blob: b34ffb784782bc05f0bb3c22b2300c47252e3e1e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2018 Nest Labs, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* This file defines the class representing the
* ResourceIdentifier within the Weave Data Management (WDM)
* profile.
#include <string.h>
#include <Weave/Profiles/data-management/Current/WdmManagedNamespace.h>
#include <Weave/Core/WeaveCore.h>
#include <Weave/Core/WeaveTLV.h>
#include <Weave/Core/WeaveFabricState.h>
#include <Weave/Common/ResourceTypeEnum.h>
namespace nl {
namespace Weave {
namespace Profiles {
namespace WeaveMakeManagedNamespaceIdentifier(DataManagement, kWeaveManagedNamespaceDesignation_Current) {
* @class ResourceIdentifier
* @brief
* A structure encapsulating the ID of a resource.
* The ResourceIdentifier may be either a generalized 64-bit object ID
* of a particular type or a UUID. When encoded externally, the
* following representations are supported:
* -- an unsigned 64-bit integer corresponding to the generalized
object of type DEVICE with the ID specified in the
* -- a generalized representation encoded as a byte string of 10
octets. The first two octets encode the resource type as a
16-bit, little endian integer, with the remaining 8 bytes
encoding a little endian 64-bit resource ID.
* ResourceIdentifiers also embody the conventions present throughout
* the WDM code: an empty ResourceIdentifier corresponds to the node
* ID of the DEVICE, and constructors are provided for the most common
* usecases.
class NL_DLL_EXPORT ResourceIdentifier
* Construct a ResourceIdentifier corresponding to an unspecified
* ResourceID. The unspecified resource ID is a tuple consisting
* of an RESERVED resource type with an kNodeIdNotSpeficied
* resource.
ResourceIdentifier() : ResourceType(RESOURCE_TYPE_RESERVED), ResourceId(nl::Weave::kNodeIdNotSpecified) { };
* Construct a ResourceIdentifier of type DEVICE based on a given aNodeId
* @param [in] aNodeId NodeId of the given Resource ID
ResourceIdentifier(const uint64_t & aNodeId) : ResourceType(Schema::Weave::Common::RESOURCE_TYPE_DEVICE), ResourceId(aNodeId)
* Construct the ResourceIdentifier of the specified type with the given ID
* @param [in] aResourceType The Type of a resource to be named
* @param [in] aResourceId The ID of the resource to be named
ResourceIdentifier(uint16_t aResourceType, const uint64_t & aResourceId) : ResourceType(aResourceType), ResourceId(aResourceId)
* Construct the ResourceIdentifier of the specified type with the given ID
* @param [in] aResourceType The Type of a resource to be named
* @param [in] aResourceId The ID of the resource to be named represented as an array of bytes
* @param [in] aResourceIdLen The length of the ID in bytes
ResourceIdentifier(uint16_t aResourceType, const uint8_t * aResourceId, size_t aResourceIdLen) : ResourceType(aResourceType)
memset(ResourceIdBytes, 0, sizeof(ResourceIdBytes));
if (aResourceIdLen > sizeof(ResourceIdBytes))
aResourceIdLen = sizeof(ResourceIdBytes);
memcpy(ResourceIdBytes, aResourceId, aResourceIdLen);
/** A reserved resource type. The enum is chosen such that it
* does not conflict with the enum values from the
* Schema::Weave:::Common::ResourceType enums. At the moment,
* two ResourceId values are possible for the RESERVED
* resource type: a kNodeIdNotSpecified corresponds to an
* unitialized ResourceIdentifier, and SELF_NODE_ID
* corresponds to a resource that will remap onto SELF from
* any other representation. */
* Defines a special value for NodeId that refers to 'self'. In
* certain WDM interactions, having a value of self for resource
* allows for compressing out that information as it is redundant
* to the source node id of the device expressed in the Weave.
