blob: 8b96878b1661406f432319d0567d5de5c48d03c7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Google LLC.
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* Generic trait data sinks which use map to store trait data inside, and provide a list of set/get public API for
* application use
#include <Weave/Core/WeaveCore.h>
#include <Weave/Core/WeaveTLV.h>
#include <Weave/Support/NLDLLUtil.h>
#include <Weave/Profiles/common/WeaveMessage.h>
#include <Weave/Profiles/data-management/DataManagement.h>
#include <Weave/Profiles/data-management/Current/WdmManagedNamespace.h>
#include <Weave/Profiles/status-report/StatusReportProfile.h>
#include <SystemLayer/SystemPacketBuffer.h>
#include <Weave/Profiles/data-management/SubscriptionClient.h>
#include <Weave/Profiles/data-management/Current/GenericTraitCatalogImpl.h>
#include <Weave/Profiles/data-management/Current/EventProcessor.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "WeaveDeviceManager.h"
#include <chrono>
namespace nl {
namespace Weave {
namespace DeviceManager {
using namespace nl::Weave::Encoding;
using namespace nl::Weave::Profiles;
using namespace nl::Weave::Profiles::DataManagement;
using namespace nl::Weave::Profiles::Security;
using namespace ::nl::Weave::Profiles::DataManagement_Current;
class NL_DLL_EXPORT BytesData
BytesData() : mpDataBuf(NULL), mDataLen(0), mpMsgBuf(NULL) { }
void Clear()
if (mpMsgBuf != NULL)
mpDataBuf = NULL;
mDataLen = 0;
const uint8_t * mpDataBuf;
uint32_t mDataLen;
PacketBuffer * mpMsgBuf;
class GenericTraitUpdatableDataSink;
class WdmClient;
class WdmEventProcessor;
class WdmClientFlushUpdateStatus
uint32_t mErrorCode;
DeviceStatus mDevStatus;
const char * mpPath;
uint32_t mPathLen;
TraitDataSink * mpDataSink;
extern "C" {
typedef void (*DMCompleteFunct)(void * appState, void * appReqState);
typedef void (*DMErrorFunct)(void * appState, void * appReqState, WEAVE_ERROR err, DeviceStatus * devStatus);
typedef void (*DMFlushUpdateCompleteFunct)(void * appState, void * appReqState, uint16_t pathCount,
WdmClientFlushUpdateStatus * statusResults);
typedef WEAVE_ERROR (*GetDataHandleFunct)(void * apContext, const TraitCatalogBase<TraitDataSink> * const apCatalog,
TraitDataHandle & aHandle);
class NL_DLL_EXPORT GenericTraitUpdatableDataSink : public nl::Weave::Profiles::DataManagement::TraitUpdatableDataSink
friend class WdmClient;
using nl::Weave::Profiles::DataManagement_Current::TraitDataSink::SetData;
using nl::Weave::Profiles::DataManagement_Current::TraitUpdatableDataSink::GetData;
GenericTraitUpdatableDataSink(const nl::Weave::Profiles::DataManagement::TraitSchemaEngine * aEngine, WdmClient * apWdmClient);
void Clear(void);
WEAVE_ERROR RefreshData(void * appReqState, DMCompleteFunct onComplete, DMErrorFunct onError);
WEAVE_ERROR SetData(const char * apPath, int64_t aValue, bool aIsConditional = false);
WEAVE_ERROR SetData(const char * apPath, uint64_t aValue, bool aIsConditional = false);
WEAVE_ERROR SetData(const char * apPath, double aValue, bool aIsConditional = false);
WEAVE_ERROR SetBoolean(const char * apPath, bool aValue, bool aIsConditional = false);
