAddr, const IdentifyRequestMessage& msg);
WEAVE_ERROR SendIdentifyRequest(const IdentifyRequestMessage& msg);
WEAVE_ERROR CancelExchange(void);
* This function is responsible for processing IdentityResponse messages.
* @param[in] appState A pointer to the application defined state set when creating the
* IdentityRequest Exchange Context.
* @param[in] nodeId The Weave node ID of the message source.
* @param[in] nodeAddr The IP address of the responding node.
* @param[in] msg A reference to the incoming IdentifyResponse message.
typedef void (*HandleIdentifyResponseFunct)(void *appState, uint64_t nodeId, const IPAddress& nodeAddr, const IdentifyResponseMessage& msg);
HandleIdentifyResponseFunct OnIdentifyResponseReceived;
ExchangeContext *ExchangeCtx;
static void HandleResponse(ExchangeContext *ec, const IPPacketInfo *pktInfo, const WeaveMessageInfo *msgInfo, uint32_t profileId, uint8_t msgType, PacketBuffer *payload);
DeviceDescriptionClient(const DeviceDescriptionClient&); // not defined
* Server object for responding to Device Description requests.
class NL_DLL_EXPORT DeviceDescriptionServer : public WeaveServerBase
void *AppState; /**< Application defined state pointer to provide context for callbacks. */
WEAVE_ERROR Init(WeaveExchangeManager *exchangeMgr);
WEAVE_ERROR Shutdown(void);
typedef void (*HandleIdentifyRequestFunct)(void *appState, uint64_t nodeId, const IPAddress& nodeAddr, const IdentifyRequestMessage& reqMsg, bool& sendResp, IdentifyResponseMessage& respMsg);
* This function is responsible for processing IdentityRequest messages.
* @param[in] appState A pointer to the application defined state set when registering
* to receive messages of this type.
* @param[in] nodeId The Weave node ID of the message source.
* @param[in] nodeAddr The IP address of the message source.
* @param[in] reqMsg A reference to the incoming IdentifyRequest message.
* @param[out] sendResp A reference to a boolean that should be set to true if a response message should be sent to the initiator.
* @param[out] respMsg A reference to the IdentifyResponse message to be sent to the initiator.
HandleIdentifyRequestFunct OnIdentifyRequestReceived;
static void HandleRequest(ExchangeContext *ec, const IPPacketInfo *pktInfo, const WeaveMessageInfo *msgInfo, uint32_t profileId, uint8_t msgType, PacketBuffer *payload);
DeviceDescriptionServer(const DeviceDescriptionServer&); // not defined
* Special target fabric IDs.
enum TargetFabricIds
kTargetFabricId_NotInFabric = kFabricIdNotSpecified, /**< Specifies that only devices that are __not__ a member of a fabric should respond. */
kTargetFabricId_AnyFabric = kReservedFabricIdStart, /**< Specifies that only devices that __are_ a member of a fabric should respond. */
kTargetFabricId_Any = kMaxFabricId, /**< Specifies that all devices should respond regardless of fabric membership. */
extern bool MatchTargetFabricId(uint64_t fabricId, uint64_t targetFabricId);
* Bit field (32-bits max) identifying which devices should respond
* to a LocateRequest Message based on their current mode.
* Note that the modes defined here are intended to be general such that they can be
* applied to a variety of device types.
enum TargetDeviceModes
kTargetDeviceMode_Any = 0x00000000, /**< Locate all devices regardless of mode. */
kTargetDeviceMode_UserSelectedMode = 0x00000001 /**< Locate all devices in 'user-selected' mode -- that is, where the device has
been directly identified by a user by pressing a button (or equivalent). */
* Represents criteria use to select devices in the IdentifyDevice protocol.
class NL_DLL_EXPORT IdentifyDeviceCriteria
* Specifies that only devices that are members of the specified Weave fabric
* should respond. Value can be an actual fabric ID, or one of the
* #TargetFabricIds enum values.
uint64_t TargetFabricId;
* Specifies that only devices that are currently in the specified modes
* should respond. Values are taken from the #TargetDeviceModes enum.
uint32_t TargetModes;
* Specifies that only devices manufactured by the specified vendor should
* respond to the identify request. A value of 0xFFFF specifies any vendor.
uint16_t TargetVendorId;
* Specifies that only devices with the specified product ID should respond.
* A value of 0xFFFF specifies any product.
* If the TargetProductId field is specified, then the TargetVendorId must
* also be specified.
uint16_t TargetProductId;
* Specifies that only the device with the specified Weave Node ID should respond.
* A value of kAnyNodeId specifies any device.
* @note The value of the TargetDeviceId field is carried a Weave IdentifyRequest
* in the Destination node ID field of the Weave message header, and thus
* does __not__ appear in the payload of the message.
uint64_t TargetDeviceId;
void Reset(void);
* Parsed form of an IdentifyRequest Message.
class NL_DLL_EXPORT IdentifyRequestMessage : public IdentifyDeviceCriteria
WEAVE_ERROR Encode(PacketBuffer *msgBuf) const;
static WEAVE_ERROR Decode(PacketBuffer *msgBuf, uint64_t msgDestNodeId, IdentifyRequestMessage& msg);
* Parsed form of an IdentifyResponse Message.
class NL_DLL_EXPORT IdentifyResponseMessage
* A device descriptor describing the responding device.
WeaveDeviceDescriptor DeviceDesc;
WEAVE_ERROR Encode(PacketBuffer *msgBuf);
static WEAVE_ERROR Decode(PacketBuffer *msgBuf, IdentifyResponseMessage& msg);
} // namespace DeviceDescription
} // namespace Profiles
} // namespace Weave
} // namespace nl