blob: de3b86d9b5936477313551a866ccfb0c6ba6dc19 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Google LLC.
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* Definition of the Weave Security profile.
namespace weave.profiles {
/** Weave Security Profile
security => PROFILE [id common:0x0004]
// ---- Message Types ----
pase-initiator-step1 => MESSAGE [id 1]
pase-responder-step1 => MESSAGE [id 2]
pase-responder-step2 => MESSAGE [id 3]
pase-initiator-step2 => MESSAGE [id 4]
pase-responder-key-confirm => MESSAGE [id 5]
pase-responder-reconfigure => MESSAGE [id 6]
case-begin-session-request => MESSAGE [id 10]
case-begin-session-response => MESSAGE [id 11]
case-initiator-key-confirm => MESSAGE [id 12]
case-reconfigure => MESSAGE [id 13]
take-identify-token => MESSAGE [id 20]
take-identify-token-response => MESSAGE [id 21]
take-token-reconfigure => MESSAGE [id 22]
take-authenticate-token => MESSAGE [id 23]
take-authenticate-token-response => MESSAGE [id 24]
take-re-authenticate-token => MESSAGE [id 25]
take-re-authenticate-token-response => MESSAGE [id 26]
key-export-request => MESSAGE [id 30]
key-export-response => MESSAGE [id 31]
key-export-reconfigure => MESSAGE [id 32]
get-certificate-request => MESSAGE [id 40]
get-certificate-response => MESSAGE [id 41]
end-session => MESSAGE [id 100]
key-error => MESSAGE [id 101]
msg-counter-sync-response => MESSAGE [id 102]
// ---- Status Codes ----
session-aborted => STATUS CODE [id 1]
pase-supports-only-config1 => STATUS CODE [id 2]
unsupported-encryption-type => STATUS CODE [id 3]
invalid-key-id => STATUS CODE [id 4]
duplicate-key-id => STATUS CODE [id 5]
key-confirmation-failed => STATUS CODE [id 6]
internal-error => STATUS CODE [id 7]
authentication-failed => STATUS CODE [id 8]
unsupported-case-configuration => STATUS CODE [id 9]
unsupported-certificate => STATUS CODE [id 10]
no-common-pase-configurations => STATUS CODE [id 11]
key-not-found => STATUS CODE [id 12]
wrong-encryption-type => STATUS CODE [id 13]
unknown-key-type => STATUS CODE [id 14]
invalid-use-of-session-key => STATUS CODE [id 15]
internal-key-error => STATUS CODE [id 16]
no-common-key-export-configuration => STATUS CODE [id 17]
unauthorized-key-export-request => STATUS CODE [id 18]
no-new-operational-cert-required => STATUS CODE [id 19]
operational-node-id-in-use => STATUS CODE [id 20]
invalid-operational-node-id => STATUS CODE [id 21]
invalid-operational-certificate => STATUS CODE [id 22]
// ---- Data Types ----
/** Weave Certificate
* Represents a compressed form of an X.509 certificate.
weave-certificate [*:1] => STRUCTURE [any-order]
// These fields are always encoded in the order shown.
serial-num [1] : BYTE STRING, /**< Certificate serial number, in BER integer encoding. */
sig-algo [2] : signature-algorithm, /**< Enumerated value identifying the certificate signature algorithm. */
issuer [3] : dn, /**< Distinguished name of the certificate issuer. */
not-before [4] : UNSIGNED INTEGER, /**< Certificate validity period start, in compressed certificate date format. */
not-after [5] : UNSIGNED INTEGER, /**< Certificate validity period end, in compressed certificate date format. */
subject [6] : dn, /**< Distinguished name of the certificate subject. */
pub-key-algo [7] : public-key-algorithm, /**< Algorithm with which the public key may be used. */
ec-curve-id [8,opt] : ec-curve-id, /**< Elliptic curve of the public key. Only present for EC certificates. */
rsa-pub-key [9,opt] : rsa-public-key, /**< RSA public key. Only present for RSA certificates. */
ec-pub-key [10,opt] : ec-public-key, /**< Elliptic curve public key. Only present for EC certificates. */
// These fields are encoded in the same order as they appeared in the
// original X.509 certificate.
