blob: 56e8a37f2d77c4101069769195bc41b26fe9413b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Nest Labs, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* This file provides base implementation for NLWeaveBleDelegate interface
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "NLWeaveStack.h"
#import "NLLogging.h"
#import "NLWeaveBleDelegate_Protected.h"
#include <Weave/Core/WeaveError.h>
#include <Weave/Support/CodeUtils.h>
#include <Weave/Support/logging/WeaveLogging.h>
#include <BleLayer/BleApplicationDelegate.h>
#include <BleLayer/BlePlatformDelegate.h>
#import "NLWeaveDeviceManager_Protected.h"
namespace nl {
namespace Ble {
class BleDelegateTrampoline;
using nl::Weave::System::PacketBuffer;
@interface NLWeaveBleDelegate () {
nl::Ble::BleDelegateTrampoline * _mTrampoline;
dispatch_queue_t _mCbWorkQueue;
NSMapTable * _mMapFromPeripheralToDm;
// cached static Weave service UUID
CBUUID * _mWeaveServiceUUID;
nl::Ble::BleLayer * _mBleLayer;
+ (CBUUID *)GetShortestServiceUUID:(const nl::Ble::WeaveBleUUID *)svcId;
namespace nl {
namespace Ble {
class BleDelegateTrampoline : public BleApplicationDelegate, public BlePlatformDelegate {
BleDelegateTrampoline(NLWeaveBleDelegate * pBleDelegate);
virtual bool SubscribeCharacteristic(
BLE_CONNECTION_OBJECT connObj, const WeaveBleUUID * svcId, const WeaveBleUUID * charId);
virtual bool UnsubscribeCharacteristic(
BLE_CONNECTION_OBJECT connObj, const WeaveBleUUID * svcId, const WeaveBleUUID * charId);
virtual bool CloseConnection(BLE_CONNECTION_OBJECT connObj);
virtual uint16_t GetMTU(BLE_CONNECTION_OBJECT connObj) const;
virtual bool SendIndication(
BLE_CONNECTION_OBJECT connObj, const WeaveBleUUID * svcId, const WeaveBleUUID * charId, PacketBuffer * pBuf);
virtual bool SendWriteRequest(
BLE_CONNECTION_OBJECT connObj, const WeaveBleUUID * svcId, const WeaveBleUUID * charId, PacketBuffer * pBuf);
virtual bool SendReadRequest(
BLE_CONNECTION_OBJECT connObj, const WeaveBleUUID * svcId, const WeaveBleUUID * charId, PacketBuffer * pBuf);
virtual bool SendReadResponse(BLE_CONNECTION_OBJECT connObj, BLE_READ_REQUEST_CONTEXT requestContext,
const Ble::WeaveBleUUID * svcId, const WeaveBleUUID * charId);
virtual void NotifyWeaveConnectionClosed(BLE_CONNECTION_OBJECT connObj);
An weak reference to the parenting delegate object, can be nil.
