blob: 6f1d3ac5a76b4a49950a66b8c33dac931d3067c4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Nest Labs, Inc.
* Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Google LLC.
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* This file implements NLWeaveDeviceManager interface
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "NLWeaveStack.h"
#import "NLLogging.h"
#include <Weave/Core/WeaveError.h>
#include <Weave/Support/CodeUtils.h>
#include <WeaveDeviceManager.h>
#include <net/if.h>
#import "NLWeaveBleDelegate.h"
#import "NLWeaveDeviceManager_Protected.h"
#import "NLWeaveDeviceDescriptor_Protected.h"
#import "NLNetworkInfo_Protected.h"
#import "NLProfileStatusError.h"
#import "NLWeaveError_Protected.h"
#include <Weave/Profiles/device-description/DeviceDescription.h>
#import "NLIdentifyDeviceCriteria_Protected.h"
#import "Base64Encoding.h"
#import "NLWirelessRegConfig_Protected.h"
static void onIdentifyDeviceComplete(nl::Weave::DeviceManager::WeaveDeviceManager * deviceMgr, void * appReqState,
const nl::Weave::DeviceManager::DeviceDescription::WeaveDeviceDescriptor * devdesc);
@interface NLWeaveDeviceManager () {
nl::Weave::DeviceManager::WeaveDeviceManager * _mWeaveCppDM;
dispatch_queue_t _mWeaveWorkQueue;
dispatch_queue_t _mAppCallbackQueue;
// Note that these context variables are independent from context variables in the C++ Weave Device Manager,
// for the C++ Weave Device Manager only takes one pointer as the app context, which is not enough to hold all
// context information we need.
WDMCompletionBlock _mCompletionHandler;
WDMFailureBlock _mFailureHandler;
NSString * _mRequestName;
CBPeripheral * _blePeripheral;
- (NSString *)GetCurrentRequest;
@implementation NLWeaveDeviceManager
@synthesize blePeripheral = _blePeripheral;
@synthesize resultCallbackQueue = _mAppCallbackQueue;
This function can only be called by the ARC runtime
- (void)dealloc
// This method can only be called by ARC
// Let's not rely on this unpredictable mechanism for de-initialization
// application shall call ShutdownStack if it want to cleanly destroy everything before application termination
[self MarkTransactionCompleted];
_mRequestName = @"dealloc-Shutdown";
// we need to force the queue to be Weave work queue, as dealloc could be
// called at random queues (most probably from UI, when the app de-reference this device manager)
dispatch_sync(_mWeaveWorkQueue, ^() {
[self Shutdown_Internal];
- (instancetype)init:(NSString *)name
exchangeMgr:(nl::Weave::WeaveExchangeManager *)exchangeMgr
securityMgr:(nl::Weave::WeaveSecurityManager *)securityMgr
self = [super init];
VerifyOrExit(nil != self, err = WEAVE_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
_mWeaveWorkQueue = weaveWorkQueue;
_mAppCallbackQueue = appCallbackQueue;
_name = name;
_mWeaveCppDM = new nl::Weave::DeviceManager::WeaveDeviceManager();
VerifyOrExit(NULL != _mWeaveCppDM, err = WEAVE_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
err = _mWeaveCppDM->Init(exchangeMgr, securityMgr);
// simple bridge shall not increase our reference count
_mWeaveCppDM->AppState = (__bridge void *) self;
[self MarkTransactionCompleted];
id result = nil;
if (WEAVE_NO_ERROR == err) {
result = self;
} else {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"Error in init : (%d) %@\n", err, [NSString stringWithUTF8String:nl::ErrorStr(err)]);
[self Shutdown_Internal];
return result;
- (void)MarkTransactionCompleted
_mRequestName = nil;
_mCompletionHandler = nil;
_mFailureHandler = nil;
- (NSString *)GetCurrentRequest
return _mRequestName;
- (void)DispatchAsyncFailureBlock:(WEAVE_ERROR)code taskName:(NSString *)taskName handler:(WDMFailureBlock)handler
NSError * error =
[NSError errorWithDomain:@"com.nest.error"
userInfo:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:nl::ErrorStr(code)],
@"error", nil]];
[self DispatchAsyncFailureBlockWithError:error taskName:taskName handler:handler];
- (void)DispatchAsyncFailureBlockWithError:(NSError *)error taskName:(NSString *)taskName handler:(WDMFailureBlock)handler
if (NULL != handler) {
// we use async because we don't need to wait for completion of this final completion report
dispatch_async(_mAppCallbackQueue, ^() {
WDM_LOG_DEBUG(@"%@: Calling failure handler for %@", _name, taskName);
handler(_owner, error);
} else {
WDM_LOG_DEBUG(@"%@: Skipping failure handler for %@", _name, taskName);
- (void)DispatchAsyncDefaultFailureBlockWithCode:(WEAVE_ERROR)code
NSError * error = [NSError errorWithDomain:@"com.nest.error" code:code userInfo:nil];
[self DispatchAsyncDefaultFailureBlock:error];
- (void)DispatchAsyncDefaultFailureBlock:(NSError *)error
NSString * taskName = _mRequestName;
WDMFailureBlock failureHandler = _mFailureHandler;
[self MarkTransactionCompleted];
[self DispatchAsyncFailureBlockWithError:error taskName:taskName handler:failureHandler];
- (void)DispatchAsyncCompletionBlock:(id)data
WDMCompletionBlock completionHandler = _mCompletionHandler;
[self MarkTransactionCompleted];
if (nil != completionHandler) {
dispatch_async(_mAppCallbackQueue, ^() {
completionHandler(_owner, data);
- (void)DispatchAsyncResponseBlock:(id)data
WDMCompletionBlock completionHandler = _mCompletionHandler;
if (nil != completionHandler) {
dispatch_async(_mAppCallbackQueue, ^() {
completionHandler(_owner, data);
- (NSString *)toErrorString:(WEAVE_ERROR)err
__block NSString * msg = nil;
dispatch_sync(_mWeaveWorkQueue, ^() {
msg = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:nl::ErrorStr(err)];
return msg;
- (NSString *)statusReportToString:(NSUInteger)profileId statusCode:(NSInteger)statusCode
NSString * report = nil;
const char * result = nl::StatusReportStr((uint32_t) profileId, statusCode);
if (result) {
report = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:result];
return report;
- (void)Shutdown_Internal
// there is no need to release Objective C objects, as we have ARC for them
if (_mWeaveCppDM) {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"Shutdown C++ Weave Device Manager");
delete _mWeaveCppDM;
_mWeaveCppDM = NULL;
if (_blePeripheral)
// autoclose is disabled when running weave connect ble, close ble after woble stack is
// destroyed
// release reference to the CBPeripheral
// since device manager is the only one who holds a strong reference to this peripheral,
// releasing it here cause immediate destruction and hence disconnection
[[[NLWeaveStack sharedStack] BleDelegate] forceBleDisconnect_Sync:_blePeripheral];
_blePeripheral = nil;
[self DispatchAsyncCompletionBlock:nil];
- (void)Shutdown:(WDMCompletionBlock)completionHandler
dispatch_async(_mWeaveWorkQueue, ^() {
// Note that conceptually we probably should not call shutdown while we're still closing the device manager and vice versa,
// but both Shutdown and Close are implemented in a synchronous way so there is really no chance for them to be intertwined.
if (nil != _mRequestName) {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"%@: Forcefully shutdown while we're still executing %@, continue shutdown", _name, _mRequestName);
[self MarkTransactionCompleted];
_mCompletionHandler = completionHandler;
_mRequestName = @"Shutdown";
[self Shutdown_Internal];
- (void)Close:(WDMCompletionBlock)completionHandler failure:(WDMFailureBlock)failureHandler;
NSString * taskName = @"Close";
dispatch_async(_mWeaveWorkQueue, ^() {
bool IsOKay = true;
if (nil != _mRequestName) {
// Note that conceptually we probably should not call shutdown while we're still closing the device manager and vice
// versa, but both Shutdown and Close are implemented in a synchronous way so there is really no chance for them to be
// intertwined.
if ([_mRequestName isEqualToString:@"Shutdown"]) {
IsOKay = false;
if (IsOKay) {
// Note that we're already in Weave work queue, which means all callbacks for the previous or current request
// has either happened/completed or would be canceled by this call to Close. Therefore, it should be safe
// to wipe out request context variables like _mRequestName and _mCompletionHandler.
