blob: db56e0ad497f90b36975c398e1fefe8454f7f93f [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 Nest Labs Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Description:
# This file is the make footer for nlbuild-autotools bootstrap
# convenience targets.
# The following targets provide some convenience targets for bootstrapping
# the GNU autotools-based build system used by this package.
all check coverage dist distcheck doc docdist install install-headers pretty pretty-check: Makefile
$(MAKE) -f $(<) --no-print-directory $(@)
Makefile: $(top_srcdir)/ $(top_srcdir)/configure
$(top_srcdir)/configure: $(top_srcdir)/
$(BOOTSTRAP) -w config
$(BOOTSTRAP) -w make
.PHONY: bootstrap
$(BOOTSTRAP) -w all
.PHONY: bootstrap-config
$(BOOTSTRAP) -w config
.PHONY: bootstrap-make
$(BOOTSTRAP) -w make
define PrintBootstrapHelp
$(NL_V_AT)echo " all"
$(NL_V_AT)echo " Generate all configured build artifacts for this project."
$(NL_V_AT)echo " bootstrap"
$(NL_V_AT)echo " (Re-)generate all build infrastructure for the project, "
$(NL_V_AT)echo " including both build configuration scripts and makefiles."
$(NL_V_AT)echo " bootstrap-all"
$(NL_V_AT)echo " (Re-)generate all build infrastructure for the project, "
$(NL_V_AT)echo " including both build configuration scripts and makefiles."
$(NL_V_AT)echo " bootstrap-config"
$(NL_V_AT)echo " (Re-)generate build configuration scripts for the project."
$(NL_V_AT)echo " bootstrap-make"
$(NL_V_AT)echo " (Re-)generate build makefiles for the project."
$(NL_V_AT)echo " check"
$(NL_V_AT)echo " Generate all configured build artifacts and run all unit "
$(NL_V_AT)echo " and functional tests for this project."
$(NL_V_AT)echo " coverage"
$(NL_V_AT)echo " Generate all configured build artifacts, run all unit "
$(NL_V_AT)echo " and functional tests, and generate code coverage results "
$(NL_V_AT)echo " for this project."
$(NL_V_AT)echo " dist"
$(NL_V_AT)echo " Generate an archive distribution snapshot for this project."
$(NL_V_AT)echo " distcheck"
$(NL_V_AT)echo " Generate an archive distribution snapshot for this project "
$(NL_V_AT)echo " and sanity check the resulting distribution by running "
$(NL_V_AT)echo " 'make check' on it for this project."
$(NL_V_AT)echo " doc"
$(NL_V_AT)echo " Generate documentation for the project."
$(NL_V_AT)echo " docdist"
$(NL_V_AT)echo " Generate an archive distribution of the documentation for "
$(NL_V_AT)echo " the project."
$(NL_V_AT)echo " install"
$(NL_V_AT)echo " Generate all configured build artifacts for this project "
$(NL_V_AT)echo " and install them in DESTDIR on the build host system."
$(NL_V_AT)echo " install-headers"
$(NL_V_AT)echo " Generate all configured public header artifacts for this "
$(NL_V_AT)echo " project and install them in DESTDIR on the build host "
$(NL_V_AT)echo " system."
$(NL_V_AT)echo " pretty"
$(NL_V_AT)echo " (Re-)format a collection of project source files."
$(NL_V_AT)echo " pretty-check"
$(NL_V_AT)echo " Check but do not (re-)format a collection of project "
$(NL_V_AT)echo " source files."
$(NL_V_AT)echo " Makefile"
$(NL_V_AT)echo " Run 'configure' for this project and generate the"
$(NL_V_AT)echo " host-specific makefile."
endef # PrintBootstrapHelp
.PHONY: help-bootstrap-local
$(call PrintBootstrapHelp)
.PHONY: help-bootstrap-hook
help-bootstrap-hook: help-bootstrap-local
.PHONY: help-bootstrap
help-bootstrap: help-bootstrap-local help-bootstrap-hook
.PHONY: help
help: help-bootstrap