blob: a2481288855a42cb94347b0e1021792657a6b93c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020, The OpenThread Authors.
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the
* names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
* derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
#include "openthread-core-config.h"
#include <openthread/srp_client.h>
#include "common/as_core_type.hpp"
#include "common/clearable.hpp"
#include "common/linked_list.hpp"
#include "common/locator.hpp"
#include "common/log.hpp"
#include "common/message.hpp"
#include "common/non_copyable.hpp"
#include "common/notifier.hpp"
#include "common/timer.hpp"
#include "crypto/ecdsa.hpp"
#include "net/dns_types.hpp"
#include "net/ip6.hpp"
#include "net/udp6.hpp"
* @file
* This file includes definitions for the SRP (Service Registration Protocol) client.
namespace ot {
namespace Srp {
#error "SRP Client feature requires ECDSA support (OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_ECDSA_ENABLE)."
* This class implements SRP client.
class Client : public InstanceLocator, private NonCopyable
friend class ot::Notifier;
* This enumeration types represents an SRP client item (service or host info) state.
enum ItemState : uint8_t
kToAdd = OT_SRP_CLIENT_ITEM_STATE_TO_ADD, ///< Item to be added/registered.
kAdding = OT_SRP_CLIENT_ITEM_STATE_ADDING, ///< Item is being added/registered.
kToRefresh = OT_SRP_CLIENT_ITEM_STATE_TO_REFRESH, ///< Item to be refreshed (renew lease).
kRefreshing = OT_SRP_CLIENT_ITEM_STATE_REFRESHING, ///< Item is being refreshed.
kToRemove = OT_SRP_CLIENT_ITEM_STATE_TO_REMOVE, ///< Item to be removed.
kRemoving = OT_SRP_CLIENT_ITEM_STATE_REMOVING, ///< Item is being removed.
kRegistered = OT_SRP_CLIENT_ITEM_STATE_REGISTERED, ///< Item is registered with server.
kRemoved = OT_SRP_CLIENT_ITEM_STATE_REMOVED, ///< Item is removed.
* This function pointer type defines the callback used by SRP client to notify user of a changes/events/errors.
* Please see `otSrpClientCallback` for more details.
typedef otSrpClientCallback Callback;
* This type represents an SRP client host info.
class HostInfo : public otSrpClientHostInfo, public Clearable<HostInfo>
friend class Client;
* This method initializes the `HostInfo` object.
void Init(void);
* This method clears the `HostInfo` object.
void Clear(void);
* This method gets the host name (label) string.
* @returns The host name (label) string, or `nullptr` if not yet set.
const char *GetName(void) const { return mName; }
* This method gets the number of host IPv6 addresses.
* @returns The number of host IPv6 addresses.
uint8_t GetNumAddresses(void) const { return mNumAddresses; }
* This method gets the host IPv6 address at a given index.
* @param[in] aIndex The index to get (MUST be smaller than `GetNumAddresses()`).
* @returns The host IPv6 address at index @p aIndex.
const Ip6::Address &GetAddress(uint8_t aIndex) const { return AsCoreType(&mAddresses[aIndex]); }
* This method gets the state of `HostInfo`.
* @returns The `HostInfo` state.
ItemState GetState(void) const { return static_cast<ItemState>(mState); }
void SetName(const char *aName) { mName = aName; }
void SetState(ItemState aState);
void SetAddresses(const Ip6::Address *aAddresses, uint8_t aNumAddresses);
* This type represents an SRP client service.
class Service : public otSrpClientService, public LinkedListEntry<Service>
friend class Client;
friend class LinkedList<Service>;
* This method initializes and validates the `Service` object and its fields.
* @retval kErrorNone Successfully initialized and validated the `Service` object.
* @retval kErrorInvalidArgs The info in `Service` object is not valid (e.g. null name or bad `TxtEntry`).
Error Init(void);
* This method gets the service name labels string.
* @returns The service name label string (e.g., "_chip._udp", not the full domain name).
const char *GetName(void) const { return mName; }
* This method gets the service instance name label (not the full name).
* @returns The service instance name label string.
const char *GetInstanceName(void) const { return mInstanceName; }
* This method indicates whether or not the service has any subtypes.
