blob: 9d86de61836c6c00358c8b18ff57958578d70d79 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2019 Google LLC.
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* This file contains functions for working with BLE Layer errors.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <BleLayer/BleConfig.h>
#include <BleLayer/BleLayer.h>
#include <BleLayer/BleError.h>
#include <Weave/Support/ErrorStr.h>
namespace nl {
namespace Ble {
* Register a text error formatter for BLE Layer errors.
void RegisterBleLayerErrorFormatter(void)
static ErrorFormatter sBleLayerErrorFormatter =
bool FormatBleLayerError(char * buf, uint16_t bufSize, int32_t err)
const char * desc = NULL;
if (err < BLE_ERROR_MIN || err > BLE_ERROR_MAX)
return false;
switch (err)
case BLE_ERROR_BAD_ARGS : desc = "Bad arguments"; break;
case BLE_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE : desc = "Incorrect state"; break;
case BLE_ERROR_NO_ENDPOINTS : desc = "No more BLE endpoints"; break;
case BLE_ERROR_NO_CONNECTION_RECEIVED_CALLBACK : desc = "No Weave over BLE connection received callback set"; break;
case BLE_ERROR_CENTRAL_UNSUBSCRIBED : desc = "BLE central unsubscribed"; break;
case BLE_ERROR_GATT_SUBSCRIBE_FAILED : desc = "GATT subscribe operation failed"; break;
case BLE_ERROR_GATT_UNSUBSCRIBE_FAILED : desc = "GATT unsubscribe operation failed"; break;
case BLE_ERROR_GATT_WRITE_FAILED : desc = "GATT write characteristic operation failed"; break;
case BLE_ERROR_GATT_INDICATE_FAILED : desc = "GATT indicate characteristic operation failed"; break;
case BLE_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED : desc = "Not implemented"; break;
case BLE_ERROR_WOBLE_PROTOCOL_ABORT : desc = "BLE transport protocol fired abort"; break;
case BLE_ERROR_REMOTE_DEVICE_DISCONNECTED : desc = "Remote device closed BLE connection"; break;
case BLE_ERROR_APP_CLOSED_CONNECTION : desc = "Application closed BLE connection"; break;
case BLE_ERROR_OUTBOUND_MESSAGE_TOO_BIG : desc = "Outbound message too big"; break;
case BLE_ERROR_NOT_WEAVE_DEVICE : desc = "BLE device doesn't seem to support Weave"; break;
case BLE_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_PROTOCOL_VERSIONS : desc = "Incompatible BLE transport protocol versions"; break;
case BLE_ERROR_NO_MEMORY : desc = "No memory"; break;
case BLE_ERROR_MESSAGE_INCOMPLETE : desc = "Message incomplete"; break;
case BLE_ERROR_INVALID_FRAGMENT_SIZE : desc = "Invalid fragment size"; break;
case BLE_ERROR_START_TIMER_FAILED : desc = "Start timer failed"; break;
case BLE_ERROR_CONNECT_TIMED_OUT : desc = "Connect handshake timed out"; break;
case BLE_ERROR_RECEIVE_TIMED_OUT : desc = "Receive handshake timed out"; break;
case BLE_ERROR_INVALID_MESSAGE : desc = "Invalid message"; break;
case BLE_ERROR_FRAGMENT_ACK_TIMED_OUT : desc = "Message fragment acknowledgement timed out"; break;
case BLE_ERROR_KEEP_ALIVE_TIMED_OUT : desc = "Keep-alive receipt timed out"; break;
case BLE_ERRROR_NO_CONNECT_COMPLETE_CALLBACK : desc = "Missing required callback"; break;
case BLE_ERROR_INVALID_ACK : desc = "Received invalid BLE transport protocol fragment acknowledgement"; break;
case BLE_ERROR_REASSEMBLER_MISSING_DATA : desc = "BLE message reassembler did not receive enough data"; break;
case BLE_ERROR_INVALID_BTP_HEADER_FLAGS : desc = "Received invalid BLE transport protocol header flags"; break;
case BLE_ERROR_INVALID_BTP_SEQUENCE_NUMBER : desc = "Received invalid BLE transport protocol sequence number"; break;
case BLE_ERROR_REASSEMBLER_INCORRECT_STATE : desc = "BLE message reassembler received packet in incorrect state"; break;
case BLE_ERROR_RECEIVED_MESSAGE_TOO_BIG : desc = "Message received by BLE message reassembler was too large"; break;
FormatError(buf, bufSize, "Ble", err, desc);
return true;
} /* namespace Ble */
} /* namespace nl */