if (_blePeripheral) {
[[[NLWeaveStack sharedStack] BleDelegate] forceBleDisconnect_Sync:_blePeripheral];
// autoclose is disabled when running weave connect ble, close ble after woble stack is
// destroyed
// release reference to the CBPeripheral
// since device manager is the only one who holds a strong reference to this peripheral,
// releasing it here cause immediate destruction and hence disconnection
_blePeripheral = nil;
_mRequestName = taskName;
_mCompletionHandler = completionHandler;
[self DispatchAsyncCompletionBlock:nil];
} else {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"%@: Attemp to %@ while we're still executing %@, ignore", _name, taskName, _mRequestName);
// do not change _mRequestName, as we're rejecting this request
[self DispatchAsyncFailureBlock:WEAVE_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE taskName:taskName handler:failureHandler];
- (BOOL)isConnected
__block bool result = false;
// we use sync so the result is immediately available to the caller upon return
dispatch_sync(_mWeaveWorkQueue, ^() {
result = _mWeaveCppDM->IsConnected();
return result ? YES : NO;
- (BOOL)isValidPairingCode:(NSString *)pairingCode;
__block bool result = false;
if ([pairingCode length] != 0) {
// note we're not executing in any specific queue, as this subroutine is supposed to be 'static'
result = nl::Weave::DeviceManager::WeaveDeviceManager::IsValidPairingCode([pairingCode UTF8String]);
return result ? YES : NO;
- (WEAVE_ERROR)GetDeviceId:(uint64_t *)deviceId
__block uint64_t result = 0;
VerifyOrExit(NULL != _mWeaveCppDM, err = WEAVE_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE);
VerifyOrExit(NULL != deviceId, err = WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT);
// need this bracket to use Verify macros
// we use sync so the result is immediately available to the caller upon return
dispatch_sync(_mWeaveWorkQueue, ^() {
err = _mWeaveCppDM->GetDeviceId(result);
WDM_LOG_DEBUG(@"Got incorrect state error from GetDeviceId, ignore");
err = WEAVE_NO_ERROR; // No exception, just return 0.
result = 0;
if ((WEAVE_NO_ERROR == err) && (NULL != deviceId)) {
*deviceId = result;
return err;
- (WEAVE_ERROR)GetDeviceMgrPtr:(long long *)deviceMgrPtr
*deviceMgrPtr = (long long) _mWeaveCppDM;
return err;
- (WEAVE_ERROR)GetDeviceAddress:(NSMutableString *)strAddr;
__block NSString * strResult = nil;
VerifyOrExit(NULL != strAddr, err = WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT);
// need this bracket to use Verify macros
// we use sync so the result is immediately available to the caller upon return
dispatch_sync(_mWeaveWorkQueue, ^() {
nl::Inet::IPAddress devAddr;
err = _mWeaveCppDM->GetDeviceAddress(devAddr);
if (WEAVE_NO_ERROR == err) {
char devAddrStrBuf[32];
strResult = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:devAddr.ToString(devAddrStrBuf, sizeof(devAddrStrBuf))];
} else {
strResult = @"";
[strAddr setString:strResult];
err = WEAVE_NO_ERROR; // No exception, just return null.
return err;
static void HandleSimpleOperationComplete(nl::Weave::DeviceManager::WeaveDeviceManager * deviceMgr, void * reqState)
NLWeaveDeviceManager * dm = (__bridge NLWeaveDeviceManager *) reqState;
// ignore the pointer to C++ device manager
(void) deviceMgr;
[dm DispatchAsyncCompletionBlock:nil];
static void onIdentifyDeviceComplete(nl::Weave::DeviceManager::WeaveDeviceManager * deviceMgr, void * appReqState,
const nl::Weave::DeviceManager::DeviceDescription::WeaveDeviceDescriptor * devdesc)
NLWeaveDeviceManager * dm = (__bridge NLWeaveDeviceManager *) appReqState;
// ignore the pointer to C++ device manager
(void) deviceMgr;
[dm DispatchAsyncCompletionBlock:[NLWeaveDeviceDescriptor createUsing:*devdesc]];
static void onWeaveError(nl::Weave::DeviceManager::WeaveDeviceManager * deviceMgr, void * appReqState, WEAVE_ERROR code,
nl::Weave::DeviceManager::DeviceStatus * devStatus)
NSError * error = nil;
NSDictionary * userInfo = nil;
NLWeaveDeviceManager * dm = (__bridge NLWeaveDeviceManager *) appReqState;
// ignore the pointer to C++ device manager
(void) deviceMgr;
WDM_LOG_DEBUG(@"%@: Received error response to request %@, deviceMgrErr = %d, devStatus = %p\n",,
[dm GetCurrentRequest], code, devStatus);
NLWeaveRequestError requestError;
if (devStatus != NULL && code == WEAVE_ERROR_STATUS_REPORT_RECEIVED) {
NLProfileStatusError * statusError = [[NLProfileStatusError alloc]
statusReport:[dm statusReportToString:devStatus->StatusProfileId statusCode:devStatus->StatusCode]];
requestError = NLWeaveRequestError_ProfileStatusError;
userInfo = @{@"WeaveRequestErrorType" : @(requestError), @"errorInfo" : statusError};
WDM_LOG_DEBUG(@"%@: status error: %@",, userInfo);
} else {
NLWeaveError * weaveError = [[NLWeaveError alloc] initWithWeaveError:code
report:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:nl::ErrorStr(code)]];
requestError = NLWeaveRequestError_WeaveError;
userInfo = @{@"WeaveRequestErrorType" : @(requestError), @"errorInfo" : weaveError};
error = [NSError errorWithDomain:@"com.nest.error" code:code userInfo:userInfo];
[dm DispatchAsyncDefaultFailureBlock:error];
- (void)identifyDevice:(WDMCompletionBlock)completionHandler failure:(WDMFailureBlock)failureHandler
NSString * taskName = @"IdentifyDevice";
// we use async for the results are sent back to caller via async means also
dispatch_async(_mWeaveWorkQueue, ^() {
if (nil == _mRequestName) {
_mRequestName = taskName;
_mCompletionHandler = completionHandler;
_mFailureHandler = failureHandler;
WEAVE_ERROR err = _mWeaveCppDM->IdentifyDevice((__bridge void *) self, onIdentifyDeviceComplete, onWeaveError);
if (WEAVE_NO_ERROR != err) {
[self DispatchAsyncDefaultFailureBlockWithCode:err];
} else {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"%@: Attemp to %@ while we're still executing %@, ignore", _name, taskName, _mRequestName);
// do not change _mRequestName, as we're rejecting this request
[self DispatchAsyncFailureBlock:WEAVE_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE taskName:taskName handler:failureHandler];
- (void)rendezvousWithDevicePairingCode:(NSString *)pairingCode
// Note that NLIdentifyDeviceCriteria::create an empty criteria, which shall meet all devices
// The prior implementation for this function, however, puts a limitation on the device mode
NLIdentifyDeviceCriteria * criteria = [NLIdentifyDeviceCriteria create];
criteria.TargetModes = NLTargetDeviceModeUserSelectedMode;
[self rendezvousWithDevicePairingCode:pairingCode
- (void)rendezvousWithDevicePairingCode:(NSString *)pairingCode
identifyDeviceCriteria:(NLIdentifyDeviceCriteria *)identifyDeviceCriteria
NSString * taskName = @"RendezvousDevice";
// we use async for the results are sent back to caller via async means also
dispatch_async(_mWeaveWorkQueue, ^() {
if (nil == _mRequestName) {
_mRequestName = taskName;
_mCompletionHandler = completionHandler;
_mFailureHandler = failureHandler;
nl::Weave::Profiles::DeviceDescription::IdentifyDeviceCriteria deviceCriteria =
[identifyDeviceCriteria toIdentifyDeviceCriteria];
// note that RendezvousDevice interanlly makes a copy of the pairing code before return
WEAVE_ERROR err = _mWeaveCppDM->RendezvousDevice(
[pairingCode UTF8String], deviceCriteria, (__bridge void *) self, HandleSimpleOperationComplete, onWeaveError);
if (WEAVE_NO_ERROR != err) {
[self DispatchAsyncDefaultFailureBlockWithCode:err];
} else {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"%@: Attemp to %@ while we're still executing %@, ignore", _name, taskName, _mRequestName);
// do not change _mRequestName, as we're rejecting this request
[self DispatchAsyncFailureBlock:WEAVE_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE taskName:taskName handler:failureHandler];
- (void)rendezvousWithDeviceAccessToken:(NSString *)accessToken
identifyDeviceCriteria:(NLIdentifyDeviceCriteria *)identifyDeviceCriteria
NSString * taskName = @"RendezvousDevice";
// we use async for the results are sent back to caller via async means also
dispatch_async(_mWeaveWorkQueue, ^() {
if (nil == _mRequestName) {
_mRequestName = taskName;
_mCompletionHandler = completionHandler;
_mFailureHandler = failureHandler;