It has to be weak to avoid circular references
__weak NLWeaveBleDelegate * mBleDelegate;
BleDelegateTrampoline::BleDelegateTrampoline(NLWeaveBleDelegate * pBleDelegate)
: mBleDelegate(pBleDelegate)
This method is only called from BleLayer, under Weave task context
bool BleDelegateTrampoline::SubscribeCharacteristic(
BLE_CONNECTION_OBJECT connObj, const WeaveBleUUID * svcId, const WeaveBleUUID * charId)
bool result = false;
CBUUID * service = nil;
CBUUID * characteristic = nil;
VerifyOrExit(mBleDelegate, WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"BLE not configured properly\n"));
if (NULL != svcId) {
service = [NLWeaveBleDelegate GetShortestServiceUUID:svcId];
if (NULL != charId) {
characteristic = [CBUUID UUIDWithData:[NSData dataWithBytes:charId->bytes length:sizeof(charId->bytes)]];
result = [mBleDelegate SubscribeCharacteristic:(__bridge id) connObj serivce:service characteristic:characteristic];
return result;
This method is only called from BleLayer, under Weave task context
bool BleDelegateTrampoline::UnsubscribeCharacteristic(
BLE_CONNECTION_OBJECT connObj, const WeaveBleUUID * svcId, const WeaveBleUUID * charId)
bool result = false;
CBUUID * service = nil;
CBUUID * characteristic = nil;
VerifyOrExit(mBleDelegate, WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"BLE not configured properly\n"));
if (NULL != svcId) {
service = [NLWeaveBleDelegate GetShortestServiceUUID:svcId];
if (NULL != charId) {
characteristic = [CBUUID UUIDWithData:[NSData dataWithBytes:charId->bytes length:sizeof(charId->bytes)]];
WDM_LOG_DEBUG(@"Calling BleDelegateTrampoline::UnsubscribeCharacteristic\n");
result = [mBleDelegate UnsubscribeCharacteristic:(__bridge id) connObj serivce:service characteristic:characteristic];
return result;
This method is only called from BleLayer, under Weave task context
bool BleDelegateTrampoline::CloseConnection(BLE_CONNECTION_OBJECT connObj)
bool result = false;
VerifyOrExit(mBleDelegate, WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"BLE not configured properly\n"));
result = [mBleDelegate CloseConnection:(__bridge id) connObj];
return result;
This method is only called from BleLayer, under Weave task context
uint16_t BleDelegateTrampoline::GetMTU(BLE_CONNECTION_OBJECT connObj) const
bool result = false;
VerifyOrExit(mBleDelegate, WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"BLE not configured properly\n"));
result = [mBleDelegate GetMTU:(__bridge id) connObj];
return result;
This method is only called from BleLayer, under Weave task context
bool BleDelegateTrampoline::SendIndication(
BLE_CONNECTION_OBJECT connObj, const WeaveBleUUID * svcId, const WeaveBleUUID * charId, PacketBuffer * pBuf)
bool result = false;
CBUUID * service = nil;
CBUUID * characteristic = nil;
NSData * data = nil;
VerifyOrExit(mBleDelegate, WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"BLE not configured properly\n"));
if (NULL != svcId) {
service = [NLWeaveBleDelegate GetShortestServiceUUID:svcId];
if (NULL != charId) {
characteristic = [CBUUID UUIDWithData:[NSData dataWithBytes:charId->bytes length:sizeof(charId->bytes)]];
if (NULL != pBuf) {
data = [NSData dataWithBytes:pBuf->Start() length:pBuf->DataLength()];
result = [mBleDelegate SendIndication:(__bridge id) connObj serivce:service characteristic:characteristic data:data];
// Release delegate's reference to pBuf. pBuf will be freed when both platform delegate and Weave stack free their
// references to it. We release pBuf's reference here since its payload bytes were copied into a new NSData object
return result;
This method is only called from BleLayer, under Weave task context
bool BleDelegateTrampoline::SendWriteRequest(
BLE_CONNECTION_OBJECT connObj, const WeaveBleUUID * svcId, const WeaveBleUUID * charId, PacketBuffer * pBuf)
bool result = false;
CBUUID * service = nil;
CBUUID * characteristic = nil;
NSData * data = nil;
VerifyOrExit(mBleDelegate, WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"BLE not configured properly\n"));
if (NULL != svcId) {
service = [NLWeaveBleDelegate GetShortestServiceUUID:svcId];
if (NULL != charId) {
characteristic = [CBUUID UUIDWithData:[NSData dataWithBytes:charId->bytes length:sizeof(charId->bytes)]];
if (NULL != pBuf) {
data = [NSData dataWithBytes:pBuf->Start() length:pBuf->DataLength()];
