blob: 1a631f6ad6935ba04b31018a12af4a97d56bb8d3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Nest Labs, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* This file contains definitions for working with data encoded in Weave TLV format.
* Weave TLV (Tag-Length-Value) is a generalized encoding method for simple structured data. It
* shares many properties with the commonly used JSON serialization format while being considerably
* more compact over the wire.
#ifndef WEAVETLV_H_
#define WEAVETLV_H_
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <Weave/Support/NLDLLUtil.h>
#include <Weave/Core/WeaveError.h>
#include "WeaveTLVTags.h"
#include "WeaveTLVTypes.h"
// forward declaration of the PacketBuffer class used within the header.
namespace nl {
namespace Weave {
namespace System {
class PacketBuffer;
} // namespace System
} // namespace Weave
} // namespace nl
* @namespace nl::Weave::TLV
* Definitions for working with data encoded in Weave TLV format.
* Weave TLV is a generalized encoding method for simple structured data. It shares many properties
* with the commonly used JSON serialization format while being considerably more compact over the wire.
namespace nl {
namespace Weave {
namespace TLV {
using nl::Weave::System::PacketBuffer;
enum {
kTLVControlByte_NotSpecified = 0xFFFF
* Provides a memory efficient parser for data encoded in Weave TLV format.
* TLVReader implements a forward-only, “pull-style” parser for Weave TLV data. The TLVReader
* object operates as a cursor that can be used to iterate over a sequence of TLV elements
* and interpret their contents. When positioned on an element, applications can make calls
* to the reader's Get() methods to query the current element’s type and tag, and to extract
* any associated value. The reader’s Next() method is used to advance from element to element.
* A TLVReader object is always positioned either before, on or after a TLV element. When first
* initialized, a TLVReader is positioned immediately before the first element of the encoding.
* To begin reading, an application must make an initial call to the Next() method to position
* the reader on the first element. When a container element is encountered--either a structure,
* an array or a path--the OpenContainer() or EnterContainer() methods can be used to iterate
* through the contents of the container.
* When the reader reaches the end of a TLV encoding, or the last element within a container,
* it signals the application by returning a WEAVE_END_OF_TLV error from the Next() method.
* The reader will continue to return WEAVE_END_OF_TLV until it is reinitialized, or the current
* container is exited (via CloseContainer() / ExitContainer()).
* A TLVReader object can parse data directly from a fixed input buffer, or from a chain of one
* or more PacketBuffers. Additionally, applications can supply a @p GetNextBuffer function to
* feed data to the reader from an arbitrary source, e.g. a socket or a serial port.
friend class TLVWriter;
friend class TLVUpdater;
// *** See WeaveTLVReader.cpp file for API documentation ***
void Init(const TLVReader &aReader);
void Init(const uint8_t *data, uint32_t dataLen);
void Init(PacketBuffer *buf, uint32_t maxLen = 0xFFFFFFFFUL);
void Init(PacketBuffer *buf, uint32_t maxLen, bool allowDiscontiguousBuffers);
WEAVE_ERROR Next(void);
WEAVE_ERROR Next(TLVType expectedType, uint64_t expectedTag);
TLVType GetType(void) const;
uint64_t GetTag(void) const;
uint32_t GetLength(void) const;