nl::Weave::Profiles::DeviceDescription::IdentifyDeviceCriteria criteria =
[identifyDeviceCriteria toIdentifyDeviceCriteria];
Base64Encoding * base64coder = [Base64Encoding createBase64StringEncoding];
NSData * accessTokenData = [base64coder decode:accessToken];
// Note: accessTokenData is not supposed to be longer than uint32_t_max bytes
// Weave, in general, uses unsigned 32-bit to represent data length
uint32_t accessTokenLen = (uint32_t)[accessTokenData length];
uint8_t * pAccessToken = (uint8_t *) [accessTokenData bytes];
// note that RendezvousDevice interanlly makes a copy of the access token before return
WEAVE_ERROR err = _mWeaveCppDM->RendezvousDevice(
pAccessToken, accessTokenLen, criteria, (__bridge void *) self, HandleSimpleOperationComplete, onWeaveError);
if (WEAVE_NO_ERROR != err) {
[self DispatchAsyncDefaultFailureBlockWithCode:err];
} else {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"%@: Attemp to %@ while we're still executing %@, ignore", _name, taskName, _mRequestName);
// do not change _mRequestName, as we're rejecting this request
[self DispatchAsyncFailureBlock:WEAVE_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE taskName:taskName handler:failureHandler];
- (void)passiveRendezvousWithCompletion:(WDMCompletionBlock)completionHandler failure:(WDMFailureBlock)failureHandler
NSString * taskName = @"PassiveRendezvous";
// we use async for the results are sent back to caller via async means also
dispatch_async(_mWeaveWorkQueue, ^() {
if (nil == _mRequestName) {
_mRequestName = taskName;
_mCompletionHandler = completionHandler;
_mFailureHandler = failureHandler;
= _mWeaveCppDM->PassiveRendezvousDevice((__bridge void *) self, HandleSimpleOperationComplete, onWeaveError);
if (WEAVE_NO_ERROR != err) {
[self DispatchAsyncDefaultFailureBlockWithCode:err];
} else {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"%@: Attemp to %@ while we're still executing %@, ignore", _name, taskName, _mRequestName);
// do not change _mRequestName, as we're rejecting this request
[self DispatchAsyncFailureBlock:WEAVE_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE taskName:taskName handler:failureHandler];
- (void)passiveRendezvousWithDevicePairingCode:(NSString *)pairingCode
NSString * taskName = @"PassiveRendezvous";
// we use async for the results are sent back to caller via async means also
dispatch_async(_mWeaveWorkQueue, ^() {
if (nil == _mRequestName) {
_mRequestName = taskName;
_mCompletionHandler = completionHandler;
_mFailureHandler = failureHandler;
// note that PassiveRendezvousDevice interanlly makes a copy of the pairing code before return
WEAVE_ERROR err = _mWeaveCppDM->PassiveRendezvousDevice(
[pairingCode UTF8String], (__bridge void *) self, HandleSimpleOperationComplete, onWeaveError);
if (WEAVE_NO_ERROR != err) {
[self DispatchAsyncDefaultFailureBlockWithCode:err];
} else {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"%@: Attemp to %@ while we're still executing %@, ignore", _name, taskName, _mRequestName);
// do not change _mRequestName, as we're rejecting this request
[self DispatchAsyncFailureBlock:WEAVE_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE taskName:taskName handler:failureHandler];
- (void)passiveRendezvousWithDeviceAccessToken:(NSString *)accessToken
NSString * taskName = @"PassiveRendezvous";
// we use async for the results are sent back to caller via async means also
dispatch_async(_mWeaveWorkQueue, ^() {
if (nil == _mRequestName) {
_mRequestName = taskName;
_mCompletionHandler = completionHandler;
_mFailureHandler = failureHandler;
Base64Encoding * base64coder = [Base64Encoding createBase64StringEncoding];
NSData * accessTokenData = [base64coder decode:accessToken];
// Note: accessTokenData is not supposed to be longer than uint32_t_max bytes
// Weave, in general, uses unsigned 32-bit to represent data length
uint32_t accessTokenLen = (uint32_t)[accessTokenData length];
uint8_t * pAccessToken = (uint8_t *) [accessTokenData bytes];
// note that PassiveRendezvousDevice interanlly makes a copy of the access token before return
WEAVE_ERROR err = _mWeaveCppDM->PassiveRendezvousDevice(
pAccessToken, accessTokenLen, (__bridge void *) self, HandleSimpleOperationComplete, onWeaveError);
if (WEAVE_NO_ERROR != err) {
[self DispatchAsyncDefaultFailureBlockWithCode:err];
} else {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"%@: Attemp to %@ while we're still executing %@, ignore", _name, taskName, _mRequestName);
// do not change _mRequestName, as we're rejecting this request
[self DispatchAsyncFailureBlock:WEAVE_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE taskName:taskName handler:failureHandler];
- (void)remotePassiveRendezvousWithDevicePairingCode:(NSString *)pairingCode
IPAddress:(NSString *)IPAddress
NSString * taskName = @"RemotePassiveRendezvous";
// we use async for the results are sent back to caller via async means also
dispatch_async(_mWeaveWorkQueue, ^() {
if (nil == _mRequestName) {
_mRequestName = taskName;
_mCompletionHandler = completionHandler;
_mFailureHandler = failureHandler;
nl::Inet::IPAddress rendezvousAddr;
const char * rendezvousAddrStr = [IPAddress UTF8String];
if (!nl::Inet::IPAddress::IPAddress::FromString(rendezvousAddrStr, rendezvousAddr)) {
rendezvousAddr = nl::Inet::IPAddress::Any;
// note that RemotePassiveRendezvous interanlly makes a copy of the pairing code before return
WEAVE_ERROR err = _mWeaveCppDM->RemotePassiveRendezvous(rendezvousAddr, [pairingCode UTF8String], rendezvousTimeoutSec,
inactivityTimeoutSec, (__bridge void *) self, HandleSimpleOperationComplete, onWeaveError);
if (WEAVE_NO_ERROR != err) {
[self DispatchAsyncDefaultFailureBlockWithCode:err];
} else {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"%@: Attemp to %@ while we're still executing %@, ignore", _name, taskName, _mRequestName);
// do not change _mRequestName, as we're rejecting this request
[self DispatchAsyncFailureBlock:WEAVE_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE taskName:taskName handler:failureHandler];
- (NSInteger)setRendezvousAddress:(NSString *)aRendezvousAddress
const char * rendezvousAddrStr = [aRendezvousAddress UTF8String];
nl::Inet::IPAddress rendezvousAddr;
if (!nl::Inet::IPAddress::FromString(rendezvousAddrStr, rendezvousAddr)) {
// need this bracket to use Verify macros
// we use sync so the result is immediately available to the caller upon return
dispatch_sync(_mWeaveWorkQueue, ^() {
err = _mWeaveCppDM->SetWiFiRendezvousAddress(rendezvousAddr);
return err;
static void onDeviceEnumerationResponse(nl::Weave::DeviceManager::WeaveDeviceManager * deviceMgr, void * appReqState,
const nl::Weave::DeviceManager::DeviceDescription::WeaveDeviceDescriptor * devdesc, nl::Inet::IPAddress deviceAddr,
nl::Inet::InterfaceId deviceIntf)
NLWeaveDeviceManager * dm = (__bridge NLWeaveDeviceManager *) appReqState;
NSString * deviceAddrStr;
NSDictionary * deviceEnumerationResponsePlist;
char devAddrCStr[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN + IF_NAMESIZE + 2]; // Include space for "<addr>%<interface name>" and NULL terminator
// ignore the pointer to C++ device manager
(void) deviceMgr;
VerifyOrExit(deviceAddr.ToString(devAddrCStr, sizeof(devAddrCStr)) != NULL, err = WEAVE_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
// Add "%" separator character, with NULL terminator, per IETF RFCs 4001 and 4007
VerifyOrExit(snprintf(&(devAddrCStr[strlen(devAddrCStr)]), 2, "%%") > 0, err = nl::Weave::System::MapErrorPOSIX(errno));
// Concatenate zone index (aka interface name) to IP address, with NULL terminator, per IETF RFCs 4001 and 4007
err = nl::Inet::GetInterfaceName(deviceIntf, &(devAddrCStr[strlen(devAddrCStr)]), IF_NAMESIZE + 1);
// create NSString from IPAddress, including IPv6 zone identifier
deviceAddrStr = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:devAddrCStr];
deviceEnumerationResponsePlist =
@ { @"deviceAddress" : deviceAddrStr, @"deviceDescriptor" : [NLWeaveDeviceDescriptor createUsing:*devdesc] };
[dm DispatchAsyncResponseBlock:deviceEnumerationResponsePlist];
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"Error in onDeviceEnumerationResponse: (%d) %@\n", err, [NSString stringWithUTF8String:nl::ErrorStr(err)]);
