blob: 875f72315a62827070567a4667647e01cdea1613 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2019 Google LLC.
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* This file contains functions for working with Weave errors.
#include <Weave/Core/WeaveCore.h>
namespace nl {
namespace Weave {
* Given a Weave error, returns a human-readable NULL-terminated C string
* describing the error.
* @param[in] buf Buffer into which the error string will be placed.
* @param[in] bufSize Size of the supplied buffer in bytes.
* @param[in] err The error to be described.
* @return true If a description string was written into the supplied buffer.
* @return false If the supplied error was not a Weave error.
bool FormatWeaveError(char * buf, uint16_t bufSize, int32_t err)
const char * desc = NULL;
return false;
switch (err)
case WEAVE_ERROR_TOO_MANY_CONNECTIONS : desc = "Too many connections"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_SENDING_BLOCKED : desc = "Sending blocked"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_CONNECTION_ABORTED : desc = "Connection aborted"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE : desc = "Incorrect state"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_MESSAGE_TOO_LONG : desc = "Message too long"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_EXCHANGE_VERSION : desc = "Unsupported exchange version"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_TOO_MANY_UNSOLICITED_MESSAGE_HANDLERS : desc = "Too many unsolicited message handlers"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_NO_UNSOLICITED_MESSAGE_HANDLER : desc = "No unsolicited message handler"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_NO_CONNECTION_HANDLER : desc = "No connection handler"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_TOO_MANY_PEER_NODES : desc = "Too many peer nodes"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_NO_MEMORY : desc = "No memory"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_NO_MESSAGE_HANDLER : desc = "No message handler"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_MESSAGE_INCOMPLETE : desc = "Message incomplete"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_DATA_NOT_ALIGNED : desc = "Data not aligned"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_UNKNOWN_KEY_TYPE : desc = "Unknown key type"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_KEY_NOT_FOUND : desc = "Key not found"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_WRONG_ENCRYPTION_TYPE : desc = "Wrong encryption type"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_TOO_MANY_KEYS : desc = "Too many keys"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_INTEGRITY_CHECK_FAILED : desc = "Integrity check failed"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_SIGNATURE : desc = "Invalid signature"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_MESSAGE_VERSION : desc = "Unsupported message version"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_ENCRYPTION_TYPE : desc = "Unsupported encryption type"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_SIGNATURE_TYPE : desc = "Unsupported signature type"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_MESSAGE_LENGTH : desc = "Invalid message length"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL : desc = "Buffer too small"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_DUPLICATE_KEY_ID : desc = "Duplicate key id"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_WRONG_KEY_TYPE : desc = "Wrong key type"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_WELL_UNINITIALIZED : desc = "Well uninitialized"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_WELL_EMPTY : desc = "Well empty"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_STRING_LENGTH : desc = "Invalid string length"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_LIST_LENGTH : desc = "invalid list length"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_INTEGRITY_TYPE : desc = "Invalid integrity type"; break;
case WEAVE_END_OF_TLV : desc = "End of TLV"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_TLV_UNDERRUN : desc = "TLV underrun"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_TLV_ELEMENT : desc = "Invalid TLV element"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_TLV_TAG : desc = "Invalid TLV tag"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_UNKNOWN_IMPLICIT_TLV_TAG : desc = "Unknown implicit TLV tag"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_WRONG_TLV_TYPE : desc = "Wrong TLV type"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_TLV_CONTAINER_OPEN : desc = "TLV container open"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_TRANSFER_MODE : desc = "Invalid transfer mode"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_PROFILE_ID : desc = "Invalid profile id"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_MESSAGE_TYPE : desc = "Invalid message type"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_UNEXPECTED_TLV_ELEMENT : desc = "Unexpected TLV element"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_STATUS_REPORT_RECEIVED : desc = "Status Report received from peer"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED : desc = "Not Implemented"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_ADDRESS : desc = "Invalid address"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT : desc = "Invalid argument"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_TLV_TAG_NOT_FOUND : desc = "TLV tag not found"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_PATH_LIST : desc = "Invalid TLV path list"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_DATA_LIST : desc = "Invalid TLV data list"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_TRANSACTION_CANCELED : desc = "Transaction canceled"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_LISTENER_ALREADY_STARTED : desc = "Listener already started"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_LISTENER_ALREADY_STOPPED : desc = "Listener already stopped"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_UNKNOWN_TOPIC : desc = "Unknown Topic"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_TIMEOUT : desc = "Timeout"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR : desc = "Invalid device descriptor"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR_VERSION : desc = "Unsupported device descriptor version"; break;
case WEAVE_END_OF_INPUT : desc = "End of input"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED : desc = "Rate limit exceeded"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_SECURITY_MANAGER_BUSY : desc = "Security manager busy"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_PASE_PARAMETER : desc = "Invalid PASE parameter"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_PASE_SUPPORTS_ONLY_CONFIG1 : desc = "PASE supports only Config1"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_NO_COMMON_PASE_CONFIGURATIONS : desc = "No supported PASE configurations in common"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_PASE_CONFIGURATION : desc = "Invalid PASE configuration"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_KEY_CONFIRMATION_FAILED : desc = "Key confirmation failed"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_USE_OF_SESSION_KEY : desc = "Invalid use of session key"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_CONNECTION_CLOSED_UNEXPECTEDLY : desc = "Connection closed unexpectedly"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_MISSING_TLV_ELEMENT : desc = "Missing TLV element"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_RANDOM_DATA_UNAVAILABLE : desc = "Random data unavailable"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_HOST_PORT_ELEMENT : desc = "Unsupported type in host/port list"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_HOST_SUFFIX_INDEX : desc = "Invalid suffix index in host/port list"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_HOST_PORT_LIST_EMPTY : desc = "Host/port empty"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_AUTH_MODE : desc = "Unsupported authentication mode"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_SERVICE_EP : desc = "Invalid service endpoint"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_TYPE : desc = "Invalid directory entry type"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_FORCED_RESET : desc = "Service manager forced reset"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_NO_ENDPOINT : desc = "No endpoint was available to send the message"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_DESTINATION_NODE_ID : desc = "Invalid destination node id"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED : desc = "Not connected"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_NO_SW_UPDATE_AVAILABLE : desc = "No SW update available"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_CA_CERT_NOT_FOUND : desc = "CA certificate not found"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_CERT_PATH_LEN_CONSTRAINT_EXCEEDED : desc = "Certificate path length constraint exceeded"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_CERT_PATH_TOO_LONG : desc = "Certificate path too long"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_CERT_USAGE_NOT_ALLOWED : desc = "Requested certificate usage is not allowed"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_CERT_EXPIRED : desc = "Certificate expired"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_CERT_NOT_VALID_YET : desc = "Certificate not yet valid"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_CERT_FORMAT : desc = "Unsupported certificate format"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_ELLIPTIC_CURVE : desc = "Unsupported elliptic curve"; break;
case WEAVE_CERT_NOT_USED : desc = "Certificate was not used in chain validation"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_CERT_NOT_FOUND : desc = "Certificate not found"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_CASE_PARAMETER : desc = "Invalid CASE parameter"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_CASE_CONFIGURATION : desc = "Unsupported CASE configuration"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_CERT_LOAD_FAIL : desc = "Unable to load certificate"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_CERT_NOT_TRUSTED : desc = "Certificate not trusted"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_ACCESS_TOKEN : desc = "Invalid access token"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_WRONG_CERT_SUBJECT : desc = "Wrong certificate subject"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_WRONG_NODE_ID : desc = "Wrong node ID"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_CONN_ACCEPTED_ON_WRONG_PORT : desc = "Connection accepted on wrong port"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_CALLBACK_REPLACED : desc = "Application callback replaced"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_NO_CASE_AUTH_DELEGATE : desc = "No CASE auth delegate set"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_DEVICE_LOCATE_TIMEOUT : desc = "Timeout attempting to locate device"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_DEVICE_CONNECT_TIMEOUT : desc = "Timeout connecting to device"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_DEVICE_AUTH_TIMEOUT : desc = "Timeout authenticating device"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_MESSAGE_NOT_ACKNOWLEDGED : desc = "Message not acknowledged after max retries"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_RETRANS_TABLE_FULL : desc = "Retransmit Table is already full"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_ACK_ID : desc = "Invalid Acknowledgment Id"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_SEND_THROTTLED : desc = "Sending to peer is throttled on this Exchange"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_WRONG_MSG_VERSION_FOR_EXCHANGE : desc = "Message version not supported by current exchange context"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_WEAVE_FEATURE : desc = "Required feature not supported by this configuration"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_UNSOLICITED_MSG_NO_ORIGINATOR : desc = "Unsolicited msg with originator bit clear"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_TUNNEL_VERSION : desc = "Unsupported Tunnel version"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_FABRIC_ID : desc = "Invalid Fabric Id"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_TUNNEL_NEXTHOP_TABLE_FULL : desc = "Local tunnel nexthop table full"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_TUNNEL_SERVICE_QUEUE_FULL : desc = "Service queue full"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_TUNNEL_PEER_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND : desc = "Shortcut Tunnel peer entry not found"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_TUNNEL_FORCE_ABORT : desc = "Forced Tunnel Abort."; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_DRBG_ENTROPY_SOURCE_FAILED : desc = "DRBG entropy source failed to generate entropy data"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_NO_TAKE_AUTH_DELEGATE : desc = "No TAKE auth delegate set"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_TAKE_RECONFIGURE_REQUIRED : desc = "TAKE requires a reconfigure"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_TAKE_REAUTH_POSSIBLE : desc = "TAKE can do a reauthentication"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_TAKE_PARAMETER : desc = "TAKE received an invalid parameter"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_TAKE_CONFIGURATION : desc = "TAKE Unsupported configuration"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_TAKE_TOKEN_IDENTIFICATION_FAILED : desc = "TAKE token identification failed"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_TOKENPAIRINGBUNDLE : desc = "Invalid Token Pairing Bundle"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_TOKENPAIRINGBUNDLE_VERSION : desc = "Unsupported Token Pairing Bundle version"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_KEY_NOT_FOUND_FROM_PEER : desc = "Key not found error code received from peer"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_WRONG_ENCRYPTION_TYPE_FROM_PEER : desc = "Wrong encryption type error code received from peer"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_UNKNOWN_KEY_TYPE_FROM_PEER : desc = "Unknown key type error code received from peer"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_USE_OF_SESSION_KEY_FROM_PEER : desc = "Invalid use of session key error code received from peer"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_ENCRYPTION_TYPE_FROM_PEER : desc = "Unsupported encryption type error code received from peer"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_INTERNAL_KEY_ERROR_FROM_PEER : desc = "Internal key error code received from peer"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_KEY_ID : desc = "Invalid key identifier"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_TIME : desc = "Valid time value is not available"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_LOCKING_FAILURE : desc = "Failure to lock/unlock OS-provided lock"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_PASSCODE_CONFIG : desc = "Unsupported passcode encryption configuration."; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_PASSCODE_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED : desc = "Passcode authentication failed."; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_PASSCODE_FINGERPRINT_FAILED : desc = "Passcode fingerprint failed."; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_SERIALIZATION_ELEMENT_NULL : desc = "Element requested is null."; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_WRONG_CERT_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM : desc = "Certificate not signed with required signature