blob: c52217320e597d8a274d453fae9ae46f7decc553 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020, The OpenThread Authors.
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the
* names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
* derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
* @file
* This file includes definitions for the RA-based routing management.
#include "openthread-core-config.h"
#include <openthread/border_routing.h>
#include <openthread/nat64.h>
#include <openthread/netdata.h>
#include "border_router/infra_if.hpp"
#include "common/array.hpp"
#include "common/callback.hpp"
#include "common/error.hpp"
#include "common/heap_allocatable.hpp"
#include "common/heap_array.hpp"
#include "common/heap_data.hpp"
#include "common/linked_list.hpp"
#include "common/locator.hpp"
#include "common/message.hpp"
#include "common/notifier.hpp"
#include "common/pool.hpp"
#include "common/string.hpp"
#include "common/timer.hpp"
#include "crypto/sha256.hpp"
#include "net/ip6.hpp"
#include "net/nat64_translator.hpp"
#include "net/nd6.hpp"
#include "thread/network_data.hpp"
namespace ot {
namespace BorderRouter {
* Implements bi-directional routing between Thread and Infrastructure networks.
* The Border Routing manager works on both Thread interface and infrastructure interface.
* All ICMPv6 messages are sent/received on the infrastructure interface.
class RoutingManager : public InstanceLocator
friend class ot::Notifier;
friend class ot::Instance;
typedef NetworkData::RoutePreference RoutePreference; ///< Route preference (high, medium, low).
typedef otBorderRoutingPrefixTableIterator PrefixTableIterator; ///< Prefix Table Iterator.
typedef otBorderRoutingPrefixTableEntry PrefixTableEntry; ///< Prefix Table Entry.
typedef otBorderRoutingRouterEntry RouterEntry; ///< Router Entry.
typedef otPdProcessedRaInfo PdProcessedRaInfo; ///< Data of PdProcessedRaInfo.
typedef otBorderRoutingRequestDhcp6PdCallback PdCallback; ///< DHCPv6 PD callback.
* This constant specifies the maximum number of route prefixes that may be published by `RoutingManager`
* in Thread Network Data.
* This is used by `NetworkData::Publisher` to reserve entries for use by `RoutingManager`.
* The number of published entries accounts for:
* - Route prefix `fc00::/7` or `::/0`
* - One entry for NAT64 published prefix.
* - One extra entry for transitions.
static constexpr uint16_t kMaxPublishedPrefixes = 3;
* Represents the states of `RoutingManager`.
enum State : uint8_t
kStateUninitialized = OT_BORDER_ROUTING_STATE_UNINITIALIZED, ///< Uninitialized.
kStateDisabled = OT_BORDER_ROUTING_STATE_DISABLED, ///< Initialized but disabled.
kStateStopped = OT_BORDER_ROUTING_STATE_STOPPED, ///< Initialized & enabled, but currently stopped.
kStateRunning = OT_BORDER_ROUTING_STATE_RUNNING, ///< Initialized, enabled, and running.
* This enumeration represents the states of DHCPv6 PD in `RoutingManager`.
enum Dhcp6PdState : uint8_t
kDhcp6PdStateDisabled = OT_BORDER_ROUTING_DHCP6_PD_STATE_DISABLED, ///< Disabled.
kDhcp6PdStateStopped = OT_BORDER_ROUTING_DHCP6_PD_STATE_STOPPED, ///< Enabled, but currently stopped.
kDhcp6PdStateRunning = OT_BORDER_ROUTING_DHCP6_PD_STATE_RUNNING, ///< Enabled, and running.
* Initializes the routing manager.
* @param[in] aInstance A OpenThread instance.
explicit RoutingManager(Instance &aInstance);
* Initializes the routing manager on given infrastructure interface.
* @param[in] aInfraIfIndex An infrastructure network interface index.
* @param[in] aInfraIfIsRunning A boolean that indicates whether the infrastructure
* interface is running.
* @retval kErrorNone Successfully started the routing manager.
* @retval kErrorInvalidArgs The index of the infra interface is not valid.
Error Init(uint32_t aInfraIfIndex, bool aInfraIfIsRunning);
* Enables/disables the Border Routing Manager.
* @note The Border Routing Manager is enabled by default.
* @param[in] aEnabled A boolean to enable/disable the Border Routing Manager.
* @retval kErrorInvalidState The Border Routing Manager is not initialized yet.
* @retval kErrorNone Successfully enabled/disabled the Border Routing Manager.
Error SetEnabled(bool aEnabled);
* Indicates whether or not it is currently running.
* In order for the `RoutingManager` to be running it needs to be initialized and enabled, and device being
* attached.
* @retval TRUE The RoutingManager is currently running.
* @retval FALSE The RoutingManager is not running.
bool IsRunning(void) const { return mIsRunning; }
* Gets the state of `RoutingManager`.
* @returns The current state of `RoutingManager`.
State GetState(void) const;
* Requests the Border Routing Manager to stop.
* If Border Routing Manager is running, calling this method immediately stops it and triggers the preparation
* and sending of a final Router Advertisement (RA) message on infrastructure interface which deprecates and/or
* removes any previously advertised PIO/RIO prefixes. If Routing Manager is not running (or not enabled), no
* action is taken.
* Note that this method does not change whether the Routing Manager is enabled or disabled (see `SetEnabled()`).
* It stops the Routing Manager temporarily. After calling this method if the device role gets changes (device
* gets attached) and/or the infra interface state gets changed, the Routing Manager may be started again.
void RequestStop(void) { Stop(); }
* Gets the current preference used when advertising Route Info Options (RIO) in Router Advertisement
* messages sent over the infrastructure link.
* The RIO preference is determined as follows:
* - If explicitly set by user by calling `SetRouteInfoOptionPreference()`, the given preference is used.
* - Otherwise, it is determined based on device's role: Medium preference when in router/leader role and low
* preference when in child role.
* @returns The current Route Info Option preference.
RoutePreference GetRouteInfoOptionPreference(void) const { return mRioAdvertiser.GetPreference(); }
* Explicitly sets the preference to use when advertising Route Info Options (RIO) in Router
* Advertisement messages sent over the infrastructure link.
* After a call to this method, BR will use the given preference for all its advertised RIOs. The preference can be
* cleared by calling `ClearRouteInfoOptionPreference`()`.
* @param[in] aPreference The route preference to use.
void SetRouteInfoOptionPreference(RoutePreference aPreference) { mRioAdvertiser.SetPreference(aPreference); }
* Clears a previously set preference value for advertised Route Info Options.