* @retval TRUE The service has at least one subtype.
* @retval FALSE The service does not have any subtype.
bool HasSubType(void) const { return (mSubTypeLabels != nullptr); }
* This method gets the subtype label at a given index.
* This method MUST be used only after `HasSubType()` indicates that service has a subtype.
* @param[in] aIndex The index into list of subtype labels.
* @returns A pointer to subtype label at @p aIndex, or `nullptr` if there is no label (@p aIndex is after the
* end of the subtype list).
const char *GetSubTypeLabelAt(uint16_t aIndex) const { return mSubTypeLabels[aIndex]; }
* This method gets the service port number.
* @returns The service port number.
uint16_t GetPort(void) const { return mPort; }
* This method gets the service priority.
* @returns The service priority.
uint16_t GetPriority(void) const { return mPriority; }
* This method gets the service weight.
* @returns The service weight.
uint16_t GetWeight(void) const { return mWeight; }
* This method gets the array of service TXT entries.
* @returns A pointer to an array of service TXT entries.
const Dns::TxtEntry *GetTxtEntries(void) const { return AsCoreTypePtr(mTxtEntries); }
* This method gets the number of entries in the service TXT entry array.
* @returns The number of entries in the service TXT entry array.
uint8_t GetNumTxtEntries(void) const { return mNumTxtEntries; }
* This method get the state of service.
* @returns The service state.
ItemState GetState(void) const { return static_cast<ItemState>(mState); }
void SetState(ItemState aState);
TimeMilli GetLeaseRenewTime(void) const { return TimeMilli(mData); }
void SetLeaseRenewTime(TimeMilli aTime) { mData = aTime.GetValue(); }
bool Matches(const Service &aOther) const;
bool Matches(ItemState aState) const { return GetState() == aState; }
* This constructor initializes the SRP `Client` object.
* @param[in] aInstance A reference to the OpenThread instance.
explicit Client(Instance &aInstance);
* This method starts the SRP client operation.
* SRP client will prepare and send "SRP Update" message to the SRP server once all the following conditions are
* met:
* - The SRP client is started - `Start()` is called
* - Host name is set - `SetHostName()` is called.
* - At least one host IPv6 address is set - `SetHostAddresses()` is called.
* - At least one service is added - `AddService()` is called.
* It does not matter in which order these methods are called. When all conditions are met, the SRP client will
* wait for a short delay before preparing an "SRP Update" message and sending it to server. This delay allows for
* user to add multiple services and/or IPv6 addresses before the first SRP Update message is sent (ensuring a
* single SRP Update is sent containing all the info).
* @param[in] aServerSockAddr The socket address (IPv6 address and port number) of the SRP server.
* @retval kErrorNone SRP client operation started successfully or it is already running with same server
* socket address and callback.
* @retval kErrorBusy SRP client is busy running with a different socket address.
* @retval kErrorFailed Failed to open/connect the client's UDP socket.
Error Start(const Ip6::SockAddr &aServerSockAddr) { return Start(aServerSockAddr, kRequesterUser); }
* This method stops the SRP client operation.
* This method stops any further interactions with the SRP server. Note that it does not remove or clear host info
* and/or list of services. It marks all services to be added/removed again once the client is started again.
* If `OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_SRP_CLIENT_AUTO_START_API_ENABLE` (auto-start feature) is enabled, a call to this method
* also disables the auto-start mode.
void Stop(void) { Stop(kRequesterUser, kResetRetryInterval); }
* This function pointer type defines the callback used by SRP client to notify user when it is auto-started or
* stopped.
typedef otSrpClientAutoStartCallback AutoStartCallback;
* This method enables the auto-start mode.
* Config option `OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_SRP_CLIENT_AUTO_START_DEFAULT_MODE` specifies the default auto-start mode
* (whether it is enabled or disabled at the start of OT stack).
* When auto-start is enabled, the SRP client will monitor the Thread Network Data for SRP Server Service entries
* and automatically start and stop the client when an SRP server is detected.
* If multiple SRP servers are found, a random one will be selected. If the selected SRP server is no longer
* detected (not longer present in the Thread Network Data), the SRP client will be stopped and then it may switch
* to another SRP server (if available).