result = [mBleDelegate SendWriteRequest:(__bridge id) connObj serivce:service characteristic:characteristic data:data];
// Release delegate's reference to pBuf. pBuf will be freed when both platform delegate and Weave stack free their
// references to it. We release pBuf's reference here since its payload bytes were copied into a new NSData object
return result;
This method is only called from BleLayer, under Weave task context
bool BleDelegateTrampoline::SendReadRequest(
BLE_CONNECTION_OBJECT connObj, const WeaveBleUUID * svcId, const WeaveBleUUID * charId, PacketBuffer * pBuf)
bool result = false;
CBUUID * service = nil;
CBUUID * characteristic = nil;
NSData * data = nil;
VerifyOrExit(mBleDelegate, WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"BLE not configured properly\n"));
if (NULL != svcId) {
service = [NLWeaveBleDelegate GetShortestServiceUUID:svcId];
if (NULL != charId) {
characteristic = [CBUUID UUIDWithData:[NSData dataWithBytes:charId->bytes length:sizeof(charId->bytes)]];
if (NULL != pBuf) {
data = [NSData dataWithBytes:pBuf->Start() length:pBuf->DataLength()];
// Release delegate's reference to pBuf. pBuf will be freed when both platform delegate and Weave stack free their
// references to it. We release pBuf's reference here since its payload bytes were copied into a new NSData object
result = [mBleDelegate SendReadRequest:(__bridge id) connObj serivce:service characteristic:characteristic data:data];
// Release delegate's reference to pBuf. pBuf will be freed when both platform delegate and Weave stack free their
// references to it. We release pBuf's reference here since its payload bytes were copied into a new NSData object
return result;
This method is only called from BleLayer, under Weave task context
bool BleDelegateTrampoline::SendReadResponse(BLE_CONNECTION_OBJECT connObj, BLE_READ_REQUEST_CONTEXT requestContext,
const WeaveBleUUID * svcId, const WeaveBleUUID * charId)
bool result = false;
CBUUID * service = nil;
CBUUID * characteristic = nil;
VerifyOrExit(mBleDelegate, WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"BLE not configured properly\n"));
if (NULL != svcId) {
service = [NLWeaveBleDelegate GetShortestServiceUUID:svcId];
if (NULL != charId) {
characteristic = [CBUUID UUIDWithData:[NSData dataWithBytes:charId->bytes length:sizeof(charId->bytes)]];
result = [mBleDelegate SendReadResponse:(__bridge id) connObj
requestContext:(__bridge id) requestContext
return result;
This method is only called from BleLayer, under Weave task context
void BleDelegateTrampoline::NotifyWeaveConnectionClosed(BLE_CONNECTION_OBJECT connObj)
VerifyOrExit(mBleDelegate, WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"BLE not configured properly\n"));
[mBleDelegate NotifyWeaveConnectionClosed:(__bridge id) connObj];
} /* namespace Ble */
} /* namespace nl*/
@implementation NLWeaveBleDelegate
- (instancetype)initDummyDelegate
self = [super init];
VerifyOrExit(self, WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"Memory allocation failure\n"));
_mTrampoline = new nl::Ble::BleDelegateTrampoline(NULL);
return self;
- (instancetype)init:(dispatch_queue_t)cbWorkQueue
self = [super init];
VerifyOrExit(self, WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"Memory allocation failure\n"));
_mTrampoline = new nl::Ble::BleDelegateTrampoline(self);
_mCbWorkQueue = cbWorkQueue;
_mMapFromPeripheralToDm = [NSMapTable strongToWeakObjectsMapTable];
_mWeaveServiceUUID = [NLWeaveBleDelegate GetShortestServiceUUID:&nl::Ble::WEAVE_BLE_SVC_ID];
return self;
- (void)dealloc
// This method can only be called by ARC
delete _mTrampoline;
_mTrampoline = NULL;
This method is only called from BleLayer, under Weave task context
- (nl::Ble::BlePlatformDelegate *)GetPlatformDelegate
return _mTrampoline;
This method is only called from BleLayer, under Weave task context
- (nl::Ble::BleApplicationDelegate *)GetApplicationDelegate
return _mTrampoline;
- (void)SetBleLayer:(nl::Ble::BleLayer *)BleLayer
_mBleLayer = BleLayer;
+ (CBUUID *)GetShortestServiceUUID:(const nl::Ble::WeaveBleUUID *)svcId
// shorten the 16-byte UUID reported by BLE Layer to shortest possible, 2 or 4 bytes
// this is the BLE Service UUID Base. If a 16-byte service UUID partially matches with this 12 bytes,
// it could be shorten to 2 or 4 bytes.