uint16_t GetControlByte(void) const;
WEAVE_ERROR Get(bool& v);
WEAVE_ERROR Get(int8_t& v);
WEAVE_ERROR Get(int16_t& v);
WEAVE_ERROR Get(int32_t& v);
WEAVE_ERROR Get(int64_t& v);
WEAVE_ERROR Get(uint8_t& v);
WEAVE_ERROR Get(uint16_t& v);
WEAVE_ERROR Get(uint32_t& v);
WEAVE_ERROR Get(uint64_t& v);
WEAVE_ERROR Get(float& v);
WEAVE_ERROR Get(double& v);
WEAVE_ERROR GetBytes(uint8_t *buf, uint32_t bufSize);
WEAVE_ERROR DupBytes(uint8_t *& buf, uint32_t& dataLen);
WEAVE_ERROR GetString(char *buf, uint32_t bufSize);
WEAVE_ERROR DupString(char *& buf);
WEAVE_ERROR GetDataPtr(const uint8_t *& data);
WEAVE_ERROR EnterContainer(TLVType& outerContainerType);
WEAVE_ERROR ExitContainer(TLVType outerContainerType);
WEAVE_ERROR OpenContainer(TLVReader& containerReader);
WEAVE_ERROR CloseContainer(TLVReader& containerReader);
TLVType GetContainerType(void) const;
WEAVE_ERROR VerifyEndOfContainer(void);
uint32_t GetLengthRead(void) const { return mLenRead; }
uint32_t GetRemainingLength(void) const { return mMaxLen - mLenRead; }
const uint8_t *GetReadPoint(void) const { return mReadPoint; }
uintptr_t GetBufHandle(void) const { return mBufHandle; }
WEAVE_ERROR Skip(void);
uint32_t ImplicitProfileId;
void *AppData;
typedef WEAVE_ERROR (*GetNextBufferFunct)(TLVReader& reader, uintptr_t& bufHandle, const uint8_t *& bufStart,
uint32_t& bufLen);
GetNextBufferFunct GetNextBuffer;
uint64_t mElemTag;
uint64_t mElemLenOrVal;
uintptr_t mBufHandle;
const uint8_t *mReadPoint;
const uint8_t *mBufEnd;
uint32_t mLenRead;
uint32_t mMaxLen;
TLVType mContainerType;
uint16_t mControlByte;
bool mContainerOpen;
bool IsContainerOpen(void) const { return mContainerOpen; }
void SetContainerOpen(bool aContainerOpen) { mContainerOpen = aContainerOpen; }
WEAVE_ERROR ReadElement(void);
void ClearElementState(void);
WEAVE_ERROR SkipData(void);
WEAVE_ERROR SkipToEndOfContainer(void);
WEAVE_ERROR VerifyElement(void);
uint64_t ReadTag(TLVTagControl tagControl, const uint8_t *& p);
WEAVE_ERROR ReadData(uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len);
WEAVE_ERROR GetElementHeadLength(uint8_t& elemHeadBytes) const;
TLVElementType ElementType(void) const;
static WEAVE_ERROR GetNextPacketBuffer(TLVReader& reader, uintptr_t& bufHandle, const uint8_t *& bufStart,
uint32_t& bufLen);
static WEAVE_ERROR FailGetNextBuffer(TLVReader& reader, uintptr_t& bufHandle, const uint8_t *& bufStart,
uint32_t& bufLen);
static WEAVE_ERROR GetNextInetBuffer(TLVReader& reader, uintptr_t& bufHandle, const uint8_t *& bufStart,
uint32_t& bufLen);
inline WEAVE_ERROR TLVReader::GetNextInetBuffer(TLVReader& reader, uintptr_t& bufHandle, const uint8_t *& bufStart,
uint32_t& bufLen)
return GetNextPacketBuffer(reader, bufHandle, bufStart, bufLen);
* Provides a memory efficient encoder for writing data in Weave TLV format.
* TLVWriter implements a forward-only, stream-style encoder for Weave TLV data. Applications
* write data to an encoding by calling one of the writer's Put() methods, passing associated
* tag and value information as necessary. Similarly applications can encode TLV container types
* (structures, arrays or paths) by calling the writer's OpenContainer() or EnterContainer()
* methods.
* A TLVWriter object can write data directly to a fixed output buffer, or to a chain of one or
* more PacketBuffer objects. Additionally, applications can supply their own @p GetNewBuffer and
* @p FinalizeBuffer functions to direct output to an arbitrary destination, e.g. a socket or an
* event queue.