* When the SRP client is explicitly started through a successful call to `Start()`, the given SRP server address
* in `Start()` will continue to be used regardless of the state of auto-start mode and whether the same SRP
* server address is discovered or not in the Thread Network Data. In this case, only an explicit `Stop()` call
* will stop the client.
* @param[in] aCallback A callback to notify when client is auto-started/stopped. Can be `nullptr` if not needed.
* @param[in] aContext A context to be passed when invoking @p aCallback.
void EnableAutoStartMode(AutoStartCallback aCallback, void *aContext);
* This method disables the auto-start mode.
* Disabling the auto-start mode will not stop the client if it is already running but the client stops monitoring
* the Thread Network Data to verify that the selected SRP server is still present in it.
* Note that a call to `Stop()` will also disable the auto-start mode.
void DisableAutoStartMode(void) { mAutoStartModeEnabled = false; }
* This method indicates the current state of auto-start mode (enabled or disabled).
* @returns TRUE if the auto-start mode is enabled, FALSE otherwise.
bool IsAutoStartModeEnabled(void) const { return mAutoStartModeEnabled; }
* This method indicates whether or not the current SRP server's address is selected by auto-start.
* @returns TRUE if the SRP server's address is selected by auto-start, FALSE otherwise.
bool IsServerSelectedByAutoStart(void) const { return mAutoStartDidSelectServer; }
* This method indicates whether the SRP client is running or not.
* @returns TRUE if the SRP client is running, FALSE otherwise.
bool IsRunning(void) const { return (mState != kStateStopped); }
* This method gets the socket address (IPv6 address and port number) of the SRP server which is being used by SRP
* client.
* If the client is not running, the address is unspecified (all zero) with zero port number.
* @returns The SRP server's socket address.
const Ip6::SockAddr &GetServerAddress(void) const { return mSocket.GetPeerName(); }
* This method sets the callback used to notify caller of events/changes.
* The SRP client allows a single callback to be registered. So consecutive calls to this method will overwrite any
* previously set callback functions.
* @param[in] aCallback The callback to notify of events and changes. Can be `nullptr` if not needed.
* @param[in] aContext An arbitrary context used with @p aCallback.
void SetCallback(Callback aCallback, void *aContext);
* This method gets the lease interval used in SRP update requests.
* Note that this is lease duration that would be requested by the SRP client. Server may choose to accept a
* different lease interval.
* @returns The lease interval (in seconds).
uint32_t GetLeaseInterval(void) const { return mLeaseInterval; }
* This method sets the lease interval used in SRP update requests.
* Changing the lease interval does not impact the accepted lease interval of already registered services/host-info.
* It only changes any future SRP update messages (i.e adding new services and/or refreshes of existing services).
* @param[in] aInterval The lease interval (in seconds). If zero, the default value `kDefaultLease` would be used.
void SetLeaseInterval(uint32_t aInterval) { mLeaseInterval = GetBoundedLeaseInterval(aInterval, kDefaultLease); }
* This method gets the key lease interval used in SRP update requests.
* @returns The key lease interval (in seconds).
uint32_t GetKeyLeaseInterval(void) const { return mKeyLeaseInterval; }
* This method sets the key lease interval used in SRP update requests.
* Changing the lease interval does not impact the accepted lease interval of already registered services/host-info.
* It only changes any future SRP update messages (i.e adding new services and/or refreshes of existing services).
* @param[in] aInterval The key lease interval (in seconds). If zero, the default value `kDefaultKeyLease` would be
* used.
void SetKeyLeaseInterval(uint32_t aInterval)
mKeyLeaseInterval = GetBoundedLeaseInterval(aInterval, kDefaultKeyLease);
* This method gets the host info.
* @returns A reference to host info structure.
const HostInfo &GetHostInfo(void) const { return mHostInfo; }
* This function sets the host name label.
* After a successful call to this function, `Callback` will be called to report the status of host info
* registration with SRP server.
* The host name can be set before client is started or after start but before host info is registered with server
* (host info should be in either `kToAdd` or `kRemoved`).