static const uint8_t bleBaseUUID[12] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x5F, 0x9B, 0x34, 0xFB };
if (0 == memcmp(svcId->bytes + 4, bleBaseUUID, sizeof(bleBaseUUID))) {
// okay, let's try to shorten it
if ((0 == svcId->bytes[0]) && (0 == svcId->bytes[1])) {
// the highest 2 bytes are both 0, so we just need 2 bytes
return [CBUUID UUIDWithData:[NSData dataWithBytes:(svcId->bytes + 2) length:2]];
} else {
// we need to use 4 bytes
return [CBUUID UUIDWithData:[NSData dataWithBytes:svcId->bytes length:4]];
} else {
// it cannot be shorten as it doesn't match with the BLE Service UUID Base
return [CBUUID UUIDWithData:[NSData dataWithBytes:svcId->bytes length:16]];
* private static method to copy service and characteristic UUIDs from CBCharacteristic to a pair of WeaveBleUUID objects.
* this is used in calls into Weave layer to decouple it from CoreBluetooth
* @param[in] characteristic the source characteristic
* @param[in] svcId the destination service UUID
* @param[in] charId the destination characteristic UUID
+ (void)fillServiceWithCharacteristicUuids:(CBCharacteristic *)characteristic
svcId:(nl::Ble::WeaveBleUUID *)svcId
charId:(nl::Ble::WeaveBleUUID *)charId
static const size_t FullUUIDLength = 16;
if ((FullUUIDLength != sizeof(charId->bytes)) || (FullUUIDLength != sizeof(svcId->bytes))
|| (FullUUIDLength != {
// we're dead. we expect the data length to be the same (16-byte) across the board
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"[%s] UUID of characteristic is incompatible", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
memcpy(charId->bytes,, sizeof(charId->bytes));
memset(svcId->bytes, 0, sizeof(svcId->bytes));
// Expand service UUID back to 16-byte long as that's what the BLE Layer expects
// this is a buffer pre-filled with BLE service UUID Base
// byte 0 to 3 are reserved for shorter versions of BLE service UUIDs
// For 4-byte service UUIDs, all bytes from 0 to 3 are used
// For 2-byte service UUIDs, byte 0 and 1 shall be 0
uint8_t serviceFullUUID[FullUUIDLength]
= { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x5F, 0x9B, 0x34, 0xFB };
switch ( {
case 2:
// copy the 2-byte service UUID onto the right offset
memcpy(serviceFullUUID + 2,, 2);
case 4:
// flow through
case 16:
// we're dead. we expect the data length to be the same (16-byte) across the board
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"[%s] Service UUIDs are incompatible", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
memcpy(svcId->bytes, serviceFullUUID, sizeof(svcId->bytes));
// This is only used by NLWeaveDeviceManager
- (void)prepareNewBleConnection:(NLWeaveDeviceManager *)dm
WDM_LOG_DEBUG(@"Mapping device manager %@ to peripheral %@", dm, dm.blePeripheral);
dispatch_async(_mCbWorkQueue, ^{
[_mMapFromPeripheralToDm setObject:dm forKey:dm.blePeripheral];
[dm.blePeripheral discoverServices:@[ _mWeaveServiceUUID ]];
- (bool)isPeripheralValid:(CBPeripheral *)peripheral
NLWeaveDeviceManager * dm = [_mMapFromPeripheralToDm objectForKey:peripheral];
return (dm != nil) ? true : false;
- (void)forceBleDisconnect_Sync:(CBPeripheral *)peripheral
WDM_LOG_DEBUG(@"forceBleDisconnect_Sync is called");
// force BleLayer to forget about this connObj
_mBleLayer->HandleConnectionError((__bridge void *) peripheral, BLE_ERROR_REMOTE_DEVICE_DISCONNECTED);
- (void)notifyBleDisconnected:(CBPeripheral *)peripheral
NLWeaveDeviceManager * dm = [_mMapFromPeripheralToDm objectForKey:peripheral];
if (dm == nil) {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"[%s] Cannot find a matching device manager for peripheral %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, peripheral);
if (dm == nil || dm.BleConnectionPreparationCompleteHandler == nil) {
dispatch_async([[NLWeaveStack sharedStack] WorkQueue], ^{
_mBleLayer->HandleConnectionError((__bridge void *) peripheral, BLE_ERROR_REMOTE_DEVICE_DISCONNECTED);
} else {
dispatch_async([[NLWeaveStack sharedStack] WorkQueue], ^{
PreparationCompleteHandler handler = dm.BleConnectionPreparationCompleteHandler;
dm.BleConnectionPreparationCompleteHandler = nil;
* part of CBPeripheralDelegate.