* After a call to this method, BR will use device role to determine the RIO preference: Medium preference when
* in router/leader role and low preference when in child role.
void ClearRouteInfoOptionPreference(void) { mRioAdvertiser.ClearPreference(); }
* Sets additional options to append at the end of emitted Router Advertisement (RA) messages.
* The content of @p aOptions is copied internally, so can be a temporary stack variable.
* Subsequent calls to this method will overwrite the previously set value.
* @param[in] aOptions A pointer to the encoded options. Can be `nullptr` to clear.
* @param[in] aLength Number of bytes in @p aOptions.
* @retval kErrorNone Successfully set the extra option bytes.
* @retval kErrorNoBufs Could not allocate buffer to save the buffer.
Error SetExtraRouterAdvertOptions(const uint8_t *aOptions, uint16_t aLength);
* Gets the current preference used for published routes in Network Data.
* The preference is determined as follows:
* - If explicitly set by user by calling `SetRoutePreference()`, the given preference is used.
* - Otherwise, it is determined automatically by `RoutingManager` based on the device's role and link quality.
* @returns The current published route preference.
RoutePreference GetRoutePreference(void) const { return mRoutePublisher.GetPreference(); }
* Explicitly sets the preference of published routes in Network Data.
* After a call to this method, BR will use the given preference. The preference can be cleared by calling
* `ClearRoutePreference`()`.
* @param[in] aPreference The route preference to use.
void SetRoutePreference(RoutePreference aPreference) { mRoutePublisher.SetPreference(aPreference); }
* Clears a previously set preference value for published routes in Network Data.
* After a call to this method, BR will determine the preference automatically based on the device's role and
* link quality (to the parent when acting as end-device).
void ClearRoutePreference(void) { mRoutePublisher.ClearPreference(); }
* Returns the local generated off-mesh-routable (OMR) prefix.
* The randomly generated 64-bit prefix will be added to the Thread Network Data if there isn't already an OMR
* prefix.
* @param[out] aPrefix A reference to where the prefix will be output to.
* @retval kErrorInvalidState The Border Routing Manager is not initialized yet.
* @retval kErrorNone Successfully retrieved the OMR prefix.
Error GetOmrPrefix(Ip6::Prefix &aPrefix) const;
* Returns the platform provided off-mesh-routable (OMR) prefix.
* The prefix is extracted from the platform generated RA messages handled by `ProcessPlatformGeneratedNd()`.
* @param[out] aPrefixInfo A reference to where the prefix info will be output to.
* @retval kErrorNone Successfully retrieved the OMR prefix.
* @retval kErrorNotFound There are no valid PD prefix on this BR.
* @retval kErrorInvalidState The Border Routing Manager is not initialized yet.
Error GetPdOmrPrefix(PrefixTableEntry &aPrefixInfo) const;
* Returns platform generated RA message processed information.
* @param[out] aPdProcessedRaInfo A reference to where the PD processed RA info will be output to.
* @retval kErrorNone Successfully retrieved the Info.
* @retval kErrorNotFound There are no valid RA process info on this BR.
* @retval kErrorInvalidState The Border Routing Manager is not initialized yet.
Error GetPdProcessedRaInfo(PdProcessedRaInfo &aPdProcessedRaInfo);
* Returns the currently favored off-mesh-routable (OMR) prefix.
* The favored OMR prefix can be discovered from Network Data or can be our local OMR prefix.
* An OMR prefix with higher preference is favored. If the preference is the same, then the smaller prefix (in the
* sense defined by `Ip6::Prefix`) is favored.
* @param[out] aPrefix A reference to output the favored prefix.
* @param[out] aPreference A reference to output the preference associated with the favored OMR prefix.
* @retval kErrorInvalidState The Border Routing Manager is not running yet.
* @retval kErrorNone Successfully retrieved the OMR prefix.
Error GetFavoredOmrPrefix(Ip6::Prefix &aPrefix, RoutePreference &aPreference) const;
* Returns the on-link prefix for the adjacent infrastructure link.
* The randomly generated 64-bit prefix will be advertised
* on the infrastructure link if there isn't already a usable
* on-link prefix being advertised on the link.
* @param[out] aPrefix A reference to where the prefix will be output to.
* @retval kErrorInvalidState The Border Routing Manager is not initialized yet.
* @retval kErrorNone Successfully retrieved the local on-link prefix.
Error GetOnLinkPrefix(Ip6::Prefix &aPrefix) const;
* Returns the favored on-link prefix for the adjacent infrastructure link.
* The favored prefix is either a discovered prefix on the infrastructure link or the local on-link prefix.
* @param[out] aPrefix A reference to where the prefix will be output to.
* @retval kErrorInvalidState The Border Routing Manager is not initialized yet.
* @retval kErrorNone Successfully retrieved the favored on-link prefix.
Error GetFavoredOnLinkPrefix(Ip6::Prefix &aPrefix) const;
* Gets the state of NAT64 prefix publishing.
* @retval kStateDisabled NAT64 is disabled.
* @retval kStateNotRunning NAT64 is enabled, but is not running since routing manager is not running.
* @retval kStateIdle NAT64 is enabled, but the border router is not publishing a NAT64 prefix. Usually
* when there is another border router publishing a NAT64 prefix with higher
* priority.
* @retval kStateActive The Border router is publishing a NAT64 prefix.
Nat64::State GetNat64PrefixManagerState(void) const { return mNat64PrefixManager.GetState(); }
* Enable or disable NAT64 prefix publishing.
* @param[in] aEnabled A boolean to enable/disable NAT64 prefix publishing.
void SetNat64PrefixManagerEnabled(bool aEnabled);
* Returns the local NAT64 prefix.
* @param[out] aPrefix A reference to where the prefix will be output to.
* @retval kErrorInvalidState The Border Routing Manager is not initialized yet.
* @retval kErrorNone Successfully retrieved the NAT64 prefix.
Error GetNat64Prefix(Ip6::Prefix &aPrefix);
* Returns the currently favored NAT64 prefix.
* The favored NAT64 prefix can be discovered from infrastructure link or can be the local NAT64 prefix.
* @param[out] aPrefix A reference to output the favored prefix.
* @param[out] aRoutePreference A reference to output the preference associated with the favored prefix.
* @retval kErrorInvalidState The Border Routing Manager is not initialized yet.
* @retval kErrorNone Successfully retrieved the NAT64 prefix.
