blob: 0d898c7236bd9078fe44711b782239a05bb49292 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Nest Labs, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* This file contains headers for the Weave Tunnel Control Protocol, its state management
* and protocol operation functions.
#include <Weave/Core/WeaveCore.h>
#include <Weave/Profiles/WeaveProfiles.h>
#include <Weave/Profiles/weave-tunneling/WeaveTunnelCommon.h>
namespace nl {
namespace Weave {
namespace Profiles {
namespace WeaveTunnel {
class WeaveTunnelAgent;
class WeaveTunnelConnectionMgr;
/// Weave Tunnel Status Codes
kStatusCode_TunnelOpenFail = 1, ///< The Service has encountered an error while opening the tunnel.
kStatusCode_TunnelCloseFail = 2, ///< The Service has encountered an error while closing the tunnel.
kStatusCode_TunnelRouteUpdateFail = 3, ///< The Service has encountered an error while updating the routes.
kStatusCode_TunnelReconnectFail = 4, ///< The Border gateway has encountered an error while reconnecting to the Service.
class NL_DLL_EXPORT WeaveTunnelControl
friend class WeaveTunnelConnectionMgr;
/// The timeout(in seconds) for responses to control messages
uint16_t mCtrlResponseTimeout;
/// Interval in seconds for periodic shortcut tunnel advertisements.
uint16_t mShortcutTunnelAdvInterval;
* Function pointer to handler set by a higher layer to act upon receipt of a StatusReport
* message in response to a Tunnel control message sent.
* @param[in] tType The tunnel type, i.e., Primary or Backup.
* @param[in] tunStatus A reference to the Tunnel control StatusReport message.
typedef void (*TunnelStatusRcvdFunct)(uint8_t tType, StatusReport &tunStatus);
TunnelStatusRcvdFunct OnTunStatusRcvd;
* Initialize WeaveTunnelControl to set relevant members like the Weave Tunnel Agent and callbacks.
WEAVE_ERROR Init(WeaveTunnelAgent *tunAgent,
TunnelStatusRcvdFunct statusRcvd = NULL);
* Close WeaveTunnelControl by closing any outstanding exchange contexts and resetting members.
WEAVE_ERROR Close(void);
* Send a Tunnel Open control message to the peer node with a set of tunnel routes.
WEAVE_ERROR SendTunnelOpen(WeaveTunnelConnectionMgr *conMgr, WeaveTunnelRoute *tunRoute);
* Send a Tunnel Close control message to the peer node with a set of tunnel routes.
WEAVE_ERROR SendTunnelClose(WeaveTunnelConnectionMgr *conMgr);
* Send a Tunnel Route Update control message to the peer node with a set of tunnel routes.
WEAVE_ERROR SendTunnelRouteUpdate(WeaveTunnelConnectionMgr *conMgr, WeaveTunnelRoute *tunRoute);
* Send a Tunnel Close control message to the peer node with a set of tunnel routes.
WEAVE_ERROR SendTunnelLiveness(WeaveTunnelConnectionMgr *conMgr);
* Reconnect with the peer node.
WEAVE_ERROR Reconnect(WeaveTunnelConnectionMgr *conMgr);
* Send a border router advertise message advertising its fabric Id.
WEAVE_ERROR SendBorderRouterAdvertise (void);
* Send a mobile client advertise message advertising its Node Id.
WEAVE_ERROR SendMobileClientAdvertise (void);
* Function registered with WeaveMessageLayer for listening to Shortcut
* tunnel advertisments and updating cache.
static void HandleShortcutTunnelAdvertiseMessage(ExchangeContext *ec, const IPPacketInfo *pktInfo,
const WeaveMessageInfo *msgInfo, uint32_t profileId,
uint8_t msgType, PacketBuffer *payload);
* Verify if the peer is present in the tunnel shortcut cache for sending locally.
bool IsPeerInShortcutTunnelCache(uint64_t peerId);
* Enable shortcut tunneling by sending advertisments from either the Border gateway or Mobile client and
* also listening to advertisements from shortcut tunnel counterparts.
void EnableShortcutTunneling(void);
* Disable shortcut tunneling of sending advertisments from either the Border gateway or Mobile client and
* also listening to advertisements from shortcut tunnel counterparts.
void DisableShortcutTunneling(void);
* Send message over the tunnel shortcut.