* called after service discovery is done. report failure to attach completed block on error, otherwise
* proceed with characteristic discovery
- (void)peripheral:(CBPeripheral *)peripheral didDiscoverServices:(NSError *)error
// we're in Core Bluetooth work queue
NLWeaveDeviceManager * dm = [_mMapFromPeripheralToDm objectForKey:peripheral];
if (dm == nil) {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"[%s] Cannot find a matching device manager for peripheral %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, peripheral);
bool found = false;
if (nil != error) {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"[%s] BLE:Error finding Weave Service in the device: [%@]", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, error.localizedDescription);
} else {
for (CBService * service in {
WDM_LOG_DEBUG(@"Found service in device: %@", service.UUID);
if ([]) {
found = true;
[peripheral discoverCharacteristics:nil forService:service];
if (!found) {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"[%s] Cannot find Weave service on peripheral %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, peripheral);
dispatch_async([[NLWeaveStack sharedStack] WorkQueue], ^{
PreparationCompleteHandler handler = dm.BleConnectionPreparationCompleteHandler;
dm.BleConnectionPreparationCompleteHandler = nil;
* part of CBPeripheralDelegate.
* called after characteristic discovery is done. execute attach completed block and report error or success
- (void)peripheral:(CBPeripheral *)peripheral didDiscoverCharacteristicsForService:(CBService *)service error:(NSError *)error
// we're in Core Bluetooth work queue
NLWeaveDeviceManager * dm = [_mMapFromPeripheralToDm objectForKey:peripheral];
if (dm == nil) {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"[%s] Cannot find a matching device manager for peripheral %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, peripheral);
if (nil != error) {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"[%s] BLE:Error finding Characteristics in Weave service on the device: [%@]", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__,
// we're good to go
dispatch_async([[NLWeaveStack sharedStack] WorkQueue], ^{
PreparationCompleteHandler handler = dm.BleConnectionPreparationCompleteHandler;
dm.BleConnectionPreparationCompleteHandler = nil;
handler(dm, err);
* part of CBPeripheralDelegate.
* called after writing completes. call BleLayer for both error and success
- (void)peripheral:(CBPeripheral *)peripheral
didWriteValueForCharacteristic:(CBCharacteristic *)characteristic
error:(NSError *)error
// we're in Core Bluetooth work queue
NLWeaveDeviceManager * dm = [_mMapFromPeripheralToDm objectForKey:peripheral];
if (dm == nil) {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"[%s] Cannot find a matching device manager for peripheral %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, peripheral);
if (nil == error) {
dispatch_async([[NLWeaveStack sharedStack] WorkQueue], ^{
nl::Ble::WeaveBleUUID svcId;
nl::Ble::WeaveBleUUID charId;
[NLWeaveBleDelegate fillServiceWithCharacteristicUuids:characteristic svcId:&svcId charId:&charId];
_mBleLayer->HandleWriteConfirmation((__bridge void *) peripheral, &svcId, &charId);
} else {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"[%s] BLE:Error writing Characteristics in Weave service on the device: [%@]", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__,
dispatch_async([[NLWeaveStack sharedStack] WorkQueue], ^{
_mBleLayer->HandleConnectionError((__bridge void *) peripheral, BLE_ERROR_GATT_WRITE_FAILED);
* part of CBPeripheralDelegate.
