blob: 315971bfafc7193f66ea238dc9386bcd29fe64b4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Nest Labs, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* @brief
* EventProcessor base class.
* This file contains the declaration of the EventProcessor base class.
* It's intended to be overridden on specific platforms as needed.
#include <Weave/Profiles/data-management/Current/WdmManagedNamespace.h>
#include <Weave/Profiles/data-management/DataManagement.h>
namespace nl {
namespace Weave {
namespace Profiles {
namespace WeaveMakeManagedNamespaceIdentifier(DataManagement, kWeaveManagedNamespaceDesignation_Current) {
class SubscriptionClient;
class EventProcessor
EventProcessor(uint64_t inLocalNodeId);
virtual ~EventProcessor(void);
WEAVE_ERROR ProcessEvents(nl::Weave::TLV::TLVReader & inReader,
nl::Weave::Profiles::DataManagement::SubscriptionClient & inClient);
const event_id_t *GetLargestEventIdList(size_t & outSize);
struct EventHeader
// Not a simple POD anymore given that we have a constructor for mDataSchemaVersionRange now.
EventHeader() :
mSource(0), mImportance(kImportanceType_Invalid), mId(0), mRelatedImportance(kImportanceType_Invalid), mRelatedId(0),
mUTCTimestamp(0), mSystemTimestamp(0), mResourceId(0), mTraitProfileId(0), mTraitInstanceId(0), mType(0),
mDeltaUTCTime(0), mDeltaSystemTime(0), mPresenceMask(0)
{ }
uint64_t mSource;
ImportanceType mImportance;
uint64_t mId;
ImportanceType mRelatedImportance;
uint64_t mRelatedId;
uint64_t mUTCTimestamp;
uint64_t mSystemTimestamp;
uint64_t mResourceId;
uint64_t mTraitProfileId;
uint64_t mTraitInstanceId;
uint64_t mType;
int64_t mDeltaUTCTime;
int64_t mDeltaSystemTime;
uint64_t mPresenceMask;
SchemaVersionRange mDataSchemaVersionRange;
// Only the optional fields are represented here. See the table
// "Tags in TLV elements for events" in the WDM Next Protocol
// spec.
EventHeaderFieldPresenceMask_RelatedImportance = 0x0001,
EventHeaderFieldPresenceMask_RelatedId = 0x0002,
EventHeaderFieldPresenceMask_UTCTimestamp = 0x0004,
EventHeaderFieldPresenceMask_SystemTimestamp = 0x0008,
EventHeaderFieldPresenceMask_DeltaUTCTime = 0x0010,
EventHeaderFieldPresenceMask_DeltaSystemTime = 0x0020,
// This includes all possible kCsTag_* fields, telling us what
// actually came in over the wire.
ReceivedEventHeaderFieldPresenceMask_Source = 0x0001,
ReceivedEventHeaderFieldPresenceMask_Importance = 0x0002,
ReceivedEventHeaderFieldPresenceMask_Id = 0x0004,
ReceivedEventHeaderFieldPresenceMask_RelatedImportance = 0x0008,
ReceivedEventHeaderFieldPresenceMask_RelatedId = 0x0010,
ReceivedEventHeaderFieldPresenceMask_UTCTimestamp = 0x0020,
ReceivedEventHeaderFieldPresenceMask_SystemTimestamp = 0x0040,
ReceivedEventHeaderFieldPresenceMask_TraitInstanceId = 0x0080,
ReceivedEventHeaderFieldPresenceMask_Type = 0x0100,
ReceivedEventHeaderFieldPresenceMask_DeltaUTCTime = 0x0200,
ReceivedEventHeaderFieldPresenceMask_DeltaSystemTime = 0x0400,
ReceivedEventHeaderFieldPresenceMask_Data = 0x0800,
// The "WDM Next Protocol" spec defines three categories of event
// header fields (my terms below):
// (1) Mandatory - Every event in the stream is sent
// over the wire with this field in it's
// header.
// (2) Provisionally Optional - Field may not be present on each event
// in the stream, but we are required to
// provide a value for it when we present
// it to the user. As far as the downstream
// consumer of events is concerned, the field
// is mandatory.
// (3) Purely Optional - Field may not be present on any event
// in the stream, and we're not required
// to provide a value to the user.
// For header fields of type (2) above, this structure keeps track of
// any information required from previously-parsed headers that might
// need to be used to provide values before presenting events to the
// user.
struct StreamParsingContext
StreamParsingContext(uint64_t inPublisherSourceId) :
mPublisherSourceId(inPublisherSourceId), mCurrentEventImportance(kImportanceType_Invalid), mCurrentEventId(0),
mCurrentEventType(0), mCurrentSystemTimestamp(0), mCurrentUTCTimestamp(0)
{ }
// The Weave node ID of the publisher..
uint64_t mPublisherSourceId;
// The last event importance we parsed.
ImportanceType mCurrentEventImportance;
// The most recently used event ID.
uint64_t mCurrentEventId;
// The last event type we parsed.
uint64_t mCurrentEventType;
// The last system timestamp we parsed.
uint64_t mCurrentSystemTimestamp;
// The last UTC timestamp we parsed.
uint64_t mCurrentUTCTimestamp;
WEAVE_ERROR ParseEventList(nl::Weave::TLV::TLVReader & inReader,
nl::Weave::Profiles::DataManagement::SubscriptionClient & inClient);
WEAVE_ERROR ParseEvent(nl::Weave::TLV::TLVReader & inReader, nl::Weave::Profiles::DataManagement::SubscriptionClient & inClient,
StreamParsingContext & inOutParsingContext);
WEAVE_ERROR MapReceivedMaskToPublishedMask(const uint64_t & inReceivedMask, uint64_t & inOutPublishedMask);
WEAVE_ERROR UpdateContextQualifyHeader(EventHeader & inOutEventHeader, StreamParsingContext & inOutContext,
uint64_t inReceivedMask);
WEAVE_ERROR ProcessHeader(const EventHeader & inEventHeader, bool & outIsNewEvent);
virtual WEAVE_ERROR ProcessEvent(nl::Weave::TLV::TLVReader inReader,
nl::Weave::Profiles::DataManagement::SubscriptionClient & inClient,
const EventHeader & inEventHeader) = 0;
virtual WEAVE_ERROR GapDetected(const EventHeader & inEventHeader) = 0;
uint64_t mLocalNodeId;
event_id_t mLargestEventId[kImportanceType_Last - kImportanceType_First + 1];
typedef void * EventProcessor;
} // namespace WeaveMakeManagedNamespaceIdentifier(DataManagement, kWeaveManagedNamespaceDesignation_Current)
} // namespace Profiles
} // namespace Weave
} // namespace nl