blob: e7105824c4b2ce60eb3d89f62504cef1bd9b4cfb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Netstack Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package sniffer provides the implementation of data-link layer endpoints that
// wrap another endpoint and logs inbound and outbound packets.
// Sniffer endpoints can be used in the networking stack by calling New(eID) to
// create a new endpoint, where eID is the ID of the endpoint being wrapped,
// and then passing it as an argument to Stack.CreateNIC().
package sniffer
import (
// LogPackets is a flag used to enable or disable packet valid values
// are 0 or 1.
var LogPackets uint32 = 1
type endpoint struct {
dispatcher stack.NetworkDispatcher
lower stack.LinkEndpoint
// New creates a new sniffer link-layer endpoint. It wraps around another
// endpoint and logs packets and they traverse the endpoint.
func New(lower tcpip.LinkEndpointID) tcpip.LinkEndpointID {
return stack.RegisterLinkEndpoint(&endpoint{
lower: stack.FindLinkEndpoint(lower),
// DeliverNetworkPacket implements the stack.NetworkDispatcher interface. It is
// called by the link-layer endpoint being wrapped when a packet arrives, and
// logs the packet before forwarding to the actual dispatcher.
func (e *endpoint) DeliverNetworkPacket(linkEP stack.LinkEndpoint, dstLinkAddr, srcLinkAddr tcpip.LinkAddress, protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, vv *buffer.VectorisedView) {
if atomic.LoadUint32(&LogPackets) == 1 {
LogPacket("recv", protocol, vv.First(), nil)
e.dispatcher.DeliverNetworkPacket(e, dstLinkAddr, srcLinkAddr, protocol, vv)
// Attach implements the stack.LinkEndpoint interface. It saves the dispatcher
// and registers with the lower endpoint as its dispatcher so that "e" is called
// for inbound packets.
func (e *endpoint) Attach(dispatcher stack.NetworkDispatcher) {
e.dispatcher = dispatcher
// MTU implements stack.LinkEndpoint.MTU. It just forwards the request to the
// lower endpoint.
func (e *endpoint) MTU() uint32 {
return e.lower.MTU()
// MaxHeaderLength implements the stack.LinkEndpoint interface. It just forwards
// the request to the lower endpoint.
func (e *endpoint) MaxHeaderLength() uint16 {
return e.lower.MaxHeaderLength()
func (e *endpoint) LinkAddress() tcpip.LinkAddress {
return e.lower.LinkAddress()
// WritePacket implements the stack.LinkEndpoint interface. It is called by
// higher-level protocols to write packets; it just logs the packet and forwards
// the request to the lower endpoint.
func (e *endpoint) WritePacket(r *stack.Route, hdr *buffer.Prependable, payload buffer.View, protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber) *tcpip.Error {
if atomic.LoadUint32(&LogPackets) == 1 {
LogPacket("send", protocol, hdr.UsedBytes(), payload)
return e.lower.WritePacket(r, hdr, payload, protocol)
// LogPacket logs the given packet.
func LogPacket(prefix string, protocol tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, b, plb []byte) {
// Figure out the network layer info.
var transProto uint8
src := tcpip.Address("unknown")
dst := tcpip.Address("unknown")
id := 0
size := uint16(0)
switch protocol {
case header.IPv4ProtocolNumber:
ipv4 := header.IPv4(b)
src = ipv4.SourceAddress()
dst = ipv4.DestinationAddress()
transProto = ipv4.Protocol()
size = ipv4.TotalLength() - uint16(ipv4.HeaderLength())
b = b[ipv4.HeaderLength():]
id = int(ipv4.ID())
case header.IPv6ProtocolNumber:
ipv6 := header.IPv6(b)
src = ipv6.SourceAddress()
dst = ipv6.DestinationAddress()
transProto = ipv6.NextHeader()
size = ipv6.PayloadLength()
b = b[header.IPv6MinimumSize:]
case header.ARPProtocolNumber:
arp := header.ARP(b)
"%s arp %v (%v) -> %v (%v) valid:%v",
tcpip.Address(arp.ProtocolAddressSender()), tcpip.LinkAddress(arp.HardwareAddressSender()),
tcpip.Address(arp.ProtocolAddressTarget()), tcpip.LinkAddress(arp.HardwareAddressTarget()),
log.Printf("%s unknown network protocol", prefix)
// Figure out the transport layer info.
transName := "unknown"
srcPort := uint16(0)
dstPort := uint16(0)
details := ""
switch tcpip.TransportProtocolNumber(transProto) {
case header.ICMPv4ProtocolNumber:
transName = "icmp"
icmp := header.ICMPv4(b)
icmpType := "unknown"
switch icmp.Type() {
case header.ICMPv4EchoReply:
icmpType = "echo reply"
case header.ICMPv4DstUnreachable:
icmpType = "destination unreachable"
case header.ICMPv4SrcQuench:
icmpType = "source quench"
case header.ICMPv4Redirect:
icmpType = "redirect"
case header.ICMPv4Echo:
icmpType = "echo"
case header.ICMPv4TimeExceeded:
icmpType = "time exceeded"
case header.ICMPv4ParamProblem:
icmpType = "param problem"
case header.ICMPv4Timestamp:
icmpType = "timestamp"
case header.ICMPv4TimestampReply:
icmpType = "timestamp reply"
case header.ICMPv4InfoRequest:
icmpType = "info request"
case header.ICMPv4InfoReply:
icmpType = "info reply"
log.Printf("%s %s %v -> %v %s len:%d id:%04x code:%d", prefix, transName, src, dst, icmpType, size, id, icmp.Code())
case header.UDPProtocolNumber:
transName = "udp"
udp := header.UDP(b)
srcPort = udp.SourcePort()
dstPort = udp.DestinationPort()
size -= header.UDPMinimumSize
details = fmt.Sprintf("xsum: 0x%x", udp.Checksum())
case header.TCPProtocolNumber:
transName = "tcp"
tcp := header.TCP(b)
srcPort = tcp.SourcePort()
dstPort = tcp.DestinationPort()
size -= uint16(tcp.DataOffset())
// Initialize the TCP flags.
flags := tcp.Flags()
flagsStr := []byte("FSRPAU")
for i := range flagsStr {
if flags&(1<<uint(i)) == 0 {
flagsStr[i] = ' '
details = fmt.Sprintf("flags:0x%02x (%v) seqnum: %v ack: %v win: %v xsum:0x%x", flags, string(flagsStr), tcp.SequenceNumber(), tcp.AckNumber(), tcp.WindowSize(), tcp.Checksum())
if flags&header.TCPFlagSyn != 0 {
details += fmt.Sprintf(" options: %+v", header.ParseSynOptions(tcp.Options(), flags&header.TCPFlagAck != 0))
} else {
details += fmt.Sprintf(" options: %+v", tcp.ParsedOptions())
log.Printf("%s %v -> %v unknown transport protocol: %d", prefix, src, dst, transProto)
log.Printf("%s %s %v:%v -> %v:%v len:%d id:%04x %s", prefix, transName, src, srcPort, dst, dstPort, size, id, details)