* called after characteristic subscription update is done. call BleLayer for both error and success
- (void)peripheral:(CBPeripheral *)peripheral
didUpdateNotificationStateForCharacteristic:(CBCharacteristic *)characteristic
error:(NSError *)error
// we're in Core Bluetooth work queue
NLWeaveDeviceManager * dm = [_mMapFromPeripheralToDm objectForKey:peripheral];
if (dm == nil) {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"[%s] Cannot find a matching device manager for peripheral %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, peripheral);
bool isNotifying = characteristic.isNotifying;
if (nil == error) {
dispatch_async([[NLWeaveStack sharedStack] WorkQueue], ^{
nl::Ble::WeaveBleUUID svcId;
nl::Ble::WeaveBleUUID charId;
[NLWeaveBleDelegate fillServiceWithCharacteristicUuids:characteristic svcId:&svcId charId:&charId];
if (isNotifying) {
_mBleLayer->HandleSubscribeComplete((__bridge void *) peripheral, &svcId, &charId);
} else {
_mBleLayer->HandleUnsubscribeComplete((__bridge void *) peripheral, &svcId, &charId);
} else {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"[%s] BLE:Error subscribing/unsubcribing some characteristic on the device: [%@]", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__,
dispatch_async([[NLWeaveStack sharedStack] WorkQueue], ^{
if (isNotifying) {
// we're still notifying, so we must failed the unsubscription
_mBleLayer->HandleConnectionError((__bridge void *) peripheral, BLE_ERROR_GATT_UNSUBSCRIBE_FAILED);
} else {
// we're not notifying, so we must failed the subscription
_mBleLayer->HandleConnectionError((__bridge void *) peripheral, BLE_ERROR_GATT_SUBSCRIBE_FAILED);
* part of CBPeripheralDelegate.
* called when indication of some characteristic arrives. call BleLayer for both error and success
- (void)peripheral:(CBPeripheral *)peripheral
didUpdateValueForCharacteristic:(CBCharacteristic *)characteristic
error:(NSError *)error
// we're in Core Bluetooth work queue
NLWeaveDeviceManager * dm = [_mMapFromPeripheralToDm objectForKey:peripheral];
if (dm == nil) {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"[%s] Cannot find a matching device manager for peripheral %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, peripheral);
if (nil == error) {
dispatch_async([[NLWeaveStack sharedStack] WorkQueue], ^{
nl::Ble::WeaveBleUUID svcId;
nl::Ble::WeaveBleUUID charId;
[NLWeaveBleDelegate fillServiceWithCharacteristicUuids:characteristic svcId:&svcId charId:&charId];
PacketBuffer * msgBuf;
// build a inet buffer from the rxEv and send to blelayer.
