blob: ab1011095599dc61ffe9aa8a64cc3129c8d6d4ec [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2015 Nest Labs, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# This document is the property of Nest. It is considered
# confidential and proprietary information.
# This document may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form,
# in whole or in part, without the express written permission of
# Nest.
# Description:
# This file is the GNU automake template for the Nest Labs
# runtime assertion library in-package, documentation.
include $(abs_top_nlbuild_autotools_dir)/automake/
$(srcdir)/ \
# Override autotool's default notion of the package version variables.
# This ensures that when we create a doc distribution that the
# version is always the current version, not the version when the
# package was bootstrapped.
PACKAGE_VERSION = $(shell cat $(top_builddir)/.local-version)
docdistdir ?= .
nlassert_docdist_alias = \
nlassert_docdist_name = \
nlassert_docdist_archive = \
Doxyfile \
$(nlassert_docdist_archive) \
all-local: html/index.html
# We choose to manually transform into Doxyfile here in
# the makefile rather than in the configure script so that we can take
# advantage of live, at build time (rather than at configure time),
# updating of the package version number.
Doxyfile: $(srcdir)/ Makefile
$(AM_V_GEN)$(SED) \
-e "s,\@PERL\@,$(PERL),g" \
-e "s,\@abs_builddir\@,$(abs_builddir),g" \
-e "s,\@abs_srcdir\@,$(abs_srcdir),g" \
-e "s,\@abs_top_builddir\@,$(abs_top_builddir),g" \
-e "s,\@abs_top_srcdir\@,$(abs_top_srcdir),g" \
< "$(srcdir)/" > "$(@)"
html/index.html: Doxyfile
$(AM_V_GEN)$(DOXYGEN) $(<)
# Addition rules and commands to create a documentation-only
# distribution of nlassert
$(nlassert_docdist_name): html/index.html
$(AM_V_at)rm -f -r $(@)
$(call create-directory)
$(AM_V_at)cp -R html $(@)
$(nlassert_docdist_archive): $(nlassert_docdist_name)
$(AM_V_at)echo " TAR $(@)"
$(AM_V_at)tardir="$(<)" && $(am__tar) | GZIP=$(GZIP_ENV) gzip -c > "$(@)" && rm -rf $(<)
docdist $(nlassert_docdist_alias): $(nlassert_docdist_archive)
$(AM_V_at)rm -f -r html
include $(abs_top_nlbuild_autotools_dir)/automake/