blob: 2c558f7a8896056777e064c59f8cbf782aa52f57 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Netstack Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package header
import (
const (
srcPort = 0
dstPort = 2
seqNum = 4
ackNum = 8
dataOffset = 12
tcpFlags = 13
winSize = 14
tcpChecksum = 16
urgentPtr = 18
const (
// MaxWndScale is maximum allowed window scaling, as described in
// RFC 1323, section 2.3, page 11.
MaxWndScale = 14
// Flags that may be set in a TCP segment.
const (
TCPFlagFin = 1 << iota
// Options that may be present in a TCP segment.
const (
TCPOptionEOL = 0
TCPOptionNOP = 1
TCPOptionMSS = 2
TCPOptionWS = 3
TCPOptionTS = 8
// TCPFields contains the fields of a TCP packet. It is used to describe the
// fields of a packet that needs to be encoded.
type TCPFields struct {
// SrcPort is the "source port" field of a TCP packet.
SrcPort uint16
// DstPort is the "destination port" field of a TCP packet.
DstPort uint16
// SeqNum is the "sequence number" field of a TCP packet.
SeqNum uint32
// AckNum is the "acknowledgement number" field of a TCP packet.
AckNum uint32
// DataOffset is the "data offset" field of a TCP packet.
DataOffset uint8
// Flags is the "flags" field of a TCP packet.
Flags uint8
// WindowSize is the "window size" field of a TCP packet.
WindowSize uint16
// Checksum is the "checksum" field of a TCP packet.
Checksum uint16
// UrgentPointer is the "urgent pointer" field of a TCP packet.
UrgentPointer uint16
// TCPSynOptions is used to return the parsed TCP Options in a syn
// segment.
type TCPSynOptions struct {
// MSS is the maximum segment size provided by the peer in the SYN.
MSS uint16
// WS is the window scale option provided by the peer in the SYN.
// Set to -1 if no window scale option was provided.
WS int
// TS is true if the timestamp option was provided in the syn/syn-ack.
TS bool
// TSVal is the value of the TSVal field in the timestamp option.
TSVal uint32
// TSEcr is the value of the TSEcr field in the timestamp option.
TSEcr uint32
// TCPOptions are used to parse and cache the TCP segment options for a non
// syn/syn-ack segment.
type TCPOptions struct {
// TS is true if the TimeStamp option is enabled.
TS bool
// TSVal is the value in the TSVal field of the segment.
TSVal uint32
// TSEcr is the value in the TSEcr field of the segment.
TSEcr uint32
// TCP represents a TCP header stored in a byte array.
type TCP []byte
const (
// TCPMinimumSize is the minimum size of a valid TCP packet.
TCPMinimumSize = 20
// TCPProtocolNumber is TCP's transport protocol number.
TCPProtocolNumber tcpip.TransportProtocolNumber = 6
// TCPTimeStampOptionSize is the size of an encoded TCP timestamp
// option.
// NOTE: The actual option is 10 bytes but we always include 2
// NOP options to quad align the timestamp option and hence it's
// 12 and not 10.
TCPTimeStampOptionSize = 12
// SourcePort returns the "source port" field of the tcp header.
func (b TCP) SourcePort() uint16 {
return binary.BigEndian.Uint16(b[srcPort:])
// DestinationPort returns the "destination port" field of the tcp header.
func (b TCP) DestinationPort() uint16 {
return binary.BigEndian.Uint16(b[dstPort:])
// SequenceNumber returns the "sequence number" field of the tcp header.
func (b TCP) SequenceNumber() uint32 {
return binary.BigEndian.Uint32(b[seqNum:])
// AckNumber returns the "ack number" field of the tcp header.
func (b TCP) AckNumber() uint32 {
return binary.BigEndian.Uint32(b[ackNum:])
// DataOffset returns the "data offset" field of the tcp header.
func (b TCP) DataOffset() uint8 {
return (b[dataOffset] >> 4) * 4
// Payload returns the data in the tcp packet.
func (b TCP) Payload() []byte {
return b[b.DataOffset():]
// Flags returns the flags field of the tcp header.
func (b TCP) Flags() uint8 {
return b[tcpFlags]
// WindowSize returns the "window size" field of the tcp header.
func (b TCP) WindowSize() uint16 {
return binary.BigEndian.Uint16(b[winSize:])
// Checksum returns the "checksum" field of the tcp header.
func (b TCP) Checksum() uint16 {
return binary.BigEndian.Uint16(b[tcpChecksum:])
// SetSourcePort sets the "source port" field of the tcp header.
func (b TCP) SetSourcePort(port uint16) {
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(b[srcPort:], port)
// SetDestinationPort sets the "destination port" field of the tcp header.
func (b TCP) SetDestinationPort(port uint16) {
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(b[dstPort:], port)
// SetChecksum sets the checksum field of the tcp header.
func (b TCP) SetChecksum(checksum uint16) {
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(b[tcpChecksum:], checksum)
// CalculateChecksum calculates the checksum of the tcp segment given
// the totalLen and partialChecksum(descriptions below)
// totalLen is the total length of the segment
// partialChecksum is the checksum of the network-layer pseudo-header
// (excluding the total length) and the checksum of the segment data.
func (b TCP) CalculateChecksum(partialChecksum uint16, totalLen uint16) uint16 {
// Add the length portion of the checksum to the pseudo-checksum.