friend class TLVUpdater;
// *** See WeaveTLVWriter.cpp file for API documentation ***
void Init(uint8_t *buf, uint32_t maxLen);
void InitMalloced(uint8_t *& outBuf, uint32_t initialBufSize = 256, uint32_t maxLen = 0xFFFFFFFFUL);
void Init(PacketBuffer *buf, uint32_t maxLen = 0xFFFFFFFFUL);
void Init(PacketBuffer *buf, uint32_t maxLen, bool allowDiscontiguousBuffers);
WEAVE_ERROR Finalize(void);
WEAVE_ERROR Put(uint64_t tag, int8_t v);
WEAVE_ERROR Put(uint64_t tag, int8_t v, bool preserveSize);
WEAVE_ERROR Put(uint64_t tag, int16_t v);
WEAVE_ERROR Put(uint64_t tag, int16_t v, bool preserveSize);
WEAVE_ERROR Put(uint64_t tag, int32_t v);
WEAVE_ERROR Put(uint64_t tag, int32_t v, bool preserveSize);
WEAVE_ERROR Put(uint64_t tag, int64_t v);
WEAVE_ERROR Put(uint64_t tag, int64_t v, bool preserveSize);
WEAVE_ERROR Put(uint64_t tag, uint8_t v);
WEAVE_ERROR Put(uint64_t tag, uint8_t v, bool preserveSize);
WEAVE_ERROR Put(uint64_t tag, uint16_t v);
WEAVE_ERROR Put(uint64_t tag, uint16_t v, bool preserveSize);
WEAVE_ERROR Put(uint64_t tag, uint32_t v);
WEAVE_ERROR Put(uint64_t tag, uint32_t v, bool preserveSize);
WEAVE_ERROR Put(uint64_t tag, uint64_t v);
WEAVE_ERROR Put(uint64_t tag, uint64_t v, bool preserveSize);
WEAVE_ERROR Put(uint64_t tag, float v);
WEAVE_ERROR Put(uint64_t tag, double v);
WEAVE_ERROR PutBoolean(uint64_t tag, bool v);
WEAVE_ERROR PutBytes(uint64_t tag, const uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len);
WEAVE_ERROR StartPutBytes(uint64_t tag, uint32_t totalLen);
WEAVE_ERROR ContinuePutBytes(const uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len);
WEAVE_ERROR PutString(uint64_t tag, const char *buf);
WEAVE_ERROR PutString(uint64_t tag, const char *buf, uint32_t len);
WEAVE_ERROR PutStringF(uint64_t tag, const char *fmt, ...);
WEAVE_ERROR VPutStringF(uint64_t tag, const char *fmt, va_list ap);
WEAVE_ERROR PutNull(uint64_t tag);
WEAVE_ERROR CopyElement(TLVReader& reader);
WEAVE_ERROR CopyElement(uint64_t tag, TLVReader& reader);
WEAVE_ERROR StartContainer(uint64_t tag, TLVType containerType, TLVType& outerContainerType);
WEAVE_ERROR EndContainer(TLVType outerContainerType);
WEAVE_ERROR OpenContainer(uint64_t tag, TLVType containerType, TLVWriter& containerWriter);
WEAVE_ERROR CloseContainer(TLVWriter& containerWriter);
WEAVE_ERROR PutPreEncodedContainer(uint64_t tag, TLVType containerType, const uint8_t *data, uint32_t dataLen);
WEAVE_ERROR CopyContainer(TLVReader& container);
WEAVE_ERROR CopyContainer(uint64_t tag, TLVReader& container);
WEAVE_ERROR CopyContainer(uint64_t tag, const uint8_t * encodedContainer, uint16_t encodedContainerLen);
TLVType GetContainerType(void) const;
uint32_t GetLengthWritten(void);
uint32_t ImplicitProfileId;
void *AppData;
typedef WEAVE_ERROR (*GetNewBufferFunct)(TLVWriter& writer, uintptr_t& bufHandle, uint8_t *& bufStart,
uint32_t& bufLen);
GetNewBufferFunct GetNewBuffer;
typedef WEAVE_ERROR (*FinalizeBufferFunct)(TLVWriter& writer, uintptr_t bufHandle, uint8_t *bufStart,
uint32_t bufLen);
FinalizeBufferFunct FinalizeBuffer;
// Implementations of GetNewBufferFunct/FinalizeBufferFunct that support writing into one or more
// PacketBuffers.
