blob: 4a690fef9280495b7ba7e6c32997f67a442596c4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Google LLC.
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* This file defines NLWdmClient interface.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "NLWeaveErrorCodes.h"
#import "NLResourceIdentifier.h"
#import "NLGenericTraitUpdatableDataSink.h"
typedef void (^WdmClientCompletionBlock)(id owner, id data);
typedef void (^WdmClientFailureBlock)(id owner, NSError * error);
@interface NLWdmClient : NSObject
@property (copy, readonly) NSString * name;
@property (readonly) dispatch_queue_t resultCallbackQueue;
@property (weak) id owner;
* @brief Disable default initializer inherited from NSObject
- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
* @brief Forcefully release all resources and destroy all references.
* There is no way to revive this WDMClient after this call.
- (void)close:(WdmClientCompletionBlock)completionHandler;
// ----- Error Logging -----
- (NSString *)toErrorString:(WEAVE_ERROR)err;
* set Weave node ID in trait catalog in WdmClient
* @param nodeId Weave node ID
- (void)setNodeId:(uint64_t)nodeId;
* Create the new data newDataSink
* @param nlResourceIdentifier resource id is a globally-unique identifier for a Weave resource
* @param profileId trait profile id
* @param instanceId trait instance id
* @param path trait path
- (NLGenericTraitUpdatableDataSink *)newDataSink:(NLResourceIdentifier *)nlResourceIdentifier
path:(NSString *)path;
* Begins a flush of all trait data. The result of this operation can be observed through the CompletionHandler and
* failureHandler, when operation completes, onWdmClientFlushUpdateComplete is called, application would receive statusResultsList,
* if it is empty, it means success without failed path, if anything inside, the array member could be NLWdmClientFlushUpdateError(local client error)
* or NLWdmClientFlushUpdateDeviceStatus(remote device status), application can use the path and dataSink from the above member to clear
* particular data or skip the error if necessary. When operation fails, it usually means the operation cannot complete at all, for example
* communication or protocol issue, onWdmClientError would be called.
- (void)flushUpdate:(WdmClientCompletionBlock)completionHandler failure:(WdmClientFailureBlock)failureHandler;
* Begins a sync of all trait data. The result of this operation can be observed through the CompletionHandler and
* failureHandler
- (void)refreshData:(WdmClientCompletionBlock)completionHandler failure:(WdmClientFailureBlock)failureHandler;
* Begins a sync of all events. The result of this operation can be observed through the CompletionHandler and
* failureHandler, the procedure will be terminated after reaching timeout.
- (void)fetchEvents:(WdmClientCompletionBlock)completionHandler failure:(WdmClientFailureBlock)failureHandler
* getEvents will return a list of event data in json array representation.
* If no events have been fetched, an empty array ("[]") will be returned.
* The internal buffer will be cleared when beginFetchEvents() is called.
* Each element in this array should be an object
* Field | Type | Description
* -----------------------+-------------+--------------
* Source | uint64 | Event Header
* Importance | int (enum)
* Id | uint64
* RelatedImportance | uint64
* RelatedId | uint64
* UTCTimestamp | uint64
* ResourceId | uint64
* TraitProfileId | uint64
* TraitInstanceId | uint64
* Type | uint64
* DeltaUTCTime | int
* DeltaSystemTime | int
* PresenceMask | uint64
* DataSchemaVersionRange | Object{MinVersion: uint64, MaxVersion: uint64}
* Data | Object | Event Trait Data
- (WEAVE_ERROR)getEvents:(NSString **)events;