Error GetFavoredNat64Prefix(Ip6::Prefix &aPrefix, RoutePreference &aRoutePreference);
* Informs `RoutingManager` of the result of the discovery request of NAT64 prefix on infrastructure
* interface (`InfraIf::DiscoverNat64Prefix()`).
* @param[in] aPrefix The discovered NAT64 prefix on `InfraIf`.
void HandleDiscoverNat64PrefixDone(const Ip6::Prefix &aPrefix) { mNat64PrefixManager.HandleDiscoverDone(aPrefix); }
* Processes a received ICMPv6 message from the infrastructure interface.
* Malformed or undesired messages are dropped silently.
* @param[in] aPacket The received ICMPv6 packet.
* @param[in] aSrcAddress The source address this message is sent from.
void HandleReceived(const InfraIf::Icmp6Packet &aPacket, const Ip6::Address &aSrcAddress);
* Handles infrastructure interface state changes.
void HandleInfraIfStateChanged(void) { EvaluateState(); }
* Checks whether the on-mesh prefix configuration is a valid OMR prefix.
* @param[in] aOnMeshPrefixConfig The on-mesh prefix configuration to check.
* @retval TRUE The prefix is a valid OMR prefix.
* @retval FALSE The prefix is not a valid OMR prefix.
static bool IsValidOmrPrefix(const NetworkData::OnMeshPrefixConfig &aOnMeshPrefixConfig);
* Checks whether a given prefix is a valid OMR prefix.
* @param[in] aPrefix The prefix to check.
* @retval TRUE The prefix is a valid OMR prefix.
* @retval FALSE The prefix is not a valid OMR prefix.
static bool IsValidOmrPrefix(const Ip6::Prefix &aPrefix);
* Initializes a `PrefixTableIterator`.
* An iterator can be initialized again to start from the beginning of the table.
* When iterating over entries in the table, to ensure the entry update times are consistent, they are given
* relative to the time the iterator was initialized.
* @param[out] aIterator The iterator to initialize.
void InitPrefixTableIterator(PrefixTableIterator &aIterator) const
* Iterates over entries in the discovered prefix table.
* @param[in,out] aIterator An iterator.
* @param[out] aEntry A reference to the entry to populate.
* @retval kErrorNone Got the next entry, @p aEntry is updated and @p aIterator is advanced.
* @retval kErrorNotFound No more entries in the table.
Error GetNextPrefixTableEntry(PrefixTableIterator &aIterator, PrefixTableEntry &aEntry) const
return mDiscoveredPrefixTable.GetNextEntry(aIterator, aEntry);
* Iterates over discovered router entries on infrastructure link.
* @param[in,out] aIterator An iterator.
* @param[out] aEntry A reference to the entry to populate.
* @retval kErrorNone Got the next router info, @p aEntry is updated and @p aIterator is advanced.
* @retval kErrorNotFound No more routers.
Error GetNextRouterEntry(PrefixTableIterator &aIterator, RouterEntry &aEntry) const
return mDiscoveredPrefixTable.GetNextRouter(aIterator, aEntry);
* Determines whether to enable/disable SRP server when the auto-enable mode is changed on SRP server.
* This should be called from `Srp::Server` when auto-enable mode is changed.
void HandleSrpServerAutoEnableMode(void);
* Handles a router advertisement message received on platform's Thread interface.
* Note: This method is a part of DHCPv6 PD support on Thread border routers. The message should be generated by the
* software like dnamasq, radvd, systemd-networkd on the platform as a part of the DHCPv6 prefix delegation process
* for distributing the prefix to the interfaces (links).
* @param[in] aRouterAdvert A pointer to the buffer of the router advertisement message.
* @param[in] aLength The length of the router advertisement message.
void ProcessPlatformGeneratedRa(const uint8_t *aRouterAdvert, uint16_t aLength)
mPdPrefixManager.ProcessPlatformGeneratedRa(aRouterAdvert, aLength);
* Handles a prefix delegated from a DHCPv6 PD server. The prefix is received on the DHCPv6 PD client callback and
* then this method can be used to configure the prefix in the Routing Manager module.
* Note: This method is a part of DHCPv6 PD support on Thread border routers. For platforms where it doesn't make
* sense to generate a RA to set a DHCPv6 PD prefix this method can be used to set the prefix directly. The lifetime
* of the prefix can be updated by calling the function again with updated values.
* @param[in] aPrefixInfo Prefix information structure received from the DHCPv6 PD server.
void ProcessDhcpPdPrefix(const PrefixTableEntry &aPrefixInfo) { mPdPrefixManager.ProcessDhcpPdPrefix(aPrefixInfo); }
* Enables / Disables the functions for DHCPv6 PD.
* @param[in] aEnabled Whether to accept platform generated RA messages.
void SetDhcp6PdEnabled(bool aEnabled) { return mPdPrefixManager.SetEnabled(aEnabled); }
* Returns the state of accpeting RouterAdvertisement messages on platform interface.
* @retval kDhcp6PdStateRunning DHCPv6 PD should be enabled and running on this border router.
* @retval kDhcp6PdStateDisabled DHCPv6 PD should be disabled on this border router..
Dhcp6PdState GetDhcp6PdState(void) const { return mPdPrefixManager.GetState(); }
* Sets the callback whenever the state of a prefix request or release, via the DHCPv6 Prefix Delegation (PD),
* changes on the Thread interface.
* @param[in] aCallback A pointer to a function that is called whenever the state of a prefix request or release
* changes.
* @param[in] aContext A pointer to arbitrary context information.
void SetRequestDhcp6PdCallback(PdCallback aCallback, void *aContext)
mPdPrefixManager.SetRequestDhcp6PdCallback(aCallback, aContext);
static constexpr uint8_t kMaxOnMeshPrefixes = OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_BORDER_ROUTING_MAX_ON_MESH_PREFIXES;
static constexpr uint8_t kOmrPrefixLength = OT_IP6_PREFIX_BITSIZE; // The length of an OMR prefix. In bits.
static constexpr uint8_t kOnLinkPrefixLength = OT_IP6_PREFIX_BITSIZE; // The length of an On-link prefix. In bits.
static constexpr uint8_t kBrUlaPrefixLength = 48; // The length of a BR ULA prefix. In bits.
static constexpr uint8_t kNat64PrefixLength = 96; // The length of a NAT64 prefix. In bits.
static constexpr uint16_t kOmrPrefixSubnetId = 1; // The subnet ID of an OMR prefix within a BR ULA prefix.
static constexpr uint16_t kNat64PrefixSubnetId = 2; // The subnet ID of a NAT64 prefix within a BR ULA prefix.