static WEAVE_ERROR GetNewPacketBuffer(TLVWriter& writer, uintptr_t& bufHandle, uint8_t *& bufStart, uint32_t& bufLen);
static WEAVE_ERROR FinalizePacketBuffer(TLVWriter& writer, uintptr_t bufHandle, uint8_t *bufStart, uint32_t dataLen);
// Implementations of the GetNewBufferFunct that support writing into a dynamic buffer
static WEAVE_ERROR GetNewBuffer_Malloced(TLVWriter& writer, uintptr_t& bufHandle, uint8_t *& bufStart, uint32_t& bufLen);
static WEAVE_ERROR GetNewInetBuffer(TLVWriter& writer, uintptr_t& bufHandle, uint8_t *& bufStart, uint32_t& bufLen);
static WEAVE_ERROR FinalizeInetBuffer(TLVWriter& writer, uintptr_t bufHandle, uint8_t *bufStart, uint32_t dataLen);
uintptr_t mBufHandle;
uint8_t *mBufStart;
uint8_t *mWritePoint;
uint32_t mRemainingLen;
uint32_t mLenWritten;
uint32_t mMaxLen;
TLVType mContainerType;
bool mContainerOpen;
bool mCloseContainerReserved;
bool IsContainerOpen(void) const { return mContainerOpen; }
void SetContainerOpen(bool aContainerOpen) { mContainerOpen = aContainerOpen; }
enum {
kEndOfContainerMarkerSize = 1, /**< Size of the EndOfContainer marker, used in reserving space. */
* @brief
* Determine whether the container should reserve space for the
* CloseContainer symbol at the point of starting / opening the
* container.
bool IsCloseContainerReserved(void) const { return mCloseContainerReserved; }
* @brief
* Set whether the container should reserve the space for the
* CloseContainer symbol at the point of starting / opening the
* container.
void SetCloseContainerReserved(bool aCloseContainerReserved) { mCloseContainerReserved = aCloseContainerReserved; }
static void WeaveTLVWriterPutcharCB(uint8_t c, void *appState);
WEAVE_ERROR WriteElementHead(TLVElementType elemType, uint64_t tag, uint64_t lenOrVal);
WEAVE_ERROR WriteElementWithData(TLVType type, uint64_t tag, const uint8_t *data, uint32_t dataLen);
WEAVE_ERROR WriteData(const uint8_t *p, uint32_t len);
inline WEAVE_ERROR TLVWriter::GetNewInetBuffer(TLVWriter& writer, uintptr_t& bufHandle, uint8_t *& bufStart, uint32_t& bufLen)
return GetNewPacketBuffer(writer, bufHandle, bufStart, bufLen);
inline WEAVE_ERROR TLVWriter::FinalizeInetBuffer(TLVWriter& writer, uintptr_t bufHandle, uint8_t *bufStart, uint32_t dataLen)
return FinalizePacketBuffer(writer, bufHandle, bufStart, dataLen);
* Provides a unified Reader/Writer interface for editing/adding/deleting elements in TLV encoding.
* The TLVUpdater is a union of the TLVReader and TLVWriter objects and provides interface methods
* for editing/deleting data in an encoding as well as adding new elements to the TLV encoding. The
* TLVUpdater object essentially acts like two cursors, one for reading existing encoding and
* another for writing (either for copying over existing data or writing new data).
* Semantically, the TLVUpdater object functions like a union of the TLVReader and TLVWriter. The
* TLVUpdater methods have more or less similar meanings as similarly named counterparts in
* TLVReader/TLVWriter. Where there are differences in the semantics, the differences are clearly
* documented in the function's comment section in WeaveTLVUpdater.cpp.
* One particularly important note about the TLVUpdater's PutBytes() and PutString() methods is that
* it can leave the encoding in a corrupt state with only the element header written when an
* overflow occurs. Applications can call GetRemainingFreeLength() to make sure there is
* @em approximately enough free space to write the encoding. Note that GetRemainingFreeLength()
* only tells you the available free bytes and there is @em no way for the application to know the
* length of encoded data that gets written. In the event of an overflow, both PutBytes() and
* PutString() will return WEAVE_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL to the caller.