- (void)startDeviceEnumerationWithIdentifyDeviceCriteria:(NLIdentifyDeviceCriteria *)identifyDeviceCriteria
NSString * taskName = @"DeviceEnumeration";
// we use async for the results that are sent back to caller via async means also
dispatch_async(_mWeaveWorkQueue, ^() {
if (nil == _mRequestName) {
_mRequestName = taskName;
_mCompletionHandler = completionBlock;
_mFailureHandler = failureBlock;
nl::Weave::Profiles::DeviceDescription::IdentifyDeviceCriteria deviceCriteria =
[identifyDeviceCriteria toIdentifyDeviceCriteria];
WEAVE_ERROR err = _mWeaveCppDM->StartDeviceEnumeration(
(__bridge void *) self, deviceCriteria, onDeviceEnumerationResponse, onWeaveError);
if (WEAVE_NO_ERROR != err) {
[self DispatchAsyncDefaultFailureBlockWithCode:err];
} else {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"%@: Attemp to %@ while we're still executing %@, ignore", _name, taskName, _mRequestName);
// do not change _mRequestName, as we're rejecting this request
[self DispatchAsyncFailureBlock:WEAVE_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE taskName:taskName handler:failureBlock];
- (void)stopDeviceEnumeration
dispatch_sync(_mWeaveWorkQueue, ^() {
[self MarkTransactionCompleted];
- (void)connectDevice:(uint64_t)deviceId
deviceAddress:(NSString *)deviceAddress
NSString * taskName = @"ConnectDevice";
// we use async for the results are sent back to caller via async means also
dispatch_async(_mWeaveWorkQueue, ^() {
if (nil == _mRequestName) {
_mRequestName = taskName;
_mCompletionHandler = completionHandler;
_mFailureHandler = failureHandler;
nl::Inet::IPAddress deviceAddr;
nl::Inet::IPAddress::FromString([deviceAddress UTF8String], deviceAddr);
WEAVE_ERROR err = _mWeaveCppDM->ConnectDevice(
deviceId, deviceAddr, (__bridge void *) self, HandleSimpleOperationComplete, onWeaveError);
if (WEAVE_NO_ERROR != err) {
[self DispatchAsyncDefaultFailureBlockWithCode:err];
} else {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"%@: Attemp to %@ while we're still executing %@, ignore", _name, taskName, _mRequestName);
// do not change _mRequestName, as we're rejecting this request
[self DispatchAsyncFailureBlock:WEAVE_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE taskName:taskName handler:failureHandler];
- (void)reconnectDevice:(WDMCompletionBlock)completionHandler failure:(WDMFailureBlock)failureHandler
NSString * taskName = @"ReconnectDevice";
// we use async for the results are sent back to caller via async means also
dispatch_async(_mWeaveWorkQueue, ^() {
if (nil == _mRequestName) {
_mRequestName = taskName;
_mCompletionHandler = completionHandler;
_mFailureHandler = failureHandler;
WEAVE_ERROR err = _mWeaveCppDM->ReconnectDevice((__bridge void *) self, HandleSimpleOperationComplete, onWeaveError);
if (WEAVE_NO_ERROR != err) {
[self DispatchAsyncDefaultFailureBlockWithCode:err];
} else {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"%@: Attemp to %@ while we're still executing %@, ignore", _name, taskName, _mRequestName);
// do not change _mRequestName, as we're rejecting this request
[self DispatchAsyncFailureBlock:WEAVE_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE taskName:taskName handler:failureHandler];
- (void)connectBle:(CBPeripheral *)peripheral
NSString * taskName = @"ConnectBle";
// we use async for the results are sent back to caller via async means also
dispatch_async(_mWeaveWorkQueue, ^() {
if (nil == _mRequestName) {
_mRequestName = taskName;
_mCompletionHandler = completionHandler;
_mFailureHandler = failureHandler;
_blePeripheral = peripheral;
// this will be called when the preparation completes one Weave work queue
_BleConnectionPreparationCompleteHandler = ^(NLWeaveDeviceManager * dm, WEAVE_ERROR err) {
if (WEAVE_NO_ERROR == err) {
err = _mWeaveCppDM->ConnectBle(
(__bridge void *) _blePeripheral, (__bridge void *) self, HandleSimpleOperationComplete, onWeaveError);
if (WEAVE_NO_ERROR != err) {
[dm DispatchAsyncDefaultFailureBlockWithCode:err];
[[[NLWeaveStack sharedStack] BleDelegate] prepareNewBleConnection:self];
} else {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"%@: Attemp to %@ while we're still executing %@, ignore", _name, taskName, _mRequestName);
// do not change _mRequestName, as we're rejecting this request
[self DispatchAsyncFailureBlock:WEAVE_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE taskName:taskName handler:failureHandler];
- (void)connectBleWithPairingCode:(CBPeripheral *)peripheral
pairingCode:(NSString *)pairingCode
NSString * taskName = @"ConnectBle";
// we use async for the results are sent back to caller via async means also
dispatch_async(_mWeaveWorkQueue, ^() {
if (nil == _mRequestName) {
_mRequestName = taskName;
_mCompletionHandler = completionHandler;
_mFailureHandler = failureHandler;
_blePeripheral = peripheral;
// this will be called when the preparation completes one Weave work queue
_BleConnectionPreparationCompleteHandler = ^(NLWeaveDeviceManager * dm, WEAVE_ERROR err) {
if (WEAVE_NO_ERROR == err) {
const char * pairingCodeStr = [pairingCode UTF8String];
err = _mWeaveCppDM->ConnectBle((__bridge void *) _blePeripheral, pairingCodeStr, (__bridge void *) self,
HandleSimpleOperationComplete, onWeaveError);
if (WEAVE_NO_ERROR != err) {
[dm DispatchAsyncDefaultFailureBlockWithCode:err];
[[[NLWeaveStack sharedStack] BleDelegate] prepareNewBleConnection:self];
} else {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"%@: Attemp to %@ while we're still executing %@, ignore", _name, taskName, _mRequestName);
// do not change _mRequestName, as we're rejecting this request
[self DispatchAsyncFailureBlock:WEAVE_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE taskName:taskName handler:failureHandler];
static void onGetCameraAuthDataComplete(
nl::Weave::DeviceManager::WeaveDeviceManager * deviceMgr, void * reqState, const char * macAddress, const char * signedPayload)
NLWeaveDeviceManager * dm = (__bridge NLWeaveDeviceManager *) reqState;
// ignore the pointer to C++ device manager
(void) deviceMgr;
NSString * macAddressStr = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:macAddress];
NSString * signedPayloadStr = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:signedPayload];
WDM_LOG_DEBUG(@"Camera MAC = %s, payload = %s\n", macAddress, signedPayload);
NSDictionary * cameraAuthDataPlist = @ { @"macAddress" : macAddressStr, @"signedPayload" : signedPayloadStr };
[dm DispatchAsyncCompletionBlock:cameraAuthDataPlist];
- (void)getCameraAuthData:(NSString *)nonce completion:(WDMCompletionBlock)completionBlock failure:(WDMFailureBlock)failureBlock
NSString * taskName = @"GetCameraAuthData";
// we use async for the results are sent back to caller via async means also
dispatch_async(_mWeaveWorkQueue, ^() {
if (nil == _mRequestName) {
_mRequestName = taskName;
_mCompletionHandler = completionBlock;
_mFailureHandler = failureBlock;
const char * nonceStr = [nonce UTF8String];
= _mWeaveCppDM->GetCameraAuthData(nonceStr, (__bridge void *) self, onGetCameraAuthDataComplete, onWeaveError);
if (WEAVE_NO_ERROR != err) {
[self DispatchAsyncDefaultFailureBlockWithCode:err];
} else {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"%@: Attemp to %@ while we're still executing %@, ignore", _name, taskName, _mRequestName);
// do not change _mRequestName, as we're rejecting this request
[self DispatchAsyncFailureBlock:WEAVE_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE taskName:taskName handler:failureBlock];
- (void)connectBleWithDeviceAccessToken:(CBPeripheral *)peripheral
accessToken:(NSString *)accessToken
NSString * taskName = @"ConnectBle";
// we use async for the results are sent back to caller via async means also
dispatch_async(_mWeaveWorkQueue, ^() {
if (nil == _mRequestName) {
_mRequestName = taskName;
_mCompletionHandler = completionHandler;
_mFailureHandler = failureHandler;
_blePeripheral = peripheral;
// this will be called when the preparation completes one Weave work queue
_BleConnectionPreparationCompleteHandler = ^(NLWeaveDeviceManager * dm, WEAVE_ERROR err) {
if (WEAVE_NO_ERROR == err) {
Base64Encoding * base64coder = [Base64Encoding createBase64StringEncoding];