WEAVE_ERROR SendMessageOverTunnelShortcut(uint64_t peerId, WeaveMessageInfo *msgHdr, PacketBuffer *msg);
WEAVE_ERROR CreateContext(WeaveConnection *aConnection,
ExchangeContext::MessageReceiveFunct onMsgRcvd);
void Free(void);
WEAVE_ERROR SendTunnelMessage(TunnelCtrlMsgType msgType,
WeaveTunnelConnectionMgr *con,
uint64_t fabricId,
WeaveTunnelRoute *tunRoute,
ExchangeContext::MessageReceiveFunct onMsgRcvd);
static void HandleTunnelOpenResponse(ExchangeContext *ec, const IPPacketInfo *pktInfo,
const WeaveMessageInfo *msgInfo, uint32_t profileId,
uint8_t msgType, PacketBuffer *payload);
static void HandleTunnelCloseResponse(ExchangeContext *ec, const IPPacketInfo *pktInfo,
const WeaveMessageInfo *msgInfo, uint32_t profileId,
uint8_t msgType, PacketBuffer *payload);
static void HandleTunnelRouteUpdateResponse(ExchangeContext *ec, const IPPacketInfo *pktInfo,
const WeaveMessageInfo *msgInfo, uint32_t profileId,
uint8_t msgType, PacketBuffer *payload);
static void HandleTunnelLivenessResponse(ExchangeContext *ec, const IPPacketInfo *pktInfo,
const WeaveMessageInfo *msgInfo, uint32_t profileId,
uint8_t msgType, PacketBuffer *payload);
static void HandleTunnelReconnect(ExchangeContext *ec, const IPPacketInfo *pktInfo,
const WeaveMessageInfo *msgInfo, uint32_t profileId,
uint8_t msgType, PacketBuffer *payload);
static WEAVE_ERROR SendStatusReport(ExchangeContext *ec, uint32_t profileId,
uint16_t tunStatusCode);
// Timeout handler for tunnel control response.
static void TunCtrlRespTimeoutHandler(ExchangeContext *ec);
// Helper function to close the tunnel connection and report error based on a status report
void TunnelCloseAndReportErrorStatus(WeaveTunnelConnectionMgr *conMgr, WEAVE_ERROR err, StatusReport report);
// Helper function to free buffer and close the tunnel control ExchangeContext
void FreeBufferAndCloseExchange(PacketBuffer *buf, ExchangeContext *&ec);
static WEAVE_ERROR VerifyAndParseStatusResponse(uint32_t profileId,
uint8_t msgType, PacketBuffer *payload,
StatusReport & report,
bool & isRoutingRestricted);
static WEAVE_ERROR ParseTunnelTLVData(StatusReport & report,
bool & isRoutingRestricted);
WEAVE_ERROR DecodeTunnelReconnect(uint16_t &hostPort,
char *hostName,
uint8_t &hostNameLen,
PacketBuffer *msg);
WEAVE_ERROR GetSendInterfaceIdForBroadcast(InterfaceId &sendIntfId);
WEAVE_ERROR SendShortcutTunnelAdvertiseMessage(TunnelCtrlMsgType shortcutTunAdvMsgType,
InterfaceId sendIntfId, uint64_t localAddrIdentifier);
// Timer based periodic advertisement messaging functions.
void StartShortcutTunnelAdvertisementsFromBorderRouter(void);
void StopShortcutTunnelAdvertisementsFromBorderRouter(void);
void StartShortcutTunnelAdvertisementsFromMobileClient(void);
void StopShortcutTunnelAdvertisementsFromMobileClient(void);
void RegisterShortcutTunnelAdvHandlers(void);
void UnregisterShortcutTunnelAdvHandlers(void);
// Timeout functions performing timer actions.
static void BorderRouterAdvTimeout(InetLayer *inetLayer, void *appState, INET_ERROR err);
static void MobileClientAdvTimeout(InetLayer *inetLayer, void *appState, INET_ERROR err);
static void PurgeStaleNextHopEntries(InetLayer *inetLayer, void *appState, INET_ERROR err);
// Timer based Nexthop cache monitor
void StartNextHopTableMonitor(void);
void StopNextHopTableMonitor(void);
// Nexthop cache management functions
int FindTunnelPeerEntry (uint64_t peerId);
int NewNextHopEntry(void);
WEAVE_ERROR FreeNextHopEntry(int index);
WEAVE_ERROR UpdateOrAddTunnelPeerEntry(uint64_t peerId, IPAddress peerAddr, uint64_t peerNodeId);
// Weave Tunnel Agent handle
WeaveTunnelAgent *mTunnelAgent;
// Exchange Context to use when sending Weave control messages to Service.
ExchangeContext *mServiceExchangeCtxt;
// Exchange Context to use when sending Weave shortcut tunnel advertise messages.
ExchangeContext *mShortcutTunExchangeCtxt;
class ShortcutTunnelPeerEntry
uint64_t peerIdentifier; // NodeId for MobileClient or FabricId for Border Gateway
uint64_t peerNodeId; // Peer NodeId
IPAddress peerAddr; // Shortcut tunnel peer address
bool staleFlag; // true if stale; false if fresh.
} // namespace WeaveTunnel
} // namespace Profiles
} // namespace Weave
} // namespace nl