* Also, note that Next() method is overloaded to both skip the current element and also advance the
* internal reader to the next element. Because skipping already encoded elements requires changing
* the internal writer's free space state variables to account for the new freed space (made
* available by skipping), the application is expected to call Next() on the updater after a Get()
* method whose value it doesn't wish to write back (which is equivalent to skipping the current
* element).
* @note The application is expected to use the TLVUpdater object atomically from the time it calls
* Init() till it calls Finalize(). The same buffer should NOT be used with other TLVWriter objects.
* @note The TLVUpdater currently only supports single static buffers. Support for chain of buffers
* (PacketBuffer) is NOT supported.
class NL_DLL_EXPORT TLVUpdater
WEAVE_ERROR Init(uint8_t *buf, uint32_t dataLen, uint32_t maxLen);
WEAVE_ERROR Init(TLVReader& aReader, uint32_t freeLen);
WEAVE_ERROR Finalize(void) { return mUpdaterWriter.Finalize(); }
// Common methods
void SetImplicitProfileId(uint32_t profileId);
uint32_t GetImplicitProfileId(void) { return mUpdaterReader.ImplicitProfileId; }
WEAVE_ERROR Move(void);
void MoveUntilEnd(void);
WEAVE_ERROR EnterContainer(TLVType& outerContainerType);
WEAVE_ERROR ExitContainer(TLVType outerContainerType);
void GetReader(TLVReader& containerReader) { containerReader = mUpdaterReader; }
// Reader methods
WEAVE_ERROR Next(void);
WEAVE_ERROR Get(bool& v) { return mUpdaterReader.Get(v); }
WEAVE_ERROR Get(int8_t& v) { return mUpdaterReader.Get(v); }
WEAVE_ERROR Get(int16_t& v) { return mUpdaterReader.Get(v); }
WEAVE_ERROR Get(int32_t& v) { return mUpdaterReader.Get(v); }
WEAVE_ERROR Get(int64_t& v) { return mUpdaterReader.Get(v); }
WEAVE_ERROR Get(uint8_t& v) { return mUpdaterReader.Get(v); }
WEAVE_ERROR Get(uint16_t& v) { return mUpdaterReader.Get(v); }
WEAVE_ERROR Get(uint32_t& v) { return mUpdaterReader.Get(v); }
WEAVE_ERROR Get(uint64_t& v) { return mUpdaterReader.Get(v); }
WEAVE_ERROR Get(float& v) { return mUpdaterReader.Get(v); }
WEAVE_ERROR Get(double& v) { return mUpdaterReader.Get(v); }
WEAVE_ERROR GetBytes(uint8_t *buf, uint32_t bufSize) { return mUpdaterReader.GetBytes(buf, bufSize); }
WEAVE_ERROR DupBytes(uint8_t *& buf, uint32_t& dataLen) { return mUpdaterReader.DupBytes(buf, dataLen); }
WEAVE_ERROR GetString(char *buf, uint32_t bufSize) { return mUpdaterReader.GetString(buf, bufSize); }
WEAVE_ERROR DupString(char *& buf) { return mUpdaterReader.DupString(buf); }
TLVType GetType(void) const { return mUpdaterReader.GetType(); }
uint64_t GetTag(void) const { return mUpdaterReader.GetTag(); }
uint32_t GetLength(void) const { return mUpdaterReader.GetLength(); }
WEAVE_ERROR GetDataPtr(const uint8_t *& data) { return mUpdaterReader.GetDataPtr(data); }
WEAVE_ERROR VerifyEndOfContainer(void) { return mUpdaterReader.VerifyEndOfContainer(); }
TLVType GetContainerType(void) const { return mUpdaterReader.GetContainerType(); }
uint32_t GetLengthRead(void) const { return mUpdaterReader.GetLengthRead(); }
uint32_t GetRemainingLength(void) const { return mUpdaterReader.GetRemainingLength(); }