// The maximum number of initial Router Advertisements.
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxInitRtrAdvertisements = 3;
static constexpr uint32_t kDefaultOmrPrefixLifetime = 1800; // The default OMR prefix valid lifetime. In sec.
static constexpr uint32_t kDefaultOnLinkPrefixLifetime = 1800; // The default on-link prefix valid lifetime. In sec.
static constexpr uint32_t kDefaultNat64PrefixLifetime = 300; // The default NAT64 prefix valid lifetime. In sec.
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxRtrAdvInterval = 600; // Max Router Advertisement Interval. In sec.
static constexpr uint32_t kMinRtrAdvInterval = kMaxRtrAdvInterval / 3; // Min RA Interval. In sec.
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxInitRtrAdvInterval = 16; // Max Initial RA Interval. In sec.
static constexpr uint32_t kRaReplyJitter = 500; // Jitter for sending RA after rx RS. In msec.
static constexpr uint32_t kPolicyEvaluationMinDelay = 2000; // Min delay for policy evaluation. In msec.
static constexpr uint32_t kPolicyEvaluationMaxDelay = 4000; // Max delay for policy evaluation. In msec.
static constexpr uint32_t kMinDelayBetweenRtrAdvs = 3000; // Min delay (msec) between consecutive RAs.
// The STALE_RA_TIME in seconds. The Routing Manager will consider the prefixes
// and learned RA parameters STALE when they are not refreshed in STALE_RA_TIME
// seconds. The Routing Manager will then start Router Solicitation to verify
// that the STALE prefix is not being advertised anymore and remove the STALE
// prefix.
// The value is chosen in range of [`kMaxRtrAdvInterval` upper bound (1800s), `kDefaultOnLinkPrefixLifetime`].
static constexpr uint32_t kRtrAdvStaleTime = 1800;
static_assert(kMinRtrAdvInterval <= 3 * kMaxRtrAdvInterval / 4, "invalid RA intervals");
static_assert(kDefaultOmrPrefixLifetime >= kMaxRtrAdvInterval, "invalid default OMR prefix lifetime");
static_assert(kDefaultOnLinkPrefixLifetime >= kMaxRtrAdvInterval, "invalid default on-link prefix lifetime");
static_assert(kRtrAdvStaleTime >= 1800 && kRtrAdvStaleTime <= kDefaultOnLinkPrefixLifetime,
"invalid RA STALE time");
static_assert(kPolicyEvaluationMaxDelay > kPolicyEvaluationMinDelay,
"kPolicyEvaluationMaxDelay must be larger than kPolicyEvaluationMinDelay");
using Option = Ip6::Nd::Option;
using PrefixInfoOption = Ip6::Nd::PrefixInfoOption;
using RouteInfoOption = Ip6::Nd::RouteInfoOption;
using RaFlagsExtOption = Ip6::Nd::RaFlagsExtOption;
using RouterAdvert = Ip6::Nd::RouterAdvert;
using NeighborAdvertMessage = Ip6::Nd::NeighborAdvertMessage;
using NeighborSolicitMessage = Ip6::Nd::NeighborSolicitMessage;
using RouterSolicitMessage = Ip6::Nd::RouterSolicitMessage;
enum RouterAdvTxMode : uint8_t // Used in `SendRouterAdvertisement()`
enum ScheduleMode : uint8_t // Used in `ScheduleRoutingPolicyEvaluation()`
void HandleDiscoveredPrefixTableChanged(void); // Declare early so we can use in `mSignalTask`
void HandleDiscoveredPrefixTableEntryTimer(void) { mDiscoveredPrefixTable.HandleEntryTimer(); }
void HandleDiscoveredPrefixTableRouterTimer(void) { mDiscoveredPrefixTable.HandleRouterTimer(); }
class PdPrefixManager; // For DiscoveredPrefixTable::Entry
class DiscoveredPrefixTable : public InstanceLocator
// This class maintains the discovered on-link and route prefixes
// from the received RA messages by processing PIO and RIO options
// from the message. It takes care of processing the RA message but
// delegates the decision whether to include or exclude a prefix to
// `RoutingManager` by calling its `ShouldProcessPrefixInfoOption()`
// and `ShouldProcessRouteInfoOption()` methods.
// It manages the lifetime of the discovered entries and publishes
// and unpublishes the prefixes in the Network Data (as external
// route) as they are added or removed.
// When there is any change in the table (an entry is added, removed,
// or modified), it signals the change to `RoutingManager` by calling
// `HandleDiscoveredPrefixTableChanged()` callback. A `Tasklet` is
// used for signalling which ensures that if there are multiple
// changes within the same flow of execution, the callback is
// invoked after all the changes are processed.