* @param[in] aName A pointer to host name label string (MUST NOT be NULL). Pointer the string buffer MUST
* persist and remain valid and constant after return from this function.
* @retval kErrorNone The host name label was set successfully.
* @retval kErrorInvalidArgs The @p aName is NULL.
* @retval kErrorInvalidState The host name is already set and registered with the server.
Error SetHostName(const char *aName);
* This method sets/updates the list of host IPv6 address.
* Host IPv6 addresses can be set/changed before start or even during operation of SRP client (e.g. to add/remove
* or change a previously registered host address), except when the host info is being removed (client is busy
* handling a remove request from an earlier call to `RemoveHostAndServices()` and host info still being in either
* `kStateToRemove` or `kStateRemoving` states).
* After a successful call to this method, `Callback` will be called to report the status of the address
* registration with SRP server.
* @param[in] aAddresses A pointer to the an array containing the host IPv6 addresses.
* @param[in] aNumAddresses The number of addresses in the @p aAddresses array.
* @retval kErrorNone The host IPv6 address list change started successfully. The `Callback` will be
* called to report the status of registering addresses with server.
* @retval kErrorInvalidArgs The address list is invalid (e.g., must contain at least one address).
* @retval kErrorInvalidState Host is being removed and therefore cannot change host address.
Error SetHostAddresses(const Ip6::Address *aAddresses, uint8_t aNumAddresses);
* This method adds a service to be registered with server.
* After a successful call to this method, `Callback` will be called to report the status of the service
* addition/registration with SRP server.
* @param[in] aService A `Service` to add (the instance must persist and remain unchanged after
* successful return from this method).
* @retval kErrorNone The addition of service started successfully. The `Callback` will be called to
* report the status.
* @retval kErrorAlready A service with the same service and instance names is already in the list.
* @retval kErrorInvalidArgs The service structure is invalid (e.g., bad service name or `TxEntry`).
Error AddService(Service &aService);
* This method removes a service to be unregistered with server.
* @param[in] aService A `Service` to remove (the instance must persist and remain unchanged after
* successful return from this method).
* @retval kErrorNone The removal of service started successfully. The `Callback` will be called to report
* the status.
* @retval kErrorNotFound The service could not be found in the list.
Error RemoveService(Service &aService);
* This method clears a service, immediately removing it from the client service list.
* Unlike `RemoveService()` which sends an update message to the server to remove the service, this method clears
* the service from the client's service list without any interaction with the server. On a successful call
* to this method, the `Callback` will NOT be called and the @p aService entry can be reclaimed and re-used by the
* caller immediately.
* @param[in] aService A service to delete from the list.
* @retval kErrorNone The @p aService is cleared successfully. It can be reclaimed and re-used immediately.
* @retval kErrorNotFound The service could not be found in the list.
Error ClearService(Service &aService);
* This method gets the list of services being managed by client.
* @returns The list of services.
const LinkedList<Service> &GetServices(void) const { return mServices; }
* This method starts the remove process of the host info and all services.
* After returning from this method, `Callback` will be called to report the status of remove request with
* SRP server.
* If the host info is to be permanently removed from server, @p aRemoveKeyLease should be set to `true` which
* removes the key lease associated with host on server. Otherwise, the key lease record is kept as before, which
* ensures that the server holds the host name in reserve for when the client once again able to provide and
* register its service(s).
* The @p aSendUnregToServer determines the behavior when the host info is not yet registered with the server. If
* @p aSendUnregToServer is set to `false` (which is the default/expected value) then the SRP client will
* immediately remove the host info and services without sending an update message to server (no need to update the
* server if nothing is yet registered with it). If @p aSendUnregToServer is set to `true` then the SRP client will
* send an update message to the server. Note that if the host info is registered then the value of
* @p aSendUnregToServer does not matter and the SRP client will always send an update message to server requesting
* removal of all info.
* One situation where @p aSendUnregToServer can be useful is on a device reset/reboot, caller may want to remove
* any previously registered services with the server. In this case, caller can `SetHostName()` and then request
* `RemoveHostAndServices()` with `aSendUnregToServer` as `true`.
* @param[in] aShouldRemoveKeyLease A boolean indicating whether or not the host key lease should also be removed.