NSData * accessTokenData = [base64coder decode:accessToken];
// Note: accessTokenData is not supposed to be longer than uint32_t_max bytes
// Weave, in general, uses unsigned 32-bit to represent data length
uint32_t accessTokenLen = (uint32_t)[accessTokenData length];
uint8_t * pAccessToken = (uint8_t *) [accessTokenData bytes];
err = _mWeaveCppDM->ConnectBle((__bridge void *) _blePeripheral, pAccessToken, accessTokenLen,
(__bridge void *) self, HandleSimpleOperationComplete, onWeaveError);
if (WEAVE_NO_ERROR != err) {
[dm DispatchAsyncDefaultFailureBlockWithCode:err];
[[[NLWeaveStack sharedStack] BleDelegate] prepareNewBleConnection:self];
} else {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"%@: Attemp to %@ while we're still executing %@, ignore", _name, taskName, _mRequestName);
// do not change _mRequestName, as we're rejecting this request
[self DispatchAsyncFailureBlock:WEAVE_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE taskName:taskName handler:failureHandler];
static void onGetWirelessRegulatoryConfigComplete(nl::Weave::DeviceManager::WeaveDeviceManager * deviceMgr, void * reqState,
const nl::Weave::Profiles::NetworkProvisioning::WirelessRegConfig * regConfig)
NLWeaveDeviceManager * dm = (__bridge NLWeaveDeviceManager *) reqState;
// ignore the pointer to C++ device manager
(void) deviceMgr;
[dm DispatchAsyncCompletionBlock:[NLWirelessRegConfig createUsing:regConfig]];
- (void)getWirelessRegulatoryConfig:(WDMCompletionBlock)completionBlock failure:(WDMFailureBlock)failureBlock
NSString * taskName = @"GetWirelessRegulatoryConfig";
// we use async for the results are sent back to caller via async means also
dispatch_async(_mWeaveWorkQueue, ^() {
if (nil == _mRequestName) {
_mRequestName = taskName;
_mCompletionHandler = completionBlock;
_mFailureHandler = failureBlock;
WEAVE_ERROR err = _mWeaveCppDM->GetWirelessRegulatoryConfig(
(__bridge void *) self, onGetWirelessRegulatoryConfigComplete, onWeaveError);
if (WEAVE_NO_ERROR != err) {
[self DispatchAsyncDefaultFailureBlockWithCode:err];
} else {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"%@: Attemp to %@ while we're still executing %@, ignore", _name, taskName, _mRequestName);
// do not change _mRequestName, as we're rejecting this request
[self DispatchAsyncFailureBlock:WEAVE_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE taskName:taskName handler:failureBlock];
- (void)setWirelessRegulatoryConfig:(NLWirelessRegConfig *)nlWirelessRegConfig
NSString * taskName = @"SetWirelessRegulatoryConfig";
// we use async for the results are sent back to caller via async means also
dispatch_async(_mWeaveWorkQueue, ^() {
if (nil == _mRequestName) {
_mRequestName = taskName;
_mCompletionHandler = completionBlock;
_mFailureHandler = failureBlock;
nl::Weave::Profiles::NetworkProvisioning::WirelessRegConfig wirelessRegConfig =
[nlWirelessRegConfig toWirelessRegConfig];
WEAVE_ERROR err = _mWeaveCppDM->SetWirelessRegulatoryConfig(
&wirelessRegConfig, (__bridge void *) self, HandleSimpleOperationComplete, onWeaveError);
if (WEAVE_NO_ERROR != err) {
[self DispatchAsyncDefaultFailureBlockWithCode:err];
} else {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"%@: Attemp to %@ while we're still executing %@, ignore", _name, taskName, _mRequestName);
// do not change _mRequestName, as we're rejecting this request
[self DispatchAsyncFailureBlock:WEAVE_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE taskName:taskName handler:failureBlock];
static void onNetworkScanComplete(
nl::Weave::DeviceManager::WeaveDeviceManager * deviceMgr, void * reqState, uint16_t netCount, const NetworkInfo * netInfoList)
NLWeaveDeviceManager * dm = (__bridge NLWeaveDeviceManager *) reqState;
// ignore the pointer to C++ device manager
(void) deviceMgr;
NSMutableArray * networkInfoList = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:netCount];
WDM_LOG_DEBUG(@"Count = %u\n", netCount);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < netCount; i++) {
NetworkInfo * pNetworkInfoElement = (NetworkInfo *) &netInfoList[i];
NLNetworkInfo * nlNetworkInfo = [NLNetworkInfo createUsing:pNetworkInfoElement];
[networkInfoList addObject:nlNetworkInfo];
[dm DispatchAsyncCompletionBlock:networkInfoList];
- (void)scanNetworks:(NLNetworkType)networkType completion:(WDMCompletionBlock)completionBlock failure:(WDMFailureBlock)failureBlock
NSString * taskName = @"ScanNetworks";
// we use async for the results are sent back to caller via async means also
dispatch_async(_mWeaveWorkQueue, ^() {
if (nil == _mRequestName) {
_mRequestName = taskName;
_mCompletionHandler = completionBlock;
_mFailureHandler = failureBlock;
bool isValidType = false;
nl::Weave::Profiles::NetworkProvisioning::NetworkType type;
switch (networkType) {
case kNLNetworkType_NotSpecified:
type = nl::Weave::Profiles::NetworkProvisioning::kNetworkType_NotSpecified;
isValidType = true;
case kNLNetworkType_WiFi:
type = nl::Weave::Profiles::NetworkProvisioning::kNetworkType_WiFi;
isValidType = true;
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"%@: invalid network type, abort", _name);
type = nl::Weave::Profiles::NetworkProvisioning::kNetworkType_NotSpecified;
isValidType = false;
if (isValidType) {
WEAVE_ERROR err = _mWeaveCppDM->ScanNetworks(type, (__bridge void *) self, onNetworkScanComplete, onWeaveError);
if (WEAVE_NO_ERROR != err) {
[self DispatchAsyncDefaultFailureBlockWithCode:err];
} else {
[self DispatchAsyncDefaultFailureBlockWithCode:WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT];
} else {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"%@: Attemp to %@ while we're still executing %@, ignore", _name, taskName, _mRequestName);
// do not change _mRequestName, as we're rejecting this request
[self DispatchAsyncFailureBlock:WEAVE_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE taskName:taskName handler:failureBlock];
static void onAddNetworkComplete(nl::Weave::DeviceManager::WeaveDeviceManager * deviceMgr, void * reqState, uint32_t networkId)
NLWeaveDeviceManager * dm = (__bridge NLWeaveDeviceManager *) reqState;
// ignore the pointer to C++ device manager
(void) deviceMgr;
WDM_LOG_DEBUG(@"networkId = %u\n", networkId);
[dm DispatchAsyncCompletionBlock:@(networkId)];
- (void)addNetwork:(NLNetworkInfo *)nlNetworkInfo
NSString * taskName = @"AddNetwork";
// we use async for the results are sent back to caller via async means also
dispatch_async(_mWeaveWorkQueue, ^() {
if (nil == _mRequestName) {
_mRequestName = taskName;
_mCompletionHandler = completionBlock;
_mFailureHandler = failureBlock;
NetworkInfo networkInfo = [nlNetworkInfo toNetworkInfo];
WEAVE_ERROR err = _mWeaveCppDM->AddNetwork(&networkInfo, (__bridge void *) self, onAddNetworkComplete, onWeaveError);
if (WEAVE_NO_ERROR != err) {
[self DispatchAsyncDefaultFailureBlockWithCode:err];
} else {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"%@: Attemp to %@ while we're still executing %@, ignore", _name, taskName, _mRequestName);
// do not change _mRequestName, as we're rejecting this request
[self DispatchAsyncFailureBlock:WEAVE_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE taskName:taskName handler:failureBlock];
- (void)updateNetwork:(NLNetworkInfo *)nlNetworkInfo
NSString * taskName = @"updateNetwork";
// we use async for the results are sent back to caller via async means also
dispatch_async(_mWeaveWorkQueue, ^() {
if (nil == _mRequestName) {
_mRequestName = taskName;
_mCompletionHandler = completionBlock;
_mFailureHandler = failureBlock;
NetworkInfo networkInfo = [nlNetworkInfo toNetworkInfo];
= _mWeaveCppDM->UpdateNetwork(&networkInfo, (__bridge void *) self, HandleSimpleOperationComplete, onWeaveError);
if (WEAVE_NO_ERROR != err) {
[self DispatchAsyncDefaultFailureBlockWithCode:err];
} else {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"%@: Attemp to %@ while we're still executing %@, ignore", _name, taskName, _mRequestName);
// do not change _mRequestName, as we're rejecting this request
[self DispatchAsyncFailureBlock:WEAVE_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE taskName:taskName handler:failureBlock];
- (void)removeNetwork:(NLNetworkID)networkId completion:(WDMCompletionBlock)completionBlock failure:(WDMFailureBlock)failureBlock