friend class PdPrefixManager; // For DiscoveredPrefixTable::Entry
explicit DiscoveredPrefixTable(Instance &aInstance);
void ProcessRouterAdvertMessage(const RouterAdvert::RxMessage &aRaMessage, const Ip6::Address &aSrcAddress);
void ProcessNeighborAdvertMessage(const NeighborAdvertMessage &aNaMessage);
bool ContainsDefaultOrNonUlaRoutePrefix(void) const;
bool ContainsNonUlaOnLinkPrefix(void) const;
bool ContainsUlaOnLinkPrefix(void) const;
void FindFavoredOnLinkPrefix(Ip6::Prefix &aPrefix) const;
void RemoveOnLinkPrefix(const Ip6::Prefix &aPrefix);
void RemoveRoutePrefix(const Ip6::Prefix &aPrefix);
void RemoveAllEntries(void);
void RemoveOrDeprecateOldEntries(TimeMilli aTimeThreshold);
TimeMilli CalculateNextStaleTime(TimeMilli aNow) const;
void DetermineAndSetFlags(RouterAdvert::Header &aHeader) const;
void InitIterator(PrefixTableIterator &aIterator) const;
Error GetNextEntry(PrefixTableIterator &aIterator, PrefixTableEntry &aEntry) const;
Error GetNextRouter(PrefixTableIterator &aIterator, RouterEntry &aEntry) const;
void HandleEntryTimer(void);
void HandleRouterTimer(void);
class Entry : public LinkedListEntry<Entry>,
public Unequatable<Entry>,
public Heap::Allocatable<Entry>,
private Clearable<Entry>
friend class LinkedListEntry<Entry>;
friend class Clearable<Entry>;
friend class PdPrefixManager;
enum Type : uint8_t
struct Matcher
Matcher(const Ip6::Prefix &aPrefix, Type aType)
: mPrefix(aPrefix)
, mType(aType)
const Ip6::Prefix &mPrefix;
Type mType;
struct Checker
enum Mode : uint8_t
Checker(Mode aMode, Type aType)
: mMode(aMode)
, mType(aType)
Mode mMode;
Type mType;
struct ExpirationChecker
explicit ExpirationChecker(TimeMilli aNow)
: mNow(aNow)
TimeMilli mNow;
void SetFrom(const RouterAdvert::Header &aRaHeader);
void SetFrom(const PrefixInfoOption &aPio);
void SetFrom(const RouteInfoOption &aRio);
void SetFrom(const PrefixTableEntry &aPrefixTableEntry);
Type GetType(void) const { return mType; }
bool IsOnLinkPrefix(void) const { return (mType == kTypeOnLink); }
bool IsRoutePrefix(void) const { return (mType == kTypeRoute); }
const Ip6::Prefix &GetPrefix(void) const { return mPrefix; }
const TimeMilli &GetLastUpdateTime(void) const { return mLastUpdateTime; }
uint32_t GetValidLifetime(void) const { return mValidLifetime; }
void ClearValidLifetime(void) { mValidLifetime = 0; }
TimeMilli GetExpireTime(void) const;
TimeMilli GetStaleTime(void) const;
TimeMilli GetStaleTimeFromPreferredLifetime(void) const;
RoutePreference GetPreference(void) const;
bool operator==(const Entry &aOther) const;
bool Matches(const Matcher &aMatcher) const;
bool Matches(const Checker &aChecker) const;
bool Matches(const ExpirationChecker &aChecker) const;
// Methods to use when `IsOnLinkPrefix()`
uint32_t GetPreferredLifetime(void) const { return mShared.mPreferredLifetime; }
void ClearPreferredLifetime(void) { mShared.mPreferredLifetime = 0; }
bool IsDeprecated(void) const;
void AdoptValidAndPreferredLifetimesFrom(const Entry &aEntry);
// Method to use when `!IsOnlinkPrefix()`
RoutePreference GetRoutePreference(void) const { return mShared.mRoutePreference; }
static uint32_t CalculateExpireDelay(uint32_t aValidLifetime);
Entry *mNext;
Ip6::Prefix mPrefix;
Type mType;
TimeMilli mLastUpdateTime;
uint32_t mValidLifetime;
uint32_t mPreferredLifetime; // Applicable when prefix is on-link.
RoutePreference mRoutePreference; // Applicable when prefix is not on-link
} mShared;
struct Router : public LinkedListEntry<Router>,
public Heap::Allocatable<Router>,
public Clearable<Router>
// The timeout (in msec) for router staying in active state
// before starting the Neighbor Solicitation (NS) probes.
static constexpr uint8_t kMaxNsProbes = 5; // Max number of NS probe attempts.
static constexpr uint32_t kNsProbeRetryInterval = 1000; // In msec. Time between NS probe attempts.
static constexpr uint32_t kNsProbeTimeout = 2000; // In msec. Max Wait time after last NS probe.
static constexpr uint32_t kJitter = 2000; // In msec. Jitter to randomize probe starts.
static_assert(kMaxNsProbes < 255, "kMaxNsProbes MUST not be 255");
enum EmptyChecker : uint8_t
bool Matches(const Ip6::Address &aAddress) const { return aAddress == mAddress; }
bool Matches(EmptyChecker aChecker) const;
void CopyInfoTo(RouterEntry &aEntry) const;
Router *mNext;
Ip6::Address mAddress;
LinkedList<Entry> mEntries;
TimeMilli mTimeout;
uint8_t mNsProbeCount;
bool mManagedAddressConfigFlag : 1;
bool mOtherConfigFlag : 1;
bool mStubRouterFlag : 1;
class Iterator : public PrefixTableIterator
enum AdvanceMode : uint8_t
void Init(const LinkedList<Router> &aRouters);
void Advance(AdvanceMode aMode);
const Router *GetRouter(void) const { return static_cast<const Router *>(mPtr1); }
const Entry *GetEntry(void) const { return static_cast<const Entry *>(mPtr2); }
TimeMilli GetInitTime(void) const { return TimeMilli(mData32); }
void SetRouter(const Router *aRouter) { mPtr1 = aRouter; }
void SetEntry(const Entry *aEntry) { mPtr2 = aEntry; }
void SetInitTime(void) { mData32 = TimerMilli::GetNow().GetValue(); }
void ProcessRaHeader(const RouterAdvert::Header &aRaHeader, Router &aRouter);
void ProcessPrefixInfoOption(const PrefixInfoOption &aPio, Router &aRouter);
void ProcessRouteInfoOption(const RouteInfoOption &aRio, Router &aRouter);
void ProcessRaFlagsExtOption(const RaFlagsExtOption &aFlagsOption, Router &aRouter);
bool Contains(const Entry::Checker &aChecker) const;
void RemovePrefix(const Entry::Matcher &aMatcher);
void RemoveOrDeprecateEntriesFromInactiveRouters(void);
void RemoveRoutersWithNoEntriesOrFlags(void);
void FreeRouters(LinkedList<Router> &aRouters);
void FreeEntries(LinkedList<Entry> &aEntries);
void UpdateNetworkDataOnChangeTo(Entry &aEntry);
const Entry *FindFavoredEntryToPublish(const Ip6::Prefix &aPrefix) const;
void RemoveExpiredEntries(void);
void SignalTableChanged(void);
void UpdateRouterOnRx(Router &aRouter);
void SendNeighborSolicitToRouter(const Router &aRouter);
Router *AllocateRouter(void) { return Router::Allocate(); }
Entry *AllocateEntry(void) { return Entry::Allocate(); }
void FreeRouter(Router &aRouter) { aRouter.Free(); }
void FreeEntry(Entry &aEntry) { aEntry.Free(); }
Router *AllocateRouter(void) { return mRouterPool.Allocate(); }