// Writer methods
WEAVE_ERROR Put(uint64_t tag, int8_t v) { return mUpdaterWriter.Put(tag, v); }
WEAVE_ERROR Put(uint64_t tag, int16_t v) { return mUpdaterWriter.Put(tag, v); }
WEAVE_ERROR Put(uint64_t tag, int32_t v) { return mUpdaterWriter.Put(tag, v); }
WEAVE_ERROR Put(uint64_t tag, int64_t v) { return mUpdaterWriter.Put(tag, v); }
WEAVE_ERROR Put(uint64_t tag, uint8_t v) { return mUpdaterWriter.Put(tag, v); }
WEAVE_ERROR Put(uint64_t tag, uint16_t v) { return mUpdaterWriter.Put(tag, v); }
WEAVE_ERROR Put(uint64_t tag, uint32_t v) { return mUpdaterWriter.Put(tag, v); }
WEAVE_ERROR Put(uint64_t tag, uint64_t v) { return mUpdaterWriter.Put(tag, v); }
WEAVE_ERROR Put(uint64_t tag, int8_t v, bool preserveSize) { return mUpdaterWriter.Put(tag, v, preserveSize); }
WEAVE_ERROR Put(uint64_t tag, int16_t v, bool preserveSize) { return mUpdaterWriter.Put(tag, v, preserveSize); }
WEAVE_ERROR Put(uint64_t tag, int32_t v, bool preserveSize) { return mUpdaterWriter.Put(tag, v, preserveSize); }
WEAVE_ERROR Put(uint64_t tag, int64_t v, bool preserveSize) { return mUpdaterWriter.Put(tag, v, preserveSize); }
WEAVE_ERROR Put(uint64_t tag, uint8_t v, bool preserveSize) { return mUpdaterWriter.Put(tag, v, preserveSize); }
WEAVE_ERROR Put(uint64_t tag, uint16_t v, bool preserveSize) { return mUpdaterWriter.Put(tag, v, preserveSize); }
WEAVE_ERROR Put(uint64_t tag, uint32_t v, bool preserveSize) { return mUpdaterWriter.Put(tag, v, preserveSize); }
WEAVE_ERROR Put(uint64_t tag, uint64_t v, bool preserveSize) { return mUpdaterWriter.Put(tag, v, preserveSize); }
WEAVE_ERROR Put(uint64_t tag, float v) { return mUpdaterWriter.Put(tag, v); }
WEAVE_ERROR Put(uint64_t tag, double v) { return mUpdaterWriter.Put(tag, v); }
WEAVE_ERROR PutBoolean(uint64_t tag, bool v) { return mUpdaterWriter.PutBoolean(tag, v); }
WEAVE_ERROR PutNull(uint64_t tag) { return mUpdaterWriter.PutNull(tag); }
WEAVE_ERROR PutBytes(uint64_t tag, const uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len) { return mUpdaterWriter.PutBytes(tag, buf, len); }
WEAVE_ERROR PutString(uint64_t tag, const char *buf) { return mUpdaterWriter.PutString(tag, buf); }
WEAVE_ERROR PutString(uint64_t tag, const char *buf, uint32_t len) { return mUpdaterWriter.PutString(tag, buf, len); }
WEAVE_ERROR CopyElement(TLVReader& reader) { return mUpdaterWriter.CopyElement(reader); }
WEAVE_ERROR CopyElement(uint64_t tag, TLVReader& reader) { return mUpdaterWriter.CopyElement(tag, reader); }
WEAVE_ERROR StartContainer(uint64_t tag, TLVType containerType, TLVType& outerContainerType) { return mUpdaterWriter.StartContainer(tag, containerType, outerContainerType); }
WEAVE_ERROR EndContainer(TLVType outerContainerType) { return mUpdaterWriter.EndContainer(outerContainerType); }
uint32_t GetLengthWritten(void) { return mUpdaterWriter.GetLengthWritten(); }
uint32_t GetRemainingFreeLength(void) { return mUpdaterWriter.mRemainingLen; }
void AdjustInternalWriterFreeSpace(void);
TLVWriter mUpdaterWriter;
TLVReader mUpdaterReader;
const uint8_t * mElementStartAddr;
} // namespace TLV
} // namespace Weave
} // namespace nl
#endif /* WEAVETLV_H_ */