* @param[in] aSendUnregToServer A boolean indicating whether to send update to server when host info is not
* registered.
* @retval kErrorNone The removal of host and services started successfully. The `Callback` will be called
* to report the status.
* @retval kErrorAlready The host is already removed.
Error RemoveHostAndServices(bool aShouldRemoveKeyLease, bool aSendUnregToServer = false);
* This method clears all host info and all the services.
* Unlike `RemoveHostAndServices()` which sends an update message to the server to remove all the info, this method
* clears all the info immediately without any interaction with the server.
void ClearHostAndServices(void);
* This method gets the domain name being used by SRP client.
* If domain name is not set, "" will be used.
* @returns The domain name string.
const char *GetDomainName(void) const { return mDomainName; }
* This method sets the domain name to be used by SRP client.
* This is an optional method. If not set "" will be used.
* The domain name can be set before client is started or after start but before host info is registered with server
* (host info should be in either `kToAdd` or `kToRemove`).
* @param[in] aName A pointer to the domain name string. If NULL sets it to default "".
* @retval kErrorNone The domain name label was set successfully.
* @retval kErrorInvalidState The host info is already registered with server.
Error SetDomainName(const char *aName);
* This static method converts a `ItemState` to a string.
* @param[in] aState An `ItemState`.
* @returns A string representation of @p aState.
static const char *ItemStateToString(ItemState aState);
* This method enables/disables "service key record inclusion" mode.
* When enabled, SRP client will include KEY record in Service Description Instructions in the SRP update messages
* that it sends.
* @note KEY record is optional in Service Description Instruction (it is required and always included in the Host
* Description Instruction). The default behavior of SRP client is to not include it. This method is added under
* `REFERENCE_DEVICE` config and is intended to override the default behavior for testing only.
* @param[in] aEnabled TRUE to enable, FALSE to disable the "service key record inclusion" mode.
void SetServiceKeyRecordEnabled(bool aEnabled) { mServiceKeyRecordEnabled = aEnabled; }
* This method indicates whether the "service key record inclusion" mode is enabled or disabled.
* @returns TRUE if "service key record inclusion" mode is enabled, FALSE otherwise.
bool IsServiceKeyRecordEnabled(void) const { return mServiceKeyRecordEnabled; }
// Number of fast data polls after SRP Update tx (11x 188ms = ~2 seconds)
static constexpr uint8_t kFastPollsAfterUpdateTx = 11;
static constexpr uint8_t kMaxTimeoutFailuresToSwitchServer =
static constexpr uint16_t kUdpPayloadSize = Ip6::Ip6::kMaxDatagramLength - sizeof(Ip6::Udp::Header);
// -------------------------------
// Lease related constants
static constexpr uint32_t kDefaultLease = OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_SRP_CLIENT_DEFAULT_LEASE; // in seconds.
static constexpr uint32_t kDefaultKeyLease = OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_SRP_CLIENT_DEFAULT_KEY_LEASE; // in seconds.
// The guard interval determines how much earlier (relative to
// the lease expiration time) the client will send an update
// to renew the lease. Value is in seconds.
static constexpr uint32_t kLeaseRenewGuardInterval = OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_SRP_CLIENT_LEASE_RENEW_GUARD_INTERVAL;
// Max allowed lease time to avoid timer roll-over (~24.8 days).
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxLease = (Timer::kMaxDelay / 1000) - 1;
// Opportunistic early refresh: When sending an SRP update, the
// services that are not yet expired but are close, are allowed
// to refresh early and are included in the SRP update. This
// helps place more services on the same lease refresh schedule
// reducing number of messages sent to the SRP server. The
// "early lease renewal interval" is used to determine if a
// service can renew early. The interval is calculated by
// multiplying the accepted lease interval by the"early lease
// renewal factor" which is given as a fraction (numerator and
// denominator).