Entry *AllocateEntry(void) { return mEntryPool.Allocate(); }
void FreeRouter(Router &aRouter) { mRouterPool.Free(aRouter); }
void FreeEntry(Entry &aEntry) { mEntryPool.Free(aEntry); }
using SignalTask = TaskletIn<RoutingManager, &RoutingManager::HandleDiscoveredPrefixTableChanged>;
using EntryTimer = TimerMilliIn<RoutingManager, &RoutingManager::HandleDiscoveredPrefixTableEntryTimer>;
using RouterTimer = TimerMilliIn<RoutingManager, &RoutingManager::HandleDiscoveredPrefixTableRouterTimer>;
LinkedList<Router> mRouters;
EntryTimer mEntryTimer;
RouterTimer mRouterTimer;
SignalTask mSignalTask;
Pool<Entry, kMaxEntries> mEntryPool;
Pool<Router, kMaxRouters> mRouterPool;
class OmrPrefixManager;
class OmrPrefix : public Clearable<OmrPrefix>
friend class OmrPrefixManager;
OmrPrefix(void) { Clear(); }
bool IsEmpty(void) const { return (mPrefix.GetLength() == 0); }
const Ip6::Prefix &GetPrefix(void) const { return mPrefix; }
RoutePreference GetPreference(void) const { return mPreference; }
bool IsDomainPrefix(void) const { return mIsDomainPrefix; }
Ip6::Prefix mPrefix;
RoutePreference mPreference;
bool mIsDomainPrefix;
class FavoredOmrPrefix : public OmrPrefix
friend class OmrPrefixManager;
bool IsInfrastructureDerived(void) const;
void SetFrom(const NetworkData::OnMeshPrefixConfig &aOnMeshPrefixConfig);
void SetFrom(const OmrPrefix &aOmrPrefix);
bool IsFavoredOver(const NetworkData::OnMeshPrefixConfig &aOmrPrefixConfig) const;
class OmrPrefixManager : public InstanceLocator
explicit OmrPrefixManager(Instance &aInstance);
void Init(const Ip6::Prefix &aBrUlaPrefix);
void Start(void);
void Stop(void);
void Evaluate(void);
void UpdateDefaultRouteFlag(bool aDefaultRoute);
bool ShouldAdvertiseLocalAsRio(void) const;
const Ip6::Prefix &GetGeneratedPrefix(void) const { return mGeneratedPrefix; }
const OmrPrefix &GetLocalPrefix(void) const { return mLocalPrefix; }
const FavoredOmrPrefix &GetFavoredPrefix(void) const { return mFavoredPrefix; }
static constexpr uint16_t kInfoStringSize = 85;
typedef String<kInfoStringSize> InfoString;
void DetermineFavoredPrefix(void);
Error AddLocalToNetData(void);
Error AddOrUpdateLocalInNetData(void);
void RemoveLocalFromNetData(void);
InfoString LocalToString(void) const;
OmrPrefix mLocalPrefix;
Ip6::Prefix mGeneratedPrefix;
FavoredOmrPrefix mFavoredPrefix;
bool mIsLocalAddedInNetData;
bool mDefaultRoute;
void HandleOnLinkPrefixManagerTimer(void) { mOnLinkPrefixManager.HandleTimer(); }
class OnLinkPrefixManager : public InstanceLocator
explicit OnLinkPrefixManager(Instance &aInstance);
// Max number of old on-link prefixes to retain to deprecate.
void Init(void);
void Start(void);
void Stop(void);
void Evaluate(void);
const Ip6::Prefix &GetLocalPrefix(void) const { return mLocalPrefix; }
const Ip6::Prefix &GetFavoredDiscoveredPrefix(void) const { return mFavoredDiscoveredPrefix; }
bool IsInitalEvaluationDone(void) const;
void HandleDiscoveredPrefixTableChanged(void);
bool ShouldPublishUlaRoute(void) const;
Error AppendAsPiosTo(RouterAdvert::TxMessage &aRaMessage);
bool IsPublishingOrAdvertising(void) const;
void HandleNetDataChange(void);
void HandleExtPanIdChange(void);
void HandleTimer(void);
enum State : uint8_t // State of `mLocalPrefix`
struct OldPrefix
bool Matches(const Ip6::Prefix &aPrefix) const { return mPrefix == aPrefix; }
Ip6::Prefix mPrefix;
TimeMilli mExpireTime;
State GetState(void) const { return mState; }
void SetState(State aState);
void GenerateLocalPrefix(void);
void PublishAndAdvertise(void);
void Deprecate(void);
void ResetExpireTime(TimeMilli aNow);
Error AppendCurPrefix(RouterAdvert::TxMessage &aRaMessage);
Error AppendOldPrefixes(RouterAdvert::TxMessage &aRaMessage);
void DeprecateOldPrefix(const Ip6::Prefix &aPrefix, TimeMilli aExpireTime);
void SavePrefix(const Ip6::Prefix &aPrefix, TimeMilli aExpireTime);
static const char *StateToString(State aState);
using ExpireTimer = TimerMilliIn<RoutingManager, &RoutingManager::HandleOnLinkPrefixManagerTimer>;
Ip6::Prefix mLocalPrefix;
State mState;
TimeMilli mExpireTime;
Ip6::Prefix mFavoredDiscoveredPrefix;
Array<OldPrefix, kMaxOldPrefixes> mOldLocalPrefixes;
ExpireTimer mTimer;
void HandleRioAdvertiserimer(void) { mRioAdvertiser.HandleTimer(); }
class RioAdvertiser : public InstanceLocator
// Manages the list of prefixes advertised as RIO in emitted
// RA. The RIO prefixes are discovered from on-mesh prefixes in
// network data including OMR prefix from `OmrPrefixManager`.
// It also handles deprecating removed prefixes.
explicit RioAdvertiser(Instance &aInstance);
RoutePreference GetPreference(void) const { return mPreference; }
void SetPreference(RoutePreference aPreference);
void ClearPreference(void);
void HandleRoleChanged(void);
Error AppendRios(RouterAdvert::TxMessage &aRaMessage);
Error InvalidatPrevRios(RouterAdvert::TxMessage &aRaMessage);
bool HasAdvertised(const Ip6::Prefix &aPrefix) const { return mPrefixes.ContainsMatching(aPrefix); }
uint16_t GetAdvertisedRioCount(void) const { return mPrefixes.GetLength(); }
void HandleTimer(void);
static constexpr uint32_t kDeprecationTime = TimeMilli::SecToMsec(300);
struct RioPrefix : public Clearable<RioPrefix>
bool Matches(const Ip6::Prefix &aPrefix) const { return (mPrefix == aPrefix); }
Ip6::Prefix mPrefix;
bool mIsDeprecating;
TimeMilli mExpirationTime;
struct RioPrefixArray :
public Heap::Array<RioPrefix>
public Array<RioPrefix, 2 * kMaxOnMeshPrefixes>
void Add(const Ip6::Prefix &aPrefix);
void SetPreferenceBasedOnRole(void);
void UpdatePreference(RoutePreference aPreference);
Error AppendRio(const Ip6::Prefix &aPrefix, uint32_t aRouteLifetime, RouterAdvert::TxMessage &aRaMessage);
using RioTimer = TimerMilliIn<RoutingManager, &RoutingManager::HandleRioAdvertiserimer>;
RioPrefixArray mPrefixes;
RioTimer mTimer;
RoutePreference mPreference;
bool mUserSetPreference;
void HandleNat64PrefixManagerTimer(void) { mNat64PrefixManager.HandleTimer(); }
class Nat64PrefixManager : public InstanceLocator
// This class manages the NAT64 related functions including
// generation of local NAT64 prefix, discovery of infra
// interface prefix, maintaining the discovered prefix
// lifetime, and selection of the NAT64 prefix to publish in
// Network Data.