NSString * taskName = @"removeNetwork";
// we use async for the results are sent back to caller via async means also
dispatch_async(_mWeaveWorkQueue, ^() {
if (nil == _mRequestName) {
_mRequestName = taskName;
_mCompletionHandler = completionBlock;
_mFailureHandler = failureBlock;
WEAVE_ERROR err = _mWeaveCppDM->RemoveNetwork(
(uint32_t) networkId, (__bridge void *) self, HandleSimpleOperationComplete, onWeaveError);
if (WEAVE_NO_ERROR != err) {
[self DispatchAsyncDefaultFailureBlockWithCode:err];
} else {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"%@: Attemp to %@ while we're still executing %@, ignore", _name, taskName, _mRequestName);
// do not change _mRequestName, as we're rejecting this request
[self DispatchAsyncFailureBlock:WEAVE_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE taskName:taskName handler:failureBlock];
- (void)getNetworks:(uint8_t)flags completion:(WDMCompletionBlock)completionBlock failure:(WDMFailureBlock)failureBlock
NSString * taskName = @"getNetworks";
// we use async for the results are sent back to caller via async means also
dispatch_async(_mWeaveWorkQueue, ^() {
if (nil == _mRequestName) {
_mRequestName = taskName;
_mCompletionHandler = completionBlock;
_mFailureHandler = failureBlock;
WEAVE_ERROR err = _mWeaveCppDM->GetNetworks(flags, (__bridge void *) self, onNetworkScanComplete, onWeaveError);
if (WEAVE_NO_ERROR != err) {
[self DispatchAsyncDefaultFailureBlockWithCode:err];
} else {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"%@: Attemp to %@ while we're still executing %@, ignore", _name, taskName, _mRequestName);
// do not change _mRequestName, as we're rejecting this request
[self DispatchAsyncFailureBlock:WEAVE_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE taskName:taskName handler:failureBlock];
- (void)enableNetwork:(NLNetworkID)networkId completion:(WDMCompletionBlock)completionBlock failure:(WDMFailureBlock)failureBlock
NSString * taskName = @"enableNetwork";
// we use async for the results are sent back to caller via async means also
dispatch_async(_mWeaveWorkQueue, ^() {
if (nil == _mRequestName) {
_mRequestName = taskName;
_mCompletionHandler = completionBlock;
_mFailureHandler = failureBlock;
WEAVE_ERROR err = _mWeaveCppDM->EnableNetwork(
(uint32_t) networkId, (__bridge void *) self, HandleSimpleOperationComplete, onWeaveError);
if (WEAVE_NO_ERROR != err) {
[self DispatchAsyncDefaultFailureBlockWithCode:err];
} else {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"%@: Attemp to %@ while we're still executing %@, ignore", _name, taskName, _mRequestName);
// do not change _mRequestName, as we're rejecting this request
[self DispatchAsyncFailureBlock:WEAVE_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE taskName:taskName handler:failureBlock];
- (void)disableNetwork:(NLNetworkID)networkId completion:(WDMCompletionBlock)completionBlock failure:(WDMFailureBlock)failureBlock
NSString * taskName = @"disableNetwork";
// we use async for the results are sent back to caller via async means also
dispatch_async(_mWeaveWorkQueue, ^() {
if (nil == _mRequestName) {
_mRequestName = taskName;
_mCompletionHandler = completionBlock;
_mFailureHandler = failureBlock;
WEAVE_ERROR err = _mWeaveCppDM->DisableNetwork(
(uint32_t) networkId, (__bridge void *) self, HandleSimpleOperationComplete, onWeaveError);
if (WEAVE_NO_ERROR != err) {
[self DispatchAsyncDefaultFailureBlockWithCode:err];
} else {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"%@: Attemp to %@ while we're still executing %@, ignore", _name, taskName, _mRequestName);
// do not change _mRequestName, as we're rejecting this request
[self DispatchAsyncFailureBlock:WEAVE_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE taskName:taskName handler:failureBlock];
- (void)testNetworkConnectivity:(NLNetworkID)networkId
NSString * taskName = @"testNetworkConnectivity";
// we use async for the results are sent back to caller via async means also
dispatch_async(_mWeaveWorkQueue, ^() {
if (nil == _mRequestName) {
_mRequestName = taskName;
_mCompletionHandler = completionBlock;
_mFailureHandler = failureBlock;
WEAVE_ERROR err = _mWeaveCppDM->TestNetworkConnectivity(
(uint32_t) networkId, (__bridge void *) self, HandleSimpleOperationComplete, onWeaveError);
if (WEAVE_NO_ERROR != err) {
[self DispatchAsyncDefaultFailureBlockWithCode:err];
} else {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"%@: Attemp to %@ while we're still executing %@, ignore", _name, taskName, _mRequestName);
// do not change _mRequestName, as we're rejecting this request
[self DispatchAsyncFailureBlock:WEAVE_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE taskName:taskName handler:failureBlock];
static void onGetRendezvousModeComplete(
nl::Weave::DeviceManager::WeaveDeviceManager * deviceMgr, void * reqState, uint16_t modeFlags)
NLWeaveDeviceManager * dm = (__bridge NLWeaveDeviceManager *) reqState;
// ignore the pointer to C++ device manager
(void) deviceMgr;
WDM_LOG_DEBUG(@"networkId = %u\n", modeFlags);
[dm DispatchAsyncCompletionBlock:@(modeFlags)];
- (void)getRendezvousMode:(WDMCompletionBlock)completionBlock failure:(WDMFailureBlock)failureBlock
NSString * taskName = @"getRendezvousMode";
// we use async for the results are sent back to caller via async means also
dispatch_async(_mWeaveWorkQueue, ^() {
if (nil == _mRequestName) {
_mRequestName = taskName;
_mCompletionHandler = completionBlock;
_mFailureHandler = failureBlock;
WEAVE_ERROR err = _mWeaveCppDM->GetRendezvousMode((__bridge void *) self, onGetRendezvousModeComplete, onWeaveError);
if (WEAVE_NO_ERROR != err) {
[self DispatchAsyncDefaultFailureBlockWithCode:err];
} else {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"%@: Attemp to %@ while we're still executing %@, ignore", _name, taskName, _mRequestName);
// do not change _mRequestName, as we're rejecting this request
[self DispatchAsyncFailureBlock:WEAVE_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE taskName:taskName handler:failureBlock];
- (void)setRendezvousMode:(uint16_t)rendezvousFlags
NSString * taskName = @"SetRendezvousMode";
// we use async for the results are sent back to caller via async means also
dispatch_async(_mWeaveWorkQueue, ^() {
if (nil == _mRequestName) {
_mRequestName = taskName;
_mCompletionHandler = completionBlock;
_mFailureHandler = failureBlock;
WEAVE_ERROR err = _mWeaveCppDM->SetRendezvousMode(
(uint16_t) rendezvousFlags, (__bridge void *) self, HandleSimpleOperationComplete, onWeaveError);
if (WEAVE_NO_ERROR != err) {
[self DispatchAsyncDefaultFailureBlockWithCode:err];
} else {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"%@: Attemp to %@ while we're still executing %@, ignore", _name, taskName, _mRequestName);
// do not change _mRequestName, as we're rejecting this request
[self DispatchAsyncFailureBlock:WEAVE_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE taskName:taskName handler:failureBlock];
- (WEAVE_ERROR)setAutoReconnect:(BOOL)autoReconnect
VerifyOrExit(NULL != _mWeaveCppDM, err = WEAVE_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE);
// need this bracket to use Verify macros
// we use sync so the result is immediately available to the caller upon return
dispatch_sync(_mWeaveWorkQueue, ^() {
err = _mWeaveCppDM->SetAutoReconnect(autoReconnect ? true : false);
return err;
- (void)createFabric:(WDMCompletionBlock)completionBlock failure:(WDMFailureBlock)failureBlock
NSString * taskName = @"CreateFabric";
// we use async for the results are sent back to caller via async means also
dispatch_async(_mWeaveWorkQueue, ^() {
if (nil == _mRequestName) {
_mRequestName = taskName;
_mCompletionHandler = completionBlock;
_mFailureHandler = failureBlock;
WEAVE_ERROR err = _mWeaveCppDM->CreateFabric((__bridge void *) self, HandleSimpleOperationComplete, onWeaveError);
if (WEAVE_NO_ERROR != err) {
[self DispatchAsyncDefaultFailureBlockWithCode:err];
} else {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"%@: Attemp to %@ while we're still executing %@, ignore", _name, taskName, _mRequestName);
// do not change _mRequestName, as we're rejecting this request
