blob: 5798dd7a01185de5a53a013760a2eac494484e9b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Nest Labs, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* @brief
* Management of the Weave Event Logging.
#include <Weave/Profiles/data-management/Current/WdmManagedNamespace.h>
#include <Weave/Core/WeaveCircularTLVBuffer.h>
#include <Weave/Profiles/time/WeaveTime.h>
#include <Weave/Support/PersistedCounter.h>
namespace nl {
namespace Weave {
namespace Profiles {
namespace WeaveMakeManagedNamespaceIdentifier(DataManagement, kWeaveManagedNamespaceDesignation_Current) {
* @brief
* Internal event buffer, built around the nl::Weave::TLV::WeaveCircularTLVBuffer
struct CircularEventBuffer
// for doxygen, see the CPP file
CircularEventBuffer(uint8_t * inBuffer, size_t inBufferLength, CircularEventBuffer * inPrev, CircularEventBuffer * inNext);
// for doxygen, see the CPP file
bool IsFinalDestinationForImportance(ImportanceType inImportance) const;
event_id_t VendEventID(void);
void RemoveEvent(size_t aNumEvents);
// for doxygen, see the CPP file
void AddEvent(timestamp_t inEventTimestamp);
// Serializes the events in WeaveCircularTLVBuffer and the associated states
WEAVE_ERROR SerializeEvents(TLVWriter & writer);
// Load from serialized events
WEAVE_ERROR LoadEvents(TLVReader & reader);
// for doxygen, see the CPP file
void AddEventUTC(utc_timestamp_t inEventTimestamp);
nl::Weave::TLV::WeaveCircularTLVBuffer mBuffer; ///< The underlying TLV buffer storing the events in a TLV representation
CircularEventBuffer * mPrev; ///< A pointer #CircularEventBuffer storing events less important events
CircularEventBuffer * mNext; ///< A pointer #CircularEventBuffer storing events more important events
ImportanceType mImportance; ///< The buffer is the final bucket for events of this importance. Events of lesser importance are
///< dropped when they get bumped out of this buffer
event_id_t mFirstEventID; ///< First event ID stored in the logging subsystem for this importance
event_id_t mLastEventID; ///< Last event ID vended for this importance
timestamp_t mFirstEventTimestamp; ///< The timestamp of the first event in this buffer
timestamp_t mLastEventTimestamp; ///< The timestamp of the last event in this buffer
utc_timestamp_t mFirstEventUTCTimestamp; ///< The UTC timestamp of the first event in this buffer
utc_timestamp_t mLastEventUTCTimestamp; ///< The UTC timestamp of the last event in this buffer
bool mUTCInitialized; ///< Indicates whether UTC timestamps are initialized in this buffer
// The counter we're going to actually use.
nl::Weave::MonotonicallyIncreasingCounter * mEventIdCounter;
// The backup counter to use if no counter is provided for us.
nl::Weave::MonotonicallyIncreasingCounter mNonPersistedCounter;
static WEAVE_ERROR GetNextBufferFunct(nl::Weave::TLV::TLVReader & ioReader, uintptr_t & inBufHandle,
const uint8_t *& outBufStart, uint32_t & outBufLen);
* @brief
* A TLVReader backed by CircularEventBuffer
class CircularEventReader : public nl::Weave::TLV::TLVReader
friend struct CircularEventBuffer;
void Init(CircularEventBuffer * inBuf);
* @brief
* Internal structure for traversing event list.
struct CopyAndAdjustDeltaTimeContext
CopyAndAdjustDeltaTimeContext(nl::Weave::TLV::TLVWriter * inWriter, EventLoadOutContext * inContext);
nl::Weave::TLV::TLVWriter * mWriter;
EventLoadOutContext * mContext;
* @brief
* Internal structure for traversing events.
struct EventEnvelopeContext
size_t mNumFieldsToRead;
int32_t mDeltaTime;
int64_t mDeltaUtc;
ImportanceType mImportance;
ExternalEvents * mExternalEvents;
enum LoggingManagementStates
kLoggingManagementState_Idle = 1, ///< No log offload in progress, log offload can begin without any constraints
kLoggingManagementState_InProgress = 2, ///< Log offload in progress
kLoggingManagementState_Holdoff = 3, ///< Log offload has completed; we do not restart the log until the holdoff expires
kLoggingManagementState_Shutdown = 4 ///< Not capable of performing any logging operation
// forward class declaration
class LogBDXUpload;
* @brief
* A helper class used in initializing logging management.