msgBuf = PacketBuffer::New();
if (NULL != msgBuf) {
memcpy(msgBuf->Start(), characteristic.value.bytes, characteristic.value.length);
if (!_mBleLayer->HandleIndicationReceived((__bridge void *) peripheral, &svcId, &charId, msgBuf)) {
// since this error comes from device manager core
// we assume it would do the right thing, like closing the connection
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"[%s] Failed at handling incoming BLE data", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
} else {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"[%s] Failed at allocating buffer for incoming BLE data", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
_mBleLayer->HandleConnectionError((__bridge void *) peripheral, WEAVE_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
} else {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"[%s] BLE:Error receiving indication of Characteristics on the device: [%@]", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__,
dispatch_async([[NLWeaveStack sharedStack] WorkQueue], ^{
_mBleLayer->HandleConnectionError((__bridge void *) peripheral, BLE_ERROR_GATT_INDICATE_FAILED);
This method is only called from BleLayer, under Weave task context
- (bool)SubscribeCharacteristic:(id)connObj serivce:(const CBUUID *)svcId characteristic:(const CBUUID *)charId
dispatch_async(_mCbWorkQueue, ^{
CBPeripheral * peripheral = (CBPeripheral *) connObj;
NLWeaveDeviceManager * dm = [_mMapFromPeripheralToDm objectForKey:peripheral];
bool found = false;
for (CBService * service in {
if ([]) {
for (CBCharacteristic * characteristic in service.characteristics) {
if ([]) {
found = true;
dispatch_async(_mCbWorkQueue, ^{
[dm.blePeripheral setNotifyValue:true forCharacteristic:characteristic];
if (!found) {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"[%s] Target peripheral doesn't have the specified service or characteristic", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
dispatch_async([[NLWeaveStack sharedStack] WorkQueue], ^{
_mBleLayer->HandleConnectionError((__bridge void *) dm.blePeripheral, BLE_ERROR_NOT_WEAVE_DEVICE);
return true;
This method is only called from BleLayer, under Weave task context
- (bool)UnsubscribeCharacteristic:(id)connObj serivce:(const CBUUID *)svcId characteristic:(const CBUUID *)charId
dispatch_async(_mCbWorkQueue, ^{
CBPeripheral * peripheral = (CBPeripheral *) connObj;
NLWeaveDeviceManager * dm = [_mMapFromPeripheralToDm objectForKey:peripheral];
bool found = false;
for (CBService * service in {
if ([]) {
for (CBCharacteristic * characteristic in service.characteristics) {
if ([]) {
found = true;
dispatch_async(_mCbWorkQueue, ^{
[dm.blePeripheral setNotifyValue:false forCharacteristic:characteristic];
if (!found) {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"[%s] Target peripheral doesn't have the specified service or characteristic", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
dispatch_async([[NLWeaveStack sharedStack] WorkQueue], ^{
_mBleLayer->HandleConnectionError((__bridge void *) dm.blePeripheral, BLE_ERROR_NOT_WEAVE_DEVICE);
return true;
This method is only called from BleLayer, under Weave task context
- (bool)CloseConnection:(id)connObj
return true;
This method is only called from BleLayer, under Weave task context
- (uint16_t)GetMTU:(id)connObj
return 0;
This method is only called from BleLayer, under Weave task context
- (bool)SendIndication:(id)connObj serivce:(const CBUUID *)svcId characteristic:(const CBUUID *)charId data:(const NSData *)buf
return false;
This method is only called from BleLayer, under Weave task context
- (bool)SendWriteRequest:(id)connObj serivce:(const CBUUID *)svcId characteristic:(CBUUID *)charId data:(NSData *)buf
dispatch_async(_mCbWorkQueue, ^{
CBPeripheral * peripheral = (CBPeripheral *) connObj;
NLWeaveDeviceManager * dm = [_mMapFromPeripheralToDm objectForKey:peripheral];
bool found = false;
for (CBService * service in {
if ([]) {
for (CBCharacteristic * characteristic in service.characteristics) {
if ([]) {
found = true;
dispatch_async(_mCbWorkQueue, ^{
[dm.blePeripheral writeValue:buf
if (!found) {
WDM_LOG_ERROR(@"[%s] Target peripheral doesn't have the specified service or characteristic", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
dispatch_async([[NLWeaveStack sharedStack] WorkQueue], ^{
_mBleLayer->HandleConnectionError((__bridge void *) dm.blePeripheral, BLE_ERROR_NOT_WEAVE_DEVICE);
return true;
This method is only called from BleLayer, under Weave task context
- (bool)SendReadRequest:(id)connObj serivce:(const CBUUID *)svcId characteristic:(const CBUUID *)charId data:(const NSData *)buf
return false;
This method is only called from BleLayer, under Weave task context
- (bool)SendReadResponse:(id)connObj
serivce:(const CBUUID *)svcId
characteristic:(const CBUUID *)charId
return false;
This method is only called from BleLayer, under Weave task context
- (void)NotifyWeaveConnectionClosed:(id)connObj