blob: 30ee912b1c77b187ee0dc0870e9d5cfbd6caa0de [file] [log] [blame]
HostKey /data/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key
LogLevel ERROR
# Zero or more authorized_keys files may be present under different scenarios:
# /data - authorized_keys are typically read from here when running on hardware, copied into minfs
# during the paving process.
# /boot - authorized_keys should only present be in bootfs when running Fuchsia in an emulator.
# authorized_keys_for_test_infra - This file is not expected to be present on any standard build,
# only on builds produced for automated testing. See go/fuchsia-ssh-for-testing.
# These are combined since the sshd will only use the first AuthorizedKeysFile line.
AuthorizedKeysFile /data/ssh/authorized_keys /boot/data/ssh/authorized_keys /config/data/authorized_keys_for_test_infra
PasswordAuthentication no
Protocol 2
TCPKeepAlive no
ClientAliveInterval 1
ClientAliveCountMax 10
Subsystem sftp /pkg/bin/sftp-server
Subsystem sl4f /pkg/bin/sl4f-server