* The class is used to encapsulate the resources allocated by the caller and denotes
* resources to be used in logging events of a particular importance. Note that
* while resources referring to the counters are used exclusively by the
* particular importance level, the buffers are shared between `this` importance
* level and events that are "more" important.
struct LogStorageResources
void * mBuffer; ///< Buffer to be used as a storage at the particular importance level and shared with more important events.
///< Must not be NULL. Must be large enough to accommodate the largest event emitted by the system.
size_t mBufferSize; ///< The size, in bytes, of the `mBuffer`.
nl::Weave::Platform::PersistedStorage::Key *
mCounterKey; ///< Name of the key naming persistent counter for events of this importance. When NULL, the persistent
///< counters will not be used for this importance level.
uint32_t mCounterEpoch; ///< The interval used in incrementing persistent counters. When 0, the persistent counters will not be
///< used for this importance level.
nl::Weave::PersistedCounter *
mCounterStorage; ///< Application-provided storage for persistent counter for this importance level. When NULL, persistent
///< counters will not be used for this importance level.
ImportanceType mImportance; ///< Log importance level associated with the resources provided in this structure.
* @brief
* A class for managing the in memory event logs.
class LoggingManagement
friend class LogBDXUpload;
LoggingManagement(nl::Weave::WeaveExchangeManager * inMgr, size_t inNumBuffers, const LogStorageResources * const inLogStorageResources);
static LoggingManagement & GetInstance(void);
static void CreateLoggingManagement(nl::Weave::WeaveExchangeManager * inMgr, size_t inNumBuffers, const LogStorageResources * const inLogStorageResources);
static void DestroyLoggingManagement(void);
WEAVE_ERROR LoadEvents(TLVReader & reader);
WEAVE_ERROR SerializeEvents(TLVWriter & writer);
void MarkShutdownInProgress(void);
void CancelShutdownInProgress(void);
bool IsShutdownInProgress(void);
WEAVE_ERROR SetExchangeManager(nl::Weave::WeaveExchangeManager * inMgr);
event_id_t LogEvent(const EventSchema & inSchema, EventWriterFunct inEventWriter, void * inAppData,
const EventOptions * inOptions);
WEAVE_ERROR GetEventReader(nl::Weave::TLV::TLVReader & ioReader, ImportanceType inImportance);
WEAVE_ERROR FetchEventsSince(nl::Weave::TLV::TLVWriter & ioWriter, ImportanceType inImportance, event_id_t & ioEventID);
WEAVE_ERROR ScheduleFlushIfNeeded(bool inFlushRequested);
WEAVE_ERROR SetLoggingEndpoint(event_id_t * inEventEndpoints, size_t inNumImportanceLevels, size_t & outLoggingPosition);
uint32_t GetBytesWritten(void) const;
void NotifyEventsDelivered(ImportanceType inImportance, event_id_t inLastDeliveredEventID, uint64_t inRecipientNodeID);
* @brief
* IsValid returns whether the LoggingManagement instance is valid
* @retval true The instance is valid (initialized with the appropriate backing store)
* @retval false Otherwise
bool IsValid(void) { return (mEventBuffer != NULL); };
event_id_t GetLastEventID(ImportanceType inImportance);
event_id_t GetFirstEventID(ImportanceType inImportance);
void ThrottleLogger(void);
void UnthrottleLogger(void);
void SetBDXUploader(LogBDXUpload * inUploader);
WEAVE_ERROR RegisterEventCallbackForImportance(ImportanceType inImportance, FetchExternalEventsFunct inFetchCallback,