// If the factor is set to zero (numerator=0, denominator=1),
// the opportunistic early refresh behavior is disabled. If
// denominator is set to zero (the factor is set to infinity),
// then all services (including previously registered ones)
// are always included in SRP update message.
static constexpr uint32_t kEarlyLeaseRenewFactorNumerator =
static constexpr uint32_t kEarlyLeaseRenewFactorDenominator =
// -------------------------------
// When there is a change (e.g., a new service is added/removed)
// that requires an update, the SRP client will wait for a short
// delay as specified by `kUpdateTxDelay` before sending an SRP
// update to server. This allows the user to provide more change
// that are then all sent in same update message.
static constexpr uint32_t kUpdateTxDelay = OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_SRP_CLIENT_UPDATE_TX_DELAY; // in msec.
// -------------------------------
// Retry related constants
// If the preparation or transmission of an SRP update message
// fails (e.g., no buffer to allocate the message), SRP client
// will retry after a short interval `kTxFailureRetryInterval`
// up to `kMaxTxFailureRetries` attempts. After this, the retry
// wait interval will be used (which keeps growing on each failure
// - please see bellow).
// If the update message is sent successfully but there is no
// response from server or if server rejects the update, the
// client will retransmit the update message after some wait
// interval. The wait interval starts from the minimum value and
// is increased by the growth factor on back-to-back failures up
// to the max value. The growth factor is given as a fraction
// (e.g., for 1.5, we can use 15 as the numerator and 10 as the
// denominator). A random jitter is added to the retry interval.
// If the current wait interval value is smaller than the jitter
// interval, then wait interval value itself is used as the
// jitter value. For example, with jitter interval of 2 seconds
// if the current retry interval is 800ms, then a random wait
// interval in [0,2*800] ms will be used.
static constexpr uint32_t kTxFailureRetryInterval = 250; // in ms
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxTxFailureRetries = 8; // num of quick retries after tx failure
static constexpr uint32_t kMinRetryWaitInterval = OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_SRP_CLIENT_MIN_RETRY_WAIT_INTERVAL; // in ms
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxRetryWaitInterval = OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_SRP_CLIENT_MAX_RETRY_WAIT_INTERVAL; // in ms
static constexpr uint32_t kRetryIntervalGrowthFactorNumerator =
static constexpr uint32_t kRetryIntervalGrowthFactorDenominator =
static constexpr uint16_t kTxFailureRetryJitter = 10; // in ms
static constexpr uint16_t kRetryIntervalJitter = OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_SRP_CLIENT_RETRY_WAIT_INTERVAL_JITTER; // in ms
static_assert(kDefaultLease <= static_cast<uint32_t>(kMaxLease), "kDefaultLease is larger than max");
static_assert(kDefaultKeyLease <= static_cast<uint32_t>(kMaxLease), "kDefaultKeyLease is larger than max");
enum State : uint8_t
kStateStopped, // Client is stopped.
kStatePaused, // Client is paused (due to device being detached).
kStateToUpdate, // Waiting to send SRP update
kStateUpdating, // SRP update is sent, waiting for response from server.
kStateUpdated, // SRP update response received from server.
kStateToRetry, // SRP update tx failed, waiting to retry.
static constexpr bool kAutoStartDefaultMode = OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_SRP_CLIENT_AUTO_START_DEFAULT_MODE;
static constexpr bool kDisallowSwitchOnRegisteredHost =
// Port number to use when server is discovered using "network data anycast service".
static constexpr uint16_t kAnycastServerPort = 53;
// This enumeration type is used by the private `Start()` and
// `Stop()` methods to indicate whether it is being requested by the
// user or by the auto-start feature.
enum Requester : uint8_t
// This enumeration is used as an input to private `Stop()` to
// indicate whether to reset the retry interval or keep it as is.
enum StopMode : uint8_t
struct Info : public Clearable<Info>
static constexpr uint16_t kUnknownOffset = 0; // Unknown offset value (used when offset is not yet set).
uint16_t mDomainNameOffset; // Offset of domain name serialization
uint16_t mHostNameOffset; // Offset of host name serialization.
uint16_t mRecordCount; // Number of resource records in Update section.
Crypto::Ecdsa::P256::KeyPair mKeyPair; // The ECDSA key pair.