// Calling methods except GenerateLocalPrefix and SetEnabled
// when disabled becomes no-op.
explicit Nat64PrefixManager(Instance &aInstance);
void SetEnabled(bool aEnabled);
Nat64::State GetState(void) const;
void Start(void);
void Stop(void);
void GenerateLocalPrefix(const Ip6::Prefix &aBrUlaPrefix);
const Ip6::Prefix &GetLocalPrefix(void) const { return mLocalPrefix; }
const Ip6::Prefix &GetFavoredPrefix(RoutePreference &aPreference) const;
void Evaluate(void);
void HandleDiscoverDone(const Ip6::Prefix &aPrefix);
void HandleTimer(void);
void Discover(void);
void Publish(void);
using Nat64Timer = TimerMilliIn<RoutingManager, &RoutingManager::HandleNat64PrefixManagerTimer>;
bool mEnabled;
Ip6::Prefix mInfraIfPrefix; // The latest NAT64 prefix discovered on the infrastructure interface.
Ip6::Prefix mLocalPrefix; // The local prefix (from BR ULA prefix).
Ip6::Prefix mPublishedPrefix; // The prefix to publish in Net Data (empty or local or from infra-if).
RoutePreference mPublishedPreference; // The published prefix preference.
Nat64Timer mTimer;
void HandleRoutePublisherTimer(void) { mRoutePublisher.HandleTimer(); }
class RoutePublisher : public InstanceLocator // Manages the routes that are published in net data
explicit RoutePublisher(Instance &aInstance);
void Start(void) { Evaluate(); }
void Stop(void) { Unpublish(); }
void Evaluate(void);
void UpdateAdvPioFlags(bool aAdvPioFlag);
RoutePreference GetPreference(void) const { return mPreference; }
void SetPreference(RoutePreference aPreference);
void ClearPreference(void);
void HandleNotifierEvents(Events aEvents);
void HandleTimer(void);
static const Ip6::Prefix &GetUlaPrefix(void) { return AsCoreType(&kUlaPrefix); }
static constexpr uint32_t kDelayBeforePrfUpdateOnLinkQuality3 = TimeMilli::SecToMsec(5 * 60);
static const otIp6Prefix kUlaPrefix;
enum State : uint8_t
kDoNotPublish, // Do not publish any routes in network data.
kPublishDefault, // Publish "::/0" route in network data.
kPublishUla, // Publish "fc00::/7" route in network data.
void DeterminePrefixFor(State aState, Ip6::Prefix &aPrefix) const;
void UpdatePublishedRoute(State aNewState);
void Unpublish(void);
void SetPreferenceBasedOnRole(void);
void UpdatePreference(RoutePreference aPreference);
static const char *StateToString(State aState);
using DelayTimer = TimerMilliIn<RoutingManager, &RoutingManager::HandleRoutePublisherTimer>;
State mState;
RoutePreference mPreference;
bool mUserSetPreference;
bool mAdvPioFlag;
DelayTimer mTimer;
struct RaInfo
// Tracks info about emitted RA messages:
// - Number of RAs sent
// - Last RA TX time
// - Hashes of last TX RAs (to tell if a received RA is from
// `RoutingManager` itself)
// - RA header to use, and
// - Whether the RA header is discovered from receiving RAs
// from the host itself.
// This ensures that if an entity on host is advertising certain
// info in its RA header (e.g., a default route), the RAs we
// emit from `RoutingManager` also include the same header.
typedef Crypto::Sha256::Hash Hash;
static constexpr uint16_t kNumHashEntries = 5;
: mHeaderUpdateTime(TimerMilli::GetNow())
, mIsHeaderFromHost(false)
, mTxCount(0)
, mLastTxTime(TimerMilli::GetNow() - kMinDelayBetweenRtrAdvs)
, mLastHashIndex(0)
void IncrementTxCountAndSaveHash(const InfraIf::Icmp6Packet &aRaMessage);
bool IsRaFromManager(const Ip6::Nd::RouterAdvert::RxMessage &aRaMessage) const;
static void CalculateHash(const InfraIf::Icmp6Packet &aRaMessage, Hash &aHash);
RouterAdvert::Header mHeader;
TimeMilli mHeaderUpdateTime;
bool mIsHeaderFromHost;
uint32_t mTxCount;
TimeMilli mLastTxTime;
Hash mHashes[kNumHashEntries];
uint16_t mLastHashIndex;
void HandleRsSenderTimer(void) { mRsSender.HandleTimer(); }
class RsSender : public InstanceLocator
// This class implements tx of Router Solicitation (RS)
// messages to discover other routers. `Start()` schedules
// a cycle of RS transmissions of `kMaxTxCount` separated
// by `kTxInterval`. At the end of cycle the callback
// `HandleRsSenderFinished()` is invoked to inform end of
// the cycle to `RoutingManager`.
explicit RsSender(Instance &aInstance);
bool IsInProgress(void) const { return mTimer.IsRunning(); }
void Start(void);
void Stop(void);
void HandleTimer(void);
// All time intervals are in msec.
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxStartDelay = 1000; // Max random delay to send the first RS.
static constexpr uint32_t kTxInterval = 4000; // Interval between RS tx.
static constexpr uint32_t kRetryDelay = kTxInterval; // Interval to wait to retry a failed RS tx.
static constexpr uint32_t kWaitOnLastAttempt = 1000; // Wait interval after last RS tx.
static constexpr uint8_t kMaxTxCount = 3; // Number of RS tx in one cycle.
Error SendRs(void);
using RsTimer = TimerMilliIn<RoutingManager, &RoutingManager::HandleRsSenderTimer>;
uint8_t mTxCount;
RsTimer mTimer;
TimeMilli mStartTime;
void HandlePdPrefixManagerTimer(void) { mPdPrefixManager.HandleTimer(); }
class PdPrefixManager : public InstanceLocator
// This class implements handling (including management of the lifetime) of the prefix obtained from platform's
// DHCPv6 PD client. We expect the platform will send ICMP6 RA messages to the platform's interface for the
// information of the prefix.