WEAVE_ERROR SetString(const char * apPath, const char * aValue, bool aIsConditional = false);
WEAVE_ERROR SetBytes(const char * apPath, const uint8_t * dataBuf, size_t dataLen, bool aIsConditional = false);
WEAVE_ERROR SetTLVBytes(const char * apPath, const uint8_t * dataBuf, size_t dataLen, bool aIsConditional = false);
WEAVE_ERROR SetNull(const char * apPath, bool aIsConditional = false);
WEAVE_ERROR SetStringArray(const char * apPath, const std::vector<std::string> & aValueVector, bool aIsConditional = false);
WEAVE_ERROR GetData(const char * apPath, int64_t & aValue);
WEAVE_ERROR GetData(const char * apPath, uint64_t & aValue);
WEAVE_ERROR GetData(const char * apPath, double & aValue);
WEAVE_ERROR GetBoolean(const char * apPath, bool & aValue);
WEAVE_ERROR GetString(const char * apPath, BytesData * apBytesData);
WEAVE_ERROR GetBytes(const char * apPath, BytesData * apBytesData);
WEAVE_ERROR GetTLVBytes(const char * apPath, BytesData * apBytesData);
WEAVE_ERROR IsNull(const char * apPath, bool & aIsNull);
WEAVE_ERROR GetStringArray(const char * apPath, std::vector<std::string> & aValueVector);
WEAVE_ERROR DeleteData(const char * apPath);
void * mpAppState;
DMCompleteFunct General;
} mOnComplete;
DMErrorFunct mOnError;
template <class T>
WEAVE_ERROR Set(const char * apPath, T aValue, bool aIsConditional = false);
template <class T>
WEAVE_ERROR Get(const char * apPath, T & aValue);
WEAVE_ERROR SetLeafData(nl::Weave::Profiles::DataManagement::PropertyPathHandle aLeafHandle,
nl::Weave::TLV::TLVReader & aReader) __OVERRIDE;
WEAVE_ERROR GetLeafData(nl::Weave::Profiles::DataManagement::PropertyPathHandle aLeafHandle, uint64_t aTagToWrite,
nl::Weave::TLV::TLVWriter & aWriter) __OVERRIDE;
WEAVE_ERROR GetNextDictionaryItemKey(nl::Weave::Profiles::DataManagement::PropertyPathHandle aDictionaryHandle,
uintptr_t & aContext,
nl::Weave::Profiles::DataManagement::PropertyDictionaryKey & aKey) __OVERRIDE;
void UpdateTLVDataMap(PropertyPathHandle aPropertyPathHandle, PacketBuffer * apMsgBuf);
static WEAVE_ERROR LocateTraitHandle(void * apContext, const TraitCatalogBase<TraitDataSink> * const apCatalog,
TraitDataHandle & aHandle);
static void TLVPrettyPrinter(const char * aFormat, ...);
static WEAVE_ERROR DebugPrettyPrint(PacketBuffer * apMsgBuf);
std::map<PropertyPathHandle, PacketBuffer *> mPathTlvDataMap;
WdmClient * mpWdmClient;
class NL_DLL_EXPORT WdmClient
friend class GenericTraitUpdatableDataSink;
friend class WdmEventProcessor;
kState_NotInitialized = 0,
kState_Initialized = 1
} State; // [READ-ONLY] Current state
WEAVE_ERROR Init(WeaveMessageLayer * apMsgLayer, Binding * apBinding);
void Close(void);
void SetNodeId(uint64_t aNodeId);
WEAVE_ERROR NewDataSink(const ResourceIdentifier & aResourceId, uint32_t aProfileId, uint64_t aInstanceId, const char * apPath,
GenericTraitUpdatableDataSink *& apGenericTraitUpdatableDataSink);
WEAVE_ERROR FlushUpdate(void * apAppReqState, DMFlushUpdateCompleteFunct onComplete, DMErrorFunct onError);
WEAVE_ERROR RefreshData(void * apAppReqState, DMCompleteFunct onComplete, DMErrorFunct onError,
GetDataHandleFunct getDataHandleCb, bool aFetchEvents = false);