tmp := make([]byte, 2)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(tmp, totalLen)
checksum := Checksum(tmp, partialChecksum)
// Calculate the rest of the checksum.
return Checksum(b[:b.DataOffset()], checksum)
// Options returns a slice that holds the unparsed TCP options in the segment.
func (b TCP) Options() []byte {
return b[TCPMinimumSize:b.DataOffset()]
// ParsedOptions returns a TCPOptions structure which parses and caches the TCP
// option values in the TCP segment. NOTE: Invoking this function repeatedly is
// expensive as it reparses the options on each invocation.
func (b TCP) ParsedOptions() TCPOptions {
return ParseTCPOptions(b.Options())
func (b TCP) encodeSubset(seq, ack uint32, flags uint8, rcvwnd uint16) {
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(b[seqNum:], seq)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(b[ackNum:], ack)
b[tcpFlags] = flags
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(b[winSize:], rcvwnd)
// Encode encodes all the fields of the tcp header.
func (b TCP) Encode(t *TCPFields) {
b.encodeSubset(t.SeqNum, t.AckNum, t.Flags, t.WindowSize)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(b[srcPort:], t.SrcPort)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(b[dstPort:], t.DstPort)
b[dataOffset] = (t.DataOffset / 4) << 4
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(b[tcpChecksum:], t.Checksum)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(b[urgentPtr:], t.UrgentPointer)
// EncodePartial updates a subset of the fields of the tcp header. It is useful
// in cases when similar segments are produced.
func (b TCP) EncodePartial(partialChecksum, length uint16, seqnum, acknum uint32, flags byte, rcvwnd uint16) {
// Add the total length and "flags" field contributions to the checksum.
// We don't use the flags field directly from the header because it's a
// one-byte field with an odd offset, so it would be accounted for
// incorrectly by the Checksum routine.
tmp := make([]byte, 4)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(tmp, length)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(tmp[2:], uint16(flags))
checksum := Checksum(tmp, partialChecksum)
// Encode the passed-in fields.
b.encodeSubset(seqnum, acknum, flags, rcvwnd)
// Add the contributions of the passed-in fields to the checksum.
checksum = Checksum(b[seqNum:seqNum+8], checksum)
checksum = Checksum(b[winSize:winSize+2], checksum)
// Encode the checksum.
// ParseSynOptions parses the options received in a SYN segment and returns the
// relevant ones. opts should point to the option part of the TCP Header.
func ParseSynOptions(opts []byte, isAck bool) TCPSynOptions {
limit := len(opts)
synOpts := TCPSynOptions{
// Per RFC 1122, page 85: "If an MSS option is not received at
// connection setup, TCP MUST assume a default send MSS of 536."
MSS: 536,
// If no window scale option is specified, WS in options is
// returned as -1; this is because the absence of the option
// indicates that the we cannot use window scaling on the
// receive end either.
WS: -1,
for i := 0; i < limit; {
switch opts[i] {
case TCPOptionEOL:
i = limit
case TCPOptionNOP:
case TCPOptionMSS:
if i+4 > limit || opts[i+1] != 4 {
return synOpts
mss := uint16(opts[i+2])<<8 | uint16(opts[i+3])
if mss == 0 {
return synOpts
synOpts.MSS = mss
i += 4
case TCPOptionWS:
if i+3 > limit || opts[i+1] != 3 {
return synOpts
ws := int(opts[i+2])
if ws > MaxWndScale {
ws = MaxWndScale
synOpts.WS = ws
i += 3
case TCPOptionTS:
if i+10 > limit || opts[i+1] != 10 {
return synOpts
synOpts.TSVal = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(opts[i+2:])
if isAck {
// If the segment is a SYN-ACK then store the Timestamp Echo Reply
// in the segment.
synOpts.TSEcr = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(opts[i+6:])
synOpts.TS = true
i += 10
// We don't recognize this option, just skip over it.
if i+2 > limit {
return synOpts
l := int(opts[i+1])
// If the length is incorrect or if l+i overflows the
// total options length then return false.
if l < 2 || i+l > limit {
return synOpts
i += l
return synOpts
// ParseTCPOptions extracts and stores all known options in the provided byte
// slice in a TCPOptions structure.
func ParseTCPOptions(b []byte) TCPOptions {
opts := TCPOptions{}
limit := len(b)
for i := 0; i < limit; {
switch b[i] {
case TCPOptionEOL:
i = limit
case TCPOptionNOP:
case TCPOptionTS:
if i+10 > limit || b[i+1] != 10 {
return opts
opts.TS = true
opts.TSVal = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(b[i+2:])
opts.TSEcr = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(b[i+6:])
i += 10
// We don't recognize this option, just skip over it.
if i+2 > limit {
return opts
l := int(b[i+1])
// If the length is incorrect or if l+i overflows the
// total options length then return false.
if l < 2 || i+l > limit {
return opts
i += l
return opts
// EncodeTSOption builds and returns an array containing a TCP
// timestamp option with the TSVal/TSEcr fields set to the value of
// tsVal/tsEcr. This function also pads the option with two
// TCPOptionNOP to make sure it is correctly quad aligned.
func EncodeTSOption(tsVal, tsEcr uint32) (b [12]byte) {
b[0] = TCPOptionTS
b[1] = 10
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(b[2:], tsVal)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(b[6:], tsEcr)
b[10] = TCPOptionNOP
b[11] = TCPOptionNOP
return b