// This class manages the state of the PD prefix in OmrPrefixManager
explicit PdPrefixManager(Instance &aInstance);
void SetEnabled(bool aEnabled);
void Start(void) { StartStop(/* aStart= */ true); }
void Stop(void) { StartStop(/* aStart= */ false); }
bool IsRunning(void) const { return GetState() == Dhcp6PdState::kDhcp6PdStateRunning; }
bool HasPrefix(void) const { return IsValidOmrPrefix(mPrefix.GetPrefix()); }
const Ip6::Prefix &GetPrefix(void) const { return mPrefix.GetPrefix(); }
Dhcp6PdState GetState(void) const;
void ProcessPlatformGeneratedRa(const uint8_t *aRouterAdvert, uint16_t aLength);
void ProcessDhcpPdPrefix(const PrefixTableEntry &aPrefixTableEntry);
Error GetPrefixInfo(PrefixTableEntry &aInfo) const;
Error GetProcessedRaInfo(PdProcessedRaInfo &aPdProcessedRaInfo) const;
void HandleTimer(void) { WithdrawPrefix(); }
void SetRequestDhcp6PdCallback(PdCallback aCallback, void *aContext)
mExternalCallback.Set(aCallback, aContext);
static const char *StateToString(Dhcp6PdState aState);
static bool IsValidPdPrefix(const Ip6::Prefix &aPrefix)
// We should accept ULA prefix since it could be used by the internet infrastructure like NAT64.
return aPrefix.GetLength() != 0 && aPrefix.GetLength() <= kOmrPrefixLength && !aPrefix.IsLinkLocal() &&
Error Process(const RouterAdvert::RxMessage *aMessage, const PrefixTableEntry *aPrefixTableEntry);
bool ProcessPrefixEntry(DiscoveredPrefixTable::Entry &aEntry, DiscoveredPrefixTable::Entry &aFavoredEntry);
void EvaluateStateChange(Dhcp6PdState aOldState);
void WithdrawPrefix(void);
void StartStop(bool aStart);
using PlatformOmrPrefixTimer = TimerMilliIn<RoutingManager, &RoutingManager::HandlePdPrefixManagerTimer>;
using ExternalCallback = Callback<PdCallback>;
bool mEnabled;
bool mIsRunning;
uint32_t mNumPlatformPioProcessed;
uint32_t mNumPlatformRaReceived;
TimeMilli mLastPlatformRaTime;
ExternalCallback mExternalCallback;
PlatformOmrPrefixTimer mTimer;
DiscoveredPrefixTable::Entry mPrefix;
void EvaluateState(void);
void Start(void);
void Stop(void);
void HandleNotifierEvents(Events aEvents);
bool IsInitialized(void) const { return mInfraIf.IsInitialized(); }
bool IsEnabled(void) const { return mIsEnabled; }
Error LoadOrGenerateRandomBrUlaPrefix(void);
void EvaluateRoutingPolicy(void);
bool IsInitalPolicyEvaluationDone(void) const;
void ScheduleRoutingPolicyEvaluation(ScheduleMode aMode);
void HandleRsSenderFinished(TimeMilli aStartTime);
void SendRouterAdvertisement(RouterAdvTxMode aRaTxMode);
void HandleDiscoveredPrefixStaleTimer(void);
void HandleRouterAdvertisement(const InfraIf::Icmp6Packet &aPacket, const Ip6::Address &aSrcAddress);
void HandleRouterSolicit(const InfraIf::Icmp6Packet &aPacket, const Ip6::Address &aSrcAddress);
void HandleNeighborAdvertisement(const InfraIf::Icmp6Packet &aPacket);
bool ShouldProcessPrefixInfoOption(const PrefixInfoOption &aPio, const Ip6::Prefix &aPrefix);
bool ShouldProcessRouteInfoOption(const RouteInfoOption &aRio, const Ip6::Prefix &aPrefix);
void UpdateDiscoveredPrefixTableOnNetDataChange(void);
bool NetworkDataContainsOmrPrefix(const Ip6::Prefix &aPrefix) const;
bool NetworkDataContainsUlaRoute(void) const;
void UpdateRouterAdvertHeader(const RouterAdvert::RxMessage *aRouterAdvertMessage);
void ResetDiscoveredPrefixStaleTimer(void);
static bool IsValidBrUlaPrefix(const Ip6::Prefix &aBrUlaPrefix);
static bool IsValidOnLinkPrefix(const PrefixInfoOption &aPio);
static bool IsValidOnLinkPrefix(const Ip6::Prefix &aOnLinkPrefix);
static void LogPrefixInfoOption(const Ip6::Prefix &aPrefix, uint32_t aValidLifetime, uint32_t aPreferredLifetime);
static void LogRouteInfoOption(const Ip6::Prefix &aPrefix, uint32_t aLifetime, RoutePreference aPreference);
using RoutingPolicyTimer = TimerMilliIn<RoutingManager, &RoutingManager::EvaluateRoutingPolicy>;
using DiscoveredPrefixStaleTimer = TimerMilliIn<RoutingManager, &RoutingManager::HandleDiscoveredPrefixStaleTimer>;
// Indicates whether the Routing Manager is running (started).
bool mIsRunning;
// Indicates whether the Routing manager is enabled. The Routing
// Manager will be stopped if we are disabled.
bool mIsEnabled;
InfraIf mInfraIf;
// The /48 BR ULA prefix loaded from local persistent storage or
// randomly generated if none is found in persistent storage.
Ip6::Prefix mBrUlaPrefix;
OmrPrefixManager mOmrPrefixManager;
RioAdvertiser mRioAdvertiser;
RoutePreference mRioPreference;
bool mUserSetRioPreference;
OnLinkPrefixManager mOnLinkPrefixManager;
DiscoveredPrefixTable mDiscoveredPrefixTable;
RoutePublisher mRoutePublisher;
Nat64PrefixManager mNat64PrefixManager;
PdPrefixManager mPdPrefixManager;
RaInfo mRaInfo;
RsSender mRsSender;
Heap::Data mExtraRaOptions;
DiscoveredPrefixStaleTimer mDiscoveredPrefixStaleTimer;
RoutingPolicyTimer mRoutingPolicyTimer;
} // namespace BorderRouter
DefineMapEnum(otBorderRoutingState, BorderRouter::RoutingManager::State);
} // namespace ot