WEAVE_ERROR GetEvents(BytesData * aBytes);
void SetEventFetchingTimeout(uint32_t aTimeoutSec);
void * mpAppState;
enum OpState
kOpState_Idle = 0,
kOpState_FlushUpdate = 1,
kOpState_RefreshData = 2,
void ClearOpState();
DMCompleteFunct General;
DMFlushUpdateCompleteFunct FlushUpdate;
} mOnComplete;
DMErrorFunct mOnError;
GetDataHandleFunct mGetDataHandle;
static void ClearDataSink(void * aTraitInstance, TraitDataHandle aHandle, void * aContext);
static void ClearDataSinkVersion(void * aTraitInstance, TraitDataHandle aHandle, void * aContext);
static void ClientEventCallback(void * const aAppState, SubscriptionClient::EventID aEvent,
const SubscriptionClient::InEventParam & aInParam,
SubscriptionClient::OutEventParam & aOutParam);
WEAVE_ERROR RefreshData(void * apAppReqState, void * apContext, DMCompleteFunct onComplete, DMErrorFunct onError,
GetDataHandleFunct getDataHandleCb, bool aWithEvents);
WEAVE_ERROR GetDataSink(const ResourceIdentifier & aResourceId, uint32_t aProfileId, uint64_t aInstanceId,
GenericTraitUpdatableDataSink *& apGenericTraitUpdatableDataSink);
WEAVE_ERROR SubscribePublisherTrait(const ResourceIdentifier & aResourceId, const uint64_t & aInstanceId,
PropertyPathHandle aBasePathHandle, TraitDataSink * apDataSink);
WEAVE_ERROR UnsubscribePublisherTrait(TraitDataSink * apDataSink);
WEAVE_ERROR UpdateFailedPathResults(WdmClient * const apWdmClient, TraitDataHandle mTraitDataHandle,
PropertyPathHandle mPropertyPathHandle, uint32_t aReason, uint32_t aStatusProfileId,
uint16_t aStatusCode);
WEAVE_ERROR ProcessEvent(nl::Weave::TLV::TLVReader inReader, const EventProcessor::EventHeader & inEventHeader);
WEAVE_ERROR PrepareLastObservedEventList(uint32_t & aEventListLen);
GenericTraitSinkCatalog mSinkCatalog;
TraitPath * mpPublisherPathList;
SubscriptionClient * mpSubscriptionClient;
WeaveMessageLayer * mpMsgLayer;
void * mpContext;
void * mpAppReqState;
OpState mOpState;
std::vector<std::string> mFailedPaths;
std::vector<WdmClientFlushUpdateStatus> mFailedFlushPathStatus;
std::unique_ptr<WdmEventProcessor> mpWdmEventProcessor;
std::string mEventStrBuffer;
// Three flags for event fetching
// If EventFetching is enabled
// If we limit the event fetching time
// If event fetching time limit exceeded (TLE)
bool mEnableEventFetching, mLimitEventFetchTimeout, mEventFetchingTLE;
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock> mEventFetchTimeout;
std::chrono::seconds mEventFetchTimeLimit;
SubscriptionClient::LastObservedEvent mLastObservedEventByImportance[kImportanceType_Last - kImportanceType_First + 1];
mLastObservedEventByImportanceForSending[kImportanceType_Last - kImportanceType_First + 1];
class WdmEventProcessor : public EventProcessor
WdmEventProcessor(uint64_t aNodeId, WdmClient * aWdmClient);
virtual ~WdmEventProcessor() = default;
WEAVE_ERROR ProcessEvent(nl::Weave::TLV::TLVReader inReader, nl::Weave::Profiles::DataManagement::SubscriptionClient & inClient,
const EventHeader & inEventHeader) override;
WEAVE_ERROR GapDetected(const EventHeader & inEventHeader) override;
WdmClient * mWdmClient;
} // namespace DeviceManager
} // namespace Weave
} // namespace nl