[self DispatchAsyncFailureBlock:WEAVE_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE taskName:taskName handler:failureBlock];
- (void)leaveFabric:(WDMCompletionBlock)completionBlock failure:(WDMFailureBlock)failureBlock
NSString * taskName = @"LeaveFabric";
// we use async for the results are sent back to caller via async means also
dispatch_async(_mWeaveWorkQueue, ^() {
if (nil == _mRequestName) {
_mRequestName = taskName;
_mCompletionHandler = completionBlock;
_mFailureHandler = failureBlock;
WEAVE_ERROR err = _mWeaveCppDM->LeaveFabric((__bridge void *) self, HandleSimpleOperationComplete, onWeaveError);
if (WEAVE_NO_ERROR != err) {
[self DispatchAsyncDefaultFailureBlockWithCode:err];
} else {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"%@: Attemp to %@ while we're still executing %@, ignore", _name, taskName, _mRequestName);
// do not change _mRequestName, as we're rejecting this request
[self DispatchAsyncFailureBlock:WEAVE_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE taskName:taskName handler:failureBlock];
static void onGetFabricConfigComplete(nl::Weave::DeviceManager::WeaveDeviceManager * deviceMgr, void * reqState,
const uint8_t * fabricConfig, uint32_t fabricConfigLen)
NLWeaveDeviceManager * dm = (__bridge NLWeaveDeviceManager *) reqState;
// ignore the pointer to C++ device manager
(void) deviceMgr;
[dm DispatchAsyncCompletionBlock:[NSData dataWithBytes:fabricConfig length:fabricConfigLen]];
- (void)getFabricConfig:(WDMCompletionBlock)completionBlock failure:(WDMFailureBlock)failureBlock
NSString * taskName = @"GetFabricConfig";
// we use async for the results are sent back to caller via async means also
dispatch_async(_mWeaveWorkQueue, ^() {
if (nil == _mRequestName) {
_mRequestName = taskName;
_mCompletionHandler = completionBlock;
_mFailureHandler = failureBlock;
WEAVE_ERROR err = _mWeaveCppDM->GetFabricConfig((__bridge void *) self, onGetFabricConfigComplete, onWeaveError);
if (WEAVE_NO_ERROR != err) {
[self DispatchAsyncDefaultFailureBlockWithCode:err];
} else {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"%@: Attemp to %@ while we're still executing %@, ignore", _name, taskName, _mRequestName);
// do not change _mRequestName, as we're rejecting this reques
[self DispatchAsyncFailureBlock:WEAVE_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE taskName:taskName handler:failureBlock];
- (void)joinExistingFabric:(NSData *)fabricConfig
NSString * taskName = @"JoinExistingFabric";
// we use async for the results are sent back to caller via async means also
dispatch_async(_mWeaveWorkQueue, ^() {
if (nil == _mRequestName) {
_mRequestName = taskName;
_mCompletionHandler = completionBlock;
_mFailureHandler = failureBlock;
uint16_t fabricConfigLen = fabricConfig ? (uint16_t)[fabricConfig length] : 0;
uint8_t * fabricConfigBuf = (uint8_t *) [fabricConfig bytes];
WEAVE_ERROR err = _mWeaveCppDM->JoinExistingFabric(
fabricConfigBuf, fabricConfigLen, (__bridge void *) self, HandleSimpleOperationComplete, onWeaveError);
if (WEAVE_NO_ERROR != err) {
[self DispatchAsyncDefaultFailureBlockWithCode:err];
} else {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"%@: Attemp to %@ while we're still executing %@, ignore", _name, taskName, _mRequestName);
// do not change _mRequestName, as we're rejecting this request
[self DispatchAsyncFailureBlock:WEAVE_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE taskName:taskName handler:failureBlock];
- (void)registerServicePairAccount:(NLServiceInfo *)nlServiceInfo
NSString * taskName = @"RegisterServicePairAccount";
// we use async for the results are sent back to caller via async means also
dispatch_async(_mWeaveWorkQueue, ^() {
if (nil == _mRequestName) {
_mRequestName = taskName;
_mCompletionHandler = completionBlock;
_mFailureHandler = failureBlock;
const char * pAccountIdStr = [nlServiceInfo.accountId UTF8String];
NSData * serviceConfigData = [nlServiceInfo decodeServiceConfig];
uint16_t serviceConfigLen = (uint16_t)[serviceConfigData length];
uint8_t * pServiceConfig = (uint8_t *) [serviceConfigData bytes];
NSData * data = [NSData dataWithBytes:[nlServiceInfo.pairingToken UTF8String]
length:[nlServiceInfo.pairingToken lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];
uint16_t pairingTokenLen = (uint16_t)[nlServiceInfo.pairingToken length];
uint8_t * pPairingToken = (uint8_t *) [data bytes];
data = [nlServiceInfo.pairingInitData dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
uint16_t pairingInitDataLen = (uint16_t) data.length;
uint8_t * pPairingInitData = (uint8_t *) [data bytes];
WEAVE_ERROR err = _mWeaveCppDM->RegisterServicePairAccount(nlServiceInfo.serviceId, pAccountIdStr, pServiceConfig,
serviceConfigLen, pPairingToken, pairingTokenLen, pPairingInitData, pairingInitDataLen, (__bridge void *) self,
HandleSimpleOperationComplete, onWeaveError);
if (WEAVE_NO_ERROR != err) {
[self DispatchAsyncDefaultFailureBlockWithCode:err];
} else {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"%@: Attemp to %@ while we're still executing %@, ignore", _name, taskName, _mRequestName);
// do not change _mRequestName, as we're rejecting this request
[self DispatchAsyncFailureBlock:WEAVE_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE taskName:taskName handler:failureBlock];
- (void)updateService:(NLServiceInfo *)nlServiceInfo
NSString * taskName = @"UpdateService";
// we use async for the results are sent back to caller via async means also
dispatch_async(_mWeaveWorkQueue, ^() {
if (nil == _mRequestName) {
_mRequestName = taskName;
_mCompletionHandler = completionBlock;
_mFailureHandler = failureBlock;
NSData * serviceConfigData = [nlServiceInfo decodeServiceConfig];
uint16_t serviceConfigLen = [serviceConfigData length];
uint8_t * pServiceConfig = (uint8_t *) [serviceConfigData bytes];
WEAVE_ERROR err = _mWeaveCppDM->UpdateService(nlServiceInfo.serviceId, pServiceConfig, serviceConfigLen,
(__bridge void *) self, HandleSimpleOperationComplete, onWeaveError);
if (WEAVE_NO_ERROR != err) {
[self DispatchAsyncDefaultFailureBlockWithCode:err];
} else {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"%@: Attemp to %@ while we're still executing %@, ignore", _name, taskName, _mRequestName);
// do not change _mRequestName, as we're rejecting this request
[self DispatchAsyncFailureBlock:WEAVE_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE taskName:taskName handler:failureBlock];
- (void)unregisterService:(uint64_t)serviceId completion:(WDMCompletionBlock)completionBlock failure:(WDMFailureBlock)failureBlock
NSString * taskName = @"UnregisterService";
// we use async for the results are sent back to caller via async means also
dispatch_async(_mWeaveWorkQueue, ^() {
if (nil == _mRequestName) {
_mRequestName = taskName;
_mCompletionHandler = completionBlock;
_mFailureHandler = failureBlock;
= _mWeaveCppDM->UnregisterService(serviceId, (__bridge void *) self, HandleSimpleOperationComplete, onWeaveError);
if (WEAVE_NO_ERROR != err) {
[self DispatchAsyncDefaultFailureBlockWithCode:err];
} else {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"%@: Attemp to %@ while we're still executing %@, ignore", _name, taskName, _mRequestName);
// do not change _mRequestName, as we're rejecting this request
[self DispatchAsyncFailureBlock:WEAVE_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE taskName:taskName handler:failureBlock];
- (void)getLastNetworkProvisioningResult:(WDMCompletionBlock)completionBlock failure:(WDMFailureBlock)failureBlock
NSString * taskName = @"GetLastNetworkProvisioningResult";
// we use async for the results are sent back to caller via async means also
dispatch_async(_mWeaveWorkQueue, ^() {
if (nil == _mRequestName) {
_mRequestName = taskName;
_mCompletionHandler = completionBlock;
_mFailureHandler = failureBlock;
WEAVE_ERROR err = _mWeaveCppDM->GetLastNetworkProvisioningResult(
(__bridge void *) self, HandleSimpleOperationComplete, onWeaveError);
if (WEAVE_NO_ERROR != err) {
[self DispatchAsyncDefaultFailureBlockWithCode:err];
} else {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"%@: Attemp to %@ while we're still executing %@, ignore", _name, taskName, _mRequestName);