* message itself
MAX_STRING_LENGTH = 28, // strlen("ANNOTATION") + strlen("_") + 16 + 1 (for NUL)
* @brief
* Serialize the resource to a TLV representation using a context Path::ResourceID tag
* @param [in] aWriter A TLV writer to serialize the ResourceIdentifier into
WEAVE_ERROR ToTLV(nl::Weave::TLV::TLVWriter & aWriter) const;
* @brief
* Serialize the resource to a TLV representation using a given tag
* @param [in] aWriter A TLV writer to serialize the ResourceIdentifier into
* @param [in] aTag A tag naming the serialized ResourceIdentifier
WEAVE_ERROR ToTLV(nl::Weave::TLV::TLVWriter & aWriter, const uint64_t & aTag) const;
* @brief
* Deserialize a ResourceIdentifier from a TLV representaion into this object
* @param [in] aReader A TLV reader positioned on the ResourceIdentifier element
* @return WEAVE_NO_ERROR on success. Errors from TLVReader if the ResourceIdentifier cannot be properly read.
WEAVE_ERROR FromTLV(nl::Weave::TLV::TLVReader & aReader);
* @brief
* Deserialize a ResourceIdentifier from a TLV representaion into this object
* @param [in] aReader A TLV reader positioned on the ResourceIdentifier element
* @param [in] aSelfNodeId a 64-bit ResourceID that will be remapped from the serialized representation onto SELF_NODE_ID
* @return WEAVE_NO_ERROR on success. Errors from TLVReader if the ResourceIdentifier cannot be properly read.
WEAVE_ERROR FromTLV(nl::Weave::TLV::TLVReader & aReader, const uint64_t & aSelfNodeId);
* @brief
* Convert the ResourceIdentifier into a printable string.
* @param [in] buffer A buffer to print into
* @param [in] bufferLen The length of the buffer
WEAVE_ERROR ToString(char * buffer, size_t bufferLen);
* @brief
* Parse a canonical string representation of a resource into a resource object.
* Converts the canonical string representation of a resource into
* a resource object. Note that only a subset of resources can be
* represented as a string, in particular, the reference
* implementation in Weave will only parse resources of canonical
* types as expressed in the ResourceTypeEnum.
* @param [in] inBuffer A buffer containing the resource ID to be parsed
* @param [in] inBufferLen The length (in bytes) of the string to be parsed
WEAVE_ERROR FromString(const char * inBuffer, size_t inBufferLen);
* @brief
* Parse a canonical string representation of a resource into a resource object.
* Converts the canonical string representation of a resource into
* a resource object. Note that only a subset of resources can be
* represented as a string, in particular, the reference
* implementation in Weave will only parse resources of canonical
* types as expressed in the ResourceTypeEnum.
* @param [in] inBuffer A buffer containing the resource ID to be parsed
* @param [in] inBufferLen The length (in bytes) of the string to be parsed
* @param [in] aSelfNodeId The 64-bit ID denoting what device ID should be mapped onto a SELF_NODE_ID
WEAVE_ERROR FromString(const char * inBuffer, size_t inBufferLen, const uint64_t & aSelfNodeId);
* @brief
* Produce a string representation of the ResourceType. The resources types converted are those enumerated in
* ResourceTypeEnum.h and the 0 (corresponding to the RESOURCE_TYPE_RESERVED)
const char * ResourceTypeAsString(void) const;
* @brief
* Produce a string representation of a resource type. The resources types converted are those enumerated in
* ResourceTypeEnum.h and the 0 (corresponding to the RESOURCE_TYPE_RESERVED)
* @param [in] aResourceType A resource type enum to be converted to a string representation.
static const char * ResourceTypeAsString(uint16_t aResourceType);
* @brief
* An accessor function for fetching the ResourceId
uint64_t GetResourceId() const { return ResourceId; };
* @brief
* An accessor function for fetching the ResourceType
uint16_t GetResourceType() const { return ResourceType; };
friend bool operator ==(const ResourceIdentifier & lhs, const ResourceIdentifier & rhs);
void NormalizeResource(void);
void NormalizeResource(const uint64_t & aSelfNodeId);
uint16_t ResourceType;
uint64_t ResourceId;
uint8_t ResourceIdBytes[8];
inline bool operator ==(const ResourceIdentifier & lhs, const ResourceIdentifier & rhs)
return lhs.ResourceId == rhs.ResourceId && lhs.ResourceType == rhs.ResourceType;
inline bool operator !=(const ResourceIdentifier & lhs, const ResourceIdentifier & rhs)
return !(lhs == rhs);
}; // namespace WeaveMakeManagedNamespaceIdentifier(DataManagement, kWeaveManagedNamespaceDesignation_Current)
}; // namespace Profiles
}; // namespace Weave
}; // namespace nl