auth-key-id [128,opt] : authority-key-id, /**< Information about the public key used to sign the certificate. */
subject-key-id [129,opt] : subject-key-id, /**< Information about the certificate's public key. */
key-usage [130,opt] : key-usage, /**< Allowed usages of certificate public key. */
basic-constraints [131,opt] : basic-constraints, /**< CA constraints for certificate. */
extended-key-usage [132,opt] : extended-key-usage, /**< Extended usages of certificate public key. */
// These fields are always encoded at the end of the certificate structure.
rsa-sig [11,opt] : BYTE STRING, /**< RSA signature for the certificate. Only present for RSA certificates. */
ecdsa-sig [12,opt] : ecdsa-signature, /**< ECDSA signature for the certificate. Only present for EC certificates. */
ec-private-key [*:2] => STRUCTURE [tag-order]
curve-id [1] : ec-curve-id,
private-key [2] : BYTE STRING,
public-key [3,opt] : ec-public-key
weave-cert-list [*:3] => ARRAY OF weave-certificate
weave-signature [*:5] => STRUCTURE [tag-order]
ecdsa-sig [1,opt] : ecdsa-signature,
rsa-sig [2,opt] : BYTE STRING,
signing-cert-ref [3,opt] : weave-cert-reference,
related-certs [4,opt] : weave-cert-list,
sig-algo [5,opt] : signature-algorithm,
weave-cert-reference [*:6] => STRUCTURE [tag-order]
subject [1,opt] : dn,
pub-key-id [2,opt] : BYTE STRING,
case-certificate-info [*:7] => STRUCTURE [tag-order]
entity-cert [1,opt] : weave-certificate,
entity-cert-ref [2,opt] : weave-cert-reference,
related-certs [3,opt] : LIST OF weave-certificate,
trust-anchors [4,opt] : LIST [len 1..] OF weave-cert-reference,
case-signature [*:8] => ecdsa-signature
access-token [*:9] => STRUCTURE [tag-order]
cert [1] : weave-certificate,
priv-key [2] : ec-private-key,
related-certs [3,opt] : ARRAY OF weave-certificate,
group-key-signature [*:10] => STRUCTURE [tag-order]
sig-algo [1] : signature-algorithm,
key-id [2] : UNSIGNED INTEGER [range 32bits],
sig [3] : BYTE STRING,
rsa-public-key => STRUCTURE [tag-order]
modulus [1] : BYTE STRING,
pub-exponent [2] : UNSIGNED INTEGER,
ec-public-key => BYTE STRING
ecdsa-signature => STRUCTURE [tag-order]
r [1] : BYTE STRING,
s [2] : BYTE STRING,
common-extension-fields => FIELD GROUP
critical [1,opt] : BOOLEAN
authority-key-id => STRUCTURE [tag-order]
includes common-extension-fields,
key-id [2,opt] : BYTE STRING,
issuer [3,opt] : dn,
serial-num [4,opt] : BYTE STRING,
subject-key-id => STRUCTURE [tag-order]
includes common-extension-fields,
key-id [2] : BYTE STRING,
key-usage => STRUCTURE [tag-order]
includes common-extension-fields,
key-usage [2] : UNSIGNED INTEGER,
basic-constraints => STRUCTURE [tag-order]
includes common-extension-fields,
is-ca [2,opt] : BOOLEAN,
path-len-constraint [3,opt] : UNSIGNED INTEGER [range 8bits],
extended-key-usage => STRUCTURE [tag-order]
includes common-extension-fields,
key-purpose-ids [2] : ARRAY [len 1..] OF key-purpose-id,
dn => LIST [len 1..] OF rdn
rdn => CHOICE OF
single-attr : dn-attribute,
multi-attr [anon] : LIST [len 2..] OF dn-attribute
dn-attribute => CHOICE OF
// Base DN attributes
// Of these, all are encoded as UTF8String except domain-component,
// which is encoded as IA5String.