// do not change _mRequestName, as we're rejecting this request
[self DispatchAsyncFailureBlock:WEAVE_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE taskName:taskName handler:failureBlock];
- (void)armFailSafe:(uint8_t)armMode
NSString * taskName = @"ArmFailSafe";
// we use async for the results are sent back to caller via async means also
dispatch_async(_mWeaveWorkQueue, ^() {
if (nil == _mRequestName) {
_mRequestName = taskName;
_mCompletionHandler = completionBlock;
_mFailureHandler = failureBlock;
WEAVE_ERROR err = _mWeaveCppDM->ArmFailSafe(
armMode, failSafeToken, (__bridge void *) self, HandleSimpleOperationComplete, onWeaveError);
if (WEAVE_NO_ERROR != err) {
[self DispatchAsyncDefaultFailureBlockWithCode:err];
} else {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"%@: Attemp to %@ while we're still executing %@, ignore", _name, taskName, _mRequestName);
// do not change _mRequestName, as we're rejecting this request
[self DispatchAsyncFailureBlock:WEAVE_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE taskName:taskName handler:failureBlock];
- (void)disarmFailSafe:(WDMCompletionBlock)completionBlock failure:(WDMFailureBlock)failureBlock
NSString * taskName = @"DisarmFailSafe";
// we use async for the results are sent back to caller via async means also
dispatch_async(_mWeaveWorkQueue, ^() {
if (nil == _mRequestName) {
_mRequestName = taskName;
_mCompletionHandler = completionBlock;
_mFailureHandler = failureBlock;
WEAVE_ERROR err = _mWeaveCppDM->DisarmFailSafe((__bridge void *) self, HandleSimpleOperationComplete, onWeaveError);
if (WEAVE_NO_ERROR != err) {
[self DispatchAsyncDefaultFailureBlockWithCode:err];
} else {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"%@: Attemp to %@ while we're still executing %@, ignore", _name, taskName, _mRequestName);
// do not change _mRequestName, as we're rejecting this request
[self DispatchAsyncFailureBlock:WEAVE_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE taskName:taskName handler:failureBlock];
- (void)resetConfig:(uint16_t)resetFlags completion:(WDMCompletionBlock)completionBlock failure:(WDMFailureBlock)failureBlock
NSString * taskName = @"ResetConfig";
// we use async for the results are sent back to caller via async means also
dispatch_async(_mWeaveWorkQueue, ^() {
if (nil == _mRequestName) {
_mRequestName = taskName;
_mCompletionHandler = completionBlock;
_mFailureHandler = failureBlock;
= _mWeaveCppDM->ResetConfig(resetFlags, (__bridge void *) self, HandleSimpleOperationComplete, onWeaveError);
if (WEAVE_NO_ERROR != err) {
[self DispatchAsyncDefaultFailureBlockWithCode:err];
} else {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"%@: Attemp to %@ while we're still executing %@, ignore", _name, taskName, _mRequestName);
// do not change _mRequestName, as we're rejecting this request
[self DispatchAsyncFailureBlock:WEAVE_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE taskName:taskName handler:failureBlock];
- (void)enableConnectionMonitor:(NSInteger)intervalMs
NSString * taskName = @"EnableConnectionMonitor";
// we use async for the results are sent back to caller via async means also
dispatch_async(_mWeaveWorkQueue, ^() {
if (nil == _mRequestName) {
_mRequestName = taskName;
_mCompletionHandler = completionBlock;
_mFailureHandler = failureBlock;
WEAVE_ERROR err = _mWeaveCppDM->EnableConnectionMonitor(
intervalMs, timeoutMs, (__bridge void *) self, HandleSimpleOperationComplete, onWeaveError);
if (WEAVE_NO_ERROR != err) {
[self DispatchAsyncDefaultFailureBlockWithCode:err];
} else {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"%@: Attemp to %@ while we're still executing %@, ignore", _name, taskName, _mRequestName);
// do not change _mRequestName, as we're rejecting this request
[self DispatchAsyncFailureBlock:WEAVE_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE taskName:taskName handler:failureBlock];
- (void)disableConnectionMonitor:(WDMCompletionBlock)completionBlock failure:(WDMFailureBlock)failureBlock
NSString * taskName = @"DisableConnectionMonitor";
// we use async for the results are sent back to caller via async means also
dispatch_async(_mWeaveWorkQueue, ^() {
if (nil == _mRequestName) {
_mRequestName = taskName;
_mCompletionHandler = completionBlock;
_mFailureHandler = failureBlock;
= _mWeaveCppDM->DisableConnectionMonitor((__bridge void *) self, HandleSimpleOperationComplete, onWeaveError);
if (WEAVE_NO_ERROR != err) {
[self DispatchAsyncDefaultFailureBlockWithCode:err];
} else {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"%@: Attemp to %@ while we're still executing %@, ignore", _name, taskName, _mRequestName);
// do not change _mRequestName, as we're rejecting this request
[self DispatchAsyncFailureBlock:WEAVE_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE taskName:taskName handler:failureBlock];
- (void)startSystemTest:(uint32_t)profileId
NSString * taskName = @"StartSystemTest";
// we use async for the results are sent back to caller via async means also
dispatch_async(_mWeaveWorkQueue, ^() {
if (nil == _mRequestName) {
_mRequestName = taskName;
_mCompletionHandler = completionBlock;
_mFailureHandler = failureBlock;
WEAVE_ERROR err = _mWeaveCppDM->StartSystemTest(
(__bridge void *) self, profileId, testId, HandleSimpleOperationComplete, onWeaveError);
if (WEAVE_NO_ERROR != err) {
[self DispatchAsyncDefaultFailureBlockWithCode:err];
} else {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"%@: Attemp to %@ while we're still executing %@, ignore", _name, taskName, _mRequestName);
// do not change _mRequestName, as we're rejecting this request
[self DispatchAsyncFailureBlock:WEAVE_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE taskName:taskName handler:failureBlock];
- (void)ping:(WDMCompletionBlock)completionHandler failure:(WDMFailureBlock)failureHandler
NSString * taskName = @"Ping";
// we use async for the results are sent back to caller via async means also
dispatch_async(_mWeaveWorkQueue, ^() {
if (nil == _mRequestName) {
_mRequestName = taskName;
_mCompletionHandler = completionHandler;
_mFailureHandler = failureHandler;
WEAVE_ERROR err = _mWeaveCppDM->Ping((__bridge void *) self, HandleSimpleOperationComplete, onWeaveError);
if (WEAVE_NO_ERROR != err) {
[self DispatchAsyncDefaultFailureBlockWithCode:err];
} else {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"%@: Attemp to %@ while we're still executing %@, ignore", _name, taskName, _mRequestName);
// do not change _mRequestName, as we're rejecting this request
[self DispatchAsyncFailureBlock:WEAVE_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE taskName:taskName handler:failureHandler];
static void onPairTokenComplete(nl::Weave::DeviceManager::WeaveDeviceManager * deviceMgr, void * reqState,
const uint8_t * pairingTokenBundle, uint32_t pairingTokenBundleLen)
NLWeaveDeviceManager * dm = (__bridge NLWeaveDeviceManager *) reqState;
// ignore the pointer to C++ device manager
(void) deviceMgr;
[dm DispatchAsyncCompletionBlock:[NSData dataWithBytes:pairingTokenBundle length:pairingTokenBundleLen]];
- (void)pairToken:(NSData *)pairingToken completion:(WDMCompletionBlock)completionBlock failure:(WDMFailureBlock)failureBlock
NSString * taskName = @"pairToken";
// we use async for the results are sent back to caller via async means also
dispatch_async(_mWeaveWorkQueue, ^() {
if (nil == _mRequestName) {
_mRequestName = taskName;
_mCompletionHandler = completionBlock;
_mFailureHandler = failureBlock;
uint16_t pairingTokenLen = pairingToken ? (uint16_t)[pairingToken length] : 0;
uint8_t * pairingTokenBuf = (uint8_t *) [pairingToken bytes];
WEAVE_ERROR err = _mWeaveCppDM->PairToken(
pairingTokenBuf, pairingTokenLen, (__bridge void *) self, onPairTokenComplete, onWeaveError);
if (WEAVE_NO_ERROR != err) {
[self DispatchAsyncDefaultFailureBlockWithCode:err];
} else {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"%@: Attemp to %@ while we're still executing %@, ignore", _name, taskName, _mRequestName);
// do not change _mRequestName, as we're rejecting this request
[self DispatchAsyncFailureBlock:WEAVE_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE taskName:taskName handler:failureBlock];