NotifyExternalEventsDeliveredFunct inNotifyCallback,
NotifyExternalEventsEvictedFunct inEvictedCallback, size_t inNumEvents,
event_id_t * outLastEventID);
WEAVE_ERROR RegisterEventCallbackForImportance(ImportanceType inImportance, FetchExternalEventsFunct inFetchCallback,
NotifyExternalEventsDeliveredFunct inNotifyCallback, size_t inNumEvents,
event_id_t * outLastEventID);
WEAVE_ERROR RegisterEventCallbackForImportance(ImportanceType inImportance, FetchExternalEventsFunct inFetchCallback,
size_t inNumEvents, event_id_t * outLastEventID);
void UnregisterEventCallbackForImportance(ImportanceType inImportance, event_id_t inEventID);
WEAVE_ERROR BlitEvent(EventLoadOutContext * aContext, const EventSchema & inSchema, EventWriterFunct inEventWriter,
void * inAppData, const EventOptions * inOptions);
void SkipEvent(EventLoadOutContext * aContext);
bool CheckShouldRunWDM(void);
event_id_t LogEventPrivate(const EventSchema & inSchema, EventWriterFunct inEventWriter, void * inAppData,
const EventOptions * inOptions);
void FlushHandler(System::Layer * inSystemLayer, INET_ERROR inErr);
void SignalUploadDone(void);
WEAVE_ERROR CopyToNextBuffer(CircularEventBuffer * inEventBuffer);
WEAVE_ERROR EnsureSpace(size_t inRequiredSpace);
static WEAVE_ERROR CopyEventsSince(const nl::Weave::TLV::TLVReader & aReader, size_t aDepth, void * aContext);
static WEAVE_ERROR EventIterator(const nl::Weave::TLV::TLVReader & aReader, size_t aDepth, void * aContext);
static WEAVE_ERROR FetchEventParameters(const nl::Weave::TLV::TLVReader & aReader, size_t aDepth, void * aContext);
static WEAVE_ERROR CopyAndAdjustDeltaTime(const nl::Weave::TLV::TLVReader & aReader, size_t aDepth, void * aContext);
static WEAVE_ERROR EvictEvent(nl::Weave::TLV::WeaveCircularTLVBuffer & inBuffer, void * inAppData,
nl::Weave::TLV::TLVReader & inReader);
static WEAVE_ERROR AlwaysFail(nl::Weave::TLV::WeaveCircularTLVBuffer & inBuffer, void * inAppData,
nl::Weave::TLV::TLVReader & inReader);
static WEAVE_ERROR CopyEvent(const nl::Weave::TLV::TLVReader & aReader, nl::Weave::TLV::TLVWriter & aWriter,
EventLoadOutContext * aContext);
static void LoggingFlushHandler(System::Layer * systemLayer, void * appState, INET_ERROR err);
bool CheckShouldRunBDX(void);
ImportanceType GetMaxImportance(void);
ImportanceType GetCurrentImportance(uint32_t profileId);
CircularEventBuffer * GetImportanceBuffer(ImportanceType inImportance) const;
static WEAVE_ERROR FindExternalEvents(const nl::Weave::TLV::TLVReader & aReader, size_t aDepth, void * aContext);
WEAVE_ERROR GetExternalEventsFromEventId(ImportanceType inImportance, event_id_t inEventId, ExternalEvents * outExternalEvents,
nl::Weave::TLV::TLVReader & inReader);
static WEAVE_ERROR BlitExternalEvent(nl::Weave::TLV::TLVWriter & inWriter, ImportanceType inImportance,
ExternalEvents & inEvents);
CircularEventBuffer * mEventBuffer;
WeaveExchangeManager * mExchangeMgr;
LoggingManagementStates mState;
LogBDXUpload * mBDXUploader;
uint32_t mBytesWritten;
uint32_t mThrottled;
ImportanceType mMaxImportanceBuffer;
bool mUploadRequested;
namespace Platform {
extern void CriticalSectionEnter(void);
extern void CriticalSectionExit(void);
} // namespace Platform
} // namespace WeaveMakeManagedNamespaceIdentifier(DataManagement, kWeaveManagedNamespaceDesignation_Current)
} // namespace Profiles
} // namespace Weave
} // namespace nl