Error Start(const Ip6::SockAddr &aServerSockAddr, Requester aRequester);
void Stop(Requester aRequester, StopMode aMode);
void Resume(void);
void Pause(void);
void HandleNotifierEvents(Events aEvents);
void HandleRoleChanged(void);
void UpdateServiceStateToRemove(Service &aService);
State GetState(void) const { return mState; }
void SetState(State aState);
void ChangeHostAndServiceStates(const ItemState *aNewStates);
void InvokeCallback(Error aError) const;
void InvokeCallback(Error aError, const HostInfo &aHostInfo, const Service *aRemovedServices) const;
void HandleHostInfoOrServiceChange(void);
void SendUpdate(void);
Error PrepareUpdateMessage(Message &aMessage);
Error ReadOrGenerateKey(Crypto::Ecdsa::P256::KeyPair &aKeyPair);
Error AppendServiceInstructions(Service &aService, Message &aMessage, Info &aInfo);
Error AppendHostDescriptionInstruction(Message &aMessage, Info &aInfo) const;
Error AppendKeyRecord(Message &aMessage, Info &aInfo) const;
Error AppendDeleteAllRrsets(Message &aMessage) const;
Error AppendHostName(Message &aMessage, Info &aInfo, bool aDoNotCompress = false) const;
Error AppendUpdateLeaseOptRecord(Message &aMessage) const;
Error AppendSignature(Message &aMessage, Info &aInfo);
void UpdateRecordLengthInMessage(Dns::ResourceRecord &aRecord, uint16_t aOffset, Message &aMessage) const;
static void HandleUdpReceive(void *aContext, otMessage *aMessage, const otMessageInfo *aMessageInfo);
void ProcessResponse(Message &aMessage);
void HandleUpdateDone(void);
void GetRemovedServices(LinkedList<Service> &aRemovedServices);
static Error ReadResourceRecord(const Message &aMessage, uint16_t &aOffset, Dns::ResourceRecord &aRecord);
Error ProcessOptRecord(const Message &aMessage, uint16_t aOffset, const Dns::OptRecord &aOptRecord);
void UpdateState(void);
uint32_t GetRetryWaitInterval(void) const { return mRetryWaitInterval; }
void ResetRetryWaitInterval(void) { mRetryWaitInterval = kMinRetryWaitInterval; }
void GrowRetryWaitInterval(void);
uint32_t GetBoundedLeaseInterval(uint32_t aInterval, uint32_t aDefaultInterval) const;
bool ShouldRenewEarly(const Service &aService) const;
static void HandleTimer(Timer &aTimer);
void HandleTimer(void);
void ProcessAutoStart(void);
void SelectNextServer(bool aDisallowSwitchOnRegisteredHost);
static const char *StateToString(State aState);
void LogRetryWaitInterval(void) const;
void LogRetryWaitInterval(void) const {}
static const char kDefaultDomainName[];
static_assert(kMaxTxFailureRetries < 16, "kMaxTxFailureRetries exceed the range of mTxFailureRetryCount (4-bit)");
State mState;
uint8_t mTxFailureRetryCount : 4;
bool mShouldRemoveKeyLease : 1;
bool mAutoStartModeEnabled : 1;
bool mAutoStartDidSelectServer : 1;
bool mAutoStartIsUsingAnycastAddress : 1;
bool mServiceKeyRecordEnabled : 1;
uint16_t mUpdateMessageId;
uint32_t mRetryWaitInterval;
TimeMilli mLeaseRenewTime;
uint32_t mAcceptedLeaseInterval;
uint32_t mLeaseInterval;
uint32_t mKeyLeaseInterval;
Ip6::Udp::Socket mSocket;
Callback mCallback;
void * mCallbackContext;
AutoStartCallback mAutoStartCallback;
void * mAutoStartContext;
uint8_t mServerSequenceNumber;
uint8_t mTimoutFailureCount;
const char * mDomainName;
HostInfo mHostInfo;
LinkedList<Service> mServices;
TimerMilli mTimer;
} // namespace Srp
DefineCoreType(otSrpClientHostInfo, Srp::Client::HostInfo);
DefineCoreType(otSrpClientService, Srp::Client::Service);
DefineMapEnum(otSrpClientItemState, Srp::Client::ItemState);
} // namespace ot
#endif // SRP_CLIENT_HPP_