common-name [1] : STRING,
surname [2] : STRING,
serial-num [3] : STRING,
country-name [4] : STRING,
locality-name [5] : STRING,
state-or-province-name [6] : STRING,
org-name [7] : STRING,
org-unit-name [8] : STRING,
title [9] : STRING,
name [10] : STRING,
given-name [11] : STRING,
initials [12] : STRING,
gen-qualifier [13] : STRING,
dn-qualifier [14] : STRING,
pseudonym [15] : STRING,
domain-component [16] : STRING,
weave-device-id [17] : STRING [len 16],
weave-service-endpoint-id [18] : STRING [len 16],
weave-ca-id [19] : STRING [len 16],
weave-software-publisher-id [20]: STRING [len 16],
// Aliases for certain DN attributes when encoded as PrintableString
// NOTE: The tags for these must be the base tags + 0x80.
common-name-ps [129] : STRING,
surname-ps [130] : STRING,
serial-num-ps [131] : STRING,
country-name-ps [132] : STRING,
locality-name-ps [133] : STRING,
state-or-province-name-ps [134] : STRING,
org-name-ps [135] : STRING,
org-unit-name-ps [136] : STRING,
title-ps [137] : STRING,
name-ps [138] : STRING,
given-name-ps [139] : STRING,
initials-ps [140] : STRING,
gen-qualifier-ps [141] : STRING,
dn-qualifier-ps [142] : STRING,
pseudonym-ps [143] : STRING,
signature-algorithm => UNSIGNED INTEGER [range 8bits]
md2-with-rsa = 1,
md5-with-rsa = 2,
sha1-with-rsa = 3,
ecdsa-with-sha1 = 4,
ecdsa-with-sha256 = 5,
mhac-with-sha256 = 6,
sha256-with-rsa = 7,
public-key-algorithm => UNSIGNED INTEGER [range 8bits]
rsa = 1,
ec-pub-key = 2,
ecdh = 3,
ecmqv = 4,
ec-curve-id => UNSIGNED INTEGER [range 8bits]
c2pnb163v1 = 1,
c2pnb163v2 = 2,
c2pnb163v3 = 3,
c2pnb176w1 = 4,
c2tnb191v1 = 5,
c2tnb191v2 = 6,
c2tnb191v3 = 7,
c2onb191v4 = 8,
c2onb191v5 = 9,
c2pnb208w1 = 10,
c2tnb239v1 = 11,
c2tnb239v2 = 12,
c2tnb239v3 = 13,
c2onb239v4 = 14,
c2onb239v5 = 15,
c2pnb272w1 = 16,
c2pnb304w1 = 17,
c2tnb359v1 = 18,
c2pnb368w1 = 19,
c2tnb431r1 = 20,
prime192v1 = 21,
prime192v2 = 22,
prime192v3 = 23,
prime239v1 = 24,
prime239v2 = 25,
prime239v3 = 26,
prime256v1 = 27,
secp112r1 = 28,
secp112r2 = 29,
secp128r1 = 30,
secp128r2 = 31,
secp160k1 = 32,
secp160r1 = 33,
secp160r2 = 34,
secp192k1 = 35,
secp224k1 = 36,
secp224r1 = 37,
secp256k1 = 38,
secp384r1 = 39,
secp521r1 = 40,
sect113r1 = 41,
sect113r2 = 42,
sect131r1 = 43,
sect131r2 = 44,
sect163k1 = 45,
sect163r1 = 46,
sect163r2 = 47,
sect193r1 = 48,
sect193r2 = 49,
sect233k1 = 50,
sect233r1 = 51,
sect239k1 = 52,
sect283k1 = 53,
sect283r1 = 54,
sect409k1 = 55,
sect409r1 = 56,
sect571k1 = 57,
sect571r1 = 58,
key-purpose-id => UNSIGNED INTEGER [range 8bits]
server-auth = 1,
client-auth = 2,
code-signing = 3,
email-protection = 4,
time-stamping = 5,
ocsp-signing = 6,
} // namespace weave.profiles