algorithm"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_WRONG_WEAVE_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM : desc = "Weave signature not signed with required signature algorithm"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_WDM_SCHEMA_MISMATCH : desc = "Schema mismatch in WDM."; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_INTEGER_VALUE : desc = "Invalid integer value."; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_TOO_MANY_CASE_RECONFIGURATIONS : desc = "Too many CASE reconfigurations were received."; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_MESSAGE_FLAG : desc = "Invalid message flag."; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_KEY_EXPORT_RECONFIGURE_REQUIRED : desc = "Key export protocol required to reconfigure."; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_NO_COMMON_KEY_EXPORT_CONFIGURATIONS : desc = "No supported key export protocol configurations in common"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_KEY_EXPORT_CONFIGURATION : desc = "Invalid key export protocol configuration"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_NO_KEY_EXPORT_DELEGATE : desc = "No key export protocol delegate set"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_UNAUTHORIZED_KEY_EXPORT_REQUEST : desc = "Unauthorized key export request"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_UNAUTHORIZED_KEY_EXPORT_RESPONSE : desc = "Unauthorized key export response"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_EXPORTED_KEY_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED : desc = "Exported key authentication failed"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_TOO_MANY_SHARED_SESSION_END_NODES : desc = "Too many shared session end nodes"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_WDM_MALFORMED_DATA_ELEMENT : desc = "Malformed WDM DataElement"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_WRONG_CERT_TYPE : desc = "Wrong certificate type"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_DEFAULT_EVENT_HANDLER_NOT_CALLED : desc = "Default event handler not called"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_PERSISTED_STORAGE_FAIL : desc = "Persisted storage failed"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_PERSISTED_STORAGE_VALUE_NOT_FOUND : desc = "Value not found in the persisted storage"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_PROFILE_STRING_CONTEXT_ALREADY_REGISTERED : desc = "String context already registered"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_PROFILE_STRING_CONTEXT_NOT_REGISTERED : desc = "String context not registered"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_SCHEMA_VERSION : desc = "Incompatible data schema version"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_TUNNEL_ROUTING_RESTRICTED : desc = "Restricted Routing: Border Routing disabled"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_TUNNEL_RESET_RECONNECT_ALREADY_ARMED : desc = "The Reset reconnect timer is already armed"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_MISMATCH_UPDATE_REQUIRED_VERSION : desc = "Update Required Version mismatch"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_WDM_MALFORMED_STATUS_ELEMENT : desc = "Status Element in WDM update is malformed"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_WDM_SUBSCRIPTIONLESS_NOTIFY_PARTIAL : desc = "The WDM Subscriptionless Notify is partial"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED : desc = "The Weave message is not granted access"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_UNKNOWN_RESOURCE_ID : desc = "Unknown resource ID"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_WDM_MALFORMED_UPDATE_RESPONSE : desc = "Malformed WDM Update response"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_WDM_VERSION_MISMATCH : desc = "The conditional update of a WDM path failed for a version mismatch"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_WDM_POTENTIAL_DATA_LOSS : desc = "A potential data loss was detected in a WDM Trait Instance"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_THREAD_NETWORK_CREATE : desc = "Nest Legacy device doesn't support standalone Thread network creation"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_WDM_INCONSISTENT_CONDITIONALITY : desc = "The Trait Instance is already being updated with a different conditionality"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_WDM_LOCAL_DATA_INCONSISTENT : desc = "The local data does not match any known version of the Trait Instance"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_WDM_PATH_STORE_FULL : desc = "A WDM TraitPath store is full"; break;
case WEAVE_EVENT_ID_FOUND : desc = "Event id found"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_SESSION_KEY_SUSPENDED : desc = "Session key suspended"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_WIRELESS_REGULATORY_DOMAIN : desc = "Unsupported wireless regulatory domain"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_WIRELESS_OPERATING_LOCATION : desc = "Unsupported wireless operating location"; break;
case WEAVE_ERROR_WDM_EVENT_TOO_BIG : desc = "The WDM Event is too big to be successfully transmitted to a peer node"; break;
FormatError(buf, bufSize, "Weave", err, desc);
return true;
} // namespace Weave
} // namespace nl